HomeMy WebLinkAbout2/14/2000 - City Council - City Council Meeting MinutesCITY OF EAST WENATCHEE, WASHINGTON REGULAR SESSION OF THE CITY COUNCIL CONVENED MAYOR STEVEN C. LACY PRESIDING FEBRUARY 14, 2000 6:30 P.M. ROLL CALL Councilmembers Present: Councilmember Hendricks, Councilmember Stanton, Councilmember DeWitt, Councilmember Nash, Councilmember Carson, Mayor Lacy. Councilmember Aiken arrived at 6:35 p.m., Councilmember Buckner absent. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Stanton, second by Councilmember Carson to excuse Councilmember Buckner from this Council meeting. The motion carried 5-0. St2t7 Present: Dana Barnard, Linda Countryman, Randy Harrison, Lori Barnett, Bob Goodman, Teresa Allen, Darin Bender, Bruce Nash, Chuck Zimmerman. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE MAYOR'S REPORT Mayor Lacy introduced Stephanie Alfaro and asked Council to consider appointing Ms. Alfaro as East Wenatchee's representative to the Chelan Douglas Community Network. He added the network provides prevention services for youth before intervention is required. Ms. Alfaro gave a brief background of herself and her interest in the program. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Nash, second by Councilmember Hendricks to appoint Stephanie Alfaro as East Wenatchee's representative to the Chelan Douglas Community Network. The motion carried, 6-0. Mayor Lacy introduced East Wenatchee's newly hired Administrative Assistant/Accounting Assistant Teresa Allen. Ms. Allen gave brief background of herself and her family. Mayor Lacy said a lot of time has been spent working on a lease purchase agreement between the City of East Wenatchee and the owners of the Wenatchee Valley Mall. He added, with some changes in the language, it will be complete. Mayor Lacy said he would like to promote a community network as it pertains to Economic Development. He said the Wenatchee Valley Convention and Visitors Bureau has authorized him to spearhead the formation of such a group which would include the Chelan County Port District, Douglas County Port District, City of Wenatchee, City of East Wenatchee, City of Chelan, City of Leavenworth, City of Cashmere, Wenatchee Chamber of Commerce, and the East Wenatchee Chamber of Commerce. DEPARTMENT REPORT Community Development Director Barnett and Street Superintende~-t�nGoodman gave a report on the status of Fant monies for the I Vh Street project, Valley Mall Parkway left turn lane, and Baker Avenue/3 Street project. -Z- •1a9pnq s,,C110 agl loedwl iou pinoM pue ueol 3,LMd a aq pinom goleul s,,4!D 2y1 pappe aqS •29euleup y uoXueO ao3 uoueolldde luua u llwgns of lenoadde IlounoO alltl pinoM ags pies 1laumg ioloanQ luawdolanaQ ,illuntuwoO 0 9 `Paun:a uollow atly -loafosd uolsuolxo 12aAS p,£/anuany m3lug ail io3 spun; Sulgolew apnloul golgM spun3 luuio AgS ldaom 01 uosteO lagwatupaunoO Aq pu000s `g3upu2H iagwawllounoO ,Cq apew seM uollow y :uollay 113unoO •0-9 'paumo uollow atl 1, •sluawanoidwl soppoo m4S 74117/anuany iwleg 2q1 io3 Tom 3o odoos ail Sululpno smoodsold a uSls of to feyg alp Sutzuoglne uos.mo iaqutawltaunoO Aq puoaas `uoltmS i2gwawp3unoD Aq apew sem uollow y :uopoV llaunoO •swowanoidtul 1opuuoo 122AS ,b/anuany xojug aql io3 11ioM 3o adoas aql Stnuillno snloadsoid a uSis of io,Celnl aql io3 uoiluzuotpny IO-Zo-00 NOI.LVZRIOH.LflV •uollamusuoo pue XeM jo-lggu `suiuslsip :loafold agl of saSuls aanll alu alagl `pappe aH •loafoad aql 9uuoidde pue `loofoid ail Suilmuslulwpe 'loafoid aql Sulaastano `smalnaa 103fad apnlaul pinoM sltly •aagoleuaM lseg 3o ,C110 otpjo3legaq uo loe pinoM Imp Aouzgv aoueldaoay pogtltaO e sl IOQSM pappe aH ',CauOSu aaueldaaau paglltaa a lou sl aagaleuaM lseg 3o ,C110 ail pies iazlOQ •.IW 'flit aql of 1S03 ou le suotleoildde luet8 atp tlltm padlaq seg tazlOQ •ryg pies 11au mE[ 'Sw -lazla(I ue1S iaaulSug UOQSM) uolleuodsuesy 3o wawUedaQ OmS uolSuigseM pampoAul llaweg joloanQ luawdolanaQ 11lunwwoO '4RA% Jo-1g9u3o uolleuop alenud a Sulaq angs s,fllO aql iltm `siellop puesnogl ang-Cltlgl patpunq aanll uollliw mo33o lunowe ail ui (AgX) lusaO f4!l 11A olwou033 Iwn2I u pue 'luaoiad waulgl Sulaq wigs s,Alo aql Imm 'slullop puesnogl 4g patptmg mo3 3o mnoum oql ui QIS) luvrJ leuoisill wuaoM uolleuodsueiy oae3mS a yuawad ual Sulaq mugs s,,GIO otp gllm `smllop ang-41!111 paipuni lgSia puesnogl mo3-fuigl paipunq auo uollliw auo 3o lunowe atp ul (gly) 1uioio p.eog luawanoldwl uolleuodsueiy it an loafoid IaaAS .£/anuany IQVH agl 103 saamos Sulpun3 atly •siullop puesnogl,pgSla paipuni auo Suiaq aaegs s,AI!Z) otp Tpm `siullop puesnogl 1gSla-,palgl paapunq mo3 3o lunowe oql ui `(dly) wwSoid luawanoidutl leualjV ail woi3 1usaS a si auel wnl gal Aumcl1Ed IlrN AalleA ag1 io3 aomos Sulpury Orly `pauaeo uollow Orly •laafold 120AS sI I atp g11M uolloauuoa ul uuoZ 0-9 pun3 lstuy gioM ollgnd agl avoid-9 of uoluelS iagwawllounoO Aq puooas `uosmZ) iaq uoulpounoO Aq apew sum uollow y :uolloy 11aunoO stellop puesnogl 14to33o lunowe aql ui (dVVOd) umi2oid lun000y aoumslssy lo4uoO pool3 V (£) !scollop puesnotp oMl-,Cgg Sulaq ajugs s,,SllO ail tplm 'saellop puesnotl mo3-61g2la patpung aanp 3o lunowu ail ul (yyyfl) 1uwq lunoaay Istuy luualty ueglfl UV (Z) AD atg wog slellop puesnotg uanas-,Clxis 3o galelu a snld `S.Mllop palpunq mo3 puesnogl lgSla pa.ipung xis 3o lunowe ail ui (dLMd) uuoZ pun3 lstuy gioM allgnd V (I) on sloafold laouS stI I ag1 io3 saamos Sulpun3 ,4!1!ifl ialeM uuolS oql Aq polioddns sl imp Ovals is aouu.Canuoo puu puod uoUualai zalem uuols u sapnlout osle ll •sanuany luou4se3 pue 1231eg uaamlaq mgS ,sI 13o Sui=PlM atp puu slgSil loops `sulexp uuols `gluMapls :sluawanoidwt Sulmollo3 ail opnloul pinoM loafoad loo4S ,si I mU OOOZ `t,i A-mi-tg33 S3.IdININI'IIJNf100 33H0.LVN3M LSV9 40 ALIO CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE COUNCIL MINUTES FEBRUARY 14, 2000 1 Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Hendricks, second by Councilmember DeWitt to approve the submission of a grant application for Canyon A drainage. The motion carried, 6-0. