HomeMy WebLinkAbout10/22/2001 - City Council - City Council Meeting Minutes1 r I CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE, WASHINGTON REGULAR SESSION OF THE CITY COUNCIL CONVENED MAYOR STEVEN C. LACY, PRESIDING OCTOBER 22, 2001 6:30 P.M. ROLL CALL Councilmembers Present: Councilmember Bremmer, Councilmember Aiken, Councilmember Hendricks, Councilmember Buckner, Councilmember DeWitt, Councilmember Nash, and Mayor Lacy. Councilmember Smet excused. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Nash, second by Councilmember Hendricks to excuse Councilmember Smet. The motion carried, 6-0. Staff Present: Dana Barnard, Linda Countryman, Randy Harrison, Bob Goodman, Lori Barnett, Teresa Allen, Joan Sims, Bruce Nash, Darin Bender and Chuck Zimmerman. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE PROCLAMATION Mayor Lacy read a proclamation declaring October 27'" as Make A Difference Day. Mayor Lacy said the City's Make a Difference Day project would be preparing property between 8a' Street NE and 10 ° Street NE for tree planting. He said as part of an Apple Blossom event, trees would be planted honoring the Misawa Sister City Delegation. He said the project would begin Saturday morning at 9:00 a.m. Mayor Lacy said he has added Council Bill number 01-10-09 to the agenda regarding a moratorium on the acceptance of applications for permits and franchises for wireless telecommunication. CITIZEN COMMENTS John Downs, 1402 N Aurora, said he would like to speak in regards to item number seven on the agenda. He said he had attended a Planning Commission meeting in February where they discussed changing the zoning from Residential Low Density (R-L) to Residential Medium Density (R-M) on property located in the 1300 block of SR 28 and N Arbor Terrace. Mr. Downs said he was not aware of a request by any residents in the area to change the zoning and has concerns of his property value if the rezone is approved. CONSENT CALENDAR Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Aiken, second by Councilmember DeWitt to approve the consent calendar as presented. The motion carried, 6-0. 1. Consideration of minutes -- Regular Session, October 8, 2001 2. Consideration of Bills — ME opp uopnlosaa ag1 puaa Aou-1 ioArW •0-9 `Patugo uoUow aU •Z 1116 'ON uollnlosa-1 Sutluodai pug aagalguaM lsu3 3o (ito aq1 aptslno sgaae jo; suopuingai Sutuoz posodoad Supdopg uotlnlosaj xp ldopu of u23lty mgwatupouno.3 dq pu000s 's>joupuaH iagwawltounoD Aq apuw sem uotlow y mopV llaunoj •w•d 61:L lu Sut.teaq oggnd oql posolo XoeZ io vW'luauauoo atlgnd ou SuueaH •w-d 81:L Ig Suueaq otlgnd atp pauado Aou-I aoArW 'aagalguaM lsu3 3o slttutl 410 atp optslno sem ioj suogglnSoi Sutuoz pasodoid;o uotldopu agl japisuoo of SuLmaq otlqnd V LO-01-10 •w'd L I:L lu Sulugag atlgnd aql pasolo loeZ ao,Sulnl •ouejl uoaS 'laupnd mgl s,AouZ 3o,(rW glim uaaq angq suotssnostp Ile ptus uewpoo0 •.tlnl •gang loafold otp ut palwol Auadoid ssautsnq sp o asugo nd aql SutpluSai suotssnostp ,Sue ul panlonut uaaq lou seg AowpoArw ptes uuwpooD luapualuuadnS loads -31iom suuld atp wirtu o1 fandold Sutpgq pug Swplmq xp Sutlulol'a2vulutp o1 sluoutlsnfpu opnlout sueld asagy •IeaS -1W of luaswd of sueld aq gotgm loafoid uotlon4suoo pasodoid s,luas •jW of sluaugsnfpe ' awos apuw seq pug IeaS