HomeMy WebLinkAbout5/14/2001 - City Council - City Council Meeting Minutes' CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE, WASHINGTON REGULAR SESSION OF THE CITY COUNCIL CONVENED MAYOR STEVEN C. LACY, PRESIDING MAY 14, 2001 6:30 P.M. ROLL CALL Councilmembers Present: Councilmember Nash, Councilmember DeWitt, Councilmember Bremmer, Councilmember Smet, Councilmember Aiken, Councilmember Hendricks, Mayor Lacy. Councilmember Buckner excused. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Smet, second by Councilmember Bremmer to excuse Councilmember Buckner. The motion carried, 6-0. Staff Present: Dana Barnard, Linda Countryman, Lori Barnett, Randy Harrison, Teresa Allen, Joan Sims, Bruce Nash, Chuck Zimmerman. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE PROCLAMATION ' Mayor Lacy read proclamations designating May as Buddy Poppy Sales Month and May 28th as Memorial Day in the City of East Wenatchee. MAYOR'S REPORT Mayor Lacy thanked the Councilmembers and employees who attended the signing of the Misawa Sister City Agreement at Executive Flight on May 7, 2001. Mayor Lacy said he had just received a draft revision of the Eastmont Recreational Service Area (ERSA) agreement from the Douglas County Commissioner Stanton, which includes City representation. Mayor Lacy said the issues of concern regarding the annexation agreement with Douglas County had been revised and agreed upon and a final draft of the annexation agreement should be ready by the next Council meeting. DEPARTMENT REPORT Community Development Director Barnett said the School District has agreed to have its primary access to the new Junior High School from 8" Street NE rather than 10's Street NE. She said as part of the City's long range plan for street improvements, it has been anticipated that the City would continue the level of improvements on 8'" Street NE, similar to the construction standards developed with the Eastmont/9 s Street project. Ms. Barnett asked Council to consider working with the School District to provide full street improvements for 81' Street and Grover concurrent with the development of the school site. ' Ms. Barnett said there is presently five hundred thousand dollars remaining from the sale of bonds associated with the Mall street improvement purchase. The money has been earmarked for the Baker Avenue/4"' Street project. Since the project will not be constructed until 2003, she would like to propose reallocating those funds to pay the City's share of the improvements. The City's share for 8t' Street NE improvements would be two hundred fifty-seven thousand dollars. - 1 - MG pue1S sil OMWH PUM H-b M'30qulaH '8 90-SO-I0 PtMS s3liomait3 sualepinbi-1 W ag f 'L SO-90-10 ' puelS s410m2n3 ddog ueug 9 40-50-I0 pue1S s>tiomai13 iOW03 ueilsugD aBeluaH 'S £O-50-10 PllelS s410m2n3 aauiwu OD IeAuaO f4uno0 sulSno(I 'b ZO-SO-iO pu14S stuomang a214muuto0 Ieuua0 R1uno0 sel`dnoa '£ IO-SO-IO — slltg jo uoueiapisuo3 Z I OOZ `£Z l!-idV `uoissaS mjnSag — salnunu jo uoilei2pisuo0 • I •0-9'paumo uopow oU poluosaad se iepualeo luasuoo aq1 anoidde 01 siloupuOH iagwaui pouno0 ,Cq pu000s 'uaiiiV aaquiouiliaunoD ,Cq opew sum uoilow y :uotloV Ilounoa HVQNZ IVO lKaSNOJ •Cep Oates aql uo dogsiiiom iopuio0 opislseg oql puaue of Iiouno0 pa8umooua osle aqs •Buipuauu ui palsaialm sum llouno0 jt Buivana aql ui `IOOZ 19I XeNI uo 2smo0 uogS Buiuueld a aq pinom aiagl pies uouieg sW •y uo,(ueD 4Ileioodso `sloafoid oql ioj ded of lgop uual Suol jo suopeoildwl leiaueug all se Ilom se. solouanbullop BuipieSai f4unoo selgnoa ,Cq possaidxa U12OUO3 sem mall pouieldxa atIS •wuBoid luei0 uopeBmw ,Culilfl P1uzeH NMI) lay luawaSuuulnl A=Ogiautg Ieiap33 aql ioj paiedaid Buiaq sem lualui jo ioual y •loafoid y uo tuRD all ioj ,Ced of pansmd Bmaq wom saomos Suipunj all pamuldxa