HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/27/2001 - City Council - City Council Meeting MinutesCITY OF EAST WENATCHEE, WASHINGTON REGULAR SESSION OF THE CITY COUNCIL CONVENED MAYOR STEVEN C. LACY, PRESIDING NOVEMBER 27, 2001 6:30 P.M. ROLL CALL Councilmembers Present: Councilmember Hendricks, Councilmember Bremmer, Councilmember DeWitt, Councilmember Nash, Councilmember Smet, Councilmember Aiken, and Mayor Lacy. Councilmember Buckner excused. Staff Present: Dana Barnard, Linda Countryman, Lori Barnett, Bob Goodman, Randy Harrison, Teresa Allen, Joan Sims, Darin Bender, Bruce Nash, Chuck Zimmerman, and Randy Asplund. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE STORM WATER UTILITY WORKSHOP A discussion between the East Wenatchee City Council and the Douglas County Commissioners was held regarding the Storm Water Utility. They discussed issues and recommendations developed by the Storm Water Utility Management Team. Mayor Lacy expressed concems about a reduction in fees, which could reduce the amount committed to an on -going City project. No action was taken. PRESENTATION Charter Communications Manager Bob Lam distributed a current Channel Line -Up and gave an update on the future plans of Charter Communications. He said they plan to re -build the cable system and replace coaxial and fiber optic cable by June or July 2002. He added Charter Communications now has a Service Center phone center that will answer questions and take service orders, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Councilmember Bremmer asked about the rates in this area versus other areas. Mr. Lam explained that East Wenatchee has an additional cost of paying for broadcast stations. While larger cities have their own antennas, East Wenatchee has to pay to have broadcast stations transmitted in. Mr. Lam said there will be a small rate reduction after the rebuild. MAYOR'S REPORT Mayor Lacy thanked the 2002 Budget Committee for its hard work this year. He stated the Tourism Advisory Committee had met and made recommendations for the allocation of 2002 Hotel/Motel Tax revenues, which include: the Wenatchee Valley Convention and Visitors and Bureau; the Wenatchee Valley Chamber of Commerce; the Eastmont Recreation Service Area for fencing and scoreboards at the Eastmont Community Park; the Wenatchee Valley Museum and Cultural Center; and Mariachi Northwest. Mayor Lacy said in past years, with the help of the City, the East Wenatchee Chamber of Commerce had placed and decorated a Christmas tree at the Wenatchee Valley Mall. He said he would like to look into having a live tree planted at City Hall as a Community Christmas Tree. He added the Waving Santa on the pedestrian bridge was being repaired. Also, he made an executive decision to get rid of the Lighted Elf decorations that had been placed on Valley Mall Parkway for too many years. -1- IF48 •,Qgwwns aoueuipao aql pgai An -I joXryq 0 9 `PauTe3 uoilow aq j •13wS aagwawiiounoj Aq puooas `ua3liy nqumuipounoD Xq apew sum ZOOZ so; saa,(oldwa pug sletai33o /1ID Tneyao so; saueigs SurwTguoo pug Swxg aouuutpo all ssgd of uoilow y :uoll3V H3unoj '0-9 `Pauago aollow aILL •aaunuaag aagwawllouno:) Aq puoaas `lawS iagwawlcounoD Aq apuw sum Suipeaa puoaas of ZOOZ io; so;)Aoldwa pug sluou;o AIID uiuliao lo; sauglgs Suiuuguoo pug Suixg 33UEn[p10 all) alunaj3 of uoilow y :uoll3y I13unoo 'ZOOZ jo; saaAoldwa PUB sluiog;o f4lD ule1133 ao; sauglgs Suiuuuu03 pug Suixu aouguipao ug;o Suipeai 1sn3 b1-11-10 •suonu1108au uT Ilps sum loeiluoo aollod aql pigs Aou-I io/rW 'ZOOZ io; aagoluuaM lse3;o Auk aql jo; la8pnq Iuug aql Suipie8ai aouuuipio ug;o Sulpuaj lsn3 £I-1 I-l0 'w'd 9Z:L lu Suuuaq olqnd oql posolo Aorl iolvW 'sluawwoo oilgnd ou SuueaH 'w'd SZ:L 19 Suuuaq oilgnd aql pauado Aou- poAew ' p5png 30431uuaM lsu3 ZOOZ Pasodoid aql Supdal Suuuaq oilgnd y ZI-I I-10 SJ!k.TRIV3H JI'IBIId •lagolop pug aagwaldaS;o sgluow aql lo; anual 3I3Is uo lno ia3g;o uu sum aaagl pouieldxa pug awil,aAo all SulpieSaa uosuluH 