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Nash, second by Councilmember Carson authorizing the placement of an ad for, Request for Qualifications to hire Engineers for the Street projects. The motion carried, 6-0. 9 CONSENT CALENDAR Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Hendricks, second by Councilmember Aiken to approve the consent calendar as presented. The motion carried, 6-0. 1. Consideration of minutes -- Regular Session, January 24, 2000 2. Consideration of Bills — Vouchers audited and certified by the auditing officer as required by RCW 42.24.080, and those expense reimbursement claims certified as required by RCW 42.24.090, have been recorded on a listing that has been made available to Council. As of this date February 14, 2000, Council does approve warrant numbers 9718 through 9763 in the total amount of 522,505.57. AGREEMENT 00-01-02 A lease purchase agreement between East Wenatchee Property L.L.C., East Wenatchee Property II, L.L.C., and the City of East Wenatchee. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Stanton, second by Councilmember Carson authorizing the Mayor to sign the lease agreement with the provision that all considerations have been met. The motion carried, 6-0. INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT 00-02-02 An agreement between the City of Wenatchee, City of East Wenatchee, Chelan County, Douglas County, and the North Central Educational Service District. Mayor Lacy said the agreement has been approved by the other jurisdictions for the purpose to jointly fund and provide program oversight of the local access production project of the Educational Service District and the Skills Center. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Stanton, second by Councilmember Carson authorizing the Mayor to sign the Interlocal Agreement to jointly fund and provide program oversight of the local access production project of the Educational Service District and the Skills Center. The motion carried, 4-2. (Nash, Hendricks) -3- as •0-9 `Patnea uotlow ayZ •03euSts jo; spmpuels uuo;!un Sugnlgsut;o asodjnd alp jo; 'apoZ) IedtoumW aayaluuaM lse3 ayl 3o Ll ag!,L Pup SI all!, Su!puaure aaueutpjo ayl ldopu 01 sjloupuaH mgwawl!ounoZ) Aq puooas 'yse11 iagwawl!auno3 Aq apuw sum uogow y :uogaV pauno:) •aSeuBts jo; spmpuels uuo;!un Sugnlgsut;o osodrnd ay1 jo; opoJ ledtottmW aayaleuaM lsu3 ayl;o L I agty pue S I OPU Swpuauw aaueutpjo ue;o Smpuaj puoaas LO l0'00 '3.LV0 3ALLJ3333 NV JNIHSI7HVZS3 uNV AZIJ 3H.L 30 S,LJRI.LSIu JNLNOZ 0-11 uNV `W-u "l-u 3H.L NI 3OVII3AOJ ,LOT aw `SNOLLLNL33u `S3Sf1 AtIOSS3JJV O.L JNIZV'I31I 3aoJ 'IVdIJINIIW 