iW tlltm ua)lods puq aq ptus 2uu0autSu3 ZHd 'Sut}l ana1S i321!M g loafoId -&iadoid stgl uo Swpltnq loo3 aimbs puusnogl ang u ppnq of suuld stq loedwt ptm laaAS ,s43o luawaoeld aql ptus aH •anuany luowlsu3 01 pnalxa ll!m laauS pb aiagM ua1e a111 ut Suadowd pasugomd aq ptus 'laa.4S p6l N 0Z8l 'leaS wtf w-d LO:L 1e Suueaq otlgnd atp pauado ,Sovj ioAuW •luawdolanap otwouooa lalsoj pue ,Slojus atlgnd aouuqua Iltm sluawanoidwt aql p!us punldsV •iyg •sluawanotdwt leuSts pug laoms w£ of pans ,,q •lo uotsualxa 'uotsualxa anuany aa>(ug 'anuany ia3lug 3o uotlonAsuooai sapnlout loafold aql ptus aH •loafosd sluawanoadwt pro-1 loulstQ ssautsng lu.quaD ag1;o matAw g oAeS punldsy Apusg xaaut8u3 /4to •s732foid luawanoiduq puog loulst(j ssautsng lealua:) otp SmpieSaa Suueaq otlgnd V 90-01-10 s9mr4v3H JI'I$Ild •papton aaam ILL8I Pug 99L81 sagtunu luuuum IloiAgd •IOOZ tagw3ldoS3o gluow aql io; 110OZ'S iagolop ptud'£9.58b'bbl$ ;o lunowu lino) aql ut '£9001Z Pug 01881 ggnonll Z£L81 siagwnu luuugm llol,Sgd anoaddu saop Itouno0 •SZ•ZZL'L9$30lunOute lelol aql ul '£LSl I gSnong 91511 saagwnu luuuum anoiddu saop pouno0 '1 OOZ 'ZZ mgol00 'apy sttp 3o sy •Itounoo of alqullenu apuw uaaq seq lggl Sutlstl a uo papiooai uaaq anuq '060•bZ•Zb MO-9Aqpannbai se pagtuao swtulo luawasmgwtaa asuadxa osogl pue '080•bZ•Zb MDj ,�q Pannboi sg =Wo Suptpnu otp ,Sq pagtuao pug paltpng stagonoA IOOZ'ZZ,daloL70 S3.L1AIINI'IIDMn0333HO.LVN3M.LSV330 UIO CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE COUNCIL MINUTES OCTOBER 22, 2001 RESOLUTION NO.01-09 ' A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE, WASHINGTON, ADOPTING PROPOSED ZONING REGULATIONS FOR AREAS OUTSIDE THE CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE AND REPEALING RESOLUTION NO.94-12. RECOMMENDATION 01-10-08 A recommendation to approve the Valley Mall Parkway Widening Project right-of-way plan. Street Superintendent Goodman said the Valley Mall Parkway widening right-of-way plan, as part of the City's Department of Transportation (DOT) grant funding, needs to be approved. He added this is similar to the 1 Vh Street Project. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Buckner, second by Councilmember Bremmer to approve the Valley Mall Parkway Project right-of-way plan. The motion carried, 6-0. ORDINANCE 01-10-01 Second reading of an ordinance designating the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month as the regular date for City Council. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Hendricks, second by Councilmember Nash to adopt the ordinance designating the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month for the City Council meetings. The motion carried, 6-0. Mayor Lacy read the ordinance summary. ORDINANCE NO.01-08 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE, WASHINGTON, AMENDING SECTION 2.04.010 OF THE EAST WENATCHEE MUNICIPAL CODE, DESIGNATING THE SECOND AND FOURTH TUESDAYS OF EACH MONTH AS THE REGULAR MEETING DATE FOR THE CITY COUNCIL AND SETTING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. 