HomeMy WebLinkAbout1/20/1998 - City Council - City Council Meeting Minutes1 1 LJ CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE, WASHINGTON REGULAR SESSION OF THE CITY COUNCIL CONVENED MAYOR DAWN COLLINGS PRESIDING JANUARY 20,1"S 6:30 P.M. ROLL CALL Councilmembers Present: Councilmember Nash, Councilmember Aiken, Councilmember Buckner, Councilmember Mikow absent, unexcused. Councilmember Lacy, Councilmember Hendricks, Mayor Collings. Councilmember Carson excused. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Lacy, second by Councilmember Nash to excuse Councilmember Carson from this Council meeting. The motion carved, 5-0. Staff Present: Virginia Oestreich, Dana Barnard, Bob Goodman, Randy Harrison, Nick Wiltz, Stuart Campbell, Mitch Matheson, Darin Bender, Chuck Zimmerman. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE DEPARTMENT REPORT City Clerk/Treasurer Oestreich thanked the Councilmembers that attended the exit interview with the State Auditor's Office. She said there were no findings in the audit. However, the auditor gave some recommendations on internal controls; changes to be made regarding grant monies; and suggested Council take more responsibility for the financial conditions of the city. City Clerk/Treasurer Oestreich said the Columbia River Drug Task Force grant monies have always been receipted to the Police salaries and benefits line items as a reimbursement; as were the COPS grants. This amount has reduced the actual costs of these line items by these amounts. The State Auditors are recommending the money be shown as a revenue source on the Current Expense budget. Police Chief Harrison and Ms. Oestreich reviewed the Police budget and year to date expenditures for 1997. The overtime, salaries and benefits, with this change, will put the Police Departments budget for 1997 over approximately thirty thousand dollars. The decision Council was asked to make was for the allocation on the Current Expense expenditure side, since it will be shown as Columbia River Drug Task Force on the revenue side, with an additional twenty-five thousand dollars. The City Clerk/Treasurer and Police Chief answered questions from Council regarding the amount and decision. Chief Harrison said it would mean no amounts budgeted for overtime or a possible additional layoff. 1 '66'1Z9`6I$3olunowe lmol aql u! `86LL gllnojgl SLLL siagwnu IUR.ULM anoidde saop 1!ounoD 'L661 jagwooaQ;o giuow agi J03 `8661 `S faunuef P!gd `E6'960`5ZI$ jo lunouiu Iglol agl u! `SL I OL6 Pug `Lb£S I gSnolg18LZS I slagwnu lueiaem lla,Ced anoidde saop Ilounoo -joeg ,Cng aneal 13!s L661 jagwaoa(I to3 Lb'1799$ 30 lunowe Ielol aql ut LLLL gSnojgl £ZLL siagwnu lumuum anadde saop I!ounoJ `8661 `OZ tienuuf `alup s!gl;o sV •IlounoD of alquj!UAU apgw uaaq seq wqj Sups!l g uo papjooaj uaaq aneq `060'17Z'Zt, MJH �q pannbai se pag!vao swlglo luawasingwlal asuadxo osogl pug `080't�Z'Z6 M0H Xq pannbai se jaog{o Suippne aql ,Cq paylijao pug pal!pnu sjagonOA salquAud 86613o SuluulSag pug L661 3o aoueleg - sIl!g 3o uo!lwaplsuoD •Z 8661 `S tignuu f 'uo!ssaS mingad -- salnulw jo uolluloplsuoo • I ' '0-S `Pampa uo!low aqy -poluosaid se jepuoleo ivasuoo aq) anoidde of ua)I!V lagwowl!ounoO Aq puooas 'sloupuaH jagwawl!ounoO Aq apew sum uollow V :uo!laV IlaunoO H VGN3'I V J ,LN3SNOJ •iganaH IlaunoD u joj aw!l pug alup a bolas of jjuis pug pounoO pools¢ sSullloo joArW •eldwAlO u! 8661 `S-b tignigad aq Ipm go!gA+ aooaJa;uoO 0nllgns192-1 sa!;!O uoiSu!gseM 3o uo!le!oossV aql jo 1!3unoO papulwai s9ugloD io uW •aagoleuaM lsug ui laluaO uo!;nq!ns!Q lelsod a J03 lgsodoid mis ssnoslp of ooWo slelauaH ialseunsod aql glim Su!laaw oq P1nom aqs ples s8wlloD joARW •QDIAJas ouogdalal pug uo!s!Aalai alggo apnlou! go!gm `angq ll!m s,Qfld suolido amint mogs apgw suo!lgluasaid p!es aqS •lo!ns!Q fi!l!lfl ollgnd ,ClunoO selSnoQ aqi 1g Su!laaw a Papuan¢ aqs pus sSUllloO JOSL'W 1110d3H SHOAV W •Sullaaw llounoo 861 `Z ,iaenjga3 oql in powasaid aq pinom luawpuawe iaSpnq 8661 g Pug '8661 .l03 uolsloop laSpnq pu!Suo nagl woj3 aSuego a sum slgl 11l3unoO papu!wai go!ansoo lamseaijAial- '0-S papin uo!low agy •uo!ssoiSs!p s;a!gD agl iu 1! puodxo Pug `sigauoq pug ,jujus s,jaoWo agl3o 3luq auo jo; oojo3 isey SniQ JanlH e!gwnloO aql wa; paAlaoai laSpnq ainl!puadxa luawlaedad ao!lod oagoleuaM iseg aqi of s�g11op pugsnogl ang-f4UQ I ppg of s3l3upuaH jagwawllounoO Aq puoaas `ua3l!V jagwawl!aunoD ,Cq apew sum uo!low V mopv IlaunoO 8661 'OZ AHVf1NVf S31flNIW 'HONI1OO 33HD.LVN3M ISV3 3O A113 CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE COUNCIL MINUTES JANUARY 20, 1998 CONTRACT AMENDMENT 98-01-02 Wenatchee Valley Humane Society Contract City Clerk/Treasurer Oestreich said Council has already approved a one year contract with the Humane Society for 1998, in the amount of twenty-five thousand, five hundred three dollars. The Humane Society is asking the city for a three year contract instead of the one year contract. She added, the only difference in the one year or three year contract is the annual fees, which would change based on the Consumer Price Index. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Buckner, second by Councilmember Lacy to amend the current one year contract to a three year contract with the Wenatchee Valley Humane Society. The motion carried, 5-0. COUNCIL REPORTS Councilmember Aiken said he is now a member of the LINK board. Councilmember Lacy updated Council on the tourism committees decision to start selecting board members for each jurisdiction. He added, there would be three members selected from Wenatchee and three members selected from East Wenatchee. EXECUTIVE SESSION - Potential Litigation ' At 8:00 p.m. Mayor Collings called a thirty minute Executive Session, regarding potential litigation. RECONVENED— 8:35 P.M. ADJOURNMENT-- 8:45 P.M. v Virgirffa E. 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