33HJ.LVN3M .LSV3 3H.L 30 LT 3I.LI,L NI SNOISIA011a 'IVHaA3S JNIQN3WV `NO.L`JNIHSVM `33HO.LVN3M JSV3 30 AID 3111 30 33NVNIOZIO NV Z-Oooz 3akTTVNI(ruo Ajuununs ooueutpjo ayl peal Aoe-I joAuN •0-9 `Papjuo uogow ayI• •aSejanoa 301 pus `suoq!ugap `sash A]OSSaaJe 01 Sugelaj suotstnojd SutpuawE apoH IudtatunYl aayoleuaM lse3 a91;o Ll al1!Z3o suogaas Iel3AOS Sutpuawe aaueutpjo ayl ldope of uolums jagwawl!ounoD Aq puooas `uosirD jagwawl!ounoD Aq apuw sum uogow y mollaV I!aanoJ •aSejanoo 101 PUR `suogtugap `sasn Alossaooe of Sutlelaj suotstnojd Sutpuawe `opoJ IedtownN aayoluuoM 1se3 ayl ;o Ll ap!y ;o suogaas Iejanas Sutpuawe aaueutpjo us ;0 8utpeaj puoaas •S.LJIUJ.SIG HXIS 01(131IWI7 aw NI u3.L,LILM3d 39'I ILM S3LLI'IIJV3 .LN3WNIV.Lll3.LN3 IMaV HOIHM a3uNa SNOIUQNOJ HSI79V.LS3 OZ uNV SZJRl.LSIu JNINOZ JI3IJ3dS NI 3.LVJ0I Ol S3I.LI'IIJV3 .LN3WNIV.LtI3.LN3 1'IfIGV lIlk"13d OZ (SNOISLAOZId wHaN39) 081'ZL'Ll NOIZJ3S 4NV S3LLI'IIJV3 LN3lvNllvLlI3,LN3 .L'IfluV tiO3 SNOIZIN na M3N ONIQ(tV ` sNOLLINL33u) 80'LI u3ZdVHJ A-I'IVZ)IAI33dS 'S3IZI'IIJV3 ZN3WNIVl'd3.LN3 ,L-IRutl OZ )L IddV ZVHL SNOI.LV'lf103H M3N uuV OJ -ONINOZn 3WM3 Ll TULL 9NIQN3WV `NO.LJNIHSVM `33HJ.LVN3M .LSV3 3O AID 3II1 30 3JNVNICrdO NV I-000Z 3JNV1\IICMO 90-10-00 Ajuununs aaueutpjo ayl puaj Aoe-I aoAeW •0-9 `p3umo uogow ayy •saillpou3luawutuljalu3 llnpy of Sugulaj suoqulnSal ppu o1 „guluoZ„ `apoD Iudta!unlnl aagaluuaM ise3 agl;o LI ali!•L Sutpuawe 'papuawe se aaueutpjo all ldope 01 gsepl lagwatupmnoZ) Aq puooas `uoluelS ngruawpounoD Aq apuw sum uotlow d :uopay Ilaanoz) *0-9 `paujeo uogow ayy •satlll!ou; luouwtuljaluo llnpe;o Suq!s ayl jo; algel!uee sa1!s;o iogwnu MR Sugol.Asaj pue I!wL moil jaAr ayl apnlout o1 aouuulpio ayl puawu 01 "aupuaH jagwawl!ounoJ Aq puooas ys;TX iagwawltouno3 Aq apew sum uogow y :uo, paV IlannoJ luauwtuljalug llnpy of Sullelal suogeln$aj ppe of „SutuoZ„ opoD ludtolunW aagoleuaM lsu3 ayl;o Ll 21111 Sutpuawe aaueutpjo uu;o Sutpeaj puooas 90-10-00 S3JNVNIudo OOOZ `bl Allvfl-um S3.Lf mw IIJNf10J 33HJ•LVN3M Im 30lulo CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE COUNCIL MINUTES FEBRUARY 14, 2000 Mayor Lacy read the ordinance summary. ORDINANCE 2000-3 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE, WASHINGTON, PURSUANT TO RCW 36.70A390 AND 35A.63.220 AMENDING CHAPTERS 15 AND 17 OF THE EAST WENATCHEE MUNICIPAL CODE TO CREATE A SIGN CODE; ESTABLISHING STANDARDS FOR ALL SIGNS, ESTABLISHING AMORTIZATION PERIODS FOR NONCONFORMING SIGNS AND ESTABLISHING A VARIANCE AND APPEAL PROCESS; REPEALING SECTIONS 15.24.060, 17.08560, 1732.030(C), 17.36.090, 17.40.020(G), 17.40.080, 17.44.080,17A8.020(A)(6),17.48.030(A), 17.52.110,17.64.070(G), AND 17.72.150 OF THE EAST WENATCHEE MUNICIPAL CODE; AND ADDING SECTION 15.24.025 AND CHAPTER 17.74 TO THE EAST WENATCHEE MUNICIPAL CODE FOR THE PURPOSE OF INSTITUTING UNIFORM STANDARDS FOR SIGNAGE; CONTAINING A SEVERABLILTY CLAUSE; AND ESTABLISHING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. 