01-10-05 Second reading of an ordinance to amend the official zoning map to change designation of property located in the 1300 block of SR 28 and N Arbor Terrace from R-L to R-M. Community Development Director Barnett said the traffic problems mentioned by Mr. Downs would exist regardless of the zoning. She said the Planning Commission concurred after a field trip in June that R-L was no longer appropriate because of interface in that area, and that R-M would be more attractive. Councilmember Hendricks said he has concerns about the rezones when residents in the area have not requested it. ' Councilmember DeWitt said he would not like the rezone if he lived in that area and is opposed to the change. Councilmember Nash said she has mixed feelings regarding the rezone. However she does not feel this is the right time for the change in zoning. it X1010 '14!3 pigwgg gug(J 1 'NI'd 50:8 — INIam 1IIIOfaV •sdutlaaw osogl puoue of alquprm! aq pinom all R WupuaH .t2qulawl!3un03 iagwaw a;t,wallg pa)Isg pug sSugaaw Odl-d/OdW aql pual;g of algUJ!gneun aq pinom ay pies mmlong iagtuatupounoo •slsonbai spio3w o!lgnd ,Cue ioj palogluoo uaaq;ou pt,q ,cud aql ptes uosuieH;aiq3,paimuoD suopo!psunf mp;o auo sem aagoleuaM Iseg;! pa3lse put, slsanbw spiooal o!lgnd uado 3o !a!l!gel!ene aql Su!pm2oi plioM aogo;euaM aql ut palu!vd Alluaoai sem 313111e ue p!es qoupuaH iogwawllounoD SIIIOd31I'IIaKnoJ 'A3N3OII3I,V3 NrV ONRIV'IJ3a aNV `NflIHOIVHOIQ 3HI NO ONRIVHH JI Waa V HOA 3.LVa V 9NILLI3S `SH.L S.TOIQ XIS 10 aORI3d V HOA 3AII33dd3 39 OI `S3III-IIJV3 NOIIVJI.NIfII1NOM13I SS3'IHHIM HOA S3SIHJNVN3 (INV `SIIIYli3d ONIa imff `SIIIAm3d 3SI1 dOa SNOIIVJI'IddV 30 3J\TVId3JJV 3HI NO WardOIV210IN ILVIa3I1MI NV JNIIdOQV `NOIONIHSVM `33HJIVN3AC ISV3 d0 AIIJ M. JO 3JNVNICIHO NV 60-I0'0V 33UVMCrd0 Cigununs aoueu!pao aql peai Anq ioAEW 0-9 `Pauteo uogow atLL sa!1!poe3 uoggo!unwwooalol ssalanm jo; sas!gout,U pug s;!uuad 'suoUgoildde;o aougldaooe aql uo wnuolgiow alelpaunui ug Su!ldopg aouguipio aql sled of s313upuaH iagwawpounoO Aq puooas 'iaunuaig 13gwawl!3uno3 Cq ;)pew sgm uogow V mollaV llounoJ •0-q `pauu:o uogow aqI -Su!pgax puoaas of sagq!3e3 uotlmununuooala; ssalanm 103 sas!goueg pug suuuad 'suopt,olldde 3o aoueldaooe aql uo wnuolulow algtpaunu! ue Sutldopg a3ugu!p10 atp a;t,nala of ua3l!V aagwawl!ounoJ Xq puoaas `s-43upuaH iagwawl!ounoO Aq apt,w sgm uogow V mollaV llounoO .aagaleuaM 1se3 jo} suo!lelnSai iellw!s Suigeip oq ll!m pue alels agl;nogdnonp suogelaaa nq;o Sulma!nai s! uo!ss!unuoO Stnuugld aql p!es uaweg ioloanQ luawdolanaQ f4!ununuoJ mo!;eo!ununu000lal ssalanm jo; sas!goueg pue s;!uuad io; suo!go!ldde;o auld000g atp uo nuo;etoepuu! ue But dope aoueupo uV 60-01-10w '0-9 `Pauleo v0110w aILL -gale zip io; u011euS!sap Stnuoz Ueld ancsuagaidwoJ ag13o ma!naa io; uo!ssnuoJ Suglaql 01 pauaaaq augsp ggpaooalw u o; iaunuaig iagwawl!ounoO Aq puoaas `ucAkaQ tagwawl!ounoJ Aq apew sum uogow V mopaV llounoO •;uawpuawg ut, aq o; paau pinom aanp Ueld an!suogaidwoJ Stu;s!xa aq; woq pa8uego 3! `ma!nai sapun sawadoid iatpo wlq `p!es uauagg •sY1 •oftuga luauno aql loaUw o; ugld an!suagaadwoO aql of opmu aq o; paau pinom ;uawpuawg ut,;! paalse Aou'I to iEY1 1 (iawwa.tg `qoupuaH gsepl u!AkaQ"I--a) '1rZ `pal!uj uoqow aU *W-o; -I-wo13 oogual iogtV N pue 8Z ZIS 3o )Ioolq 00£1 otp u! paleool fWadoid;o uogguSlsap oguego of dmu Suluoz le!otWo aq; Su!puoure aougu!p10 aql anoiddg 01 ua)l!V nquimup vnoO Aq puoaas 'jau4ong iagwawl!ounoO Aq apew sum uogow V mopaV llaunoJ I00z `ZZ Ndaumo0 SHIfINIW'IIJNCIOJ H3HJ.LVNHM ISVH 30 A.LIJ