uaweg sY1 ' •uotleolldde Man a uo 2uppom alilm uuol aq1 uo uoisualxa iead ouo a polsonbai seq,ClunoO selBno(I •ueol luaiajjlp a glim paoeidai aq of paau pinom ueo-I pun3 lsniy stlioM oilgnd all io adoos jo 29uulo a paau pinom loafoid agl pies uaweg •sW snllop uoillnu moj sem aletupsa Ieutguo aq,i• •siellop uoillnu lg8i2 palemusa ue lsoo mou pinom loofoid all luounaile 13aAS kionlua)l aql g1iM'loofoid agl jo adoos uSisap-aid aql uo paseq luautuBile laailS ,Glonlua)I aql paleuiwilo seq loafoid y uoAuuD oql pits nommil iopwiU ivawdolanaQ 14iununuo0 •s8ulla2w zip puane of alge wam siagwatupouno0 aql jo auoM •sleualuw aql iaq Buipuas daail pinom dnoi8 aql pappe aqS •jlegaq sA!D aql uo sguiloaw all Buipuaue ul palsaialui aq lgSiw iagwawllouno0 a jt moLDI of aKil Plnom aqs `llim panlonw sl ags sloafoid jo iagwnu Buiwlagmiano all Tim ianamoH •sSullaaw liufl Sumueid puu uoueioossy Suluueid palsialeM X4unoO sulBnoa all Suipump uaaq seq aqs pies uaumg iolaama luawdolanaQ 14!unwwo0 (sloupuoH) ' I-S `Pauiuo uopow oq.L 'Hid laaAS q18 uo sluawanoidwi all jo aiegs s,,CuO all .Cud of siullop puesnogl uanas-4g paipung oml oleoolleai of iautwaig iagwawlpouno0 ,Cq puoaas `niMa(j iagwaui pouno0 ,Cq apew sum uouow y :uoilaV Ilaunoz) •loofoid aM laailS y,8 aql apnloui of utei8oid luawanoidul uopelmdstmj, iea,&-9 iql Suipuawe popuoutwonai uuwiaunmz ,foutony Buz) iea C sigl wei8oia luawanoidul uogeliodsum,L .moA-9 all of pappe oq of aiam gN laigS q18 puu iano D gloq legl paleolpul uauieg •slnl •wuBoid luawanoidul uoiluuodsuwj• noA-9 oq1 uo 1ou sem laafoid ql.I laaAS s8 aq1 pappe OH •190AS iaileg ioj palieuuea iauow sulsn ,Cu3 aql jo uoild2oiad ,sa=g!o inoge paumouoo sum aq pies siloupuaH iaqutaullouno0 ' •tiauow aql asn of asuas apuw li `aiopmU •li uo lgop aql ,Ced of lsaialui gSnoui Bum= lou sum Am= aql legl pouopuaw uailty iagwawliouno0 IOOZ `7l AVW SaId1NI N'IIONf100 HHHO.LVN&M .LSVH 30 AMD CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE COUNCIL MINUTES MAY 14, 2001 Vouchers audited and certified by the auditing officer as required by RCW 42.24.080, and those expense ' reimbursement claims certified as required by RCW 42.24.090, have been recorded on a listing that has been made available to Council. As of this date, May 14, 2001, Council does approve warrant numbers 11038 through 11096 in the total amount of $78,852.53. Warrant number 11083 was voided. ORDINANCE 01-04-02 Second reading of an ordinance amending the City of East Wenatchee Comprehensive Plan Map. Councilmember Hendricks thanked Community Development Director Barnett and the Planning Commission for a job well done. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Hendricks, second by Councilmember DeWitt to adopt the ordinance amending the City of East Wenatchee Comprehensive Plan Map. The motion carried, 6-0. Mayor Lacy read the ordinance summary. ORDINANCE NO.01-02 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE, WASHINGTON, AMENDING ' THE CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN MAP, CONTAINING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE, AND SETTING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. 01-04-03 Second reading of an ordinance amending Title 17 of the East Wenatchee Municipal Code (EWMC); amending the official zoning map and the City zoning code. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Bremmer, second by Councilmember Aiken to adopt the ordinance amending Title 17 of the East Wenatchee Municipal Code (EWMC); amending the official zoning map and the City zoning code. The motion carved, 6-0. Mayor Lacy read the ordinance summary. ORDINANCE NO.01-03 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE, WASHINGTON, AMENDING TITLE 17 OF THE EAST WENATCHEE MUNICIPAL CODE; AMENDING THE OFFICIAL ZONING MAP OF THE CITY AS PART OF AN AREA WIDE REZONE PROCESS; AMENDING THE CITY ZONING CODE; CONTAINING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE, AND SETTING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. 