HomeMy WebLinkAbout12/6/1999 - City Council - City Council Meeting MinutesCITY OF EAST WENATCHEE, WASHINGTON REGULAR SESSION OF THE CITY COUNCIL CONVENED MAYOR STEVEN C. LACY PRESIDING DECEMBER 6, 1999 6:30 P.M. OATH OF OFFICE Mayor Lacy swore Jonn DeWitt into Council Position Number 1. ROLL CALL Councilmembers Present: Councilmember Nash, Councilmember DeWitt, Councilmember Aiken, Councilmember Hendricks, Councilmember Stanton, Councilmember Carson, Councilmember Buckner, Mayor Lacy. Staff Present: Harry Staven, Dana Barnard, Linda Countryman, Randy Harrison, Lori Barnett, Bob Goodman, Darin Bender, Mike Martz, Marcia Redick, Bruce Nash, Christie Patterson, Chuck Zimmerman. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE CITIZEN COMMENTS Chairman of the Douglas County Parks Board Skip Johnson, gave a background of how the Eastmont Recreation Service Area was established. He asked Council to consider funding eight thousand to nine thousand dollars a month to keep the pool operating. The following people spoke in favor of the City of East Wenatchee offering supporting funds for the pool: Sam Lieman, Dick Olton, Charlene Woodard, Kathy Robb, Barb Stanton, Warren Kraft, and Jenanne Ross. MAYOR'S REPORT Mayor Lacy said Council has not had a chance to discuss or vote on the park issue. He added, the City has passed resolutions supporting annexation to the South and East which includes the area. Mayor Lacy said the City is able to support the community with its tax base through economic development. Mayor Lacy said his recommendation was that the City of East Wenatchee taking on the pool, be part of the annexation process. t to r'a3ueu?plo zip jo Su?peal lsn3 PE31 X3erj lo,Cejnl spleogll?q 1o3 sl?wlad ;o suouE3?ldde ;o aauElda3oE `5u?lg ag1 uo umuolelow gluow-xis u 3o uo?l?sodwi panmluoo aql Apsnf 01 13e3 3o SSu?Pwd Su?ldope oaueu?plo uE 3o Su?peal 1S113 £0 ZI 66 33NVNIQ80 •w-d LZ:L le 5uuuag a?lgnd ag1 pasolo An -I loAuW •EpuaSe lip UO oslu SEM 000Z 1o3 xm lwadold agl 5ulllas a3ueuiP10 Mau E PaPPE aH'EPuaSE agl u0 SEM asualoul %901 XP Supim `aauEulplo xEl %.11adold 1SIl-I ay SuilEadal a0ueu1p10 uE PIES doe'j JOAU ^l asealou? xel lGladold %go i aqi i)im Su?o5 sum ,C1?3 oql p pallsu `aag3lumM lseg — ellopuoO f juo -w'd £Z:L le Suuuaq oggnd aql pauado ,Caul loAuY1 'iaSpnq aatpvuaM lseg OOOZ pasodold pug aqi Su?pmgal 5uueag oggnd V ZO-Z1-66 •w•d ZZ:L 1E Suuuag 3ggnd agi pasolo An -I loAuW yuawwo3 3ilgnd ou 5uueaH •w•d OZ:L lu Suileag 011gnd ag1 pauado bv-poAaW '13u33o sSu?pug puE spleoglpq lo; siiuuad jo suopmIddu jo aouelda3ou Suilg aqi uo wnuolulow u;o uo?lenuiluoa aql lap?suoo of Suueaq 3ggnd V I0-ZI-66 S9NRIV3H JI'lEnd 6661 `S l iagtuaAoN `uo?ssaS leln5a-1 -- sainu?w 3o uo?lelap?suo3 - I 'O-L `P3u1e3 uoUow aqy •paluasald sE lupualeo luasuoo aql anolddu of la"3ng iagwawpounoo Aq puons `s)loupuaH lagwawl?3unoD Xq apew sum uoilow V mow)v Ilauno3 HYGN37VJ IN21SN03 •311oM 11ag1 io; aall?uiwo3 ,Clos?Apy wsunoy 3q1 palluugl ,Corl lo,C W 00'005`Z $ X3uaSmluoD Sluang Cl?0 00.00S`Z $ leA1lsa3 ?govUrW wossolg alddV 00.000`8 $ wnasnW uo1Su?gsuM ImpuaO WoN 00'000`Zl$ food Clunoo sel5noa 00'000`9I$ oolaunnoo jo iagwego aag3luuaM lseg :smollo3 SE Paleoolle sum gaigm slEllop puusnogl auo-,Ciao; sum uollE3ollu lo3 algEllEAE 1unOwE lulol all PuE `slEllop palpung aallfl puesnogl ang-,Clio; Palpunq auo palmoi `slsanbai 3o lunowE a p p!us sunlua f jW wl ipnq OOOZ agl Io3 spun; xm lalow/lalog3o suo?lEoollu aql uo Modal u aAE5 sunluaf aAEQ aA?leluasaldal aa11?unuoO flos?ApV wsunoy SNOIIV.LNI3SAHd 6661 '9'H3fiW3030 S3lflNIW IlDKaO3 39HDI.VNEIM ISV3 ci0 AID CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE COUNCIL MINUTES DECEMBER 6, 1999 99-12-04 First reading of an ordinance, repealing Ordinance 99-15. