HomeMy WebLinkAbout5/5/1997 - City Council - City Council Meeting MinutesCITY OF EAST WENATCHEE, WASHINGTON REGULAR SESSION OF THE CITY COUNCIL CONVENED MAYOR DAWN COLLINGS PRESIDING MAY 5, 1997 6:30 P.M. (This meeting was recorded and will be retained at City Hall for a period of six years from the date of the meeting.) ROLL CALL Councilmembers Present: Councilmember Nash, Councilmember Mikow, Councilmember Hendricks, Councilmember Carson, Councilmember Aiken, Mayor Collings. Councilmember Lacy arrived at 6:56 P.M. Councilmember Frack excused. Staff Present: Virginia Oestreich, Bob Goodman, Nick Wiltz, Randy Harrison, Stuart Campbell, Linda Countryman, Jim West, Christy Patterson, Darin Darrell, Bruce Nash. MAYORS REPORT Mayor Collings reminded Council of the East Wenatchee Chamber meeting Tuesday at noon at the Four Seasons Inn. Mayor Collings said the brown bag Video Series would be held at noon on May 7 and again on May 15. I Mayor Collings said the Douglas County Solid Waste Committee would meet in Waterville on Thursday, May 8 at 1:30 p.m. She announced a Friday conference at the West Coast Center on Impact Technology. It would be from 11:45 a.m. to 2 p.m. and the cost was thirteen dollars. DEPARTMENT REPORTS Planning and Community Development Director Campbell distributed, to Council, a revised schedule for the Comprehensive Plan. He said more time is needed, however, things were moving forward and the Planning Commission would be reviewing the information one more time. Mr. Campbell announced the Community Development Council Committee schedule. CONSENT CALENDAR Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Mikow, second by Councilmember Carson to approve the consent calendar as presented and as the following items were listed. The motion carried, 6-0. 1. Consideration of minutes - Regular Session, April 21, 1997 2. Consideration of Bills CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE CITY COUNCIL MINUTES MAY 5, 1997 Vouchers audited and certified by the auditing officer as required by RCW 42.24.080, and those expense reimbursement claims certified as required by RCW 42.24.090, have been recorded on a listing that has ' been made available to Council. As of this date, May 5, 1997, Council does approve warrant numbers 7086 through 7119 in the total amount of $120,134.22; and manual warrant numbers 970044 through 970055 in the total amount of $629.83. PROCLAMATIONS Mayor Collings read a proclamation for Memorial Day and Link Employee Appreciation Day. PRESENTATION Kirk Berg, Washington State Department of Transportation Project Engineer, gave Council a progress report on the upcoming resurfacing of the SR 285, South End Bridge. Mr. Berg said the project would begin about the first of July and should be completed by Labor Day. He showed Council the scheduled plan and how the area, traffic flow, routing, signage, pedestrian traffic and the schedule were planned. Mr. Berg said the project would be done in three stages, explaining the different phases. Several Councilmembers, the Mayor and staff expressed concern of the impacts of the project, such as lack of flaggers, proper signage placement, traffic flows, emergency situations and timing. Mr. Berg said the WSDOT will be as flexible as possible; would get the word out through the media; felt ' the project could be done on time and with little difficulty; although he did state the impacts would be great and would probably affect everyone to some extent. DISCUSSION 97-05-01 Discussion and decision regarding the Cooperative Tourism Plan with Wenatchee Mayor Collings said Council had now reviewed the "Real Apple" plan and Mr. Don Etherington was in