HomeMy WebLinkAbout4/21/1997 - City Council - City Council Meeting MinutesCITY OF EAST WENATCHEE, WASHINGTON REGULAR SESSION OF THE CITY COUNCIL CONVENED MAYOR DAWN COLLINGS PRESIDING APRIL 21, 1997 6:30 P.M. (This meeting was recorded and will be retained at City Hall for a period of six years from the date of the meeting.) ROLL CALL Councilmembers Present: Councilmember Lacy, Councilmember Mikow, Councilmember Hendricks, Councilmember Carson, Councilmember Aiken, Councilmember Frack, Councilmember Nash, and Mayor Collings. Staff Present: Virginia Oestreich, Dana Barnard, Linda Countryman, Bob Goodman, Randy Harrison, Darin Bender, Stuart Campbell, Bruce Nash, Ray Yarnell, Jim West, Christy Patterson, Darin Darnell, Mitch Matheson, Chuck Zimmerman. Mayor Collings said the Executive Session would be moved to the end of the agenda. CITIZEN COMMENTS Bill Millets 450 S. Lyle, said the Douglas County Commissioners have upheld the application for the ' Apple Capital Mall and the Growth Management Hearings Board has upheld Douglas County's growth plan. Mr. Millett asked Council not to appeal the mall application or the growth management issue, adding it would be a waste of time and money. Greg Renggli, 352 Johnson Place NE, said he submitted a petition for annexation to the Douglas County Auditor for certification of the ten percent requirement to be annexed into the city. The area is east of Colorado, west of Eastmont, between Third Street N.E. and Eighth Street N.E. Mr. Renggli asked Council to place the annexation on the next ballot for a vote of the people in the proposed area. Lyle Sheldon, East Wenatchee, said he told last fall an implementation of a utility tax was necessary to balance the budget. Now he said, with more money coming in than expected, why is the utility tax necessary? Patti Herres, Director, East Wenatchee Chamber of Commerce, gave a 1997 first quarter report. She said the Chamber now had a home page on the internet; the address is eastwenatchee.com. This page offers a business directory and a tourism calendar of events. She said an updated brochure was in the process of being printed for East Wenatchee. Ms. Herres added, the Can Am games were still planning on coming to the Wenatchee Valley in 1999. She said the Classy Chassis Parade would be held May 2, and the vehicles would be displayed at Douglas County Park starting at 1:00 p.m. She added, the parade begins at 7:00 p.m. and a street dance would follow the parade. C -Z- ' (pau!elsge ua)I!V) `(s)Io!JpuaH `gsul) •Z-ti pa!JJeo uotlow oq,I• •.maX si41 souip om1 sluopisw aayoluuaM Iseg of smUolsmou Jo; IsonbaJ agl anoJdde of moxtyy Jaqutatupounoo ,Cq puooas `31oei j Jagwowltounoo ,Cq opew sum uotlow V :ao. 3V Ilannoo •1oeJluoo luawaSt'IMW alseM agl pue sawn Clg!ln;o uotleluawaldwi aql gltm `waC agl3o JalJenb lsn3 agl Sutmp lool luuotleuuo;w pooS a uaaq aneq pinom muolsmou agl pappe agS siepop puesnotg auo Alalewixadde aq pinom Isoo atp p!es aqS •Jallalsmau u lno Suipuas Jap!suoo of 1!ounoo a3pi pinom ags plus s8uipoo Jo,Celq -spunod puesnogl uanas-KlJ!yi Alaluwixcudde aq p!m aid ag1;o 1y8iam lelol atp 191 1sn8nV uo Ted 1u!od e11eM eIIEM le aoeld o3lu1 pinom Iuana mp `pappe ayS *aid alddV 1sAml s,ppoM 2g1 plmq of oan!wwoo lel!deo alddd ue pouuo; sey wnosnyq uolSuigsuM IuJluao gltoM ag1 p!us sduilloZ) JoAeyq •uu1 uo!