HomeMy WebLinkAbout8/14/2000 - City Council - City Council Meeting MinutesCITY OF EAST WENATCHEE, WASHINGTON REGULAR SESSION OF THE CITY COUNCIL CONVENED MAYOR PROTEM DENNIS P. BENDRICKS, PRESIDING AUGUST 14, 2000 6:30 P.M. ROLL CALL Councilmembers Present: Councilmember Bremmer, Councilmember Nash, Councilmember Smet, Councilmember DeWitt, Councilmember Buckner, Mayor Protem Hendricks. Mayor Lacy and Councilmember Aiken excused. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Nash, second by Councilmember Buckner to excuse Councilmember Aiken. The motion carried, 6-0. Staff Present: Linda Countryman, Bob Goodman, Randy Harrison, Bruce Nash, Lori Barnett, Darin Bender, Chuck Zimmerman. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE DEPARTMENT REPORTS Street Department Street Superintendent Goodman said a request had been received from the Greater Wenatchee Girls q goose F Softball Association to waive the fee for a permit to open City streets. A new seeeee softball field (ems under construction at Sterling Middle School and work on the sewer line will require a street cut. Mr. Goodman said the fee is one thousand two hundred fifty dollars and not included in the Association's budget. Councilmembers asked Mr. Goodman and Legal Counsel Zimmerman questions regarding fee amounts and the City's street excavation fees ordinance. After reviewing the City's ordinance, Mr. Zimmerman said he did not recommend waiving the fee, however, the City could allocate funds toward the fee amount. m Mayor Prote dricks asked if Hotel/Motel Tax Funds could be used for this purpose. Mr. Zimmerman said seeeeF softball games do bring tourism to the City of East Wenatchee and would be an acceptable use of Hotel/Motel Tax Funds. City Treasurer Countryman said based on the year-to-date receipts and pending 2000 Hotel/Motel Tax allocations, the funds would not be available. At the recommendation of Legal Counsel Zimmerman, the Eastmont School District will pay for the street permit and then be awarded one thousand two hundred fifty dollars from the City of East Wenatchee 2001 Hotel/Motel Tax allocations, payable in January 2001. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Buckner, second by Councilmember Nash to award Eastmont School District No. 206, one thousand two hundred fifty dollars from the 2001 Hotel/Motel Fund, for payment of a permit to open City streets for the construction of a new seeeef softball field at Sterling Middle School. The motion carried, 6-0. -1- -z- •ylmo.vj ssauisng Sulpun3 Pug `Q1mojJ ssaulsng pug Suua3jluW amlorLiIsgguI KSolougooL ;o lslsuoa P1nom gocgm ,CSalups �4!ununuoZ) 93uuuuo3iad gSiH u Suiluawaldwl;o uopudlopi ayl Su!pn;Sai uo!ssnos!P y £0-80-00 AIOISSIL7SIQ '0-9 `Pawea UO110w aqJ -soowas ngdai pug aoueualu!gw 8ulpae8ai aagolguaM lseg jo cuD ayi pug ClunoD sulBnoa uaamlaq luaw3aj2e lgoopalm agl anosddu of 1i!MaQ iagwawl!ounoD ,Cq puooas `laws aagwawllounoZ) Cq opuw sem uouow V :uop3V 113unoD a19u1!eng aney 01 spgaH luawugda(j loj loot pooS g aq P1nom luawaaiSe luoolialut agl lla; ay p!es laws aagwawpounoO -i!g3 sum s!gl laa; lou p!p ay pug `.,Clan!suadxa ssal qo£ agl op pinoo `os put soSem Swl!unald .Cud o1 aney lou p!p ilunoo ayi pappe launuaig jagwawl!ounoZ) •sgof nudw uo p!q of A4!unuoddo ue angy pinoys S]oPeRU03 alenud p!gs iawwaig jagwatupaunoD pug qoupuaH waload lo,Cglnl •XlunoO ay1 pug fo!D agl yloq of slgauoq aql 3o asngoaq atop slyl in pignuo3 lgSnoig Sulaq si ansst ay1 p!gs PH •ialsoi qlom flews aql woi; pap!noid aq as!miaylo P1nom lugl soowas of igl¢ms a.1e Sulp!noid aq P1nom Aiunoo ayl saoi,uas aql p!us uuwpooD -ryy •aLuU slgi w psgnvo3 anss! aql SuiSuuq sluap!ou! og!oads Cue anm alayl )! pug ssaoold p!q aql algunuya P1nom s!yl;! po lse aqS •spaupuuls ,ClunoD/,G!3 of palaldwoo sum 31lom aqi iggl oas of fcu:) aq) aneS slyl ,C1!1lge aq1 ,10 panoiddg aqs p!us gsu11 iagtuawl!ounoD •saowas nudai pug aoueualu!uw Sulpie8ai aagoleuaM lsug jo ,Cl!D ayl pug ,ClunoO sulSno(I uaamiaq luawaalic leoolialut pasodoid ag1;o mawano ue aneS uuwpoo0 luapualuuadnS laaAS •saowas zmdaj pug aoueualu!gw Su!piuSai aagoleuaM mg jo f4iD agl pug Amon sulBnoQ uaamlag luawaaiSe leaollalu! 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In response to Task 3, he suggested contacting Quest. He said Quest had a revolving loan fund, which is similar to a bank loan, but less stringent. Mayor Protein Hendricks and Councilmember Nash said they have some concerns with the proposed list of participating entities. Councilmember Nash added a concern that the High Performance Community Strategy was just another study. Mayor Protem Hendricks said he felt more information was needed before voting on the proposal. He recommended tabling the discussion until Mayor Lacy returned. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Buckner, second by Councilmember Nash to table the discussion regarding the participation of implementing a High Performance Community Strategy which would consist of Technology Infrastructure, Marketing and Business Growth, and Funding Business Growth until Mayor Lacy returned. The motion carried, 6-0. EXECUTIVE SESSION At 7:17 pm, Mayor Protem Hendricks announced a fifteen -minute executive session regarding potential litigation. At 7:33 pm, Mayor Protein Hendricks extended the executive session five minutes. Reconvened 7:38 pm COUNCIL REPORTS Councilmembers Bremmer and Buckner gave an update on the Public Facilities District, which might be a possible solution for Mission Ridge. Councilmember Nash voiced a concern that taxpayers would be contributing funds to a profit -making organization. ADJOURNMENT — 7:50 P.M. Li da J. Co n tAJ pan City Treas r 1 Z