the audience to answer any further questions. Councilmember Hendricks said it was important for the city to support our own chamber and for the chambers to work together. Councilmember Nash said she had several reservations on the idea, such as not being happy with the logo; some of the benefits being for Wenatchee only, not East Wenatchee; not sure if another agency really is needed; and overall saw little benefit in the plan for East Wenatchee. Councilmember Mikow said the concept was a good idea, however, it may be a bit premature. He suggested waiting a bit to see what was being done cooperatively. Councilmember Lacy said he did not have too may concerns, however, he wanted to insure adequate participation. The perception was more Wenatchee's interest, not East Wenatchee. Mr. Lacy recommended the East Wenatchee Tourism Advisory Committee meet and review the plan and return with a recommendation to Council. -2- -£- •aagoleuaM lsug 823l!I OH 'WOO agl mjnollaed u! `oSuego aweu agl;o sluawalo pu jap!suoo of punoo palse `aAu(j gnlZ) ,CuunoO 0£LI `gooX wat •ssaooid uogoola agl io3 Claw!1 aq of Clnf ut loeq anss! ayj Sup q pus `.uo!loalas aweu luuuojut ue aneq `.aldood ag10l „lno pIom 21P108„ of e!paw smau agl io3 paIsu I!ouno0 •suoz!po aql wo.g aq osle pinogs sao!ogo luaaajI!p agl puu oldood 2g1;o aloA a of oB pinogs p paa.iSu ouotrang •suo!lnlosaa luaiajj!p agl possnoslp punoo aql •lopeq ag1 uo saweu wa3 asoogo of alwoloala ag1 smope pue paSuego aq pinogs ouleu agi .iaglagm 01 se aloA a smolle POqIDTM p.ngl agl pue `I!ounoD ,(q pau!wgns auisu ogpods a anoiddu of 210A aql smollu poglaw puooas agl `.luouusug of aweu ag1 aSuego 01 aloA a sm01110 poglaw auO •uo!ssnos!p io; paluosaid Sulaq ajam spoglaw uo!inlosal uo!;do 1,Ieap amyl plus aqS 'UL'Id aAlsuagaidwoj agl ul pauolluaw sum 1! puu lsud aql u! sowll ,Cuew passnos!p uaaq peq anssi s!g1 plus sSu!lloD joXvW aagoleuaM;seg io; aSuugo owuu u jo; ainp000id oql Su!luawaldw! uminlosaa V 60'b0'L6 I,(1) A IIIU IIMC t.I '0-9 `Polino uollow ag,y -saoua.aajuoo `s.sulwas `sdogglom `sumiSad olpw ,Clgluow `sSu!laaw aau!wwoD pouno0 `sluailai pounoZ) `sdogslloM laSpng `Odld `MINI I 'a•! `Supootu palespuadwoo u paiap!suoo si lugm sougop Xo!lod aqy •aou!wwo3 punoo anles!Saal �q apuawwooa� suolesuawoo pe alpups pounoO Sulpmgoi Aogod oql puoule of gsel l jagwauq!ouno:) Aq puooas `Xoe-1 aagwouipounoD Xq uo!1ow d :uogaV Ilaunoj •sgof lulnSa.i.qagl woi3 jjo ouip ueaw pinom sSupow osagl aou!s `saouajapoo DMd oql se Bons `sSu!laaw uluuoo le uo!lusuadwoa loj palse s3Io!Jpu2H pue uwpV jagwawl!ounoo -Aluuo;!un lae of paou pounoo oql pue luawosingwlai ao; swal! luwa33!P paulwgns sjagwawl!ounoo luaaqjj!p plus aH •pougap Almalo aq suopowg luaiajj!p ag1 Sulpuawwooai sem oall!wwoO I!ounoO aA!lulslSeq oq L •suo!1ounj papuoue impo pue s8u.Iaaw joj uo!lesuadwoo punoo;o uolluoguelo lo; popaau sem ,Co!Iod u p!es Aouj jagwawl!ounoD uo!lesuadwoo pus sa!julus l!ounoD SulpjuSaj ,(ogod u laS TO-SO-L6 NOIlvaNla 1NIOJai '0-9 `pol uuo uollow oqs -pounoD of )Ioeq liodai puu laaw of f4!unlwddo uu a211!wwo0 ,Gos!Ape aql molls of Su!laaw Z aunf all 1pun anssi ay1 algel of uail!y jagwawl!ounoo Cq puooas `CoeZ jagwawlpunoO Aq uollow y mot V I!aunoO •uolleuuoju! ajow 128 am plun palqul aq pinogs ansst agl pus u231!d lagwowl!ounoD •iaglaSol Tom 01 sa11QUO aql SulSeinooua sum puu snoo3 al!ugap a ui palsojalu! sum pnog iagwugo aagoleuaM ;sug aqy •uo!lu!oossd umolumo(] aagoluuaM aql pus laquiug0 aagaleuaM I aql ql!m Suiliom Io eap! pue ldaouoo aql pall aagwego xp pus saJJaH !ned ioloanQ iagwu90 ,Clal!ugapui polgei lou sum anssi agl os 112s aq pinogs oug awll e `pappe OH -eap! aql gl!m poseald sem aq pun ;daouoo pooS u sum 1! 