HomeMy WebLinkAbout10/5/1998 - City Council - City Council Meeting MinutesCITY OF EAST WENATCHEE, WASHINGTON ' REGULAR SESSION OF THE CITY COUNCIL CONVENED MAYOR STEVEN C. LACY PRESIDING OCTOBER 5, 1998 6:30 P.M. ROLL CALL Councilmembers Present: Councilmember Mikow, Councilmember Stanton, Councilmember Carson, Councilmember Aiken, Councilmember Buckner, Councilmember Hendricks, Councilmember Nash, Mayor Lacy. Staff Present: Dana Barnard, Linda Countryman, Bob Goodman, Nick Wiltz, Lori Barnett, Randy Harrison, Joni Petersen, Joan Sims, Chuck Zimmerman. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 16 FAT213t,Y3 *;L41 "A 1 ' Mayor Lacy said a budget committee meeting will be held at City Hall October 12, 1998. He added the members of the committee are Mayor Lacy, City Treasurer Countryman, Councilmembers Ken Stanton, Dennis Hendricks, and George Buckner. Mayor Lacy said twenty-five citizens have volunteered to be involved in the hiring of a City Administrator. He added the application sort will be held at City Hall on October 12, 1998. Mayor Lacy said Saturday, October 24, 1998, will be Make A Difference Day. Mayor Lacy said he had attended the Washington State Commission on Hispanic Affairs reception dinner at the North Central Washington Museum. He added there was a meeting the following day at Wenatchee City Hall. Mayor Lacy invited the Commission to alternate meeting sites with the City of East Wenatchee. Mayor Lacy said the Storm Water Utility was ongoing with the citizens advisory committee and there would be a follow up with an ordinance. Mayor Lacy explained what the three different Hotel/Motel taxes could be used for. He said of the third two percent, eighty percent would go towards funding the Wenatchee Valley Convention and Visitor Bureau and twenty percent would go towards funding tourism. 1 Z- ' aweId P uaaq laA lou seq uollellwsul [PUBIS laaAS yluanalg put' palaldwoo uaaq seq uollezyeu8ls laailS ylulN ayl pappe ayS •10anS yluanalg PUP laal1S ylulN In anuanV luounseg uo uollezlleuSls jog A1unoD selSno(l m panadde sum ieyl uoISlAlpgns a jog `sloedwi oy;Pn jog uogvSlllw se `suolinglnuoo luawanojdwl pt'oi;o luawAed ayl jog sl luawaajSV AmunloA ayl plus uauiPg joloailQ luawdolanaQ Allunwwo:) •uoISIAlpgnS splH uoXLmD aql jog luawaa-iBV luawAt'd Ajt'lunloA t' Sulp1PSaa uoissnoslQ ZO-01-86 •lesodoid s,Aluno:) sel8no4 ueyl ssal sJepop Aluanas paipuny oulu puesnoyl ow si put' a;gpllm sopn[oul siU •sjullop lgB!a-Agy pajpunq uanas puesnoyl any-Aluaml 30 lelol ayl Bul-lew luawad auo sum 6661 Jo; AlalooS auewnH AalleA aayoleuaM ay1 yllm lot'nuoo ayl ut aseaioui ayl pappe ,Corr joAPw -Su!suaoll lewryP woj; saaj Sulssaooid JanoaaJ pinom A4!D alp `JanamoH a39P11m apnloui lou saop lesodoid sigl •saellop lgBia-Aluaml pajpuny uanas put'snoyl lyBla-Aluaml 44!0 oql lsoo pinom AlunoD selSnod jog lounuoo ayl 3o Help ayl pappe aH '6661 ul aayoleuaM 1sP3 god saowas lonuoo lewlue jog loenuoo a Su!pirSoi AlunoD selSnop wa3 aAlleluasajdai a yl!m law Alluaoai pey ay plus AoP l joxuw 6661 jog lonuoD lewluV Salp 2ai uolssnosiU 10-01-86 NOlss[1JSlu ' SL'9Ll` lunowe 1P1o1 ayl III OLb8 gJnolyl 8Zb1u 8 sPLem anoidde saop llouno� `8661 IS iagoloO Imp slyljo sV sy •llounoD 01 algPllene apew uaaq sey ley[ Bullsll P uo papiooaj uaaq aneq `060'bZ'Zb MD -I Aq pannbai sr pagpiza swlelo luawasmgwlai osuadxa osoyl puu 1080'17Z'Zb M:)-I Aq pannbaj se jaoWo Su!1lpne ayl Aq pay!uao pue