•I pag a41 19 'w'e 00:L 1e `SZ I!JdV `,iupuoyq oq pinom Isepirojg ja,(ejd sjoxuw ayl plus sSwllo:) ioAvW •039jo Jay lomuoo pinogs 8utpuone ut palsaJalu! sJagwawpounoo Aug pue `JuaC sigl ouuNodS ui 81 ounf aq pinom aouaJa;uoo oMV 3g1 Pees sBugloo Joi(RW •sloafad a8puq 8uiwoodn aql SuipnfiaJ JeIIaS aSJoao JowuaS of papuodsaJ aneg `All!l JoXrW Suipnloui `sJogew Jno3 pies ssuilloo Jo.Ceyq ' •sluana aJnln3 Sutlsil aq pinom Janal g1MoJo hews aql plus s8wlloj Jo.Cuyq •smaC jgS!a lsed atp SuiJnp sailunoo suftoQ pus uulayo ut s8uilpaas puusnogl paJpunq ado Jano Supueld 3o IJoJja aniluJad000 8utpuelslno agl of uoilnq!Jluoo s,Sl!unwwoo ayl Jo3 uopupaJddu 3o p.WMe ut' paluosa]d seM C !3 alp `pappe ayS •Ted Rod eIMA BIIEM le Sulluuld aaJl,(u(I JogJV atp papuane peg ags p!es sSu!lloo JoAuW .Laoddx SHOAVW •panlonul sallJud 11e ql!M `pJeMJo3 SntAOw olom sluawaunbol puu sooedwi ay1 `Janamo4 `.Suol ool SupM sum siyl lla3 Ilounoo agl;o awos maul ay Sui,(es `popuodsaJ Joluex •Jyq •anssi lluw agl3o swaouoo passaJdxa sJagwawl!ounoo lu.ianaS •aayoleuaM Ingjo Ai!l!gels oiwou000 agl 01 leuA seM IIeW CQIIUA aayoleuaM ag1 `pappe OH •sanssi luotualels loedwi luluowuoJtnua atp uo uoisioop s,,Clunoo sei8no4 Iuadde of uotloe antlegsiuiwpe a)M of Ilounoo palse `IIeW ,CaIIeA aayoleuaM 8utluasaadai ,Cawone `plemlAV led •sanssi atp of suoilnlos le821 ansJnd of uollisod Isaq agl ui sum ,(l!o mp `pappe aq pue uopu2pq ow, oS of pualu! 1ou pip dnodl sig plus aH •aw!l 8uol e Jo3 a8pug ueisequpo x Iluw a of uoil!soddo ut uaaq sey aq pies 2j!-13o Al!luno Jo3 suozilto `asJe1 qog ;oda(] poo3 SuileoolaJ ui opew uaaq sey ssaJSad pappe OH -sgluow oml ui alaldwoo aq pinogs puW,(Open aayoleuaM 2g1 dolanapaJ of sueld plus ioweN 'Jh[ 'luawalels loedwi luluawuoJtnua uu Suinuq lou peyq pn!deo alddd aql su aBJeI su loafoJd a lnoge swaouoo sey ay piss Joluu}l •Jyq •aJoo IeloJawwoo Su!ls!xa agl Pug 119W ,Callen aayoluuaM ayl;o lJoddns moys pinom Clunoo sei8no4 ,Cg 1!utJad IIeDV lel!duo alddd atp IsuteSe 44!3 941 Aq I!ns a plus `IIsW ,CaIIeA aayoleuaM `JolueX qog L661 'I Z -lMd V S3.LnNl W 11IONfloo 33HJ.LVN3M IS V3 d0 IUD CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE COUNCIL MINUTES APRIL 21, 1997 Mayor Collings said the "Officer of the Year" luncheon would be held April 25 at 11:30 at the Four ' Seasons Inn. Mayor Collings said a four part video, brown bag lunch would be held Wednesday April 30, and Thursday, May 1. The event will be a viewing of the video tape presentation "Walkable Communities" and will be held at Fast Wenatchee City Hall. Mayor Collings reminded everyone to attend the Classy Chassis Parade May 1, at 7:00 p.m. DEPARTMENT REPORTS Planning City Planner Campbell said the petition for annexation received from Mr. Renggli was an election petition which needed ten percent of the property owners signatures. Then it could go to a vote of the people in the petitioned area. Mr. Campbell said the petition was being certified by the Douglas County Auditor; and the city would pay the