HomeMy WebLinkAbout4/5/1999 - City Council - City Council Meeting MinutesI CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE, WASHINGTON REGULAR SESSION OF THE CITY COUNCIL CONVENED MAYOR STEVEN C. LACY PRESIDING APRIL 5, 1999 6:30 P.M. ROLL CALL Councilmembers Present: Councilmember Aiken, Councilmember Nash, Councilmember Stanton, Councilmember Mikow, Councilmember Hendricks, Councilmember Carson, Mayor Lacy. Councilmember Buckner, excused. Staff Present: Harry Staven, Dana Barnard, Lori Barnett, Bruce Nash, Darin Bender. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE PRESENTATIONS Spirit of Wenatchee chairman Len Pugsley and Brian Odell gave an update on the recreation of the historic flight across the Pacific by the Miss Veedol. They said they have support from several businesses in the valley and have gathered several files of historical information on the original flight of the Miss Veedol. They said when the replica is complete it will recreate the flight landing on a closed runway in front of the Executive Flight, at Pangbom Airport. East Wenatchee Chamber of Commerce Director Dawn Collings gave a first quarter report for 1999 which included events and projects for 1999. DEPARTMENT REPORTS Executive City Administrator Staven said the library will hold an open house in the rotunda on Friday, April 16. He added the library has expanded its hours on Tuesdays and Wednesdays by adding two hours each morning. City Administrator Staven said the Douglas County Solid Waste will hold the bi-annual clean up for the collection of: Waste Oil, Used Tires, Automobile Batteries, and White Goods on Saturday, April 17. He added the collection of Household Latex Paint will be held Saturday, April 24. City Administrator Staven said Waste Management of Greater Wenatchee, which in the past has held a free dump week for city residents to coincide with the Douglas County Solid Waste Program, has proposed a change in the event. The proposed change would allow residential customers within the city limits of East Wenatchee to dump four loads of waste per year at the Greater Wenatchee Regional Landfill or the South Wenatchee Transfer Station. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Stanton, second by Councilmember Carson to accept the recommended proposal of Waste Management. The motion carried 6-0. City Administrator Staven asked Council for the authority to pursue the creation of an internet web page. He added the City could have a joint page with the Chamber of Commerce or the City could create its own page. He said he has met with one company for a web page creation and they gave a quote of fifteen hundred dollars. z- f •uoileZIUVSlp 4D IaisIS ,ialleA aagoleuo M aql pallea aq Ipm gacgm oaAlunwo aqi jo slagwaw oioS3o-xo se aagaleuaM lseg pue aagaleuaM 3o s1oIrW oql apnloui of pasuai iulaq aIE pue pamalAal uaaq aAeq lf4iJ lalslS aqi 'emesiW lo) smelAq agj pies Aou-I loArw •laluao uopuanuoJ aagaieuaM aqi wo.g ssolae coeds e of Supeaolol Suuapisuoo st neaing slovsiA pue u01iu3nuoJ AalleA aagaieuaM agi pies XOR-1 lo,Ceyq I-r-10"MWOM "AA 'w'd l S:L le Suueaq a}lgnd oql pasola Anq ioAuN 'sluawwoa ou SuueaH -w-d OS:L le Suueaq ailgnd aqi pauado Aae-1 loAEW 'paldope sum wnilolelow aqi ualm plaq lou sum Swleaq up wnilojelow a Suilaeua 3o sArp fixis uigum palmbal s} Suueaq oilgnd aql pees llaweg loloalia luawdolanaQ Apiunwwo0 •juawuimlalua llnpe of ftuieilad suuuod pue suoileagdde 3o aoueidaoae agi uo wnuoieiow iuiX-ouo a jo uopeivawaldwt aqi 2uiple8ai Suueaq otlgnd V 10-170-66 9NiHV3H JI'Igfld papcon slam 9868 PUe'S868 `1b68 `6E68 slagwnu lueueM'OE'6LO'LOI$JO iunolu¢ le1ol aqi u! 8868 gSnonll 1068 slagwnu lueuem anoldde saop llaunoD '6661 'S ludV `alep sigl;o sV •IiaunoJ of algellene apew uaaq seq iegl Supsg a uo papioow uaaq aneq '060'bZ'Zb ANDd Aq pannbal se pagglao swiela ivawasmgwial asuadxa asogi pue '080'17Z'ZC /Aod .