HomeMy WebLinkAbout12/11/2001 - City Council - City Council Meeting Minutes' CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE, WASHINGTON REGULAR SESSION OF THE CITY COUNCIL CONVENED MAYOR STEVEN C. LACY, PRESIDING DECEMBER 11, 2001 6:30 PAL ROLL CALL Councilmembers Present: Councilmember Nash, Councilmember DeWitt, Councilmember Aiken, Councilmember Hendricks, Councilmember Bremmer, Councilmember Smet, Councilmember Buckner and Mayor Lacy. Staff Present: Dana Barnard, Linda Countryman, Lori Barnett, Bob Goodman, Randy Harrison, Joan Sims, Darin Bender, Bruce Nash and Chuck Zimmerman. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE MAYOR'S REPORT Mayor Lacy said he had met with the union representative and had submitted a proposal to the union employees. ' Mayor Lacy said at the previous Council meeting consideration of a petition by the Housing Authority of Chelan County and the City of Wenatchee with respect to the authority to operate a Housing Authority within the City of East Wenatchee would be on the next Council meeting agenda. He said upon further review and discussions with the Community Development Director and the City Attorney and the Revised Code of Washington Chapter 35.82 that the matter requires further review by the City Attorney. He added the RCW's state that a housing authority petition must either be initiated by a member of Council or a petition 25 residents. CONSENT CALENDAR Council Action: A motion was made to approve the consent calendar as presented by Councilmember Smet, second by Councilmember Hendricks. The motion carried, 7-0. 1. Consideration of minutes — Regular Session, November 27, 2001 2. Consideration of Bills — 3. Approval of Legal Services Agreement for 2002 with Ogden Murphy Wallace 4. Renewal applications for Cabaret License for Clearwater Steakhouse & Saloon and 5 T's Restaurant & Lounge Vouchers audited and certified by the auditing officer as required by RCW 42.24.080, and those expense reimbursement claims certified as required by RCW 42.24.090, have been recorded on a listing that has been made available to Council. ' As of this date, November 27, 2001, Council does approve warrant numbers 11659 through 11709 in the total amount of $120,259.13. -Z- ' 'NOLLVXHNNV 3HI 30 3.LVQ 3AII33393 NV 0NIHSI19V.LS3 QNV 'H3NVNI02I0 3HI AO AZIVNILIIRS 3HI SV .,V IIHM3 (INV THEE SIHI 0NIAOIIddV !V3UV N0II'VX3NNV 3H.L 30 ONINOZ 9\7IVN0IS3Q :33NVNIC[HO SLHI OI Kfi" IIffiHX3 `dVW 3HI NO u3IJId3Q QNV 3JNVNIQIIO sIHI OI ..V., IIaIX3 NI HIZIOH IHS SV Q3ZHIIJS3(l AI1V031 QNV 3f1N3AV NOSXZ)Vf 'N QNV `3'N I33MIS x.,0I INVI IMAINN3f 'N "3'N 33V1d HIXIS `3RNHAV S3NIVf HS.lION `QVOII INV'H9 Q 'V SIINIII AIIJ 0NLLSIX3 3HI N33MI3E V3Hv 3HI sV Q3HRIJS3u A11VH3N30 0NI39 V3HV QIVS `QOHIHNi N0II3313 3HI OI INVf1SHaj A.LIJ 3HI OI V32IV N0IIVX3NNV SHwVf OI 2I3xvg 3H.L SV NMON}I AIN0N11I03 AI2I3d0ud IV32I NIV.LIIHJ 0NIX3NNV N0.L0N1HSVM `33HJIVN3M ISV3 d0 AIIJ 3HI AO 33WMC2I0 NV 61-10'0N 33NVNI(rdO tieununs aouuuipio alp peai Aoe-1 ioAEW O-L `paweo uoi;ow oU •lawS lagwawllounoZ) gq puooas `ua3llV iagwawllouno3 Aq apuw sum ease uollexauuy 13a11S sawef of xw1ug all w umo" Aluounuoo Avadold Suixauue aoueuiplo all ssud of uollow V :uolloV 113unoJ 0 L `Pau�ea uollow alZ goupu3H iagwawj!ouno3 Aq puoaas `aau3long 13gw2wl!ouno0 Aq apuw sum Sucpew puoaas of uwu uogexauuV ;a34S sawef ' of ja)leg aql se umouN ,CIuounuoo laaadold Sucxauuu aoueucp10 al; 31en310 01 uollow V :uollaV lcounoD -poliaw uonoala aqi of luensind CuD aql of uaiu uoiluxauuV sawef of iaolug aqi se umotDI Aluounuoo ,Claadoid Sulxouuu aouumpio ue 3o Sulpeai ;sn3 40-ZI-10 WOUV3I193d HOA AHV WMS 3JNVNIQ2I0 NV ONIAONddV (INV `ZOOZ `I AZIVfINVf 0NIJN3IINI03 HV3A 1VJSI3 3HI HOI AIIJ 3HI d0 L30Qf19 1VXTI3 3HI 0NIIdOO:V N0I0NIHSVAI `33HJIVN3M