HomeMy WebLinkAbout7/10/2000 - City Council - City Council Meeting MinutesI 9 CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE, WASHINGTON REGULAR SESSION OF THE CITY COUNCIL CONVENED MAYOR STEVEN C. LACY JULY 10, 2000 6:30 P.M. ROLL CALL Councilmembers Present: Councilmember Buckner, Councilmember Smet, Councilmember Aiken, Councilmember DeWitt, Councilmember Hendricks, Councilmember Nash, Mayor Lacy. Staff Present: Dana Barnard, Bob Goodman, Randy Harrison, Lori Barnett, Teresa Allen, Bruce Nash, Chuck Zimmerman. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE CITIZEN COMMENTS Bruce Nash, 909 N Gale said he would like the Animal Control ordinance left as it is. Mr. Nash said he has used the ordinance to trap nuisance cats. He added that cats could cause health concerns. Executive Director Pam Baker, Wenatchee Valley Humane Society, explained how the trespass law works for the enforcement agency. She said the trespass law makes it possible for the Humane Society to impound cats that are left on a doorstep. She suggested that if the City Council wished to change the ordinance they might also consider adding a licensing law. Executive Board Member Dr. Robert Thompson, Wenatchee Valley Humane Society, explained how fecal matter from cats can produce health hazards for humans. Pam Schall, 950 Fairmont Avenue, said she has indoor and outdoor cats. She said she had a cat that disappeared. She made two trips a day to the humane society and the cat was never picked up or found. She stated that she is against trapping cats and would prefer a licensing or micro chipping law be put in place. Dave Berstein, Wenatchee, said he has had two cats trapped by a neighbor. He is in favor of a trespass law and licensing of cats. Denis Dexter, 1021 Fairview Place, said he would like to see a daily fee charged to the person using the trap. He said he has concerns about baiting traps because it causes more animals to be in the area than would normally be there. Mary Merrill, Fairview Place, said she would like Council to remove the trespass law and add a licensing law. Diane Barker, East Wenatchee, said she had a neighbor who loved her cat, but when that neighbor moved the new neighbor trapped her cat. She added that she was never contacted before her cat was impounded. - 1 - -Z- •aall•L logwnl l uon!sod 1!ounoo i0j saleplpuea aq; jo suollEogllenb aq; ssnoslp o; uolssas anllnoaxa a;nupn uaagg a pollEo Aou-1 loAelnj mod 00:6 1V sa;ep!puea;o snoysapnenb ay; jo uogenpen3 — Iaoaoslad NOISSHS 3ALU103M 0'9 `Pallleo uol;ow aqj• -luawaalBV saolnlaS 8uua=Sug leuo!ssajold aq; ol;uawpumm all anoldde of u!MaQ lagwawl!ouno0 Aq puooas `sxaupuaH lagwawllauno0 Iq opew se n uol;ow V mot (taanoj •s;oafold 14unoD srjSnoQ se Ilan+ se sloafoid louls!Q laleM apnloxa P1nom;uawaw2c sao!nlas aql ol;uawpuawe posodold oqp `lo!4st(1lalvAk aagoleuaM Inn oql loj la3ul8ua pa;oelluoo aql ORR sl ZHX aou!S 's;nu!l Alto aq1 ulgllm pa;eool Ap!1!oej Hall uo saolnlas 8uuaau!8ua loj ;sanbal a gplm (laaul8ug s,fq!D aq1) Suuaaul8u3 ZHu pogoeoldde seq dluno0 selBnoQ -malnai Au0 annbai pinom 1l j! slnull Auo alp u!gl!m sloafold uo 8uouom wolf l03111811a loepuoo alp pa;!q!gold Imp uolslAold a sum alagl lsalalul jo ;olguoo pue f42pdoldwl jo aoueleadde pone o; laplo u1 -;uawaalBV saolnlaS 8uuaaulBuH aq) ul papoau sum luawpuawe ue plus An-j loxelnl •uolssas annnaaxa ul suogeaggenb salEplpueo aql lap!suoo P1nom pounoD alp paleo!pal AoeZ 10AIR q -saAlaswagi jo punol83l3eq jouq a aAcS `iaAog laBo-d pull laullualg pineQ `salep!puEa om; al-1, £# uoll!sod paunoj;neaen Jo; sa;ep!pue:) DdOd3H S,HOAVIN •;uawnoop aql jo gulp aql uo panlaoal sluaurwoo ,Cull ssnoslp P1nom gulp alp uo 8upuom aq 1pta legl aau!wwoo agl palEolpul aqS •luawaal8e aql loj suo!1sa88ns to sluawwoo loq;o Cull gplm lag loeluoo o; llounoo paolse pauleg sW 'ssaooid aql uo suo!ssnoslp loj )wod 8uluels a se gulp g8nol a s! slgl pauleldxa aqS 'anuanal xE) jo ssol oql o;;snfpu of aw!1 A1unoD aq; san18 os1E Elnuuoj 8uuegs anuanai aq,1, •saowas uo puewap paseaioul aql loagai of )a8pnq Ienuue uE aledald of awl) f4!0 aql san!8 pull sallg!puadxa pull anuanal a741 loj p3;a8pnq Apealle suq A1unoD ag11Eg1 sazlu800al ;u3luzzae aq; plus aqS •luawaai2u all ioj soido; pull sanssl ssalppE of seElnN oliuW pue lawelplol pg saaAoldwa flunoZ) selBnoQ gplm lagia8ol pwilom peq aqs plus uaweg lo;oallQ luawdolana(jr4lununuoZ) •,yuno0 suignoQ pull aagoluuaM ;sEg jo Al!D aql uaam)aq ;uawaaj& uoquxouue ue 8ulple801 uolssnoslp V NOISSf1JSIQ •sluwlue aouesmu 10 AElis;sulEBE suopoE;uawaolojuo s,AlalooS ouewnH aq; 8uuapul7q ;noq;lm swalgold aq; ;oalloo P1nom jEgl aouEwplo gulp u puamid of aNji pjnom aq plus Sou j loAuN ,saaj IEadde of ssaoold uouEnudop lsod to aid jo uolsnloul `saaj and;ellslunupE pull 8ulsuaoll passnoslp osle Amu •ssedsal; lewlue pull `081E1 ;E slew!ue `aauesmu o!lgnd se gons sauln8t4wE 8ulugap passnaslp slagwawl!ouno� •wags 8ulsuao!l jo lonej ul aq pinom pull spin jo 8uldde4 a;eunulla of mig P1nom aq plus aould ma!nl!e3 `jj!uaW llago-d •ealE aq; ui pas uaaq pEq du.g a legp pagpou uaaq lou peq slogg8lau poppe aqS •aplspno slew laq 1al o; p!elje aq )ou Plnogs ails plus `onuanV )uowl!E3 096 `s3IjudS AuIV 000Z `01 A'Iflf SH.If1N1W'II3NIl00 H3HDIVNE M .ISVH 90 AID CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE COUNCIL MINUTES JULY 10, 2000 At 9:00 p.m. Mayor Lacy called a fifteen minute executive session to discuss the qualifications of the candidates for Council Position Number Three. RECONVENED — 9:08 Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Hendricks, second by Councilmember Nash to appoint David Bremmer for the vacant Council Position Number Three. The motion carried, 6-0. Mayor Lacy said Mr. Bremmer would be swom in at the July 24 Council Meeting. CONSENT CALENDAR Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Buckner, second by Councilmember Smet to approve the consent calendar as presented. The motion carried, 5-0. (Hendricks abstained) 1. Consideration of minutes -- Regular Session, June 26, 2000 2. Consideration of Bills — Vouchers audited and certified by the auditing officer as required by RCW 42.24.080, and those expense reimbursement claims certified as required by RCW 42.24.090, have been recorded on a listing that has been made available to Council. As of this date July 10, 2000, Council does approve warrant numbers 10168 through 10194 in the total amount of $12,005.38. Warrant numbers 10179 through 10183, and 10193 were voided Council does approve payroll warrant numbers 17540 through 17624, and 200102 in the total amount of $133,408.76, paid July 5, 2000, for the month of June 2000. Payroll warrant numbers 17574, 17577, and 17615 were voided. PUBLIC HEARINGS 00-07-01 A public hearing regarding the Six Year Transportation Improvement Program. Mayor Lacy opened the public hearing at 9:11 p.m. Hearing no public comment, Mayor Lacy closed the public hearing at 9:12 p.m. Street Superintendent Goodman noted his list of priorities had been given to Council. He said the plan needed to be completed by July 31 and would be set by resolution. He asked Council to contact him with any suggested changes to the priority list. 00-07-02 A public hearing for the purpose of considering vacation of portions of Fourth Street N.E. and N. Baker Avenue located between Valley Mall Parkway and Fifth Street N.E. Mayor Lacy opened the public hearing at 9:14 p.m. Hearing no public comment, Mayor Lacy closed the public hearing at 9:15 p.m. R ORDINANCE 00-07-03 First reading of an ordinance vacating portions of Fourth Street N.E. and N. Baker Avenue located between Valley Mall Parkway and Fifth Street N.E. -3- Elm G Wd OZ:6 — JX21PIN11IlOf(IV -urd OO:Zl 01'w•u 00:6 wo.g `EI 41nj si3gwug0 pounoJ IleH f113 aagnlu OM 1Ss3 agl uc Sullwaw sluawwanoD;o IlounoJ u aq Igm a.iaq; p!us nmjong iagwawlinunoD S.LZIOd31I 'IIJNROJ '3.LVQ 3A1.LJ3dd3 NV ONIHSI IHV.LS3 QNV '3'N .L332I.LS HI HA (WV AVA4,XHVd 'ITVW A3I IVA N33M.L39 Q31VJO'I aaN3AV H3}IVE 'N QNV '3'N .L331I.LS H.LHaOd 30 SNOU'dOd ONLLVJVA `NO.L`JNIHSVM `33HJ.LVN3M ISV3 90 ALIJ alu HO 33NVN (rdo NV 91-000Z 3JNIVNICrdO •,Cauwums aOusucpio acp peal Xou-I 10AEW 0 9 `Pawea uopow aq L'3'Is laaAS g8ld Put AtmInd IIeIN A31IBA uaanlaq pa;tool anuaAV ia>(ug •H pus •3•pI loaj1S glmo3 3o suopaod SucluosA aOusucpao agl anoiddu of uo l!V iogwawlcouno3 Aq puooas `nu:Iong iagwawliounoO Aq opuw seen uollow V :uollay I►auno� '0-9 `PaLLMO uoclow ag•Iy -SuIpsai puooas o; •3•I.I IQOAS W-4 Put XENLInd Ilt'W AailtA uaaMlaq polunol onuaAV ia)Iug •l.I pus H,N laagS q;.mo3 3o suollaod SulluasA aouuucpio alp a;snala of gsuM iagwawllounoD Aq puooas `s-AoupuaH aagwawlcounoJ fq opuw sum uol;ow V :uopoV pounoj OOOZ'01 A'Iflf S9lflf HW'IIJNf10J 33HJ.LVN3M .LSV3 30 AID