HomeMy WebLinkAbout3/1/1999 - City Council - City Council Meeting MinutesCITY OF EAST WENATCHEE, WASHINGTON REGULAR SESSION OF THE CITY COUNCIL CONVENED MAYOR STEVEN C. LACY PRESIDING MARCH 1,1999 6:30 P.M. ROLL CALL Councilmembers Present: Councilmember Carson, Councilmember Aiken, Councilmember Buckner, Councilmember Nash, Councilmember Stanton, Councilmember Hendricks, Mayor Lacy. Councilmember Mikow, excused. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Carson, second by Councilmember Buckner to excuse Councilmember Mikow from this Council meeting. The motion carried, 6-0. Staff Present: Harry Staven, Dana Barnard, Linda Countryman, Randy Harrison, Bob Goodman, Lori Barnett, Joni Petersen, Bruce Nash, Chuck Zimmerman. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE CITIZEN COMMENTS Mark Fogelquist, director of Mariachi Huenachi, a local student mariachi group, performed a song for Council. April Taylor, a committee member for the group, asked Council to participate in sponsoring a Mariachi Northwest festival and workshops. Mr. Fogelquist said the Festival Concerts will feature Sol de Mexico as the headliner; Los Hermanos Escamilla, Mexico's finest stunt ropers; and Mariachi Huenachi. Ms. Taylor said the sponsorships would fund housing, food and instructors for out of town participants. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Buckner, second by Councilmember Stanton to contribute two thousand five hundred dollars towards the Mariachi Festival pursuant to the City of Wenatchee contributing the same amount. The motion carried, 6-0. PRESENTATIONS North Central Washington Museum Keith Williams North Central Washington Museum Director thanked the City for the ten thousand dollars contributed from the Stadium Funds. Mr. Williams said the funds will go toward producing new brochures for the museum. He added the museum has a brochure listing the 1999 exhibits and events calendar. 1999 Prudential Spirit of Community Award Mayor Lacy introduced Eastmont Junior High School Counselor Jim Howie and Principal Mark Spurgeon, who introduced Brooke Lacy as Washington's top middle -level volunteer for the Prudential Spirit of the Community Award. He added as the State Honoree, Brooke will receive a one thousand dollar award, an engraved silver medallion, and an all -expense paid trip to Washington D.C., where she will join the top honorees from each of the other states, the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico for several days of national recognition events. Ten of the students will be named America's top youth volunteers for 1999. -1- -Z- f 6661 bZ yo.mNi 'XEPanles lo; poinpayos 'yeanod liaunoO agl;o liaunoZ) poputulal Aoe7loAew sdoys>jloM pue leAilsa; lsamyuoN nlovLm og101 sxullop puesnogl Ong 8upnquluoo aq Ilim neamg uopuanuoO pue siol[sTA 4011EA aayaleuaM 0111 pies ,Coe•I lo,Celnl 'PiOT3 ilaen looyaS yB.H oagaleuoM ay1 le Play aq 111M 1SOJU03 SuiAg E pue 'SIT.1 aueldlie Jmpuas si EmasiYl pappe aH 'uodny leuowayy ulog2ued 18 pa,(eidslp aq Ipm ealidal oU 'UedEj 'emeslN IEaU papUE1 IMP auEldliV loPaaA ssiNl ay1;o eagdal a Su[pl!nq alam AalsSnd uuA-I puE papp ueug pies brj loaN 'SMEI-,Cq uopezluESlo EMes1W agl 9SIA01 01 'gZ yoleN uo •w•d 00:L lo; Suiloaw a poinpatios sey ay pies ,Coe -I loXuw ISOM S,HOAVNI .luawalilal lo; slasse 8uilelnwnoae;o suo?Ido 1uaia331P ssnosip o1 