HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/27/2000 - City Council - City Council Meeting MinutesCITY OF EAST WENATCHEE, WASHINGTON REGULAR SESSION OF THE CITY COUNCIL CONVENED MAYOR STEVEN C. LACY, PRESIDING NOVEMBER 27, 2000 6:30 P.M. ROLL CALL Councilmembers Present: Councilmember Aiken, Councilmember Bremmer, Councilmember Nash, Councilmember Smet, Councilmember Hendricks, Councilmember DeWitt, Councilmember Buckner, Mayor Lacy. Staff Present: Dana Barnard, Linda Countryman, Randy Harrison, Bob Goodman, Teresa Allen, Lori Barnett, Bruce Nash, Gil Sparks, Chuck Zimmerman. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE CITIZEN COMMENTS 11 The following people spoke in favor of the City enacting a gambling tax in the City of East Wenatchee: Dan Spry, 1402 N Grover Dave Owens, 1309 Bel Aire Dr Rick Belveall, 1127 N. Dennis Court Jay Winger, 310 N. June Street Max Faulkner, Eastmont Lanes — Keglers Casino, said he is not against the gambling tax and would prefer the City enact the tax only on card rooms and not pull -tabs and punch boards. Mr. Faulkner submitted a proposal that would start with an eight percent tax in 2002, or go with an escalating schedule where the tax would be five percent in 2001, six percent in 2002, seven percent in 2003, and top out at eight percent in 2004. 1 The following people spoke against the City enacting a gambling tax in the City of East Wenatchee: Dennis Casno, 1650 Eastmont, Buzz Inn Steak House Ardith Hersel, 480 N. Lyle, 5T's Restaurant & Lounge Ella Smith, 921 Valley Mall Pkwy, Willie's Tavern Ken Dominguez, 838 Valley Mall Pkwy, Clearwater Steakhouse and Saloon -1- -z- f '9b'170L'ZS$JO lunowE IElol ayl ul'bSSOI y8noiyl L£50I saagwnu;ut=m anoidde soop pounoD'OOOZ `LZ aagwanoN'a;Ep sn$3o sy -paunoO of alqullene apew uaaq suy legl Swlsq E uo papaooal uaaq aA¢y '060't7Z-ZI7 MO2I Aq Pannbal su pagpioo swlulo ;uawasangwiaa asuadxa asoq; pue `OSO'bZ'Zt MOU Xq pa.nnbol su aaog;o Sum;lpnu aq; Aq pagpaao pue pa;lpnu slayonoA aoetluM,Cgdinlnl uapEO q;tm 100Z l03 luaulaoj2V soo uaS IeSa-I 3o I¢Aoiddy '£ SO -I 1-00 —SIIIg.Iouoli¢IapisuOD •Z OOOZ `£I IagwanoN'uotssaS a¢lnVad -- sa;nunu;o uoileaaplsuOD -I '0-L `Palaa¢o u0110w ay L •pa;uasaad SE Iupuolu3 luasuoo aq; anoaddu of Iawulaag Iagwawllaunoo ,Cq puooas 'u33pv aagwawllouno3 ,Sq apew sum uollow V :uoi;ad Ilaunoj HtlQN3'It'O I MaSNOJ '0-L 'Paumo u0pow aq.L •aa;;lunuoO ,SlosiApy wsunoZ aql of IaSog aaSo'I luiodde of ulmaQ aagwawllaunoD Aq puooas yawS IaquntupounoO Aq ap¢w sum uoilow y :uol;av llaunoD *aau?wwoo ,Sloslnpy wsuno L aql uo uoplsod 1U¢aeA ayl llg of Supsanbaa `Ia,Cog IaSo21 woa3 ;saaalul 3o Iallal a paAiaaaa puy aq plus An -I IOXUN 0 L 'pauaea uoilow ay,I, "aplunuoO ,SloslApy wsunol ay; of s)li¢dS p );uioddu of nmpng aagwawllaunoO Aq puooas `sNoupuaH aagwawpaunoD Aq apuw sum uollow y :uol;at+ liauno:) 2apIulu103 ,CaOSIApy wsuno,I, ay; 01 salledS IlJ ;uiodde Alluuuo3 0l aalil Plnom ay plus ,Caul Io,Cew spun3 wncpms 3o suollEoolle ssnosip of 'w•d 0£:9 le s $ IagwaaaQ uo laaw Illm aalllunuoO ,Caoslnpy wsunoy aLp pus Aoe-I ioXuW •suado agoaeW