ISV3 d0 AIIJ 3HI d0 1IJ1"03 AIIJ 3HI d0 33KVKIGUO NV S1-10'0N 33NVNIQIIO ,(urns aoueuipio ali peas Aoe-I ioAvW -O-L `pauieo uollow ;oU -iaunuaag pagwawlcounoD Aq puoaas `iamlong aagwawpounoJ Aq apuw sum ZOOZ io; aagoluuaM ;sug jo Ai!D alp ioj ;aSpnq leut3 all Sulldope aouuulpco aqi ssed o; uollow V :uollaV llounoa •aluls al; ssoioe suogoipsunf iaq;o llim fi; and of do suoglsod al; Suuq of tlaAniS kuluS sail?J uolSunlsuM;o uoquioossV all uo pasuq amm saseaioui asagl pappe aH •;uau4mda(j aoilod agl;o saa.Coldwa leoualo ali lo; saueles m aseaioui ue apnlow o; paslnai uaaq sul aoueutpio ali suoilel;o8au uocun jo llnsai u se plus A:)B-I io,Suyq ' ZOOZ a aalM oleua;seg 3o C3?� al; iO3 laSpnq lew3 ali Sugdope aauewpio ue;o Smpeaa puooaS £1-11-IO IOOZ `I 12I3HNI3o30 SHIfINM 1ION OD H3H3IVNHM ISV3 30 AIIJ CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE COUNCIL MINUTES DECEMBER 11, 2001 1 1 1 AUTHORIZATION 01-12-01 Authorization for the Mayor to execute a Subscription Agreement with the Northwest Utility Notification Center. Street Superintendent Goodman said the City has been contracting with Kelley's Answering Service for the utility locates. He added Kelley's Answering Service has found that it is not cost effective to continue this service in the local area and has moved the utility locate portion of the business to Pasco, Washington. He added the future goal of Governor Locke is to have one utility locate call center for the entire state. After review of two proposals all the local utility representatives decided that the Northwest Utility Notification Center from Yakima would best meet the needs in Chelan and Douglas Counties. He said the cost per locate call would be ninety cents. He added the pricing schedule would be reevaluated in six to seven months with the anticipation of an increase of five to fifteen cents. Council Action: A motion to authorize the Northwest Utility Notification Center wa Councilmember Bremmer. The motion carried, RESOLUTION s Mayor to execute a Subscription Agreement with the made by Councilmember Hendricks, second by 7-0. 01-12-02 A resolution authorizing the Mayor to execute the Douglas County Solid Waste Program Countywide Solid Waste Agreement. Council Action: A motion to authorize the Mayor to execute the Douglas County Solid Waste Program Countywide Solid Waste Agreement was made by Councilmember Hendricks, second by Councilmember Bremmer. The motion carried, 6-0. Mayor Lacy read the resolution title. RESOLUTION NO.01-I1 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE, WASHINGTON, AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO EXECUTE THE DOUGLAS COUNTY SOLID WASTE PROGRAM COUNTYWIDE SOLID WASTE INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT EFFECTIVE JANUARY 1, 2002, BETWEEN DOUGLAS COUNTY AND THE CITIES AND TOWNS IN THE COUNTY. DISCUSSION ITEM 01-12-03 Request for budget revision from the Wenatchee Valley Humane Society due to annexation of property commonly known as the Baker to James Annexation Area. Mayor Lacy said the budget that was passed this evening did not include an increase to the Wenatchee Valley Humane Society. He said the if Council authorized the increase a motion would need to be made to amend the adopted budget for 2002. Councilmember Aiken said he feels this increase of $11,822 is too much and asked why the increase should be effective January 1, 2002 when the annexation would not be effective until January 15, 2002. Council asked Wenatchee Valley Humane Society representative Ms. Long how the amount of the increase was calculated. She said she believed it was arrived at by the number of calls, the number of -3- 4- �l 311010 4D Pimmg EQEQ W d 50:8 — JNapIlmorCIV 'uelago u? 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