election costs. Finance City Clerk/Treasurer Oestreich gave Council a spreadsheet showing first quarter 1997 figures for expenditures and revenues. She said the figures were about even at approximately twenty-one percent ' each. She added, twenty-five percent would be right on budget. CONSENT CALENDAR Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Hendricks, second by Councilmember Lacy to approve the consent calendar as presented and as the following items were listed. The motion carried, 7-0. 1. Consideration of minutes - Regular Session, April 7, 1997 2. Consideration of Bills - 97-04-03 3. Fireworks stand application for Heritage Christian Church 97-04-04 4. Fireworks stand application for Douglas County Republican Committee 97-04-05 5. Fireworks stand application for United Pentecostal Church Vouchers audited and certified by the auditing officer as required by RCW 42.24.080, and those expense reimbursement claims certified as required by RCW 42.24.090, have been recorded on a listing that has been made available to Council. As of this date, April 21, 1997, Council does approve warrant numbers 7035 through 7085 in the total amount of $108,699.86. Council does approve payroll warrant numbers 14597 through 14673 in the total amount of $121,797,57, paid April 5, 1997, for the month of March 1997. Payroll warrant numbers 14622 and 14625 were voided. -3- -b- 1 '3SVdZI3NI JNIAll 30 ,LSOJ V 3O flM NI S33A0'IdW3 33HJlVN3M ,LSV3 HOd L66I HOJ NOI.LVJVA d0 S-dflOH A,LHO3 rlVN0LLIQ4V NV JNIHSP HV.LS3 N0,L9NIHSVM `33HJ.LVN3M ,LSV3 30 A.LIJ MU d0 N0I1fl'IOS3ll V S-L6 N011fl10S31I -011!1 uol;nlosaj ay; pug ampooad ay; peaj s8ugloJ jo,Ce1Al (sxolipuaH `ysuN) •Z-S `pa!ueo uo!low oq,L •Jurng;o lsoo g3o nail ui saa,(oldwa aayolguaM 1su3 io3 `,(TuU L66I Jo3 aw!1 uo!lgoen;o smoy Ayo; 1euo!1!ppg ue 8wysggnso uo!;nlosai oql udope of mo)l!Y1 logwawl!ounoJ ,(q pu000s )Iow,4 iagwawl!ounoZ) ,Cq opew sem uo!low V moyoV 1!aunoO •alggl!ene Owooaq spun{ ay; uagm aseaJaul JepoP 9A3-,(Iu2ABS a 2wA10001 soa,Coldwa lle iajoid P1nom ay pies off •uollgoeA uo sl auoauwos 21!gm saa,Coldwa jaylo uo uopmq e Ind ol;ugm Ion P1nom pug (Iils; saa,Coldwo lle lean o; a)l!l PTnom ay pigs s)lollpuaH jagwawl!ounoJ •;wn ' 8u!u!eSagq a Cq paluasaidal saa(oldwa 11e;dwaxa pinoys uo!;nlosai Oyu pigs uewiaww!Z ,CawopV 4!3 L661 Ul as1e1 SUTA!1 JO Isoo e3o nail ul uo!;eaeA3o sinoq f4lo3 leuo!;!ppe ue saa,Coldwo aayo;euaM;sgg SUTAld uol;nlosai V ZO-£0'L6 NOI.Lfl'IOS3H uoilmuawnoop polnq!us!p ayl malnaJ of pays!m pounoJ se apgw sem uolsloop ON -lwod Suous a sr awayl;o od,il awos pue !uo!;sonb u! s! ,Cauow yonw moy !uuld ayl u! popnlou! Su!aq luowdolanap olwou000 !aoueulpio Sulls!xo aql puawe o; paau aql popnlou! uolssnoslp 1!Uuno3 •aau!wwO0 tioslApe wspnou s,,(1!o oql ajo3aq oS Plnogs anssi s!y1 pug )m 1alow/1a;oq ay; 3o mays s,f4io ayl Su!pmfti ooeld ut aoueu!pio ue sl ajay; pigs s8w11oD io,Ceyy •umloeuue puns ma,C leuuao U to sall!Alloe leuolleaioai;o luawdolanap OZIUS0321 IOU SOUP ueld ay; pigs ,Cog-1 iagwawi!ounoD a�awyseJ 0; OSP!