00-01-08 First reading of an ordinance authorizing the lease with option to purchase of certain rights -of -way and street improvements and the transfer to the City of parking easements. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Stanton, second by Councilmember Nash to elevate the ordinance authorizing the lease with option to purchase certain rights -of -way and street improvements and the transfer to the City of parking easements to second reading. The motion carried, 6- 0. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Carson, second by Councilmember Aiken to adopt the ordinance authorizing the lease with option to purchase certain rights -of -way and street improvements and the transfer to the City of parking easements. The motion carried, 6-0. Mayor Lacy read the ordinance summary ORDINANCE 20004 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE, WASHINGTON, RELATING TO REAL PROPERTY IN THE CITY; AUTHORIZING THE LEASE WITH OPTION TO PURCHASE OF CERTAIN RIGHTS OF WAY AND STREET IMPROVEMENTS AND THE TRANSFER TO THE CITY OF PARKING EASEMENTS; APPROVING AND AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF AGREEMENTS AND OTHER DOCUMENTS RELATED TO THOSE STREET IMPROVEMENTS; RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING ACTIONS TAKEN; CONTAINING A SEVERABLILTY CLAUSE; AND ESTABLISHING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. 00-02-03 First reading of an ordinance amending Ordinance No. 92-7 amending the Cable Franchise authorizing Charter Communications to increase monthly customer payments in order to amortize the joint cost of Local Access Television Production Equipment. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Stanton, second by Councilmember Carson to elevate the ordinance amending Ordinance No. 92-7 amending the Cable Franchise authorizing Charter Communications to increase monthly customer payments in order to amortize the joint cost of Local Access Television Production Equipment to second reading. The motion failed. Mayor Lacy suspended the second reading requirement pursuant to Resolution 90-9 section 2. -5- Ex 0-9 `Patuea uolow agy •Aottod luawssmH aoetdbtioM agl Supupdn pug Buipuaute uopntosai agl ldope of gsRX lagwaugtouno3 Aq puooas lgoupuaH iagwawttounoo Aq apew sem uotlow y molloy Haunoj A3110d luawssereH aagtd)tioM atp Supepdn pug Eutpae uolnosai V90 -ZO-00 'MMOIVEOW 3H,L NO JNM3H JI'IHIId V II03 alVQ V 9NLLL3S (INV 'SHZNOW XIS 30 40IH3d V IIOd 3ALLJUA3 Hfi 01 S2UI-H3VA IN3WNrv,Lx3.LN3 LIMGV 1109 S3SN33II QNV SZIINIIHd 9NIGI'IIf1H 'S.LMHHd 3SII BOA SNOLLVJI'Iddtl d0 3JNVJAHJJV 3H.L NO 'SHINOW XIS 90 QOIH3d V ZI03 9-66.ON HJNtlNIQIIO AH Q3f1 iNOJ QNtl 1-66'ON 33NVNIC[HO 33HJ.LVNHM .LSV3 AS Q31AOQV 'WIIIHO.LVUOW HH.L 90 3JNVflNH.LNOJ V ONIZVIISSUIN AJNHJII3W3 ALHdVS (INV 3HVA73M `H.LZtl3H JI'mad