HomeMy WebLinkAbout2/16/1999 - City Council - City Council Meeting MinutesI I CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE, WASHINGTON REGULAR SESSION OF THE CITY COUNCIL CONVENED MAYOR STEVEN C. LACY PRESIDING FEBRUARY 16, 1999 6:30 P.M. ROLL CALL Councilmembers Present: Councilmember Hendricks, Councilmember Carson, Councilmember Aiken, Councilmember Buckner, Councilmember Nash, Councilmember Stanton, Councilmember Mikow, Mayor Lacy. Staff Present: Harry Staven, Dana Barnard, Linda Countryman, Randy Harrison, Lori Barnett, Darin Bender, Joan Sims, Bruce Nash, Chuck Zimmerman. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE PROCLAMATION Mayor Lacy read a proclamation honoring the Special Olympic athletes and their Special Olympic Winter Games. PRESENTATIONS Wenatchee Parks Department Wenatchee Parks Director Chuck Largent said the City of Wenatchee, along with the Chelan County Public Utility District, was donating money to the Wenatchee Arbor Day committee to purchase trees to be planted in the community on Arbor Day. He asked if the City of East Wenatchee would be interested in contributing to the project. He added the trees purchased would be about six feet tall and more suitable for planting in parks than the seedlings that will be given away. Mr. Largent introduced Linda Bennion who is coordinating a tree planting event for Arbor Day by four hundred youth from Selah, Chelan, Wenatchee and East Wenatchee. Councilmember Stanton volunteered to be a part of the event. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Stanton, second by Councilmember Buckner to contribute one thousand dollars towards the purchase of trees to be planted in East Wenatchee. The motion carried, 7-0. DEPARTMENT REPORTS Executive City Administrator Staven said an application for a grant had been submitted for the Eleventh Street project. City Administrator Staven said he is seeking a position on the Association of Washington Cities Wellness Advisory Committee. z- AIIOSIAQV 3ISVM QIIOS AINIlOJ SV79fIOQ 3HI OI H3EM3W V ONIINIOddV `NOIONIHSVM '33H3IVN3M ISV3 3o AIIJ 3HI HO NOIIII'IOS3N V £-66 NOI MOSIH •alul uollnlosai oql peai sne•I loXLW '0-L 'Paulea uopow aqy •3011!wwoo-C'OSIApy a1seM pgos Aiunoo selBnoCl ayl of uanelS KugH luloddu of uolumS lagwawllounoJ 4q puooas `gsuN lagwawllounoJ Aq apew sera uollow y :uollay IlaunoJ •uanelS 101ellsimwpy AIJ aq pinom uolleluaswdal lo3 anlogo poo8 a p!es Aou7 lo,CuW .aaulwwoo KIOSIApy aISUM p!loS A3unoJ sulBno(I aql of lagwaw u Bulluloddu uollnlosal y £0 ZO 66 Nollmos3x -pap!OA alaro 6188 Plle L£88 slagwnu 1uumuM '01'6Lb'617$JO lunowe Imol ag1 u! 1588 gSno.nll 90S8 slagwnu luumum anoldde saop I!ounoJ `6661 `91 tiuniga3 `alup slgl }o sy pounoa of alqul1ene apew uaaq seq legl Bups11 u uo paplonal uaaq aney `060'bZ'Zb MJN Xg Pannbai se pag!llao sLumla luawasmgwmi asuadxa asogl pue'O80'bZ'Zb MDd Lq pallnbal se 13n93o Supipne aql Xq piljp1a3 pull pa1lpne slagonoA - sll!g3o uollelap!suO3 Z 6661 `I Alenlga3 'uolssaS 1eln83-d -- salnulw;o ❑ollunp!suoJ I 'O-L 'Palllen uollow aqy •paluasald se lupualuo luasuoo aql anoldde of uosieJ lagwawl!nunoJ Aq puooas `slnupuaH lagwawl!ounoJ Aq apew sea, uollow y :uop3v I!aunoJ HVQN37VJ IN3SNOJ •lauulm plume agl;o loDfold aql Bulululdxo Sullaaw IlnunoJ lxau aq1 le plaq aq 11!m uolleluasaid u Pug plumy ,Cllunwwoo jo lu!dS Ielluaprud 6661 aql )o lualdlow oql sl glnoX Ieool u p!es Xoe-I 1oxuyg 'SUOgaurg UOIIUZIUUSIO AIIJ 1a1SIS 9741 moq malAal 01 UOIILuuo3ln BUuaglu8 sum aq plus eine'I ioAuW •uollezlue8l0 ayl Bwsnoq 10; suolldo lual3331P Suuoldxa st dno18 aql poppu aH -suolllsod luauiAoldwa ayl Ilu pallg suq nning uolluaAUOD Pug S101!slA AQIIuA aagnluuOm aql plus An -I JOAU N .Bullaaw IlnunoJ snolAald aql lu wal-old loXuW su Sulnias io3 gsuN lagtuawpounoD pquugl Xne-I ioxew IIIOd3H S.'IOAVIII 'IIeH f1!J Ie •w.d 00:L of 'ru•d 00:£ wo13 'b gnlew 1o3 palnpagns uaaq sey Bmmei(I poolg u plus uanelS 101r.4SIUlwpy f4lo 6661 '91 AUVnIdE 3 s3IRNiw uDNnoo 33HJIVNHM Istl3 dO uD CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE COUNCIL MINUTES FEBRUARY I6, 1999 99-02-04 A resolution authorizing the establishment of an unfunded medical savings account Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Carson, second by Councilmember Hendricks authorizing the establishment of an unfunded medical savings account. The motion carried, 7-0. Mayor Lacy read the resolution title. RESOLUTION 99-4 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE, WASHINGTON, AUTHORIZING THE ESTABLISHMENT OF AN UNFUNDED MEDICAL SAVINGS ACCOUNTNOLUNTARY EMPLOYEE BENEFICIARY ASSOCIATION ("MSA/VEBA") PLAN FOR THE CITY'S NON -BARGAINING UNIT EMPLOYEES. ORDINANCE 99-02-05 First reading of an ordinance amending the 1998 Budget Ordinance Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Buckner, second by Councilmember Mikow to elevate the ordinance amending the 1998 Budget Ordinance to second reading. The motion carried, 7-0. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Buckner, second by Councilmember Hendricks to adopt the ordinance amending the 1998 Budget Ordinance. The motion carried, 7-0. Mayor Lacy read the ordinance title. ORDINANCE 99-3 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE AMENDING ORDINANCE 98-2 AMENDING THE CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE'S BUDGET FOR 1998. 99-02-06 First reading of an ordinance establishing a probation services office and providing responsibilities for the office. Mayor Lacy read first reading. 99-02-07 First reading of an ordinance imposing a one year moratorium on the acceptance of applications/permits for adult entertainment. In response to a question from Councilmember Stanton, Mayor Lacy explained the moratorium would not effect existing businesses. Mayor Lacy added the reason for the issue at this time was a similar situation in another city brought to his attention by City Administrator Staven. City Attorney Zimmerman said another forthcoming ordinance would more specifically address existing establishments. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Hendricks, second by Councilmember Nash to elevate the ordinance imposing a one year moratorium on the acceptance of applications/permits for adult entertainment to second reading. The motion carried, 6-1. 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