01-04-04 Second reading of an ordinance adding a new Chapter 16.18 to the EWMC; establishing Procedures for dividing Land pursuant to a Binding Site Plan. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Smet, second by Councilmember Bremmer to adopt the ordinance adding a new Chapter 16.18 to the EWMC; establishing Procedures for dividing Land ' pursuant to a Binding Site Plan. The motion carried, 6-0. Mayor Lacy read the ordinance summary. km 0,31 ' 'WnrdO1VHOW 3H1 NO DNMV3H 3119nd V HO3 31Va V DNuns aNV `SHINOW-XIS 30 a0I113d V HO3 3AIJ.33d33 39 01 NOIZJf1aOHd H3MOd HO3 SHOIVH3N3D 13S31a 30 NOI1VH3dO 110 ZN3W3JV7d 3H1 HO3 S39N3311 aNV S1IWH3d 3Sfl HOd SNOIIVJI7ddV 30 33NVJA33JV 3H1 NO WaIHOIVHOW 31VIa3WWl NV JNLLVZISS333N )0N39H3W3 A139VS (INV 311V373M `H1'IV3H JI'I9fld V DNMV'IJ3a `DNINOZ aNV 3Sfl aNV1 01 DNI1V'I311 `NOI5NIHSVM `33HJ.LVN3M 1SV3 30 AID 3H1 90 3JNVNIQHO NV 90-10'ON 3JDIVNIa'dO (a¢ununs aoueutpao alp peas Aoe7 aoArW •0-g'patueo uotlou atly uoilonpoad aamod ao; saoleaauaS lasaip;o uopeaado ao luauiaaeld ao; sasuaott pus slnuaad;o ooueldaooe oql uo unuoleaou gluoul-xis a Sutsodmt aaueu[pao ayl ldope of aaunuaag a2qu3ultouno0 Aq puooas `sxaupuaH aaquauipuno0 Aq apeu sum uotlou V :uotlaV pouno3 •0-9 `pauaeo uotlou oU •Sulpeaa puoaas of uogonpoad aamod ao; saoleaauaS lasaip;o uoileaado ao luauaould ao; sasuaoil pue sluuad;o aoumdaoou oql uo unuoleiou gluon -xis a Suisodui aoueutpao aql alenala of aaunuaag aaquaultounoO Aq puoaas 'sAoupuaH aaquaultounoO Aq apetu sum uotlou V :uopaV ItaunoJ •uoilonpoad aamod ao; saoluaauaS lasm ;o uogeaado ao luauaoeld ao; sasuaatl pue sltuuad ;o aoueldaooe atp uo unuoleaou gluon -xis a Sutsodut aouumpao ue;o Suipeaa ls$3 80-90-10 '31Va 3AIJ.J3333 NV ONIHSI'18V•LS3 aNV NOIIV'IOIA HO3 5311'IVN3d DNIHSI'19V.LS3 'S3Hfla3JO11d DNIHV3H 9NIHSI'19VJS3 f3Hf1a3JOHd NOIJ33HHOJ AHV1Nfl'IOA V ONIHSI78VJ.S3 !'If13MV'INfI 933NVSIfIN HJf1S DNIHV-IJ3a 'S3JNVSIf1N 9NIN133a '3a03 'IVdI3INf1W 33HJJLVN13M JSV3 3HJ. 30 0Z'8 1131AVHJ DNIQN3WV `NOJ.ONIHSVM `33HJJ.VN3M JSV3 30 A11J 3H.L 30 3JNVNIQHO NV W10 ON 3JNVNIaHO Caetuwns aoueutpao 311 peaa Aoe1.10ABI l •O-9 °patuuo uouou QILL •saouesinu of Sutlelaa apoO lediatunN oagoluuaM lse3 alp jo 0Z•8 Jaldeg0 Suipuaue aoueutpao aql ldope of lauS aaquauipounoO Aq puooas `11tm2(j aaquaupounoO Aq apeu sum uotlou V :uotpV ItaunoZ) '0-9 `Pauaea uotlou aq•I• •Sulpeaa puoaas 01 saouesinu of Suile[aa apoO ledtotunyq aagoleuaM lseg aql ;o pZ g aaldeg0 Supuaue aoueutpao aql alenala o1 1ltMaQ aaquaultaunoZ) Aq puooas `s�laupuaH aaquaultounoO dq apeu sum uotlou V :uop3V paunoj •saouusinu 01 Suuelaa apoO ledtatunyll aagoleuaM lseg 2g1;o pZ g a2ldeg0 Suipuaue aoueuipao ue;o 8uipeaa lsai3 LO-9O-10 '31Va 3AI1J3333 NV ONI113S aNV `3swr) A11'II9VH3A3s V ONINIVJ.NOJ •NV7d MUS DMaKI9 V 011NVfl%Md aNV7ONIQ1A1a HO3 sma3JOHd 9MHS119V1S3 '3aOJ 'IVdIJINOW 33HJIVNHM 1SV3 3HJ. 01 81'91 H3JAVHJ M3N V ONIaaV `NOIDNIHSVM `33HJ1VN3M 1SV3 30 A11J 3H1 30 3JNVN1aH0 NV to-10.ON 3JNVNIaHO I OOZ `hl AV W SaIf1NIW'IDW1OJ 33HJJ•VN3M .LSV3 40 AZIJ CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE COUNCIL MINUTES MAY 14, 2001 I COUNCIL REPORTS Councilmember Bremmer said the Solid Waste Advisory Committee discussed a proposal from Chelan County for a regional composting facility. The committee also discussed how well the Department of Ecology burning ban has worked with few complaints and many compliments. Councilmember Aiken thanked Mayor Lacy and his wife Debra for their participation during the visit of the Misawa Delegation. ADJOURNMENT — 8:10 P.M. A-� 't' Dana Barnard City Clerk 1 1 IWE