tl JNRItl IJ3O 'JNINOZ QNV HSII ONV I O.L JNLLV IHu 'NO.LONIHSVM '3HH31VN3M ySV3 d0 AID 3HJL 30 3JNVNIQIIO Ntl 9-000Z 3JNVNI0RI0 '0-9 `patueo uotlow atty •alep Suueaq attgnd a Sumas pug satltltoe3 luawuteualua ltnpe io3 sltuuad pug suotlgogdde3o aoueld000e aql ao3 tunuoleaow aql uo uotsualxa Aaua$lawa ug Butoeld aougutpjo oql ldope 01 s>(aupuaH iagwawttounoJ Aq puoaas 'gseN iagwawttouno3 Aq apew sem uotlow V motloV Itauno0 •0-9'p2tue3 uotlow arty •Sutpeal pumas 01 satuttoe3 luawuteualua ltnpe lo3 sltuuad pug suoueagdde 3o =mdaoae oql jo3 umuoleaow aql uo uotsualxa Aauagiawa ue Butoetd ooueutpJo a111 alenata of s3t3upuaH iagwawttouno0 Aq puoaas 'gseN lagwawttauno0 Aq apew sem uotlow d :uotlaV Itauno0 •uotldope s113o sAep A1xis utgitm ptaq aq lsnw Suueag attgnd a pug papualxo aq lsnw wnuolwow agl aoueutplo 8utsuaott agl3o wawloeua aql wo3aq satitttoe3 luawwtgualua ltnpe jo3 paldaoog ate suotleagdde ou amsua oy aoueutpio Suisuaog ag1 Putdotanap 3o ssaooid agl w st Aawoug A1t3 ag1 'pappe ails •soutti3g3 luawuteualua ltnpe io3 sltuuad 3o ammnssi m suotleottdde 3o oaueld000e 21P sltgigoid legl oogtd ut wnuolmow a seq Apuauno Apo agl ptgs llaweg iol3wi(I luawdotanaQ Altunwwo0 •sat3t1toe3 luawuteualua ltnpe.io3 sltuuad pug suotleattdde3o amuld000e otp mj wnuolglow otp uo uotsualxa AouaBaawa ue Butoetd aaueutp.10 ue3o dutpeal lsn3 170-ZO-00 *Uva HALLJ3m Ntl JNLHSI I vim QNV yN3WdIIIa3 NOIZJIIQ02Id NOISIA3'IHy SS333V'IVJO'I30.LSOJ.LNIOf 3HL HZILNOWV O.L2 WHO NI H WO.LSIIJ Had 90'S AS SZN3WAVd I13WO,LSIIJ AMINOW 3SV3HJNI Ol SNOILVJINIIWWOJ 2IH.LHVHJ ONIZRIOHLaV 3SIHJNYM 3'I9VJ 3H.L ONIQNHWV 'L-Z6 'ON 3JNVNICrdO 33H3.LVN3M ISV3 ONIQN3Wtl 'NO.L`JNIHSVM '33HJ.LVN3M ,LSV3 30 AID 3H.L d0 3JNVOC[No NV S-000Z HJNtlNIauo •finununs aouguto atp peal Aoel ioArW (gseN's)toupuaH) •Z-t,'patuea uotlow arty •luawdtnbg uopmpoid uotstnatay ssaooV teaol 30 lsoo lutof agl aztuowe of mpto ut swituAed iawolsno Atgluow asuwout 01 suotleotununuo0 lauegD Butzuotpng astgauwj atgeo ag1 Sutpuawg L-Z6 'ON aoueutp�p 8utpuawg aouempto ag1 ldopg of uolums jaqumuipounoo Aq puoaas 'uosmZ) tagwawttauno0 Aq apew sum uotlow V :uopad ttaunoa OOOZ `b1 AIIV ME133 S31flMW IIJNnOJ 33HJ•LVN3M .LSVH 10 AID CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE COUNCIL MINUTES FEBRUARY 14, 2000 RESOLUTION 2000-2 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE, WASHINGTON, AMENDING THE CITY'S WORKPLACE HARASSMENT POLICY. COUNCIL REPORTS Councilmember Stanton said the implementation of a fare for LINK services had dropped ridership forty percent, not the anticipated seventy percent. LINK would need to rehire six bus drivers. With no available monies, LINK would be dipping into reserves. Councilmember Aiken asked about the Police Department Calls for Service for 1999. Chief Harrison explained the ratio of assist calls. ADJOURNMENT — 8:40 P.M. h'?na.> � h�� ce Dana Barnard City Clerk 1 7-