HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/13/2001 - City Council - City Council Meeting Minutes11
NOVEMBER 13, 2001
6:30 P.M.
Councilmembers Present: Councilmember DeWitt, Councilmember Nash, Councilmember Smet,
Councilmember Bremmer, Councilmember Aiken, Councilmember Hendricks, Councilmember Buckner
and Mayor Lacy.
Staff Present: Linda Countryman, Lori Barnett, Teresa Allen, Chuck Zimmerman, Joan Sims, Darin
Bender, Bob Goodman, Randy Harrison, Bruce Nash.
Mayor Lacy read a proclamation designating Better Business Week in the City of East Wenatchee
Mike McCourt, 343 N Georgia, spoke to Council regarding the residents living behind Eastmont High
School Football Stadium, a part of the James Street Annexation. Mr. McCourt stated that the residents
are low income and he hopes the City will not raise property taxes in this area, as it would be a hardship
for the residents to adjust to an increase. Mayor Lacy stated for the third year in a row, the Budget
Committee was recommending the City not increase property taxes.
Mayor Lacy thanked the 2002 Budget Committee for its hard work this year. He stated the budget is
essentially complete and the preliminary budget would be available to Council and citizens on November
20. A meeting of the Tourism Advisory Committee still needed to be scheduled to recommend the
allocation of 2002 Hotel/Motel Tax receipts.
Mayor Lacy recommended appointing Ange Taylor, ERSA Director, to replace Roger Boyer on the
Tourism Advisory Committee.
Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Nash, second by Councilmember Hendricks to
appoint Ange Taylor to fill the vacant seat on the Tourism Advisory Committee. The motion carried, 7-0.
Mayor Lacy said the City's audit of the years 1999 and 2000 had been completed. At the Audit Exit
Interview there were no findings. A management letter from the State Auditor's Office recommended the
monthly balancing of the City's checkbook and financial statements using a different procedure than in
the past. At the recommendation of the State Auditor's Office, a monthly independent review of
Municipal Court reports will be conducted by the Administrative Services Department.
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A public hearing regarding the extension of a moratorium on the acceptance of permits and licenses or
' franchises for wireless telecommunication facilities.
Mayor Lacy opened the public hearing at 6:58 p.m.
Randy Stephens, 1013 N Denis Court, asked if the amateur radio user was excluded. Community
Development Director Barnett said this moratorium also did not apply to emergency communications or
personal use.
Mayor Lacy closed the public hearing at 6:59 p.m.
01-11-03 First reading of an ordinance setting property tax levies for 2002.
Council Action: A motion to elevate the 2002 Property Tax Ordinance to second reading was made by
Councilmember Aiken, second by Councilmember Smet. The motion carried, 7-0
Council Action: A motion to pass the 2002 Property Tax Ordinance was made by Councilmember
Hendricks, second by Councilmember Buckner. The motion carried, 7-0.
0 1 -11-04 First reading of an ordinance extending the moratorium on the acceptance of permits and
licenses for placement of diesel generators for power production for an additional six months.
' Council Action A motion to elevate the ordinance extending the moratorium on the acceptance of
permits and licenses for placement of diesel generators an additional six months to second reading was
made by Councilmember Hendricks, second by Councilmember Aiken. The motion carried, 7-0
Council Action A motion to pass the ordinance extending the moratorium on the acceptance of permits
and licenses for placement of diesel generators an additional six months was made by Councilmember
Buckner, second by Councilmember DeWitt. The motion carried, 7-0
Councilmember Smet asked Community Development Director Barnett if the City had prepared a work
plan for the acceptance of permits and licenses for the placement of diesel generators. Community
Development Director Barnett said no work plan had been completed and the six-month extension was to
establish such a plan.
01-11-05 First reading of an ordinance adopting findings of fact on the moratorium for the acceptance of
permits and licenses or franchises for wireless telecommunication facilities.
Council Action A motion to elevate the ordinance adopting findings of fact on the moratorium for the
acceptance of permits and licenses or franchises for wireless telecommunication facilities to second
reading was made by Councilmember Buckner, second by Councilmember Hendricks. The motion
carried 7-0
Council Action A motion to pass the ordinance adopting findings of fact on the moratorium for the
acceptance of permits and licenses or franchises for wireless telecommunication facilities was made by
' Councilmember DeWitt, second by Councilmember Bremmer. The motion passed 7-0.
