HomeMy WebLinkAbout4/23/2001 - City Council - City Council Meeting Minutes' CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE, WASHINGTON REGULAR SESSION OF THE CITY COUNCIL CONVENED MAYOR STEVEN C. LACY, PRESIDING APRIL 23, 2001 6:30 P.M. ROLL CALL Councilmembers Present: Councilmember DeWitt, Councilmember Nash, Councilmember Smet, Councilmember Bremmer, Councilmember Buckner, Mayor Lacy. Councilmember Aiken excused. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Hendricks, second by Councilmember DeWitt to excuse Councilmember Aiken. The motion carried, 6-0. Staff Present: Dana Barnard, Linda Countryman, Lori Barnett, Randy Harrison, Bob Goodman, Teresa Allen, Joan Sims, Bruce Nash, Chuck Zimmerman. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE PRESENTATION ' Wenatchee Valley Convention and Visitors Bureau Executive Director Joyce Vognild gave a fourth quarter report for 2000. Canfield & Associates representative Roger Chamberlain gave a brief background and history of the Cities Insurance Association of Washington (CIAW). Prior to the presentation by Scott McCallister, Mayor Lacy gave an update on a meeting he had attended today with Eastmont School District Superintendent Joel Thaut, School Board President Roy Miller and City and County Staff. He said the School District was looking more seriously at projects to alleviate traffic from the proposed Eastmont Junior High School. Scott McCallister spoke for a group of citizens expressing concerns about the Eastmont Junior High School entrance being considered for Tenth Street and felt Eighth Street was the best option for the entrance. MAYOR'S REPORT Mayor Lacy said Court Administrator Joni Barker submitted her resignation to take a position in her husband's law practice. He said Court Clerk Joan Sims would move into the Court Administrator position and Mary Beth Holzerland had been hired for the Court Clerk position. Mayor Lacy thanked Administrative Assistant Teresa Allen for all her help in preparation for the Misawa Sister City Delegation. -I- -z- mind awog opgou pue summnuopuoo kiiadoad pauoz Xileu;snpui pue Al!eioaauwtoo aoj aajsueal ao oseal 'ales jo osodmd aq1 aoj jri doad Sulp!n!p uagm uols!nip peel jo pogpu anllewalle ue a;eaao of si 81•91 aa;deg3 jo asodmd aql pies uauaeg ao;oaai(i ivaudolanaQ A4!ununuoz) •2011euipa0 agi jo Sumeaa;sag peas ,Coen aodew •ueld a1!S Suipuig a of lumsmd pue? 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Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Buckner, second by Councilmember Hendricks to adopt the revised resolution adopting the I Ith Street NE, Baker Avenue to Eastmont Avenue right-of- way Plan. The motion carried, 6-0. Mayor Lacy read the resolution title. RESOLUTION NO.01-03 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE, WASHINGTON, ADOPTING THE REVISED 11Ta STREET N.E., BAKER AVENUE TO EASTMONT AVENUE, RIGHT-OF-WAY PLANS PREPARED BY HAMMOND COLLIER WADE LIVINGSTONE, DATED APRIL 13, 2001 AND APRIL 18, 2001; AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO EXECUTE ALL DOCUMENTS NECESSARY TO ACQUIRE RIGHT-OF-WAY CONSISTENT WITH THE REVISED ADOPTED PLANS, AND REPEALING CITY RESOLUTION NO.01-1. RECOMMENDATION 01-04-06 A recommendation for final approval of Phase 4 of the Briarwood Subdivision and authorization for the Mayor to sign the mylar. Community Development Director Barnett asked Council to approve the recommendation subject to the completion of items listed in her memo. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Smet, second by Councilmember DeWitt to approve the recommendation to authorize the Mayor to sign the mylar upon completion of the items listed in the attached memo. The motion carried, 6-0. COUNCIL ACTION/DISCUSSION 01-04-07 Appoint a proxy member to the North Central Regional Transportation Planning Organization (NCRTPO). Community Development Director Barnett said the she would like Council to appoint a proxy member to the NCRTPO in the event that the primary representative is unable to attend the meetings. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Nash, second by Councilmember DeWitt to appoint Councilmember Hendricks as a proxy to the North Central Regional Transportation Planning Organization. The motion carried, 6-0. -3- v- 1 r 'NI'd SO:s —. 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