HomeMy WebLinkAbout2/2/1998 - City Council - City Council Meeting Minutes1 1 CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE, WASHINGTON REGULAR SESSION OF THE CITY COUNCIL CONVENED MAYOR DAWN COLLINGS PRESIDING FEBRUARY 2,1998 6:30 P.M. ROLL CALL Councilmembers Present: Councilmember Mikow, Councilmember Hendricks, Councilmember Carson Councilmember Aiken, Councilmember Buckner, Councilmember Nash, Councilmember Lacy, Mayor Collings. Staff Present: Virginia Oestreich, Dana Barnard, Bob Goodman, Randy Harrison, Nick Wiltz, Stuart Campbell, Bruce Nash, Darin Bender, Chuck Zimmerman. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE CITIZEN COMMENTS Skip Johnson, Third Street - Eastmont Avenue property owner, said he would like to see joint cooperation between the City and County in engineering a flood management plan. MAYORS REPORT Mayor Collings reported on the following issues and events: The East Wenatchee Chamber of Commerce luncheon will be held at noon on Tuesday. February 3, at the Four Seasons Inn. Councilmembers Buckner, Aiken and Carson, as well as Dana Barnard and Mayor Collings, attended the Association of Washington Cities conference in Olympia, February 4th and 5th. Mayor Collings said the next KPQ Radio program will be Tuesday, February 10. The topic of discussion will be the Storm Water Utility for East Wenatchee and Douglas County. The Solid Waste Advisory Committee will meet at 1:30 p.m. on Thursday, February 12. at the Douglas County Fire District. A luncheon held by Quest will be at the Double Tree, Friday, February 13, at 12:00 p.m. The East Wenatchee Chamber of Commerce luncheon to be held at noon on Tuesday, February 17, at the Four Seasons Inn, will be the State of Douglas County address by the County Commissioners. Mayor Collings said the KPQ Radio program will be a thirty minute program starting February 18. she asked Council to select a date in which to participate. -z- 1 117'LL9`6I$fo lunowe leiol aql u! 9ZSL ggnoitp 96LL siagwnu ineLEm Moidde soop pounoz) `g66I Z 6luniga3 `aiep s!ql fo sV -pounoO of algel!ene spew uoaq seq iegl Sullsg a uo papi000i uaaq aneq `060'17Z'Zti MO -I Xq paiinbai se pagpiao sunulo luowasingwlai asuadxo osogl pue `080'bZ'Z4 MO-I,(q pw!nboi se iao!yo Sul3!pne ogl.(q pay!luao pus pai!pne siagonon - sll!g fo uo!leiap!suoz) •Z 8661 `OZ ,Cienuef `uolssaS iulnSay -- sainu!w fo uo!ieiap!suoo • I '0-L •pal.ueo uollow aqy •pawasaid se iepualeo wasuoo aql anoidde of uosieO iagwawl!ounoD Cq puooas `s>loupuall iagwawl!ouno0 Cq apew sem uopow V :nogaV gaanoO lfvGN3'lVJ ,LN3sNOJ ' •apew uoaq peq sainl!puadxa luowlmda(I aollod aql of luougsnfpe ue pue sioulwexa a3E1S aql fo uo!lepuawwoow aqi iv •pappe uaaq peq siagwnu SNVg mau pappe aqS pouad giuow anlaml Unf a iof sou aiam 8661 w paAlaoai saxes ,Ci!pn aqi p!es go!aiisap •sW •punA asu2dx3 luamnD aqi of luaoiad any-,Cluanas pue pun3 laailS aql of luaaad ang-,(hams paieudadde sl anuanai aql fo aoueleq aql `paAMW s! luaw,Cud le)ol aql uagM -spunf puoq aql of ut paldlaoai air saxes Avadoid wolf sanuanai aql pus golailsap •sW •iea,C laSpnq 8661 aql iof saouuluq Suluu!Saq aqi aq pinom sainSy aql Su!lms `saouuluq Sulpua maA laSpnq L661 aql fo alepdn ue aAng go!ailsao iainseaiy/:pal:) f4!3 aoueul j •,Clunoo pue ,Cilo aql fo lasunoO jugo-I atp Cq pama!Aai Suiaq sum ,ClunoO sLIgno(I gl!m luawaaiSe leooliaiut aql fo l;eip aql pies aH Cl![!lfl 1aleM uuols ayl uo pounoO paiepdn llagdweD ioioa.np luawdolaA*U ,Cl!unwwoO Pug Suluueld ivawdolana0 c4!unwwoO pue Supueld IldOd3N IN3WIHVd3Q •saSem SwpieSoi uolleuuofut Ieuopppe ql!m upuaSe lxau aqi uo paoeld aq of loofgns aql iof pails¢ pounoO 'L661 u! p!p I!ounoD se saa,Coldwa ,il!o iof 8661 iof oseaiou! ,Cud a fo nail ul uolleoeA fo ilaam eilxa ue SulpieSai oaAoldwa ue ulaf peo a panlaoai peq aqS p!es SSugloZ) JOA19 Q •siagwaw pus pieoq aqi fo aiepdn ue SIIIAIS sa!llO uolSulgseM fo uolle!oossV aql wolf iaual a paA!aaai aqS p!es s8u1110O loAeyq w•d 00:01 of 0016 wolf IIeH 44D W `S q°JuW `Aupsinq L plaq aq Ipm wami