pallpnt' s.IayonoA -- SUM JO uollelaplsuoD •Z 8661 `1Z jagwaldaS `uolssaS min2ad -- salnulwdo uopujaplsuoD -I '0-L `pawPo uollow ayy -paluasaid se jepualuo wasuoo aql anojddu of uosirD jagwawllounoD Aq puooas `uoluris jagwawllouno:) Aq apew sum uollow V mollaV lcaanoO HVQN37VJ.LN3SNOJ 'oueuaos 11!1!lfl la1PM uvolS }{Pjp P Suluyai sum aaAlwwoZ) AJoslnpy 101eM uuo1S alp plus Uauleg 'SW -lueollddu ayl Aq paluasaid p1wis gejp P paluosoid ayS •31jud ayl Bulleoolai jog alglsuodsai aq pinom jaAaw p013 pappe aqS �laed luiod main pro-d lurlD Supslxa agl3o uolleoolai ay1 Supsanbal si lesodoid jaAaW paillsuoseaS ino3 ayl uo SuiWom uug luawdolanap ayl `Iel!dPZ) APm)hed plus llawt'g JoloaJlp luowdolanaQ AllunwwoD ' luawdolanaQ AllunwwoD S.L'dOd3N IN3WlHVd34 8661 IS 113901DO S3inwW 'llDNnOD 33HJ.LV1q9M ISV3 30 ADD CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE COUNCIL MINUTES OCTOBER 5, 1998 ' Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Buckner, second by Councilmember Hendricks to authorize the Mayor to sign a Voluntary Agreement for payment of improvement contributions for the Canyon Hills Subdivision with the suggested modifications. The motion carried, 7- 0. REPORTS Mayor Lacy said the Hotel/Motel tax funds allocated to the WVCVB would keep it moving forward and asked City Counsel to draft a resolution for funds in an account for the third two percent of the Hotel/Motel tax the City receives. Having eighty percent of the two percent allocated for the WVCVB and twenty percent allocated for tourism. Mayor Lacy said he will chair the Wenatchee Valley Convention and Visitors Bureau in 1999. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Mikow, second by Councilmember Carson to authorize City Counsel to draft a resolution allocating of the Hotel/Motel tax the City receives. Having eighty percent of the two percent allocated for the WVCVB and twenty percent allocated for tourism. The motion carried, 6-1. (Hendricks) Court Administrator Petersen gave a list of the Court's goals and views for the 1999 Budget COUNCIL REPORTS ' Councilmember Buckner said he had attended joint meetings with the Chelan and Douglas Counties including Cities from both Counties, and Quest. The meetings discussed the importance of working together with several agencies in the Valley, and public discussion regarding future visioning of the area. He added the following meeting included developing vision for the valley, transportation, economic development and storm water. He said Quest was hoping to continue having these meetings and focus on mutual problems in the valley and how to correct them. However, they may need funding from the agencies to continue with these meetings, funding would cover room rental and other expenses. Councilmember Mikow said he had attended a City/County transportation meeting. He said they are planning to form a citizens advisory group to put together a proposal for a north/south corridor to move traffic through the valley. He added the support of the citizens is needed to submit the issue to the legislature. He added if the project moves to fruition the city would then be asked to provide matching funds. Community Development Director Barnett said there will be a metropolitan planning organization training meeting on October 22 and 23. The meetings will be held at the Apple Commission. ADJOURNMENT -- 8:05 P.M. 60 [)-Y,i Aa AoQ Dana Barnard ' City Clerk -3-