HomeMy WebLinkAbout6/26/2000 - City Council - City Council Meeting MinutesCITY OF EAST WENATCHEE, WASHINGTON REGULAR SESSION OF THE CITY COUNCIL CONVENED MAYOR STEVEN C. LACY JUNE 26, 2000 6:30 P.M. ROLL CALL Councilmembers Present: Councilmember Smet, Councilmember Stanton, Councilmember Buckner, DeWitt, excused. Councilmember Aiken, Councilmember Hendricks, Councilmember Nash, Mayor Lacy. Councilmember Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Stanton, second by Councilmember Nash to excuse Councilmember DeWitt from this Council meeting. The motion carried 6-0. Staff Present: Dana Barnard, Linda Countryman, Bob Goodman, Randy Harrison, Bruce Nash. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE CITIZEN COMMENTS Heather Merrill said she lives in a family neighborhood where several families, including hers, have cats. She is concerned about the way the East Wenatchee ordinance reads, which allows a neighbor to bait and trap cats trespassing on his property, then have the cats picked up by the Wenatchee Valley Humane Society. Robert Merrill said his family is planning on taking a vacation and he is concerned about having someone come and care for his family's cats for fear they might get out, get trapped and sent to the Humane Society while he is away. He asked Council to consider suspending enforcement of trapping cats until the issue can be discussed. iu r:W@] W*1T*1i1 m Mayor Lacy said he lives in the neighborhood where the trapping of cats is occurring. He said a discussion is scheduled for the July 10 Council meeting. He added the ordinance is vague. He said per East Wenatchee Municipal Code 6.04.130 (A), cats may be at large, however, 6.04.130 (E), states animals may not trespass upon property of another. This is a conflict in the ordinance, which needs to be corrected. Councilmember Nash said the ordinance has been in place for eighteen years and there has not been any complaints regarding these sections in the past. She added, she would like to hear from the person trapping the cats before taking any action. Councilmember Hendricks said he does not want to make a decision based on emotions and would like to reserve comments until the discussion with the Humane Society occurs at the July 10 Council meeting. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Stanton, second by Councilmember Aiken to suspend all portions of the animal control ordinance relating to the trapping and baiting of domestic cats for a period of thirty days for Council discussion. The motion carried, 4-2. 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COUNCIL REPORTS NNE 26, 2000 Councilmember Hendricks said he had attended the Association of Washington Cities Conference in Spokane along with Councilmember Buckner. He said the speakers were very motivating and he appreciates the training. Councilmember Buckner said the Association of Washington Cities Conference was very worthwhile. He said one concern discussed related to Municipal Courts and the qualifications of part-time judges. Another topic of interest was utilities in small cities. He added he had brought back information for Council to review. Councilmember Hendricks said the City of Lacey had adopted a section to their building code relating to hazardous material such as methamphetamine houses. He added he had materials for Council to review. ADJOURNMENT — 7:20 P.M. -3-