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Hendricks, second by Councilmember Nash to elevate the ordinance, repealing ordinance 99-15 to second reading. The motion carried, 7-0. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Stanton, second by Councilmember Nash to adopt the ordinance repealing, ordinance 99-15. The motion carried, 7-0. Mayor Lacy read the ordinance summary. ORDINANCE 99- 16 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE, WASHINGTON. REPEALING ORDINANCE NO. 99-15 WHICH AUTHORIZED AN INCREASE IN THE GENERAL PROPERTY TAX LEVY AND LEVIED GENERAL TAXES FOR THE CITY FOR THE FISCAL YEAR COMMENCING JANUARY 1, 2000, AND ESTABLISHING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. 99-12-05 First reading of an ordinance setting property tax levies for 2000. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Hendricks, second by Councilmember Nash to elevate the ordinance setting property tax levies for 2000 to second reading. The motion carried, 7-0. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Stanton, second by Councilmember Carson to adopt the ordinance setting property tax levies for 2000. The motion carried, 7-0. Mayor Lacy read the ordinance summary. ORDINANCE 99-17 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE, WASHINGTON. AUTHORIZING AN INCREASE IN THE GENERAL PROPERTY TAX LEVY AND ANY INCREASE WHICH MAY BE ALLOWED IN THE AMOUNT UNDER THE NEW CONSTRUCTION, IMPROVEMENTS TO PROPERTY AND STATE ASSESSED PROPERTY PROVISIONS OF RCW 84.55.010; LEVYING THE GENERAL TAXES FOR THE CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE FOR THE FISCAL YEAR COMMENCING JANUARY 1, 2000, ON ALL PROPERTY, BOTH REAL, PERSONAL AND UTILITY IN SAID CITY WHICH IS SUBJECT TO TAXATION FOR THE PURPOSE OF PAYING SUFFICIENT REVENUE TO CARRY ON THE SEVERAL DEPARTMENTS OF SAID CITY FOR THE ENSUING YEAR AS REQUIRED BY LAW; AND ESTABLISHING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. 99-12-06 First reading of an ordinance adopting the East Wenatchee 2000 Budget. Mayor Lacy read first reading of the ordinance. 99-12-07 First reading of an ordinance amending the salary and compensation to be paid to the mayor. Mayor Lacy said that in order to understand some of the other agenda items, this would be a good time to explain some of the issues discussed by the budget committee. -3- -b- •Iamsuajl XIt3 aql q;tm awu 3l¢q pup joxrW aq1 Io3 awtl 3l¢q SuWom uosiad atp gltm uoutsod pautgwoo u aq pinom uoutsod mp ptus ,Soul Io,(rW •lu¢lstssV gut;un000V pu¢IstssV antlulistutwpV ;o uoutsod aql 8utgstjquls3 aausutpio uu 3o 8utpual lsmq 60-ZI-66 '3IVQ 3AII33333 NV ONIHSI IgV LS3 QNV "dOIVd-LSINHN(IV AIIJ 30 HZ)I-UO 3HJL ONHHSI'IOHV !m03'IVdIJINIIW 33H3.LVN3M .LS'V3 3HI 30 orz u3IdVHJ 9AII7V3d3u :NOIONIHSVM `33HJIVN3M ISV3 30 AII3 3HI 30 33NVNI02I0 