HomeMy WebLinkAbout3/16/1998 - City Council - City Council Meeting MinutesCITY OF EAST WENATCHEE, WASHINGTON REGULAR SESSION OF THE CITY COUNCIL CONVENED ' MAYOR DAWN COLLINGS PRESIDING MARCH 16, 1998 6:30 P.M. ROLL CALL Councilmembers Present: Councilmember Nash, Councilmember Lacy, Councilmember Mikow, Councilmember Hendricks, Councilmember Carson, Councilmember Buckner, Mayor Collings. Councilmember Aiken arrived at 6:40 p.m. Staff Present: Virginia Oestreich, Bob Goodman, Randy Harrison, Dana Barnard, Linda Countryman, Stuart Campbell, Chuck Zimmerman. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE CITIZEN COMMENTS Skip Johnson, Third Street - Eastmont Avenue property owner, said he would like to see joint cooperation between the City and County in engineering a flood management plan. Bob Larse, 2515 N.W. Boston, said he was part of the Citizens Advisory Committee and had attended all the meetings regarding storm water drainage problems. He added, the plan being considered appeared to be the most logical so far. ' Dan Barr, Wenatchee Valley Mall, said an agreement to join with Douglas County on a Storm Water Utility would be economically viable to the City and County. MAYORS REPORT Mayor Collings welcomed Douglas County Commissioner Still and the students from Wenatchee High School to the meeting. Mayor Collings reminded Council of the chamber luncheon at noon on Tuesday. She reminded Council of the KPQ radio program on Wednesday from 3:30 to 4:00 p.m. Councilmember Lacy and Councilmember Carson volunteered to attend. Mayor Collings said March 30 - April 1, 1998 will be Bicycle Awareness Week. She added, April 2nd there will be a Bike to Work Rally in Riverfront Park at the Ice Arena; April 4th there will be a Bicycle Rodeo and a Ride Around the Apple Capital Recreation Loop. The Columbia River Area Agency on Aging will do Family Care at the Foothills Middle School on April 18. Mayor Collings said the Association of Washington Cities Resolutions and Nominations Committee was accepting names of candidates interested in serving on any of the committees. Mayor Collings said GTE will be holding a luncheon regarding the Pacific Northwest economy at the Roaster and Ale House, Tuesday, March 24, at noon. -wols,Cs alenud e Jol amI JaJev a IIelsul of anuand uiOwlse3 Ina uado of Suo-I pue aleH wog lsonbON ZO-£0-96 NOLLVI134lSNO3 '8661 Genjgo j jo 41uow agl l03 `8661 `S gomW Pled `L6'OZZ`LI I$ ;o lunowe lelol ayl ul 1710086 PUB `981751 4Snojgl LVE51 sjagwnu luwaem pa,(ed anadde saop 11ounoZ) 86'b08`6£$ do lunoum lelol ayl ul L176L gSnoigl 906L sjagwnu luumvm anadde saop paunoO `8661 `91 43juW `olep siyl;o sV -pounoD of olgellene spew uaaq sey leyl Supq a uo papjooaj uaaq aney `060'bZ'Zb Ao-d Aq pa.nnbai se poUpiao swielo luawasmgwlal asuodxa asoyi pue `080'bZ'Zb MZ)ZI Xq pannbai se jaogjo Sulupne a4l Aq pogluao pus pal!pne sjayonon - sill83o uollejaplsuoz) •Z 8661 `S 40JEW 5e2402l 8661 `Z 4ojuW `uolssaS jelnSo-d -- solnulw,{o uolleiaplsuoO • l '0-L `PalLeo uollow aqj •poluasald se lepualeo luasuoo aql anadde of ua)lib jagwawllounoD Cq puooas `Coe l jagwaw113unoD Cq apew sum uollow V :uol13v 113unoO ' H VQN3'I VJ IN3SN03 •ieaA ISel of pajedwoo lunowe llews a do woAi ooimos joj speo `pappe OH -.ma,( lsel se awes ay lnoge aye 8661 3o syluow oml 1s-19 ayl J03 ales awuo agl pies uosljjeH 3314O •Sullaaw amin3 a le 313eg lysnojq uolstnaa a aney of pue aoueulPJO agl ul salolyan leuolltMoal;o Supped a4l sulplesal uolleoguep ajow Joj po lse llounoD ••s,Cem;o lySll Alp uo pa3ped Swaq salo14an leuollea.ioaJ SwpueSQJ speo luleldwoo awos pantaoW CµuaaaJ ay plus OH •salolyan DInseald Sulpieft opoO ledlolunW aayoleuaM lSe3 oql 3o uopoas a4l aSueyo of pagslm Amp 31 Ilounoo pwise uoslijeH 3a14O oollod luauwudaQ aollod DdOd3Z1.LN3NlHVd3Q •2uo8 sey ssaoad s,.ea,C oql moy aas of lsil3 spl}l .io;,Cavns a ul panlonul looyos lsig ayl aq lllm looyoS gSiH jolunf luowlse3 plus ssullloO Jo,Celnl ,ClunoZ) selSno(I pm Supliom anulluoo pue 'sueld .nayl yllm anulluoo of pooAv llounoO •asooyo Ampj1 loV luowa8eueyg glmoiD ayl jo lno ldo pinoo sapunoo leyl uolldo ue uanlS pey ainlelsigol ayl pies ssullloO JoAvW '8661 `LI 4ojuW Aupsony uo jaluoD uolluanuoD aayoleuaM agl le play oq Illm moqs ape.q uoUelaossV slaplingawoH 11018ulgseM IMUOD gyo11 OU 8661 `91 HJ*IVW S3lnNIW 11JNnOD33HJ.LVKaA%.LSV3.40,Ul0 CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE COUNCIL MINUTES MARCH 16, 1998 Since the original request, Hale and Long has decided to go in another direction with the water lines, however are asking the City to waive the fees for the required permits. The firm will not be cutting Eastmont Avenue afterall. