HomeMy WebLinkAbout7/6/1999 - City Council - City Council Meeting MinutesI CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE, WASHINGTON REGULAR SESSION OF THE CITY COUNCIL CONVENED MAYOR STEVEN C. LACY PRESIDING JULY 6, 1999 6:30 P.M. ROLL CALL Councilmembers Present: Councilmember Aiken, Councilmember Stanton, Councilmember Nash, Councilmember Carson, Councilmember Mikow, Councilmember Buckner and Mayor Lacy. Councilmember Hendricks, excused. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Aiken, second by Councilmember Nash to excuse Councilmember Hendricks from this Council meeting. The motion carried 6-0. Staff Present: Harry Staven, Dana Barnard, Randy Harrison, Bob Goodman, Lori Barnett, Darin Bender, Bruce Nash, Chuck Zimmerman. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE CONSENT CALENDAR Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Buckner, second by Councilmember Aiken to approve the consent calendar as presented. The motion carried, 6-0. 1. Consideration of minutes -- Regular Session, June 21, 1999 PUBLIC HEARING 99-07-01 2. A public hearing regarding the Six Year Transportation Improvement Program Mayor Lacy opened the public hearing at 6:35 p.m. Street Superintendent Goodman noted his list of priorities had been given to Council. He said the plan needed to be completed by July 31 and would be set by resolution. Mr. Goodman said the top four projects could possibly be funded through grants. He added the top four projects all coincided with LINK and Mall plans. Craig Lawrence, 200 NE Thirteenth Street, said he had concerns of traffic flow and safety during street reconstruction and asked when project number eleven would be taking place. Mayor Lacy said there are no dates set for the projects and a project at number eleven on the list would most likely not be started in the near future. Mayor Lacy closed the public hearing at 6:45 p.m. DISCUSSION 99-07-02 3. A discussion regarding a request from the Douglas County Auditor's Office for permission to conduct the September 14 primary election by mail. -Z- 'Aieutwns aouumplo aql peat Aou tohW 0-9 `Pacueo uoilow aqy •ioAuN oql of pird oq of heirs atp Suigsilgelsa aoueuipto all anoiddr of uosirJ tagcu3tupounoD Aq puoaas 'gsepl tagwauipounoJ Aq opeui seM' uoilow V :uoi ltaanaJ •ssaooid laMpnq all Muunp anssi agl ssnosip of papioap liounoJ •pailtom sinoq 3o punowe all pur uopisod aql toj lunowe luoiog;ns r sum ,(tales sloXuW aql lallagM possnosip liounoJ '0-9 `Paulra uouow al•L •Muiprat puoaas of toxi3w aql op pied aq of ,(pules oql Mulllsilgrpsa aouruipio aql alenala of gsuN iagwawliounoo Aq puoaas `uosinD tagwauipounoJ Aq opew sum uoilow V :uog3v llaunoa ,Steles slo,CrW agl Sulonpoi;o ssaooid all apaldwoo of ,Qessooau sum aouruipio ue pies 4327 toARW 3JNVNICrdO •0-9 `Pauieo uoilow xLL •luautaaau alp Suipdaooe se uSis of gsel l wa•l,-old ioAuW azuollnu of =31ong tagwawliounoJ Aq puoaas `uosiuD tagwawliouno3 ,Sq aprw sum uoilow V :uollaV llaunoz) •iolrtlsiuiwpV /1iJ awu llly r 3o saoinlas oql Sulut.mai f4!D all 3o pinsw a se `6661 `1 kIMLMf angaa33a `gluow tad patltoM smoq 3q1 aonpal pue gluow a stellop paipunq lgSia of paonpai oq of ,Steles IwoArw 041 J09 st luawaPaB all paper aH ',Steles s,10AR tl MPJO uoilonpw oql ut .Qolsiq aql pauleldxa Aor-jtoXrW .LN3L1I33ZIOV 0-9 `Paulro uoilow aq,l• -dew llglgxo aql ut papnioxa sum golgm `l party 3o Xlepunoq ApagptoN aql singe golgm Aem 3o-1gSu peo-d luu.ID aql apnloui of 9861 `y l IEW uo 9S£ tagwnu aoueuiplo panoidde Aagl uaqm liounoD jo uoipoe oql uuguoo op uaTv lagwawliaunoJ Aq puoaas `gsell iagwawpounoJ Aq aprw sum uoilow V :uollaV liannoj Syladold iaua]s>loeg 3ll3o uoilexauur alp3o ligigxa drw agl ui papnloui uaaq aneq pinogs ALL-jo-lgSu pro-d lurig all luatrddr sum 11 goirasai 3o ssaaold all Suunp par kvadold lieW-Ig 3o 1ng aql of lsnf hags ut2joatf) gins uo Aum )o-lg2U SulptrMal u011ruuo)ul Suigotrasat sum lu2u111udaQ Suuaaut2ug 61unoo srlgno(I atp pies uuwp000 luopualuuadnS hails NOLLVJI3RIV'IJ NOIZVX3NNV •liounoo [4!D aqp luaswdoi of paiaalunlon uosteJ tagwaiupounoJ •suoipexauue amen; of Suiprlai sanssi uo JlioM of „Qan!L=o3 asnoq ui„ ue Muluuo; ui 44unoo selSnoQ ulof of snsuasuoo Xq poaj& liouno� 'luawaoiSr uoilexouue-aid a alrinuuo; of uops,' Mns s,Mo)I!W tagwawliounoD uo do Suimollo; mplsuoo of punoJ Sunlsr siouoissiunuoo X=oJ selFnoa oql wot3 Canal r pomaow prq al pus ,Soe7 toAvW uoquxauur-atd MuiparSat uoissnosiP V 'b ZO-LO-66 '0-9 `Pal.uea UOIIOTM auL I!LLu Aq uoipoolo kmutud t l tagwapdas oqp lonpuoo of aog;p s,lolipnV flunoJ sEIgnoa aql io3 uoissiuuad luua of lawlong lagwawliounoJ Aq puoaas `uoluulS iagw2wliouno3 ,Sq oprw sem uouow V :uollaV llounoJ 6661 `9 ATU SalnNIW `IIJNIlOJ 33HJ,LVN31A ISV3 30 ADD CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE COUNCIL MINUTES JULY 6, 1999 ORDINANCE 99-10 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE, WASHINGTON. ESTABLISHING THE SALARY AND COMPENSATION TO BE PAID TO THE MAYOR, REPEALING PORTIONS OF PREVIOUS ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT HEREWITH, APPROVING THIS TITLE AS A SUMMARY OF THIS ORDINANCE, AND ESTABLISHING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. COUNCIL REPORTS Councilmember Stanton said he had attended the Association of Washington Cities Conference in Wenatchee along with Councilmember Hendricks. He shared an owner's manual from the City of Shoreline and said he would like to use it as a model for East Wenatchee. He added the manual was a guide to services, facts, and a directory for the City. ADJOURNMENT -- 7:30 P.M. Li a-) Dana Barnard City Clerk 9 -3-