uog aq; pun spuoq aq1 uo ooiAaas ;qap ou ,Cud pinom ,C;l3 aql pappe aH 'IIuWQIIeA aaga;EuaM Iuau s;uawanoadua ;aaals Io; spuog uoUuSggO luaauao xuy panwi-I xp ;o Suiais-wd u Io3 ,¢I I aagwaaaQ uo 33uls glvA laaw Illm 'uewla;agS 1g Iaddad Ia;so3 `lasunoO puog s,A110 aq; p[Es ,foul Io,SEw ;uawasangtupi aq; ,Cud of paunoO wolf uol;isoddo ou sum aaay,L •;uawalms aoulmitual u luwgns of uosw-I •sW aalq pinom aq pies ,Saul Io,SuW 'I OOZ Io; saullop ;gsia-,Slxis paapunq auo aq pinom ,C;iD yoea Io; lunowE ay; pies aH 'glluaH3o pauog sulBnoQ-uulagD aq; uo aApMuasalda-I sumol lluwS 44un'oD sel9noQ aql si uosaul sW 'puelSl NOON 3o uosael ¢laSuy Io3 wawasangwlaa Supsanbaa Iallal a paAlaoaa puq aq plEs ,iaul ao,CEIgI it ;uads laq; sanoq ay; Io3 u¢uUCpuno Iamseal laSpnq IOOZ aq; uo SjauW O Z L1I0 Puu aaulunuo� ;aspng aql pa�Iu¢q; ,Caul Io,CuI�I IHOd3H S,HOAVN OOOZ 'LZ TIUEW3AON SHMNIW TONf1OO 33HDIVN3M ISV3 3O AIIO CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE COUNCIL MINUTES NOVEMBER 27, 2000 AGREEMENT 00-11-06 A Multi -Agency Traffic Safety Task Force Mutual Aid Agreement and Interlocal Agreement. Chief Harrison said an emphasis on traffic safety was conducted in the past two weeks which was very effective. City Attorney Zimmerman said the agreement was not clear on whom officers take direction from. Chief Harrison clarified participating officers would always be under the supervision of an East Wenatchee Police Department Supervisor. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Hendricks, second by Councilmember Smet to authorize the Mayor to sign the agreement when in final proper form. The motion carried, 7-0. 00-11-07 An Interlocal Agreement between the City of East Wenatchee and the Douglas County Sewer District No. 1. Street Superintendent Goodman said the purpose for the Interlocal Agreement was to cooperate with the Douglas County Sewer District No. 1 in the replacement of utilities during the construction of a road improvement project on I I'" Street NE. Mayor Lacy asked if the Interlocal Agreement between the City of East Wenatchee and the East Wenatchee Water District was for the same purpose. Mr. Goodman confirmed that it was for the same purpose. 00-11-08 An Interlocal Agreement between the City of East Wenatchee and the East Wenatchee Water District. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Bremmer, second by Councilmember Hendricks to authorize the Mayor to sign the Interlocal Agreements with the East Wenatchee Water District and the Douglas County Sewer District No 1. The motion carried, 7-0. ORDINANCE 00-11-09 First reading of an ordinance providing for issuance of Limited Tax General Obligation Bonds for the City. Mayor Lacy read first reading of the ordinance and indicated that a representative from the Bond Counsel would be present at the December 11, 2000 Council Meeting. 00-11-10 First reading of an ordinance repealing city taxes on electricity, natural gas and garbage collection services. Mayor Lacy read first reading of the ordinance. Mayor Lacy said the tax was enacted in 1996 with the understanding that when the revenue was no longer needed the tax would be repealed. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Hendricks, second by Councilmember Nash to elevate the ordinance repealing utility taxes to second reading. The motion carried, 7-0. -3- -V- f (iS ,N) ' I-9 pauaeD uopom ayy •aageaaagl puu ZOOZ ul luaoaad lgSia of Sulsuaaoul `IOOZ ao3 sucooa Paeo uo xel luooaad x?s a luautaldun of pue sgel-llnd pue spaeoq gDund uo luaaaad Duo ayl Su?pnioxo aouempao ayl ssed of aaunuaig aaqutauil?DunoO Aq puooas locus aaquaml?ounoD Aq apum sum uo?low V :uogad llaunoz) •Sulpeaa puoaas 01 p31en010 sera lonem DILL (gsel) •I-9 pacueD uo?lout DILL •iageaiayl pue ZOOZ ui luaDaad lgS?a of Suiseaaoui `IOOZ l03 suuooi pma uo xel luaDaad xis a luamaldmc of pue sgel-llnd pue spaeoq gDund uo luaDaad ouo agl apnloxo of aouumpao Dip puame 01 lauS iagmauul?aunoO Aq puoaas `aaulDng aaquautl?DunoO Aq opum sum uo?lout V :uopay llaunoZ) paluosaad sera lusodoad an?lemallu ue `uoissnos?p llouno0 Sulmolioci 'pua lei] spaemol sanaasaa pimq dlag pinom xm SmlgwuS e ;o uoilmuaualdmi ayy •alqul?ene aq ,Cem leg] spun} sluua8 Attu yoleut o1 olge aq of 41?3 a1 aKil pinom aq Pus ag •Suueaado anulluoa of sacral ssed of paau Ilps pinom VS-dg pappe OH •eaae ag1 xauuu of lnq '(dSdg) eaay aoinaas uolleuDag luoulsu3 oql nano a3lul of pualul lou saop 1cuO aql ples iDe I ao CeyQ 'onssi lueuodim ue sl lood pue Ind dlunoO sul$no(I otp apnlocn pinom iocym eaae agl xauue of uo?lualm s,,C1?O agl PM OH •xe1 fQ!I!ln ayl3o uoileunuga oql suoddns aq pces all •la$pnq IOOZ alp Suuedaad ;o ssaoold s,aallcutcuoD la$pnq amp Suunp paemao; lgSnoaq sum xel Su?lque8 ail pces i(oul aoAeyti (lamS `aau3long `aaunuaag `gseN) y-£ `popuj uouou DIU pouad aea C mo3 u aano xel ay1 Su?leieosa;o iusodoad s,aatglnu3 nW lda3u, of aaueulpao ail puaute of n!maCl mquauliDunoZ) Aq puoaas `s)loupuag aagmaugmnoo Xq opera sem uouou V :uopad Ilauno:) aDueulpao ag1;o Smpeaa ]sag peas 6ouZ ao Cey�i saxel Sullqun 8 0l Suueiaa aDusulpao ue 3o Su?peaa isa?3 I 1 I I'00 0-L `pauaeo uouou agl• aDuecnpao xel $ullgme8 agl3o sllnsaa ayl Scnpuad saxul SliliIn Sugeadaa uolssnoscp Dip algel Aluemdmal of aaulong aagmaml?ounoo dq puoaas `lomS aagmaul?ounoO Aq opem sum uouout V :uopav 113Qno,3 •anaasaa aaSml a aneq of A410 Dip a)lll pinom aq pappe ag •alep aalel a le uouonpaa limoilippe ue 3o uo?leaaplsuoo tplm;luq ul xe1 otp Suulno posodoad ag ilalalduoa xel ayl lno 8u?mwgl Inge pauaaouoo sl ay p?es aatnlong aagutaul?ounoO saxel (1?ipn Suileadoa aoueu?pao ail ]dope 01 s)lDupuag mquauiiaunoO Xq puoaas 'gseH aagtuoul?ounoO Xq opera sem uouou, V :uogav Ilaunoj OOOZ `LZ-dgUW3AOX S31n IINI'HOW1O0 33HO.LVM3M .LSV3 do ALL CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE COUNCIL MINUTES NOVEMBER 27, 2000 ORDINANCE 2000-18 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE, WASHINGTON, ADDING A NEW CHAPTER 4.32 TO THE EAST WENATCHEE MUNICIPAL CODE, ENACTING A TAX ON CERTAIN GAMBLING ACTIVITIES INCLUDING PUNCH BOARDS, PULL -TABS, AND SOCIAL CARD GAMES, PROVIDING FOR NECESSARY ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURES FOR COLLECTION AND ENFORCEMENT OF THE TAX, PROVIDING FOR VIOLATIONS AND PENALTIES, CONTAINING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE AND SETTING AN EFFECTIVE DATE FOR THE TAX AND FOR THIS ORDINANCE. 