-d uolssly�l pug -1et9 IU23Sa,'D 01 uOAUU:) OSSNI wo-y aq P1nom ease aq; pies aH ••aayolguaM use3 WAx lwJJa lmof a aq of slgl aj!1 p1nom ay pigs uol8uuay13 .jW lapeA ay; jo; ueld wspnol g dolanap of aayoleuaM ;o (1!J ayl ,(q pauuo3 sem aalI!wwoo ' ayl p!es `aau!wwoJ XJOSIAPV uo!lowad wsunoy aagowuaM ayl ;o ueuutegD `uo12upayl3 uuo0 aagoueu AN sea pug aag3leu0AX10 SOM3 ayl 10; ueld uollUwad wsuno,L aA!lejadoo-D 90-40-L6 N0IlVH341SN0J L66I ' 1 T lI dd V S3 LnNI W 11JN1100 33HJ.LV N3M ISV3 d0 AID CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE COUNCIL MINUTES APRIL 21, 1997 ORDINANCE ' 97-03-03 An ordinance repealing utility taxes. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Lacy, second by Councilmember Nash to table the ordinance repealing utility taxes. Councilmember Frack said he had been working with Clerk/Treasurer Oestreich to answer the questions regarding the totals in the budget. He gave a report to Council with his findings as follows: "Councilmember Nash's comment about revenues not adding up, therefore, how can we trust the other figures, such as the expenditures. The two line items were old BARS numbers set by the auditors. We cannot remove the old number until the new number has figures in it. All that needed to be done was combine the two, to reach correct balances." "Councilmember Aiken's view of how the revenues have come in already, over budget is incorrect. He added unbudgeted revenues, revenues receipted in this year that were budgeted last year, and he also included nonrevenues, which are pass-thrus and not part of our actual revenues." 1. The actual Current Expense beginning fund balance for 1997 is $29284.96. 2. Cannot find this amount. By adding excess amounts in the budget, the figure is $26384.88. ' However, non revenues must not be added in. Total with nonrevenues removed is $11,508.77. Also non -budgeted amounts should not be added in, these items are gun permits, etc. Also, receipts which did not come in until after the first of the year, but were budgeted in 1996, such as some amusement licenses, should not be included in 1997.. 3. The $37,000 is not correct. This is a projected estimate by County Commissioners for the first full year of 1998. For 1997, this figure could be as much as $9,000 or as little as $7,500. 4. This makes the total estimate $48,293.73. Not $129,047 as Councilmember Hendricks indicates. 5. I do agree with these items. - $85,304 Electric Utility Tax, $1,600 Natural Gas Utility Tax, $36,000 Garbage Utility Tax. He did not include the $12,000 for recycling. (May be estimated too high). His total of the three taxes, or $122,904 is correct. 6. Using the figure of $48,293.73, minus Dennis' correct budget figure of $122,904; this leaves a negative dollar amount of $74,610.27. Not $6,5034 over 1997 budget as Dennis states. There is no guarantee that revenues will come in over projections. 