HomeMy WebLinkAbout4/9/2001 - City Council - City Council Meeting Minutes1 1 CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE, WASHINGTON REGULAR SESSION OF THE CITY COUNCIL CONVENED MAYOR STEVEN C. LACY, PRESIDING APRIL 9, 2001 6:30 P.M. ROLL CALL Councilmembers Present: Councilmember DeWitt, Councilmember Nash, Councilmember Smet, Councilmember Bremmer, Councilmember Aiken, Mayor Lacy. Councilmembers Hendricks and Buckner excused. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Nash, second by Councilmember Smet to excuse Councilmember Hendricks. The motion carried, 5-0. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Aiken, second by Councilmember Bremmer to excuse Councilmember Buckner. The motion carried, 5-0. Staff Present: Linda Countryman, Lori Barnett, Teresa Allen, Bruce Nash, Chuck Zimmerman PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE CITIZEN COMMENTS Diane Henkel, 1535 Webster Court, spoke to Council regarding compliance code issues. She asked when the property in question could be brought into compliance. Mayor Lacy said the City was working on the issue, adding an ordinance relating to nuisances was a discussion item on this agenda. MAYOR'S REPORT Mayor Lacy reported on the Wenatchee Valley Convention and Visitors Bureau Meeting. He said the meeting centered on the direction the WVCVB would take in the future. He added Joyce Vognild, Director, would not be addressing Council at this meeting as planned. She was waiting for additional information for the quarterly report. Mayor Lacy said a request had been received from the Chelan -Douglas Health District for the City to appoint a representative to its Board. Mayor Lacy said, with Council approval, he would like to accept the appointment. Council agreed by consensus to appoint Mayor Lacy to the Chelan -Douglas Health District Board. Mayor Lacy said there were no significant changes in the status of the Eastmont School District building application. Mayor Lacy said the City has not taken a position regarding the location of the school access. However, he directed Community Development Director Barnett to notify the Board of Adjustment that the City opposed approval of the application without completion of traffic analysis and review of all pertinent evidence. He said the City would not take a position until after review of the evidence and a recommendation from the Community Development Department. -I- -z- aInSE31l, AID ue nOD •r pul-1 "Kdl OI :*L — IN31V OfQV aagoleuom lseu w slssegD ,CsselD pue Bell aql uo alsey `)IIOM13N uoOrl aql se sluana qons onupuoo pinom Iagwego aql pappe ag 'we13old dllslapeal a pue `IagwegD oiuedsig all gjiM dlgslaul nd a `luawdolanap otwouooa alam slg8tlg8cl awoS •paunoD Ioj ueld 311oM I00Z s,Iagwego aq1 Jo sIV!lgStq paMalnal ag 'liaM SMOS sum aolawwoD JO Iagwego ,Callen aagol¢uaM mou aql of slagwego aleledas wOJJ ❑olltsuelj aq) pies laws mgwawllounoD SlHoj32I'IIJNaoi •aoueulplo pasodold aql matnal of anupuoo osle pounoD jell papuawwooal .CoeZ lo�Cey�l uw •uuuawu"Z ,Caouy )4ID qum Iag11nj aoueulplo pasodold all Suimainal aq pinom ays pies llauleg •sw •asn pamolle up lou sl slyl pue saslwald all wolf paielado 4ulaq sl ssaulsnq a leh pasoloslp uoilsanb ul ,pladold aql jo luaplsal all `,aA A%o ' `ples alb C1 tadold a uo salotyan Jo Iagwnu agl ssalppe lou saop aauewplo pasodold aql pies aqS •spleiCjunf Jo uolltugap amen e .Cluo seq apoo Supslxa aql plus llaweg loloanQ luawdolanaQ Xlwnutwo� uuSaq uolssnostp all pic2ai s ualm aouepuaue ul laC lou sum ueuttaunutZ IY1 aoueulplo pasodold all 8ulanssl ssalppe of awll ul aq of ical pinom pue Sullaaw Iagloue wOIJ ,cum slq uo seM ueuuautwtZ CaulopV Cl�� pies Cae-11OAv 1 •saouesmu of Sugelai aoueulplo ue Jo luawloeua aql Iap}suoo pue matnal of uolssnos}p V I 0-b0-10 NOISsf13SIO/mouz)V 'IIJN-,oD •paplon sem 179601 Iagwnu lur-u% '91•996`81$Jo lunowe 1e101 aq) ul 18601 g8nojgl 19601 slagwnu lur-uum anoldde saop llounoz)'IOOZ `6 ludV `olep sill Jo sV IlounoD of algellene apew uaaq sel jell Sullsll a uo paplooal uaaq aneq `060'bZ'Zb ModAg pannb3i se pagglao swlelo luawta asingwl asuadxa asoyj pue `O80'bZ•Zb MJ2I Aq Pannbal se IaoWo 8ulltpne all 6q pagplao pue paupne slalonoq — slpgjo uollelaplsuoD •Z 100Z `9Z gojuW 'uolssaS leln8a-d — salnutw jo uollelaplsuoD I •0-S 'Pacueo uollow all, •pawasald se iepualeo luasuoo aql anoldde 01 W w3G lagwawllaunoD /Cq puooas `uaolcV IagwawllounoQ Xq opew sum uollow V :uollaV Ilauno:) . HVQN3'IVJ.LN3SNOJ •sla3loed llounoD ul papnlout sum Modal uallum V -Modal lenuue s,luawlledap all 8wple8al suollsanb ,cue alaM alall Jt pa>jse llaweg IoloaltQ luawcIolanaQ ClwnunuoD luawdolanaQ ,cllunmwoD lHoi3Il IN31v L2itld3u