HomeMy WebLinkAbout7/6/1998 - City Council - City Council Meeting Minutes1 1 1 CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE, WASHINGTON REGULAR SESSION OF THE CITY COUNCIL CONVENED MAYOR DAWN COLLINGS PRESIDING JULY 6, 1998 6:30 P.M. ROLL CALL Councilmembers Present: Councilmember Nash, Councilmember Mikow, Councilmember Carson, Councilmember Buckner, Councilmember Hendricks, Mayor Collings. Councilmember Lacy and Councilmember Aiken excused. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Carson, second by Councilmember Nash to excuse Councilmember Lacy from this Council meeting. The motion carried, 5-0. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Nash, second by Councilmember Carson to excuse Councilmember Aiken from this Council meeting. The motion carried, 5-0. Staff Present: Bob Goodman, Stuart Campbell, Randy Harrison, Dana Barnard, Linda Countryman, Darin Bender, Lennie Breckenridge, Chuck Zimmerman. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE MAYOR'S REPORT Mayor Collings said it was time to order a supply of city lapel pins and asked Council if they wished to make any changes to the pin. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Buckner, second by Councilmember Mikow authorizing the purchase of city lapel pins. The motion carried, 5-0. Mayor Collings said she has been involved in the Kids First Program. She said Kids First has established a goal of raising one dollar for every child in the Chelan and Douglas counties, totaling nineteen thousand nine hundred eighty-eight dollars. She added the funds will be placed in an account and given back to community groups, churches, families and others who put Kids First. PRESENTATION Bicycle Advisory Board Larry Tobiska, member of the Bicycle Advisory Board asked if East Wenatchee would be interested in joining the board that serves Chelan County and the City of Wenatchee to promote the use of bicycling in the community DEPARTMENT REPORTS Law Enforcement Police Chief Harrison updated Council of the January through June 1998 crime rate statistics. He said the service calls are up fourteen percent, and the crime index is up six percent over the 1997 figures. -Z- •anuand JaVg 3o Suluap!m aq) jo; Aem 3o-lg2u;o uoiluuop a 3o algejone3 sem IIeW aql pappe aH -ueld ayl uo aulu jagwnu sum Aemlipd lluW (011LA JO uo!13as 1eg13o Suluaplm aql Pus uewp000 luapualuuadnS laa.4S •uolsualxo pue Suluap!m anuanV 103lpg aql Io} Aem 3o-lySu pue Sulpuq{ lnogp osle pup peog lueio 3o gliou ,CpmKlpd IIQW AalluA 3o Suluap!m aql lnogp uewp000 •jyq palsu s3loupuaH jagwawl!ouno:) -w-d £ I:L 1p Suupaq ollgnd ayl paso13 sSu!lloJ ioXuW 'luawwoo ollgnd ou SuupaH •w•d Z I:L le Sut waq oggnd ayl pauado sSu!lloD jo,Ceyq •Sullaaw OZ Alnf aq1 3e uo!ldopu joj ,Cpuai aq pinom ueld uo!1eliodsuull lean xlS ay p!es uuwp000 luapualuuadnS loallS upld uoilpuodsuejl juoA x!S ayl Su!piedai Swluay o!lgnd V 10-LO-86 ONllIV3H JI'Ifllld '96' S 1 17`6Z$ 30 lunowe lelol aql ❑l 6ZZ8 gSnagl £618 s,agwnu luPABM Mold& saop Ilounoo `8661 `9 Alnf `alep slgl;o sV •113unoJ of ol9el!ene apew uaaq sey Imp Sulls!l a uo papio3al uaaq aneq '060'4Z'Z4 MDd Aq pannbal se page= swlelo luawosjngwlaj muadxa asogl pue 1080'17Z'Zb MJlI Aq pa.nnbai se ia3gjo Supipne aql Aq paylyao pue paupne slag3noA -- s1pajo uollejap!suoo _Z 8661 IS I aunt `uo!ssaS lelnSnd -- salnulw 3o uo!lej3p!suo0 I '0-S `Paluuo uollow aq L •alon IIE3 IloJ e;o u0113=03 aglgl!m paluosaid se jepuoleo wasuoo aql