•loeu Imp ;o asn aql oSuego of papuawe aq of
paau pinom leld pue luawdolana(j ltun pauueld aqy •oseo still ut C[dde lou pip sands uado jo; sasnuoq
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mou P1noo Pwu pasodoid all ut 'ands uado jo; papualul `101 llleaeA E;t pa)lsv iaunuaig ioquaxupounoo
-aN 1024S ,s I I uo 28uego auoz a Sutpivsw
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'0-L `Paujeo uotlow aqy *nunuoig jagwatupaunoD
Xq puooas `s-AoupuaH jaquntupounoo Aq apew sum jajleg pue ,g jo jawoa lseaglnos aql uo IuAoid jo;
Qfld/aao of Qfla5NM woj; aSuega auoz a SuIpnESaj aaueutpjo atll ssed of uotlow y :uollav llaunoj
'O-L `Paujeo uotlow atl,1, •uaaltV nagwatupounoD Aq puooas
`sjloupuaH jagwawltounoD Aq apew sem nxfeg Put .5 3o jawoa lseaglnos atg uo Aljadojd jo; Qnd/Qgo
01 Qfl&M woj; aSuega auoz a 8111pidaj aaueutpjo atp alenala of uotlow y : uotlad 1l3unoj
-anuany najleg put laajlS s,5;o jawoa lseaglnos 3q1 uo f4jadond no; a8uega auoz a Stnpn2ol
uollepuaunuoaaj uotsstwwoo Sutuueld aql pauteldxa uaweg jol3i i luawdolanaQ GtunurwoD
jaxeg Put m5
;o jawoa lseaglnos aql uo kiadojd jo; (jnd/Qg:) of Qnd/NRf woj; a8ueg3 auoz a SutpjeSaj
aaueutpjo ue;o 8utpuaj lsng pue uopepuawwoaaj suolsstutwon Sutuueld agl;o uollejaptsnoZ) 80-11-10
'O-L `paujea uotlow agy •jaunuajg jagwawgouno:) Xq puoaas
`sjlaupuaH jagwawltouno:) Aq apew sem luawdolanaQ ltun pauueld lseg uaploo oql jo; sluawnaop leug
;o leutwgns jo; uotsualxa glnow-anlaml a 8utpne8aj aaueutpjo aql ssed of uotlow y :uollav 113unoD
'O-L 'Paujea uotlow cgs •gsely jagwawltounoD Aq puoaas `gaupuaH jaqutawltounoo
Xq apew sum Sutpeaj puoaas of luawdolanaQ ltun pauueld lseg uoplo() agl io; sluawnoop lentg
;o leutwgns no; uotsualxa gluow-anlaml a SutpjeSai aaueutpjo agl alenalo of uotlow y : uollav 11ounoz)
aaueutpjo Aq poldope an; swawdolanaQ ltun pauueld asneoaq
uotsualxa us jo; lsanbaj s,nadolanap all vizor of pannbaj sum aoueutpjo ue pauteldxa uausug 'sw
•luawdofanaQ ltun pauueld lseg uaplon oql jo; sluawnoop feug;o leutwgns no; uotsualxa gluow-anlaml
all jo; uotlspuaunuooan uotsstttnnoo Sutuueld all pauteldxa uaujeg joloajtQ luawdolana(j f4!unwwoo
luawdolanaQ ltufl Pauueld lse$ uoploD
all jo; sluawnoop lew3 ;o leutwgns jo; uotsualxa gluow anlamy a Sutpne8aj aaueutpjo
ue ;o Sutpeaj lsjg pue aollepuaunuoaaj s,uotsstwwoo Sutuueld atg ;o uotlejaptsuOD LO-11-10
•,1;uno:) selBnoQ Aq pantaaan uaaq peq awos g8notp `,4uJ ail Aq panlaoan uaaq puq
sltuuad ou pies uaweg joloa.nQ luawdolanaQ kltununuoD •satltltae; uogeotunwwooalal ssafanm aql jo;
ueld Sutuoz a dolaeap of papaau sum sasuaotl put sltuuad;o aoueldaooe atp uo wnuolenow oql pauteldxa
A0e1 10AU g •pantaaaj uaaq peg suotleotldde hue ;t pue faussaaau sum satltltae; uotltatununuoaalal
ssalanm jo; sasuaatl put, sltuuad;o aoueldaaae aql jo; wnuolejow ail Aqm pack¢ laws iagwawlfounoo
Council Action: A motion to elevate the ordinance regarding a zone change from RL/CBD to RM/PUD
' for the Houser Plat/PUD on 11 "' Street NE to second reading was made by Councilmember Aiken, second
by Councilmember Bremmer. The motion carried, 7-0.
Council Action: A motion to pass the ordinance regarding a zone change from RL/DBD to RM/PUD for
the Houser Plat/PUD on I Vh Street NE was made by Councilmember Hendricks, second by
Councilmember Smet. The motion carried, 7-0
99-11-07 Second reading of an ordinance annexing certain real property known as the Turner
Council Action: A motion to pass the ordinance annexing certain real property known as the Turner
Annexation was made by Councilmember Hendricks, second by Councilmember Nash. The motion
carried, 7-0.
01-11-11 A resolution regarding execution of an interlocal agreement for preliminary planning for the
organization of a Metropolitan Planning Organization
Legal Counsel Zimmerman explained the organization by-laws had not been completed. He
recommended passage of the resolution in an alternate format which he provided to Council.
Community Development Director Barnett said the resolution had to be signed to move forward with the
' creation of the organization. Documents would be substantially in the form presented. Draft documents
would be reviewed by the Attorney General's Office.
Council Action: A motion to pass the resolution regarding the execution of an interlocal agreement for
the preliminary planning for the organization of a Metropolitan Planning Organization in the format
provided by Legal Counsel was made by Councilmember Buckner, second by Councilmember DeWitt.
The motion carried, 7-0.
Community Development Director Barnett responded to Council questions regarding the MPO. She the
organization of an MPO would be required for the City to continue seeking federal funding for planning
projects. She explained the urgency in passing the resolution was to move forward with the establishment
of a plan by the time the MPO was up and running. A plan had to be in place by January 2003. One
primary concern was updating the five -year -old WATS study.
Councilmember Buckner attended a meeting of the Chelan/Douglas Health District Board. He said
discussions centered on a budget concerns. Concerns included the loss of funding and higher insurance
premiums. He said an effort to accommodate labor demands was being made, however the Board was
having trouble forecasting costs.
Councilmember DeWitt said the LINK Board had signed a contract with OBIE Advertising for bus
advertising. LINK will receive thirty percent of the net profits.
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