HomeMy WebLinkAbout10/23/2000 - City Council - City Council Meeting MinutesCITY OF EAST WENATCHEE, WASHINGTON REGULAR SESSION OF THE CITY COUNCIL CONVENED MAYOR PRO TEM DENNIS HENDRICKS, PRESIDING OCTOBER 23, 2000 6:30 P.M. ROLL CALL Councilmembers Present: Councilmember Smet, Councilmember Aiken, Councilmember Bremmer, Councilmember Buckner, Councilmember Nash, Councilmember DeWitt, Mayor Pro Tern Hendricks. Mayor Lacy excused. Staff Present: Dana Barnard, Linda Countryman, Randy Harrison, Bruce Nash, Darin Bender, Chet Vimig, Chuck Zimmerman. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE PRESENTATION Douglas County Auditor Thad Duvall said there have been changes in the parking and bus ramp at Eastmont Junior School, which make it difficult for voters to enter and exit. He added with the bond levy passage there would be additional changes over the next few years and the Elections office would like to find a new polling site. Mr. Duvall asked Council to consider allowing the use of the City Hall Rotunda for future elections. The November 7, 2000 election would still be held at Eastmont Junior High School. He expressed the relocation to City Hall would need to be a permanent commitment. Mr. Duvall said the Douglas County Elections set up a voters registration table in the City Hall rotunda Friday and Monday and registered one hundred ten voters. Council was in favor of changing the polling site to the City Hall Rotunda and said they would like Mayor Lacy to make the final decision. MAYOR'S REPORT Civics Lesson — Cub Scouts, Webelos Den 32 Mayor Pro Tern Hendricks said it was an honor to have the Cub Scouts at the Council meeting. He said to earn the citizenship badge, the Cub Scouts are required to complete two items from a list, one was to visit a community leader and learn about the job or office. The Cub Scouts, Webelos Den 32 said they were working toward their citizenship badge. They asked questions of Councilmembers regarding citizenship and duties of Councilmembers. 9 swep aq1 Sutgoeajq jo jone; ut apleaS ut passed uo4nlosaj a uo pasnoo3 uotssnostp plus ag •,,Zl mgol3o uo gljomuanua-I to SIn aaw IeuotBag (OMV) s290 uolSutgsuM JO uotletoossy aq; papLionv Puq oq Ples sKotjpu H way old IOARW •jantg 0319US atg Uo swup 3o Ienowaj 311 Ut uoddns nag; Stnpmgaj pouno0 j;4t0 014LOS agl o; IOUQJ a alum of sueld papnlotn uotssnostp plus OH •y,ZI jogolo0 uo Sut;aaw (000) slu2ui=Ao03o pouno0 ag1 papualle Peg ag plus 12wS jagwawltounoO SILHOd32I'IIONRO3 'S.LOVIi.LN00 SXHOM 0I'IgIId QZIVMV OZ U31SOZI SS330,ad S?RIOM 'I WNS V omms iuviLs3 30 .L mas MU NO `XO,L9MHSt'M `33H0ZVN3M .LSV3 30 AIIO 3H.L 30 'HJNaOO AID 3H.L 30 NOLLII'IOS32I V 8-000Z NOLLf1'IOS3u 'O-L Pauteo uopow aU •siou wo gjom otlgnd pierce of ssamid miso-d sKjoM IIuwS a Sutgsllqulsa uollnlosaj aql ldope of gsex iagwawltouno0 Aq puooas laLuS iagwowpounoZ) Aq apuw sem uotlow V :uop3V ItaunoO •s13eRUO3 S4JOA% ollgnd plume of ssamid jalsod sjljoM IlmmS a Sutgsllgmsa}o loafgns aql uo uounlosaj V ZO-01-00 NOIJIVIOM •O-L Patueo uopow atll •uolloaloid wU io3 Z •oN lotjlstQ am-4 /4unoO selSnoCI gllm luiumi a Ieoopalut aql usts of joAuN a741 azuoq;nu o1 1ulMa(j jagtuawltauno0 Aq pu000s `gsLN mgwowpounoo Aq apew sum uopow V mowv p3uno0 •saotuaS uopaaloid a13 SutpjuSaj aagoleuaM;sug ;o AltO aql pug Z of l lotjis.(I 2n3 )4unoO sulSno(I uaomlaq luawaaigv Ieoolja;ul uV 10 Ol 00 .LN3IAI332IOV 'IV301MUNI paplon sem Zbb01 tagwnu lueueM •£Z'L58`6LS JO lunowe luIO1 atla ul `L8t Ol g8nonp tibb01 Pim SZbOI ggnonll bZbOI sjogtunu lummm anoidde swop Itauno0 `OOOZ `£Z jagol30 `alep spg 3o s`d •Ilouno0 of alqullunu spew uaaq wq lull Sutlstl u uo popjooaj uaoq aneq `060•bZ•Zb MOII Sq pannbai se pogtltao swtelo;uawasmgwtaj osuadxo asogl pue `080'bZ•Zb MO)I Xq pannbaj se maWo Suutpne alp Aq pagtljao pue pallpne sjagonOA — SIRIJO Uogejaptseo0 Z OOOZ `6 jagola0 `uolssaS jeln2o-d — salnutw3o uotl=ptsuo0 •1 0 L `Patjteo aotlow aq•I• poluasoid se jepualua luasuoo otp anojdde of ua>(tb j3gwawllouno0 Aq pumas gsul.I jagwawltouno0 Cq apew sum uotlow V :notlaV pan no ZIVQN3'IVJ 1N3SNOJ OOOZ `£Z x3EI0130 S9111NINi -MXn00 33HD.LVN3M LSV3 10 A1I0 CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE COUNCIL MINUTES OCTOBER 23, 2000 ADJOURNMENT — 7:00 P.M. Dana Barnard City Clerk 1 tw_