anoidde of jaulong jagwowltounoJ Aq puooas `WupuaH ngwawl!3unoJ Aq apew sum uollow V :uo!l3V 1!3unoJ HVQN3'IVJ lN3SNOJ 'Allllln auo se Swloe Alunoo aql ql!m ssaooid lu!of a aq pim slyl pappe aH 'sanss! ,Cippunoq ssnoslp of 3Iaam lxau Sullaaw aq ll!m a3u!wwo3 u plus aH -A4!1!lfl IWAN uu01S ayl uo alepdn ue anp8 llagdwuD joloanQ Suluueld luawdolanao ,r4!unwwoD put, Suluueld (moj!W) ,I-b `paweo uollow ayZ •103g,;o ue3o A3ue3en Su!woodn ayl llg of uosllwH;a!y3 Sulzuoglne gsuK jagwowllounoo Aq puooas `sVupuaH jagwawpounoJ Aq apew sum uollow y :uoU3d 1!aunoa •lsal 031A10s I!n13 a an!S of paau pinom Al!o aql `uoipsod aql jo; olgellene lou sem ags;1 -filslSal jjo-Ael aql woj; uosiaued pullsugJ lao93o Ileo 1si3 pinom ay PaPPV aH •uolllsod oql 113 of paau Ipm ay plus uosuaeH 3algo -AlunoJ uelogo ioj jjuagS ,ClndOG se wipsod u o3M of luouniedaQ 23i10d 0311MuaAN lse3 ayl Sulnpal a9 lllm uosagiuw yol!W laog;o plus uosweH 3alu 03l10d 8661 `9 A'Iflf S3.LfINIW 'IIDKnOJ 33H3lVN3M LSV9 30 ALIJ CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE COUNCIL MINUTES JULY 6, 1998 AGREEMENT ' 98-07-02 An easement agreement with S-B Wenatchee No. 1, L.L.C. Planning Director Campbell said the property located between the Four Seasons property and SR28 was originally acquired for use as part of the trail project. He added the property addressed in the easement is not being used or planned for use by the City. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Carson, second by Councilmember Nash to authorize the Mayor to sign the agreement on approval of an exhibit map by legal counsel. The motion carried, 5-0. ORDINANCE 98-07-03 First reading of an ordinance adopting the 1998 City of East Wenatchee Comprehensive Plan Mayor Collings read first reading. 98-07-04 First reading of an ordinance adopting the 1997 Uniform Building Code Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Hendricks, second by Councilmember Nash to elevate the ordinance to second reading. The motion carried, 5-0. ' Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Buckner, second by Councilmember Carson to pass the ordinance adopting by reference, the 1997 editions of the Uniform Building Codes and amendments. The motion carried, 5-0. Mayor Collings read the ordinance title. ORDINANCE NO.98-8 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE, WASHINGTON, AMENDING SECTIONS OF TITLE 15 OF THE EAST WENATCHEE MUNICIPAL CODE TO ADOPT BY REFERENCE, THE 1997 EDITIONS OF THE UNIFORM BUILDING CODES AND AMENDMENTS, AMENDING THE APPEALS PROCESS; ADOPTING PUBLIC WORKS CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS, CONTAINING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE AND ESTABLISHING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. 98-07-05 First reading of an ordinance establishing the position of City Administrator Mayor Collings read first reading. 98-07-06 First reading of an ordinance establishing the position of City Clerk Mayor Collings read first reading. sit 1 1 1 rim A►�9; 'W'd $4:L --.IN13WN2IfIOfQV ,0-5 `palm uo!low aqZ •Sullaaw OZ SInI aql 1!lun uolssnoslp aql a!qul of gstX jagwowpounoD Aq pu000s 'mojTW lagwawl!ounoO Aq opuw sem uo!low V mo!loV I!aunoZ) saSuugo uo!l!sod jyels papuawwooal agl loj saSum Su!piuSal uolsioa(I SO-LO-86 NOISSfI:)SIQ •Sulpeaj Isn3 pual sSu!11oD Jo,CuW lainsuai,I, ,Cl!D;o uo!1!sod aql Su!gs!!gmso aouuu!plo uu;o Su!peai lslld LO-LO-86 8661 '9 A'lflf S3.LfINIW-IIDNfIOD 33HDJ VN3M ISV3 30 AID