7. The estimate for the 1996 budget (Beginning Fund Balance) was too high. $462,835.00 estimated carryover from 1995 to 1996 was actually $82,970.94. This equals a difference of $379,864.06 between actual and budget figures. The amount was not made up. ' 8. This was due to the reimbursement of salaries from the Federal Grants for `Police Officers on the Street' (COPS) of $45,000 in December. It reduced the Police Department's salary amount. -5- ORM ' (s)13upu0H `uaTV) •Z-S `pa!nuo uopow a4L -uon IIBNI l81!duo alddV aql iu luawolmS loudwl luluauwo11Au3 uu3o )Ioul Swpi88ai lino louadnS of pmAuo; ss000id luadd8 aqi avow of gsvN iagwawl!ounoo ,Cq pu000s `,Cou7 1agwawl!ounoZ Cq op8w sum uopow V :uopaV 1!aunoi •ss000id luaddu ayi of pagddu s,Cup Quo ,Civaml;o 2unu3 aw!l ayl `pappu aH -os op pinoo ,Cagi `uo!ssos undo u! 1! ssnoslp of pags!m pounoo;! `lanamoH •uolssas anpnoaxa m do lg8noiq aq pinoo uo!luS!1!'I ►upualod `du!PmgQJ anss! ayi plus uuuuawwlZ ,SawouV fl!O •111OW0119A oagolumAN ay1 sapnloui golgm woo ssaulsnq ,(l!o ino poddns of paou am pros `ooiawwo0 30 loqumgo aagoluuaM mg ayl;o luap!said 'lagg 18H S.Lmod311 'IIJNIlOO •Sulloaw lxau a41 joj ,Cpuw uo!lnlosai u an8q of paaiSu .ilsnow!ueun pounoO •lolluq ayl uo uopnlosai u Aq `jo sluap!sai ayl,Cq saloA;o a2mmond u aq P1noo slyl op of sXum ivaiali!p ayl `pappu aH Cl!luap! umo nays gltm `Cl!unwwoa umo may aq of `umo nays 3o Suigwuos spaou ,Clio aql plus OH -aag31uu0M Isug 103 aSuugo awuu u iap!suoo of pounoO p 1s8 jo8id iagwawl!ouno0 •oagoluuaAk lsug jo; aduuyo awuu u jo uop8J3p!suo0 LO-40-L6 ' NOISSIIOSIQ (uaI!V `s3loupuaH `ysul l) '£-V •pQuluo uopow o41 saxul,Cl!l!ln Suguadai aouuulpio ayl olqui of uosjuo lagwawl!ounoO ,Cq pu000s `,Court jagwowl!ounoZ) ,Cq apuw sum uo!low V :uopaV 1!3unoj •ansst ay algm of uopow oql uo puooas jag majpgi!m ysuM jagwauipounoD -aSuiuS Suppud oql se yons `amin; s,.Cl!o ayl j03 Sulpun3 puoq az!pmdoaf P1noo xul ayl Supodal `p!us yo!ansoo minsuai•I•ppa13 f4!0 •pauo!lsanb Su!aq s! ,CiuBaiui jay sjuaddu l! puu `si!pnu uualo puq suy `spmm8 uom s8y ays `oslpadxa lu!ouuug jaq 3o asnuoaq ajay s! iajnsuoi LPlial3 w0 ino `pappu OH •u!uSu do l! sSuuq auoawos pun palqui sXms 1! anss! uu Su!lqui uaym plus ,Cowj iagwowl!ouno0 ss000id ayl pumsiapun of sn l03 luupodw! s! 1! `pappu aH •wols,Cs Su!lun000u aql 3o Sulpuulsiapun iauoq u j03 jamsuai•1• AI!0 agi aas puu ut awoo of sjagwawl!ounoo puu sluoppai oql paSuinooua joui3 •iyg ,; luawoluls Sulsolo ,sluuaQ yl!m aaau iou op 1 •11 •saxul digpn asaip jo luadai u Suuap suoo of 21Quld0008 aq pinom I `lalySllq s:lool amiold onuanaj ajnlnj jno `;I i,,ON„ alon 11!m I `saxuy ,Clgpfl;o leadai 3o anss! s!yl uo aloA 1 MAI moH •siunoum paslA2J ,Cq umoys su mou saxul jouq lloi of awp pooS u lou ,Clal!uuap Si lI '01 ' '9661 ui palaSpnq sum s!y,L •luui8 ayl jo luoond pologpnq s,f4p aql sum (99£`4L$) amSy l!uaal 041 '9661 1pun auop lou sum loafoid aql Janamoy `9661 w pai22pnq sum sN113.m0p!s `SL'E8b`ZZZ$ 'papun3 luuiH %001 sum it aows laaJ1S 416 JOJ L9ti`881$ asn l,uu0 •6 L661 BIZ-111fdV S3.Lf1Niw 11JNf10333HJ.LVNgANISV3.40A11J CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE COUNCIL MINUTES APRIL 21. 1997 Ron Draggoo, Solid Waste Advisory Committee, thanked the Street Superintendent and Street employees for their help with the clean-up days. EXECUTIVE SESSION - Union Negotiations Potential Litigation was discussed and voted on under Council Reports. Mayor Collings called a five minute executive session. CONVENED -- 9:55 P.M. RECONVENED -- 9:58 P.M. ADJOURNMENT -- 10:00 P.M. f. C9 - Virginiaibestreich City Clerk -7-