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Lacy, second by Councilmember Carson to waive the required permit fees for Hale and Long. The motion carried, 5-2. (Nash, Hendricks) AGREEMENT 98-03-03 Fifteenth and Nineteenth Street/SR 28 Intersection Projects with WSDOT Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Hendricks, second by Councilmember Nash to approve the agreement for the SR 28 Channelization Project on 15th Street and 19th Street. The motion carried, 7-0. Councilmember Aiken aye Councilmember Buckner aye Councilmember Carson aye Councilmember Hendricks aye Councilmember Lacy aye Councilmember Nash aye Councilmember Mikow aye I DISCUSSION 98-03-04 Tourism Advisory Committee Councilmember Lacy reported on the Tourism Committee. He said he had a letter requesting the City of East Wenatchee to pay a share of the consultant's fee for the formation of the Convention and Visitors Bureau. He added, an additional member is needed for the Tourism Advisory Committee and asked Council for recommendations. Although, a definite dollar amount has not been decided, East Wenatchee's share would be proportionate, or percent. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Lacy, second by Councilmember Buckner to pay a proportionate share of the consultant's fee helping form the Convention and Visitors Bureau. The motion carried, 7-0. AGREEMENT 98-03-05 An agreement regarding the implementation of a Stormwater Utility Planning and Community Development Director Campbell, said the purpose of the agreement is for the implementation of the Comprehensive Flood Hazard Management Plan. Mr. Campbell showed slides indicating where the water comes from and the direction it travels when there is a storm. He also showed slides for the placement of storm drains for correcting the problem. 3- 0- ah!i uo!inlosal ayi peal sSulpoZ)1o,Seyy a,Ce Mo>!W logwawllounoo ,(eu yseNlagwawl!ounoD 2A, ,Coej lagwawllounoj ,Ceu s)loupuaH lagwawllounoZ) a,Ce uosleo lagwawl!ounoo a,(e 1aulong lagwawl!ouno:) a,Ce ual!V lagw2wl!ouno0 (yseN `sllaupuaH) 7-9 `Pauleo uollow aql •¢a1e aolAJas ayi augop pue apnlou! 01 papuawe se luawaSmew lalem a0u ejins pue uols 1o; aayoisuaM ise33o ,Ci!D ayi pue ,C1uno0 sel`dnod uaamlaq ivawaal2V uoileladooZ) leoollalul ayi u8ls of 1oSew ag1 8ulzuoylne 'uollnlosal ayi anoldde of mo�l!N logwawl!aunoD ,(q puooas `1aupng lagwawl!ounoD dq apuw SLIM uo!low V :aollad 11aanoz) paledald aq of oom sl 1! lnq `,Cpea1 s! jai us!p Cl!lyn ayl alo3aq awii awos aq lllm i! 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'pappe aH •su2zl1!0 ayi 01 sisoo ayl 10 ¢ale anwas mo uq aq of siuop!sa13o lagwnu ayi moul lou op am uagM blul pa)lool ale am yolgM luawaalRe ue JO 1one3 ul lou sum ay '1anamoH •loliuoo pooh;o lone; ul seta ay p!es SjoupuaH lagwawl!ounoo •8861 of loeq Su!lep `uuld luawa8euuW P1"BH POOld anlsuayaldwo0 agi Jullloddns uounlosal a pue sainu!w l!ounoo fo!o3o ,C1oisly a pangs sJulpoo lodeW 9661 '91 HDWVW S3J-f1Niw -lio 100 33H:)lvN3M .LSV3 do A1lo CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE COUNCIL MINUTES MARCH 16, 1998 RESOLUTION NO.98-3 ' A RESOLUTION, OF THE CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE, WASHINGTON AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR OF THE CITY TO SIGN THE INTERLOCAL COOPERATION AGREEMENT BETWEEN DOUGLAS COUNTY AND THE CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE FOR STORM AND SURFACE WATER MANAGEMENT. COUNCIL REPORTS Councilmember Mikow said Patti Herres, director of the East Wenatchee Chamber of Commerce, has resigned and he wishes her well. He added, applications are being accepted to fill the director position ADJOURNMENT -- 9:00 P.M. Virgin . Oestreich CMC/PFO City Clerk/Treasurer 1 5-