30140 23110d woIJ owaw a paAia3ai peq aq pius Aou`1 joAcW 'luawlTudoG aoilod all Tq pied awpaano aql lnoge pa)lsu ua)liy ngwatupunoo '65'bZ8`Obi$ ;o lunowu Imol aql ui `5900IZ Pug `bL68I gJnomp 01681'08ZSI siagwnu lur-urm anoiddu saop Ilouno0 ' I I'b18`i L$ 30 lunowg IEIoI aql ui 85911 gSnonll LI91 I siagwnu lug:=m oAoldde saop IiounoD `IOOZ `LZ lagwanol l `alep slgl;o sV •IiounOD 01 alggiigne apgw uaaq suq lugs Suilscl g uo papaoow uaaq angq `060'bZ'Zb M3,d ,�q pannbai su poUplao swiulo luawasingwiaa asuadxa asogl pug 1080'bZ'Zb MD-d Aq pannbai se laoUjo Swnpng aql Aq pagpiao pug pallpnu siagonoA —slllg;ouoiluTaptsuo:) 'Z I OOZ `£ I sagwanopl `uolssaS iuingoll -- salnuiw;o uoil=pcsuo0 , I '0-9 `Pauiu3 noTlow OLLL 'uIMaQ iagwawliounoj ,Cq puooas'lawS lagwawliouno0 Aq paluosaad sg mpuoluo luosuoa aql anwdde of apuw sum uoilow y :uogay 113uno:) Hvam3'IVJ VklasAIOJ IOOZ `LZ 7MMAON S3.LfMW IIOI IfIO3 39HO LVN3M .LSV3 30 AID CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE COUNCIL MINUTES NOVEMBER 27, 2001 ORDINANCE NO. 01-17 ' AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE, WASHINGTON AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 99-21 AND FIXING AND CONFIRMING THE SALARIES AND COMPENSATION TO BE PAID TO CERTAIN OFFICIALS AND EMPLOYEES OF THE CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE DURING THE YEAR 2002. RESOLUTION 01-11-15 A resolution approving the roadway corridors associated with the Central Business District Improvements as prepared and presented by RH2 Engineering, Inc. City Engineer Randy Asplund said RH2 Engineering, Inc. presented the Central Business District Improvements at the October 22, 2001 Council meeting. He added after Council adopts the right-of-way the Engineers will begin negotiating to purchase right-of-ways. He said the Central Business District Project Improvements include: reconstruction, widening of North Baker Avenue between Northeast 5th and 9d' streets; extending Northeast 4 h Street from North Baker to North Eastmont, replacing Northeast 3rd at Eastmont; extending Baker Avenue from 4`h Street to 3rd Street; and terminating the east end of P Street with a cul-de-sac at North Colorado Avenue. P Street will be accessible from Baker Avenue and Valley Mall Parkway. Councilmember Hendricks expressed concerns about the security of funding. Mr. Asplund said the Federal Revitalization Grant is secure. ' Councilmember Bremmer asked if the project could be done in two phases. Mr. Asplund said that with the federal grant the project needed to be completed as one project. Council Action: A motion to approve the roadway corridors associated with the Central Business District Improvements as prepared and presented by RH2 Engineering, Inc. was made by Councilmember Hendricks, second by Councilmember Bremmer. The motion carried, 6-0. Mayor Lacy read the resolution title. RESOLUTION NO.01-11 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE, WASHINGTON, APPROVING THE ROADWAY CORRIDORS ASSOCIATED WITH THE CENTRAL BUSINESS DISTRICT IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT AS PREPARED AND PRESENTED BY RH2 ENGINEERING, INC. AT THE OCTOBER 22, 2001 MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL. AUTHORIZATIONS 01-11-16 Authorization for the Mayor to sign a professional services contract for Municipal Court Judge. Council Action: A motion authorizing the Mayor to sign a professional services contract for Municipal ' Court Judge was made by Councilmember Nash, second by Councilmember Smet. The motion carried, 6-0. 01-11-17 Authorization for the Mayor to sign a professional services contract for Municipal Court Judge Pro-Tems. -3- -c- L Kial� �1l� p1EUiEg EUE(I i Yd d 50.8 — i uawxxnorav ' '0-9'pauaeo uoi3oul aqy •sxaupuag aagmatupounoO Aq puooas `laws laquiauipounoO Aq apuw seen suiay-oid a8pnr lino IedioiunyQ ao; loe>;uoa saoinias Ieuoissa;oid a zBis oa ioSeY1 aq3 Suczuogane uo.1 y .naga�+ l{aunoZ) IOOZ'LZ'dag I3AON S3.LfIAm moNnoo 33HDlVN3M ZSV310 A.LIJ