NV 6I-66 33NVNICrdO SI¢wwns aau¢utpjo atp pual ,So¢ j Io,fuj6j •0'L `Pauuo uouow aq.L •Sutpual puoaas 01 `Io1¢AstutwpV fIt3 3o uoutsod atp SwIPTlq¢1sa 6-86 33u¢nlP10 gutluodal `aou¢utpjo aql Idopu o1 uosjuJ IagwawltounoJ Aq puoaas `uolu¢1S mgwawj!ounoD Aq apuw sum uouow V mouaV 1paunoZ) •0'L `Patnua uouow atLL 'jolugstwwpV tit3 3o uoutsod xp 8utgsgqulsa 6-56 aauumpjo Sutl¢adw `aOuuutpjo aql 31¢Aaja of gsuN jagwawjt3uno3 ,tq puoaas `qaupuaH Iagwawjtouno3 Aq apuw sum notlow V :uojlaV llaunoJ Io1¢1lstutwPV rC1tJ3o uoutsod aql gutgsg9¢lsa 6-86 aauumpjo gug¢adal `aau¢wpjo uejo gutpual lsn3 80'Z[-66 '3,LV4 3AII33333 NV ONIHSI7fiVIS3 QNV '33NVNIQZIO SIH.L 30 A)IVWMS V SV 3'I.LIZ SIH.L ONIAOZIddV tHIIM3H3H .L3I'MNOJ NI 33NVNICrdO SflOIA3HJ V 30 SNOI HOd ONI7V3d3H `ZIOAVW 3H.L OI QIVd 33 OI NOIIVSN3dIN03 QNV AHV7VS 3HI ONIQN3WV 'NOIONIHSVM `33HJ.LVN3M ISV3 30 AID 3HI 30 3JNVNICrdO NV 91-66 3JNVNIGHO ,Cj¢umns aou¢utpjo aql puoi ,Cou j Io4gW 'O-L `Paulus uouow aq,j, -IOAuw aqI o; ptud uoµusuodwoo pu¢ Qujus aqI Sutpuawu aauuuipjo aql Idopu oI uosi¢3 Iagwawjtounoo ,Cq puoaas `uolumS IagwawjtounoJ Aq opuw sum uouow V mollaV llauno3 •O-L `Paul¢a uouow DILL •gutp¢aI puoaas 01 Io tuw aqI o1 pt¢d uou¢suadwoa pun (jujus atp 8utpuawu 33UUUIPIO atp aI¢Aala 01 uoluuls IagwawjtaunoD Aq puoaas `qaupuaH Iagwawltaunoo Aq apuw sum not;ow V mojlaV pauno3 -djujus s,joAuw mp gutsuanut aouuutpjo aqI japtsuoa of Itauno3 pa3lsu ,Caul-IOXuY1 `fLmssaaau awq ag13o asnuaag •ssautsnq pal¢laj A;zJ uo awu ajow 01 ltwwoo of wtq jo3 ,Slussaoou aq pjnom;t `uoutsod IoI¢IlstutuipV AIt3 ag;3o uoguutwija aql qum Ptus Xn"I Io,iuW •salf4s;uawa8uu¢w ut aauaja;;tp u sum 1! jaglul `pi¢S ,Ca¢Z IoXUW uaA¢lS •jlq 3o aauuuuo3l3d qoC aip uo uotloaUw ¢ ;ou sum uotstaap stgl Io3 stsuq aql luT pazts¢gdwa ,Caul IoXuW •iQSpng OOOZ olp jo3 uoutsod iolgilstutwpV AltJ aq; 3o uouuutwtja aq; 8ut8pajA%OMja¢ 666I `9 IagwaaaQ p31¢p `uanulS IOlu.gstUIUIPV ,CI!Z) woq owaw u pantaaal p¢q aq ptus tau j JOAC Aj 6661 `9IMIN3330 SaLf1NIW IIJNfl03 33H3IVN3M ISV3 10 AIIJ CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE COUNCIL MINUTES DECEMBER 6, 1999 Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Buckner, second by Councilmember Nash to elevate the ordinance establishing the position of Administrative Assistant/Accounting Assistant to second reading. The motion carried, 7-0. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Nash, second by Councilmember Aiken to adopt the ordinance establishing the position of Administrative Assistant/Accounting Assistant The motion carried, 7-0. Mayor Lacy read the ordinance summary. ORDINANCE 99-20 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE, WASHINGTON. CREATING A NEW OFFICE OF ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT/ ACCOUNTING ASSISTANT, ADDING A NEW CHAPTER 2.08 TO THE EAST WENATCHEE MUNICIPAL CODE; AND ESTABLISHING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. 