1123 aq p!es uosjuD iagwawpouno0 L661`9AVW SUCINIW IDN[IODA.LIO33HJ1tlN3M.LSV3d0AID CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE CITY COUNCIL MINUTES MAY 5, 1997 George Batterman, Jr, said he was interested in the history of the area, had lived here eighty-two years, remembered when Pangborn landed at Fancher Field and asked the public be allowed to choose the ' name, if it is going to change. Council Action: A motion by Councilmember Carson, second by Councilmember Lacy to approve the resolution allowing for a name change and choice of name. The motion carried, 6-0. RESOLUTION NO.97-6 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE, WASHINGTON, DIRECTING THE QUESTION OF A CITY NAME CHANGE TO BE PRESENTED TO THE ELECTORATE AT THE NEXT GENERAL ELECTION OCCURRING SIXTY OR MORE DAYS AFTER THE DATE OF PASSAGE OF THIS RESOLUTION. 97-05-03 An ordinance regarding the Hutchins street vacation Superintendent Goodman said the paperwork was in order; Council concerns had been addressed and in the interest of timing, he would like both readings of the ordinance. Council Action: A motion by Councilmember Carson, second by Councilmember Hendricks to elevate first reading to second reading and pass the ordinance. The motion carried, 6-0. Council Action: A motion by Councilmember Lacy, second by Councilmember Carson to approve the ' ordinance for the Hutchins street vacation. The motion carried, 6-0. ORDINANCE NO.97-5 AN ORDINANCE THE CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE, WASHINGTON, VACATING A PORTION OF NORTH AURORA AVENUE TO THE NORTH AND EAST OF THE INTERSECTION OF NORTH AURORA AVENUE AND 18TH STREET NE PURSUANT TO CHAPTER 35.79 OF THE REVISED CODE OF WASHINGTON AND ESTABLISHING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. nZM_w .YliIQi I 97-05-04 Implementation of the Renggli annexation and procedure Director Campbell said the annexation petition had been certified by the County Assessor's Office. The petition excluded Eastmont Avenue and the County Engineers were requesting Eastmont be a part of the annexation. Councilmember Lacy said his business was located in the area and he hoped the zoning would remain the same as in the county at the present time. Councilmember Mikow agreed, adding zonings should stay the same. when there is an annexation to allow what is best for the residents. Council agreed by consensus to move forward with the annexation; bring the required resolution back to Council at the next meeting and continue with the election process. -4- -S- 1 1 xlalp Ao golaalsap �nnSnn •ul•d 90:6 -- LN3wNxnoiav •pjeoq,IMIn agl;o poS a uaaq s,Cemla peq `palaldwoo amm sloaCold agl uagm `sale;;o uo[leluawaldwl jo saxm ul uoilonpaa agl pies ,Coen lagwatupounoJ 10uuew anlllsod a u. plemaoJ Sulnow a.iam sSwgl pue passaippe Sulaq sonssi pe wam `swaouoo laSpnq `soxm aql ul uollonpal `saae3 plus aH —ANI-I pun3 pue lioddns of pasn xel sales luaoiad ouo 3o 01/I agl of se uolloanp jo; pounon pa)lse aH -spiepusls oousuuopad Supas uo Swlllom sum pleoq aql pus paenvo; Sulnow ssm uollelS e1gwnloo 7INI-I agl pies uosis0 iagwowl!ounoJ •luawdolanaQ aiwouoog pue opeiy;o luou4mdaQ agl ,Cq paiosuods sem aouaia3uoo aql •sonssl Salem pus luawuonnua aql 'asn puel of salelal 1! ss luawaSeueW glmwrJ of sum ajagl gonw moq pozgeai aq pPes aH •aus3lodS w L6 uoll!sodxg popualle psq aq p!es mo)lgq iagwowpounoJ •llounoo of joeq uodaj ' pus ssaooid aql aleSllsanul pinom jjsls ples joXeW oqL •s,Cauow 3o swns aSlel sallllua luawwanoS Swnes sllpne lllq ouogd dulp uSai small f4!J aq; woij uolleuuo3w peq oq plus ua3pV iagwawllounoJ S,LllOd32I'IIJNnOJ L661 `S AVWI S3.LnN]W'IIJNnOJ ADD 33HJLVN3M.LSV3 d0 AID