HomeMy WebLinkAbout4/19/1999 - City Council - City Council Meeting MinutesCITY OF EAST WENATCHEE, WASHINGTON REGULAR SESSION OF THE CITY COUNCIL CONVENED MAYOR STEVEN C. LACY PRESIDING APRIL 19, 1999 6:30 P.M. ROLL CALL Councilmembers Present: Councilmember Carson, Councilmember Aiken, Councilmember Buckner, Councilmember Nash, Councilmember Stanton, Councilmember Mikow, Councilmember Hendricks, Mayor Lacy. Councilmember Aiken was excused at 6:45 p.m. Staff Present: Harry Staven, Dana Barnard, Randy Harrison, Bob Goodman, Lori Barnett, Mike Martz, Chuck Zimmerman. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE PRESENTATIONS Together for Drug Free Youth Executive Director Renee Hunter said the Chelan — Douglas Together, consists of teams of concerned citizens committed to ensuring a safe environment in Chelan and Douglas Counties by eliminating the misuse of alcohol and other drugs among youth through a risk -focused approach to prevention. Citizens in Support of a Community Center Representative Hal Blean asked the City for its support in establishing a Community Center in the Eastmont Junior High School in the event of the school levy passage Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Nash, second by Councilmember Buckner to authorize the Mayor to enter into a preliminary discussion of the City's involvement in the Eastmont Junior High School property. The motion carried 6-0. DEPARTMENT REPORTS Executive City Administrator Staven said he would have the first quarter recycling report completed for the May 3, Council meeting. City Administrator Striven said the Skills Center has agreed to create a web page for the City of East Wenatchee as a project at no charge. MAYOR'S REPORT Mayor Lacy said he participated in the D.A.R.E. Graduation at Robert E. Lee Elementary. He added he enjoyed the spirit of the occasion and was honored to participate. Mayor Lacy said he was the keynote speaker of the Migrant Council Education Graduation. Mayor Lacy said he had been contacted by several people interested in creating an autonomous Hispanic Group as a result of recent newspaper articles. He added two of the interested persons are working on organizing the group. -I- -z- Butpeal lsn3 peal SoE7 io fEyQ sloutw Aq sastnap iasel jo osn agl of Butlelal apoo IEdtatunYl aagaleuaM Ing agl 0109*9E•6 uogoas Balppt, aoututplo ue jo ButpEai lsl13 50'170 66 '0ZZ'£9'V56 GKV 06E'VOL'9E M311 AS Q3UL163H SV `S3SS3MSa9 QNIV S3Sfl .I.Nl3L1iNIIVZ2I3.LN13 ,Lgnav doa S3SNI3JI I QNIV s.LINRI3d fwiamag S.LII4l a 3sa ZIOd SNIOLLVJI'IddV 30 3JNlV.Ld3JJV 3H.L No L11f moLVdow ZIV3A-3NI0 V d0 NIOIZIsoam Q3RNIumoa mi A usfll' O,L .LJVd 30 simasa3 gKuAOOV `NIO,LONIIHSVM `33HJ.LVNI3M .LSV3 d0'IIJNlf10J AZIJ 3HL d0 3JNiVNIIQHO KV 9-66 'ON 3JNIVNIIGHO •alltl aoueulpJo aql ptal,CoE-I IoArw '0-9 `Potueo uotlow OLLL •luauwttllalua llnpe of Butulellad sltuuad put, sasuaotl Ioj suoptotlddE jo aoueldaom otp uo umuolEiow max-auo a jo uotleluawaldwt ponutluoo agl jcjtlsnf of laej jo s8utpug Supdope aoueutpao agl ldope of umuE1S IagwawltounoO Xq puooas 's)loupuaH Iagwouipounoo Aq aptw sum uotlow V :uolloV llaunoO •luauruteyaluo ilnpt of Stnuiwad sltuuad put, sasuaatl Ioj suonwildde jo aoueldaom agl uo wnuolwow maS-auo a jo uotleluawaldwt panupuoo oql Xjgsnf of laej jo sdutpug Supdope aautmplo ue jo Bulpeal puoaas ZO b0 66 3JNIVNIIGHO •b0' I L9`6ES j0 lunOwt 1e101 agl ut 9106 g2nomD 6868 slogwnu lueurm anoiddt, saop ItaunoZ) `6661 `61 IudV `alep stgl jo sV •ItounoD of algEltEAe aptw uaaq seg iugl Sutlsg a uo papioaaa uaaq aAEq `060•bZ•Zb MD-1 Aq pamnbol se pagtlrao swtelo luawasmgwtai asuadxa asogl put `080'bZ•Zb Mod 4q pannbal se iaotgjo But ltPnu agi Aq pa3tlloo pue paltpnE slagon'OA --sll!g jo uotlElaptsuo3 •Z 6661 S ludV 'uotssaS trinSag -- salnutw jo uotleloptsuoO • I 0 9 `Patut,o uotlow ag j, •poluasaid st, mapuolto luasuoo acg anoidde of uall!V IagwawpounoD Aq puooas 'uosirD iagwaugtaunoD Aq apEw sum uotlow V :uogaV Ilaunoj HVQM3'IVJ ImasNIOJ '11!1!1fl J21% uuolS agl ButpiEBai `I Z IudV `XvpsaupaM Plag aq pinom BuuuoH otlgnd E gotgM it Sugoayg ItounoO lttoadS E jo Itounoo paputwal AoE-I joAuw -Butloaw ItounoD ,11!J e it llvw agl ioj sueld amtlnj jo uotltluasaid t, ant8 of p33lse uaaq aAuq smumo Mau