�q palmbal se laogjo Sumpne aql Aq paplao pue palipne slaganoA --slll83ouoilelapisuoJ .£ 6661 'OZ ipiE l 'ieallag pounoJ — salnuiw;o uoilelapisuo0 .Z 6661 'S l goleW 'uolssaS leln2;)U -- sainurw 3o uoilelapisuoJ -1 '0-9 'paulea uoilow al,l, •paluasold se lepuaieo luasuoo aqi anoldde of u311!V lagwawliounoJ Aq puooas 'uosle:) l3gw3wl!ounoo Aq apew sum uollow V :uoijaV iiaunoj HVQN3'IVJ lm:ISNOJ •uo}ssiwwoJ Suiuueld agi jo uoipepuawwooai aqi lum plemlo3 oS of snsuasuoo Aq paalSe pounoo •sais mau Suiuilojuoa-uou uo wnuolelow a Swldope lapisuoa pouno-D jell palsonbai pue apoa ais ali Suiiepdn uo Sunllom sum uolssiunuoo Sutuueld aqi ptes ljaweg lolaanQ juawdolanaQ ,C3iunwwo0 luawdolaea(j 9jiunwwoD -;)Bud qam plualui ue ;o u013ealo aqj goleasal 01 uaneiS Iojells[ucwpd AI!J azuollne of snsuasuoa Xq paolBu liounoD 6661 'S -lMdV S3If1MW IIJNfIOJ 33HJ LVN9/A ISV3 d0 ,UIJ CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE COUNCIL MINUTES APRIL 5, 1999 9 ORDINANCE 99-04-02 First reading of an ordinance adopting findings of fact to justify the continued implementation of a one-year moratorium on the acceptance of applications for licenses and permits pertaining to adult entertainment. Mayor Lacy read first reading. 99-04-03 First reading of an ordinance repealing ordinance 96-7 regarding creation and function of Council Committees. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Hendricks, second by Councilmember Nash to elevate the ordinance repealing ordinance 96-7 regarding the creation of Council Committees to second reading. The motion carried, 6-0. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Carson, second by Councilmember Hendricks to adopt the ordinance repealing ordinance 96-7 regarding the creation of Council Committees. The motion carried, 6-0. Mayor Lacy read the ordinance title. ORDINANCE NO. 99-5 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF EAST WENATCHEE, WASHINGTON, REPEALING SECTION 1.04,041 OF THE EAST WENATCHEE MUNICIPAL CODE REGARDING COUNCIL COMMITTEES AND FUNCTION; AND ESTABLISHING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. RESOLUTION 99-04-03 A resolution adopting an amended Mission Statement for the City of East Wenatchee. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Hendricks, second by Councilmember Stanton to amend the Mission Statement for the City of East Wenatchee. The motion carried, 6-0. Mayor Lacy read the resolution title. RESOLUTION NO. 99-5 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE, WASHINGTON, ADOPTING A MISSION STATEMENT FOR THE CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE AND ITS EMPLOYEES. COUNCIL REPORTS Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Aiken, second by Councilmember Stanton to establish an ninety day period at the end of which, if there is no profit on the collection and recycling of waste paper, the contract with Waste Management will be reviewed for possible revision. The motion carried, 6-0. 3- -4- f a 'W'd 00:8 -- IMSIVI-mofO:V 6661 `9IJXdV S3I1]A M 11OMnOO 33HOlYNaM .LSV3 40 A.LIO