00-11-10 First reading of an ordinance repealing city taxes on electricity, natural gas and garbage collection services. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Hendricks, second by Councilmember Bremmer to elevate the ordinance repealing city taxes on electricity, natural gas and garbage collection services to second reading. The motion carried 7-0. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Buckner to amend the ordinance to reduce the tax by fifty percent for 2001 then revisit the issue for the 2002 budget. The motion failed due to lack of a second. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Aiken, second by Councilmember Hendricks to pass the ordinance repealing city taxes on electricity, natural gas and garbage collection services. The motion carried 6-1. (Buckner) ORDINANCE 2000-19 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE, WASHINGTON REPEALING CITY TAXES ON ELECTRICITY, NATURAL GAS, AND GARBAGE COLLECTION SERVICE, REPEALING ORDINANCE NO. 96-12 AND 97-1, REPEALING CHAPTER 4.32 OF THE EAST WENATCHEE MUNICIPAL CODE, CONTAINING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE AND SETTING AN EFFECTIVE ATE. 00-11-12 First Reading of an ordinance adopting the East Wenatchee 2001 budget. Mayor Lacy read first reading of the ordinance. Councilmember Aiken questioned the twenty-nine percent increase in the Humane Society's contract. Mayor Lacy said he wished to make it clear for the record that he would not participate in the discussion relating to animal control. Councilmember Bremmer stated the contract could possibly be renegotiated if the City had a mandatory animal licensing or microchip insertion in animals. COUNCIL REPORTS Councilmember Smet said the Chamber of Commerce will hold a Board of Directors Meeting and the Wenatchee Chamber of Commerce and the East Wenatchee Chamber of Commerce will be dissolved and a new organization, the Wenatchee Valley Chamber of Commerce, will be created. He said the new Chamber of Commerce will continue tourism promotional activities formerly undertaken by the East -5- .9. I pluung uuuQ Wd OE:8—INHNNMorQv •02allOD AaiieA aagoleuaM Xq panulluoo Suiaq aaam suoueiado aat uas aql pappe aH 'uolleztueSio aql anlosstp of sagwaoa(j ul plaq Sutlaaw 1sanZ) leug a aq Ili A aiagl pies imgonq 1agwawpounoZ) '107 Suoiaed umolumoQ aagaleuaM lseg aql log 4D agl woo paAtaow aagwegZ) aagoleuaM lseg aql saluou lnoge pads¢ s)IOupuaH iaquawllounoD •aawwwoo flosinpv wau sunol mpjo uoileputwoow a41 Suimollo3 paunzctalap aq P1nom i3gwegD aql of paleaollu lunouu aq1 plus Xoe7 lo,C W '=MWOD;o iagwugD aagoleuaM lsug aql Xq pimps Xisnouaid lunowe aql ul spung uantpulg io; lsanbai p mouaa of 3)1i1 P1nom aagwug3 mall aql pappe g OH •lanbueiagweqD a p pue Juana sissugo Csse10 aql Aluteu `aoiawwoD 3o iagwugD aagoleuaM OOOZ `LZ)IEIEIWaAON S3.Lfmw `IIONnOD 39HDIVN3m .LSv3 d0 Allo