99-12-10 First reading of an ordinance establishing a salary schedule for non -bargaining unit employees. Mayor Lacy said the salary schedule is a product of collaborative efforts of the Budget Committee. He added the salary schedule is a way for employees to know what is going to happen and what the future holds. Councilmember Carson said the Mayor has a good premise behind the salary schedule. He said the research of the Budget Committee indicated the proposed salaries were commensurate with those across the state. Councilmember Nash said she had never seen a government agency not use a step plan. She said the Budget Committee spent a great deal of time reviewing each job description of the City compared to other cities of the same size, in the Association of Washington Cities Salary Survey Book. Councilmember Aiken said the step plan would provide continuity and consistency to City employees. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Nash, second by Councilmember Buckner to elevate the ordinance establishing a salary schedule for non -bargaining unit employees to second reading. The motion carried, 6-1. (Hendricks) City Attorney Zimmerman said per resolution number 90-9, in order to elevate an ordinance to second reading, there must be a full affirmative vote from Council present; or at the discretion of the mayor, that requirement, may be suspended. Mayor Lacy suspended the requirements of section 2 of City resolution 90-9 and entertained a motion for final passage of the ordinance. Mayor Lacy explained that normally he would never exercise that discretion, however because of the timing and with less than full Council at the next meeting, he felt it was necessary. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Buckner, second by Councilmember Nash to adopt the ordinance establishing a salary schedule for non -bargaining unit employees. The motion carved, 6-1. (Hendricks) -5- a saa iojdwa of aAuuaaui ue su klal aq pings aaualuas agl pits uos mo iagw3wll3unOD (uositJ) 1-9 `Pauau3 u0pow aLu (osuajoul ,Cud %g t io) soslu dals (Z) oml aAiaaaa lllm 9ugra o3utuuopad ,Ituolldaoxg, uu $UTAI2301 sdals 8-1 ulglim saa,Coldwg `aaualuas puo3as aql 8ulluulwtla (q) y„ puawu 01 gstl l iagwatupounoo Aq puo3as lgoupuaH iagwawllouno0 Xq apuw sum uollow y :uouav 113unoa 'O-L 'Pault3 uollow ag•l, •a31m1 „ lulouo„ prom agl 8ulwliapun'L'8 Puawt o1 gsuN iagwatujpunoO Xq puo32s 'uoluuls lagcu3uip3unoD Aq apuw sum uollow V :uo113V pauno:) 'O-L'P3um3 uollow agI •asual isud of aJunSutl oqi Suisuugo (V)'E,y puawu of uolutlS iagw2wll3unoZ) ,Aq puo32s 'uaallV iagwawpounoD Aq apuw sum uopow V :u0113V paunoj 0-L 'Pausu3 uollow aq•l, -asnods gulPPt (Z) '(9) `5'L Puawt 01 uolutls iagwawll3uno3 Xq puo3as lgoupuaH 3agwauipounoD Aq apuw sum uollow V :uo113V pauno:) -uollnlosal ag13o uolldopt luu3 aaojaq uopot l!auno3 Xq auop aq sluawpuawu Imp paalst xou7 3o/cuw ltnutw sampa3oid put Amlod aql 8ulldopu uognlosai V ZI-Z1-66 NOI.LR'IOS3u '3.LV0 3AIIJ3333 NV 9NIHSI19VIS3 ONV SAVO 9NII33W 7IJNROJ AID d0 NOI.LVN9IS3Q OI 9NIIV'I32I 3uOJ 'NJOINaW 33HJLVN3M ISV3 3HI 30 0101,01 NOIL33S 9NION3WV NOI9NIHSVM '33H3IVN3M ISV3 30 AID 3HI d0 33NVNI02I0 NV ZZ-66 3JNVNI02i0 tiuwwns aoutulplo ag1 puai A3u7 aoxeW 'O-L `Paluu3 uollow MLL •sSullaaW p3unoD jo s,itp p3ltu8lsap SulSutgo a3utulplo ag1 ldopt of gstl l iagwawliounoD Aq pumas 'uolumS mgwawli3unoD ,Aq apuw sum uollow d mo11av 113unoj 'O-L 'paLUVO uollow ag•l, •8ulptaa puoaas of sEupoaW lcounoJ;o s,(tp paluu8lsap Sul9utga aoutulpao a p alunala o1 gstpl aagwatupounoJ Xq puoaas 'q3upuaH iagwawllauno� ,ill apuw sum uollow V :uo113V ll3unoZ) 'augptap Iloi itd aql su