HomeMy WebLinkAbout7/24/2000 - City Council - City Council Meeting MinutesCITY OF EAST WENATCHEE, WASHINGTON REGULAR SESSION OF THE CITY COUNCIL CONVENED MAYOR STEVEN C. LACY JULY 24, 2000 6:30 P.M. OATH OF OFFICE David Bremmer was sworn into Council Position Number 3 by Mayor Lacy. ROLL CALL Councilmembers Present: Councilmember Aiken, Councilmember Bremmer, Councilmember Nash, Councilmember Smet, Councilmember Hendricks, Councilmember DeWitt, Councilmember Buckner, Mayor Lacy. Staff Present: Dana Barnard, Linda Countryman, Bob Goodman, Randy Harrison, Teresa Allen, Bruce Nash, Chuck Zimmerman. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE CITIZEN COMMENTS Bill Stroud, 411 Nineteenth Street NE, said he would like the Animal Control ordinance left as it is. He said it was thoughtless legislation that "smacks of retribution" and said it appears to be a "vendetta" of Council to consider changing the ordinance. Mr. Stroud said the fecal matter from cats cause health hazards to the community and suggested getting the opinion of a veterinarian prior to taking action on the ordinance. Earl Murdock, 1108 N. Baker, said he should not have to identify what animal scratched his car before he sets a trap. He asked Council to leave the ordinance as it is. Bill Williams, 1123 N. Baker, said he agrees with Mr. Stroud's comments. He said he has animals, including a cat, and feels that homeowners need to have the right to defend their property. Councilmember Bremmer said he was in favor of the amended section of the ordinance requiring two written complaints from people in separate households affected by the behavior of an animal, or upon the actual observance by the humane officer of the animal creating the public nuisance. Resident, 1110 N Baker, said he has seen four different cats on his property and he can not identify the owners of the cats. Executive Director Pam Baker, Wenatchee Valley Humane Society, gave a letter to Council and asked that they take a minute to read it. She said she would like to see the City and the Humane Society work together to amend the ordinance. Denis Dexter, 1021 N Fairview Place, said he did not like the idea of a trap being set in his neighborhood without being notified. -1- -Z- •suo!lolpsunC atp uaamlaq snsuamoo a sluasaidai ay aou!s `aspuq oqJ uo auiru s,tvIlos aolEuas aneq of aolu RIA 1! lugl palMs OH •aspug iellas 31i039 ioluuaS 3gl3o uo4polpaCI agl popuaue aq plus Aoe l io uW luxuawst uogExauue aid aql sulp.Esai sJuaunuo0 laglzU ,Cue aeeq Amp3! 1Jaung uo-I 1oEluoo of I!auno0 px1su Aouj ioAuyj 90Z 'oN lo!As!a loogaS Juouusu3 JuapualuuadnS `1nutU •S laof `,Claaaouls •suopsonb AUR IAEq no,C 3! 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The motion carried, 7-0. 1. Consideration of minutes — Regular Session, July 10, 2000 2. Consideration of Bills — Vouchers audited and certified by the auditing officer as required by RCW 42.24.080, and those expense reimbursement claims certified as required by RCW 42.24.090, have been recorded on a listing that has been made available to Council. As of this date July 24, 2000, Council does approve warrant numbers 10195 through 10249 in the total amount of $53,009.49. Warrant number 10223 was voided. ORDINANCE 00-07-04 First reading of an ordinance amending sections of the Animal Control Ordinance Mayor Lacy said he had submitted a letter with the Council bill explaining his reasoning for recommending amendments to the existing ordinance. He said he particularly recommended the due process amendment. Mayor Lacy added his own conflict had been resolved amicably with his neighbor. Also, he said, he had gained a deeper understanding of both sides of the issue. Mayor Lacy read first reading. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Hendricks, second by Councilmember Nash to table consideration of the ordinance amending sections of the Animal Control Code indefinitely. The motion failed, 3-4. (Buckner, Aiken, Smet, Bremmer) Councilmembers Buckner and Smet spoke against tabling the ordinance. Councilmember Buckner said rather dodging the issue, an equitable solution should be found. Councilmember Smet said to table the ordinance would imply Council did not want to make a decision. Councilmembers Hendricks and Nash spoke in favor of tabling the ordinance. Councilmember Hendricks said the proposed ordinance should be tabled because the issue was causing the City of East Wenatchee to become a laughing stock. Councilmember Nash said the proposed ordinance should be tabled because the current ordinance was ok as is. She added she did not want to require that a complaint had to be registered by two people. Councilmember Aiken said tabling the ordinance would not resolve the conflicts in sections 6.04.130 A and 6.04.130 E of the current ordinance. He added he would like to have the "at large" allowance dropped from the ordinance as well. City Attorney Zimmerman said there should be post deprivation of some sort and due process should be added to the ordinance. Executive Director Pam Baker, Wenatchee Valley Humane Society, said if an appeal process is added it would be cost detrimental to the Humane Society's budget. -3- f N, mI �1�,%� •w•d so:s-ZN3INNIulorav aSp!g uo!ss!yIl Iol CiuoiinV ivawdolanaQ o!lgnd e;o sig2uoq , ail 3o Mawano ue aneS aalunH iauo!ss!unuoZ) AlunoZ) uelaiD junil P!m OH '£I ,Clnf uo Su!laaw sluaunnanoO•lo pounoD aqi popuolie peq aq p!es iou)long iagwaLul!ouno:) •amlonziS SngoA pue saD; Su!pae83i pieog ail of slesodoid ail DAIS of Supaaw uo!lez!ueSip Sutuueld uEulodonoW It Su!pualle aq pinom ail p!es iamlong iagwawl!ounoo SZ'IOd3H 'HJN(IOJ *a'dVOH ZN3INHAO*ddNII NOIZVlHOdSNVZIZ HHZ ONV NOLLV.LMOdSNVIU 30 AYVZ3IIJ3S 3ZVZS MU H IM GaMA 39 OZ HINVS 3AZ JN OHMa QNV PrYMDOZId LNHNIHA011JWl NOIZVZ*IOdSNVlU HYRA-XIS V ONIZdOO:V NOZJNLHSVM `33HJJLVNHM ZSV3 30 AM HHZ 30 NOUa'IOSZH V L-Oooz MOLLLI IOS311 ati!i uolinlosai aii peai Aoe-1 aokoW •0-L `Pauieo uollow ail•l• •weffioid luawanoidug uogvgodsugj moA-x!S aagoleuo& iseg Dill Su!paeSai uo!Inlosaa ail idope of sau>(ong iaquiawl!ounoZ) Sq puoaas `qoppuaH ugwauq!ounoZ) iq apew SWA uotlow y :uolp llaunoO •weaold luawano.idull uolleliodsueil• aeaA x!S aaioleuaM Iseg ail Su!Idope uo!inlosaa V 50-LO-00 NOLL[Viosau