wel8old uoilesuadwo:) paua;a(j a1elS ayl ;o `uosseuor led ylim law saa,Coldtua ,C1i3 pies uaAUIS lolensiupupy AI!Z) (dJM I) Puna uoilenlasuoD laleM pue pue? wl ay1 lo; duipun; luauEad ag1 alolsai of salliD;o uoddns atil Sunsanbal si sapiD uol8uigseM;o uoilelaossV pies Uane1S lolellsiunupV AvZ) •wElSold ,,sp!N 6a)l yole7„ ay1 pun; of snlpop palpuny any;o lunowe agl ui lue18 a papleme sey luoM1aN 4liununuoJ agl pappe aH •painginsip woo AanlnS sassy ,piunwwoD 8661 Oql ;o sllnsal ayl alagm 8uilaaw lsil3 spilt a papualle pey ay pies uanelS lolEnSiURUPV AI!D •suoilelgajoD sneak mom OOOZ sear( ayl 4uunp play 8waq sluana ,Cue lo; s)lloMalil;o asn atil mope o1 pauueld Clip ayl;i duumbui sum aag;o s,legSIL'W alld 21EIS alp pies uanelS lolensiuiwpV ,(l10 •slalndwoo plo s,,Cli:) 2yl8uisnidins ;o uopdo ue sE sigl palsaHns all pue demslagXo a Sumueid si 6lelo-d ay1 pies uanelS lolensluTlupy 4J •a3ua11eya )IZA otp Sunaaw si Aillua gaea moq;o mainlano ue 108 pue slapinold aaiAiaS aggnd s,Eam agl lagiuS of sum 8uilaaw ayl;o osodind agl pies aH luiloow uopeuiplooO }IZA a papualle Alluaoal pey ay pies uanelS lolenslunupV All:) aAilnaax3 S1HOdHH .LN3W1WVd3Q •oalouoy pmmV ,CUununuo3 alp ;o 11ndS leiluapnid 6661 ayl se ,C31:Z a>foolg duiziuSoaal uopepuaun IOD jo luawalelS a peal ,ioe"I IOXU ^i •luawuedap oa1lod 2g1 pue 'penbs pie lslg ayl 'luawuedap aig ayl 'soowoS uopoalold PRD se gons suollezlueSlo 01 palOA119p pue paliedw 'pQueala alam slewiue pa;pns ag1 slogggiau pue ,C11we; 'aalliunuoa a loogos a ;o dlay p grim pies oqS •slewiuE pal;nls ;o uopoapoa 041 pozlue8lo Otis yalyM ul ',,AU(I aaualal;iQ V ajeyg„ lo; lualajjip $uiylawos op o1 paluem ays pies ,Coe7 2100lg 6661 '1 HOWNi SEIMNIWHDII Roo MDIVNHM .LSVH do AM CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE COUNCIL MINUTES MARCH I, 1999 CONSENT CALENDAR Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Stanton, second by Councilmember Carson to approve the consent calendar as presented. The motion carried, 6-0. 1. Consideration of minutes -- Regular Session, February 16, 1999 2. Consideration of Bills -- Vouchers audited and certified by the auditing officer as required by RCW 42.24.080, and those expense reimbursement claims certified as required by RCW 42.24.090, have been recorded on a listing that has been made available to Council. As of this date, March 1, 1999, Council does approve warrant numbers 8854 through 8888 in the total amount of $37,510.00. Warrant number 8852 was voided. ORDINANCE 99-02-06 Second reading of an ordinance establishing a probation services office and providing responsibilities for the office. Mayor Lacy explained that this ordinance only creates the Probation Department and does not include how it will be funded. Council discussed who should appoint the probation officer and what qualifications the probation officer should have. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Carson, second by Councilmember Hendricks to table the ordinance establishing a probation services office and providing responsibilities for the office. The motion carried, 6-0. COUNCIL REPORTS Councilmember Aiken said LINK has held public hearings addressing the possibility of eliminating portions of some routes. He added a survey had been completed giving an approximate number of riders on each route. ADJOURNMENT -- 8:20 P.M. Dana Bamard City Clerk EZ