pounoo aqi plus ssugloO io,Ceyq 8661 `Z ANWINH33 S31flNIW 'IMMOD 33HO LVN3M .LSV3 10 ADD CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE COUNCIL MINUTES FEBRUARY 2, 1998 ORDINANCES ' 98-02-01 Amending the 1998 Tax Levy Ordinance City Clerk/Treasurer Oestreich said the amended ordinance was necessary to reflect the additional amount of property taxes for the small annexation and new construction that were not included in the original ordinance. The Department of Revenue and the Douglas County Assessor's office have differences, as to how this can be received, our new ordinance format does not include this. She added, if the ordinance is not amended, the additional amount will not be assessed and the city will not be able to receive this money. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Hendricks, second by Councilmember Lacy to elevate the ordinance to second reading. The motion carried, 7-0. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Carson, second by Councilmember Lacy to approve the ordinance amending the general property tax levy ordinance no. 97-17. The motion carried, 7-0. Mayor Collings read the ordinance summary. ORDINANCE 98-1 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE, WASHINGTON. AMENDING THE GENERAL PROPERTY TAX LEVY ORDINANCE NO. 97-17, TO REFLECT AN INCREASE IN THE 1997 REGULAR PROPERTY TAX LEVY FOR COLLECTION IN 1998 FROM $607,440 TO $624,308 AND ESTABLISHING AN EFFECTIVE DATE 98-02-02 Amending the 1998 Budget Ordinance City Clerk/Treasurer Oestreich said the amended ordinance was necessary to reflect an increase in the Police Department budget, authorized by Council, as well as the additional property taxes. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Lacy, second by Councilmember Buckner to elevate the ordinance to second reading. The motion carried, 7-0 Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Carson, second by Councilmember Lacy to approve the ordinance amending the City of East Wenatchee's Budget for 1998. The motion carried, 7- 0. Mayor Collings read the ordinance summary. ORDINANCE 98-2 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE, WASHINGTON. AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 97-I8 AMENDING THE CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE'S BUDGET FOR 1998. ' Mayor Collings thanked City Clerk/Treasurer Oestreich and her staff for all their hard work in putting together the 1998 Budget. - 3 - -4- iamseai•I•/xia1O ,iltO O3d/DWD golansaO •WelulsllA rOt;r,✓,r' LJ Wd 06:8--.LN3WNarlorav •,(1lunwwoo 041 JO uotstA ayl Sutp�e$a� pounoo 11!Q otp (q passed uotlnlosai ayl `saoutwwoo wsunol ayl gloq g1!m a.teys of a)lg pinom ay `papps aH •aaulwwoa wsunol aql ao3 alsp Su!laaw a $utuas aq ptm ay plus 4os1 lagwaw!lounoO slaod3a IIJNaoz) '0-L `paiuuo uotlow ayy •uotlsytodsusjy3o luawlredaQ ale1S uolSutgseM oql pm puawaa�$s aseal ayp uSts op io,CsW aql azuoglne pus anoidde of uosjvD jagwawltounoO *,Cq puooas `slalipuaH jagwawltounoO kq opew sum uotlow V :aollav ItaunoO •I!RU luoIJ land agl;o uotltod s,,Clto ayp ao; uotlsyodsuujy Jo luautltedaQ ole1S uol$utgseM oyl Cq pannbai st luawaai$e usual s pus IlagdweD jopoanp puawdolanaQ cj!unwLuoO pus $utuueld uotltWodsuujl jo luawltedaQ als1S uol$utyssM aql gl!m wawnift, aseal pul SO-ZO-86 IN3W33u9v '0-L `Paweo uotlow aqy •lsadds aql sstwstp of papaau uotloe aleudoidds ay1 a)lsl of lasuno0 I2201 loanp of uwl!v JagwawpounoZ Cq pu000s `,Cast jagwawllounol Aq opsut sum uotlow V :uotlaV ItaunoO •adpn j ltnoO aot tadnS s Aq `8661 `£1 qO-MW -Iot las uaaq sey Sutteay s PaPPs OH •a$pug ustyssquPO le 1lwaad osn puel otp Sutpw2at ,Cpunol selSnoQ yplm uotle$tl!l Swpuod agl;o alepdn ue ansS usuuawwtZ (awollV 14!Z) puawdolanap says uetyssgsPO $wpte$at ClunoO seI$noQ yltm uotls$!1•y $utpuad bO-ZO-86 NOISSllJSIa aousu!pto otp jo Swpeai 1sig psai s$uylol ao,CeW ' $utsnoH pamlas;nmW of Supelai apoD IedtnlunW oayoleuaM Ing ayl jo suolloas $utpuowv !0 ZO 86 8661 `Z AZItlf wawa sainW W-11ONnOJ 33H0.LVN3M .LSV3 90 ,UID