agl ptEs put nuutw antl!sod a ut p1Emloj Butnow an slauM0 Mau ag1 pappE aH '11VIN A3118A =13191101A agl jo slaumo Mau alp `sluatulsanul olEO IaluaD g1!M law jlaswlg put uaAE1S IOlellSwnupV XI!D PIES lot'l I06EInl •IaluaD uouuanuo0 aagaleuaM agl wolf ssoroe coeds aotl;o ue Ioj astal IeaC ang a pauBts seg neamg sloltslA put uotluanuoZ) A211EA aagolt,uaM aql pats , 313-I IoArW 6661 `61 "IrddV S31f1N1IW TONf10J 33HJ.LVX3M ISV3 30 A 13 CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE COUNCIL MINUTES APRIL 19, 1999 Police Chief Harrison said a laser beam pointed in the eyes could cause temporary sight loss and even for a fraction of time it could cause serious accidents if pointed in the eyes of the driver of a vehicle. He added he would be contacting the Douglas County Prosecuting Attorney to determine the sentencing options. Councilmember Stanton suggested that the sale of laser pointers in city limits also be banned. Council decided it would be a civil infraction to possess the laser pointer device and a misdemeanor to use the laser device. RESOLUTION 99-04-06 A resolution adopting a cafeteria plan within the context of Section 125 of the Intemal Revenue Code for the benefit of the employer's eligible employees. City Administrator said the plan allows employees to pre-tax medical type insurance premiums. He added there is no cost to the City. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Carson, second by Councilmember Buckner to adopt the resolution adopting a cafeteria plan within the context of Section 125 of the Intemal Revenue Code for the benefit of the employer's eligible employees. The motion carried, 6-0. Mayor Lacy read the resolution title. RESOLUTION NO. 99-5 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE, WASHINGTON, ADOPTING A FLEXIBLE SPENDING ACCOUNT FOR THE CITY'S NON BARGAINING UNIT EMPLOYEES. AGREEMENT 99-04-07 An amendment to an interlocal agreement between Douglas County and the City of East Wenatchee for Storm Surface Water Management. Mayor Lacy said the amendment to the interlocal agreement is a modification to the existing Interlocal Agreement to clarify the responsibilities of each jurisdiction to maintain consistancy. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Buckner, second by Councilmember Carson to authorize the Mayor to sign the amendment to the Interlocal Agreement between Douglas County and the City of East Wenatchee for Storm Surface Water Management. The motion carried, 4-2 (Nash, Hendricks). COUNCIL REPORTS Councilmember Buckner asked Chief Harrison to describe the Law Enforcement luncheon. Chief Harrison said this was the seventh year for the Wenatchee Sunrise Lions Club sponsored event, which recognizes one officer in each jurisdiction. He added East Wenatchee recognized officer Jim Ashenbrenner. 3- -b- f 311a1D ,i11J pieuleg euEQ 'W'd SV:L --,LNI3WNRIfI0f(IV 'isidiuq E pue Eusagolo Suuls E 'snits lagwmp aql Aq =uuuo3lad E 'aouuuuo31ad pogo E 'sffuipeal ,tlols wogs 'Sutpeal fuaod !papnlout goigm JuawmEllalua}o Spul31 lElanas glim p3pua13E llam f19n sem a p!Es pue IIEH AID 1E `91 Ludy Aupu3 uo asnoH uodp 61Elgi-1 a41 papuaw peq aq pies lauqong iagw3wpouno0 'w'd 00:L in £Z 1udy'Aupu3'3agoleuaM lsug u} s1uiES CeQ 1aue-13o isugD snsaf 3o gomq� aqJ lE Sutuuo3lad aq ptm , ooixipl ap loS igou1VW oql plus Owj* 104U q 'w'd OO:I IV '666I `6Z ludv uo IIEH 40 aagolEuaM IV uollESalap �110111SIS EmestA ag11o3 plaq aq Igm uopdaoal E p rs Aoul 1MEW 'w'd 00:6 01 'Eu'd OO:L wo13 16661 'LZ [udV 'leps=j plaq oq lllm Juana sn{ I oggnd agJ of uado aq pinom goigm Jl1Ed lUuowaW IV All" 1oXu1j E aq Illm ontli '1stplinlg 1aAuid s,loArW E )o pEalsln lVaX s[qJ p!us aH '1sEPIEa19 la,CEld S,lOXEW aq1 SulplEsal AIIIy 10AR qj w013 131Jal a paAlaOal pEq aq p[Es An"I IOXUW *sselo Sullenpua aqJ of goaads scq uo XOE'l lo,CEyq paivawildwoo slagoeal puE slualed Auuw wip pappu aqS -u1e12o1d aql uc panlonui aq of pasnglua sim aqs p!Es 34S -kmuawalg aa-I .3 J1agoZl w uopunpuA •g•g•V•Q aql papualle pEq aqs p!us gsrX lagtuxupounoD 'lalua0 uoIJu3nuo0 ompi uaM 3g11e 'lu'd 00:6 01 'zu'd 00:L uuo; '666I `6Z IudV plaq oq Il?m Suilaaw .Clanooa21 uowleS puu paquoi% a plus 1auNong 1agwawlcauno0 6661 `61 -]MdV S3,Lf1AIIW'II NIn0033H0.LVNI3M,LSV330Allo