aulp awes agl lu llt3 lou plp 1t lugl os slllq jo3 aullpuap aq1 glgs pinom s/upuoyq Wno; puu pumas agl of sSullaaw Il3unoD aq1 8ulduugo plus Xot-I i'OAEW •s8ullaaW IlounoD jo s,iup paltudlsap 2ul2uug3 a3utulps0 us jo Sulptai 1sa13 I l-Z1-66 'OOOZ UV3A 3HI 9NMG 33HJIVN3M ISV3 d0 AJLO 3HI d0 S33AO'IdW3 QNV S7VIJIddO NIVI2I3J OI QIVd 39 OI NOI.LVSN3dWOJ QNV S3RIV'IVS 3HI 9NUAZHIANOJ ONV 9NIXI3 ONV LI-S6 'ON 3JNVNIQIIO 9NIQN3WV 'NOI9NIHSVM '33HJIVN3M LSV3 30 AIIJ 3HI 30 3JNVNICrdo NV IZ-66 3JNVNI(MO .Amununs aoutulpio ag1 ptai Aoe7 io tuW 6661 `9 2I3EIH3J30 SaMKIW 'IIJNIIOJ 33HJIVN3M ISV3 3O A.LIJ CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE COUNCIL MINUTES DECEMBER 6, 1999 Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Carson, second by Councilmember Stanton to approve the resolution adopting the policy and procedure manual with the approved amendments. The motion carried, 7-0. ACTION ITEM 99-12-13 Ratification of a contract for Police Department Clerical employees between the City of East Wenatchee and Teamsters Local No. 760. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Stanton, second by Councilmember Aiken authorizing the mayor to sign the labor agreement for the Police Department Clerical employees between the City of East Wenatchee and the Teamsters Union Local No.760. The motion carried, 7-0 INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT 99-12-14 An interlocal agreement for Douglas County Watershed Planning and designation of a lead agency. Community Development Director Barnett said this is the final draft of the Douglas County Watershed Planning Association Intergovernmental Cooperation Agreement. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Hendricks, second by Councilmember Buckner authorizing the mayor to sign the interlocal agreement for Douglas County Watershed Planning and designating a lead agency. The motion carried, 7-0 After an attendance count for the December 20 Council meeting, Council agreed to elevate Council bill number 99-12-06 to second reading. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Stanton, second by Councilmember Buchner to elevate the ordinance adopting the East Wenatchee 2000 budget to second reading. The motion carried, 7-0. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Carson, second by Councilmember Buckner to adopt the East Wenatchee 2000 budget. The motion carried, 6-1 (Hendricks) COUNCIL REPORTS Councilmember Hendricks suggested that the mayor approve payment of memberships and dues, seek bids for dispatch services, and he would still like to see the utility tax repealed. Councilmember Buckner asked the City to send a thank you letter for the donation of a live tree, placed in the rotunda, for the holiday season. Councilmember Hendricks suggested a non-city/non-county resident as facilitator for the pre -annexation committee. Councilmember Nash said she would like to have some clarification on the pre -annexation committee. 9 Mayor Lacy excused Councilmember Aiken from the meeting at 9:30 p.m. -7- I I 'InI'd Ob:6 — .LN3LIINUaOfQV Wd OV:6 -- Q3N3AN033H •uoueSilii Surpuad SuipnSai uoiSSaS aApnoaxa a;nutw-ua; a palluo (oe7 ioAPW •w'd 0£:6 IV 6661 `9'H9GW3J3Q uogeSilil Suipuad — NOISS3S 3AI3dI33X3 SajaNIW'IIONf1O0 3HHOJ VN3M LSV3 dO AID