HomeMy WebLinkAbout10/8/2001 - City Council - City Council Meeting Minutes1 1 I CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE, WASHINGTON REGULAR SESSION OF THE CITY COUNCIL CONVENED MAYOR STE VEN C. LACY, PRESIDING OCTOBER 8, 2001 6:30 P.M. ROLL CALL Councilmembers Present: Councilmember Hendricks, Councilmember DeWitt, Councilmember Bremmer, Councilmember Buckner, Councilmember Nash, and Mayor Lacy. Councilmember Smet and Councilmember Aiken, excused. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Hendricks, second by Councilmember Bremmer to excuse Councilmember Smet. The motion carried, 5-0. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Bremmer, second by Councilmember Buckner to excuse Councilmember Aiken. The motion carried, 5-0. Staff Present: Dana Bamard, Randy Harrison, Bob Goodman, Lori Barnett, Teresa Allen, Joan Sims, Bruce Nash, Darin Bender and Chuck Zimmerman. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Councilmember Aiken arrived at 6:35 p.m. MAYOR'S REPORT Mayor Lacy said he had attended the Boundary Review Board meeting and the Board acknowledged the petition to place the Baker Avenue to James Avenue annexation on the November 6d ballot. Mayor Lacy said he would like Councilmembers and City Staff to participate in a Make a Difference Day project in which City right-of-way property between 8d' Street NE and 10" Street NE will be prepared for an Apple Blossom event in which Maple trees will be planted honoring the delegation from the Sister City, Misawa, Japan. Street Superintendent Goodman said the cost of landfill and block to prepare the retaining wall would be approximately $3,100.00. Mayor Lacy said the first budget meeting for the East Wenatchee 2002 budget will be held Monday, October 15th at 6:30 p.m. Mayor Lacy said an Association of Washington Cities Regional Roundtable meeting will be held in Wenatchee on October 16ih and encouraged Councilmembers to participate. He said the roundtables are a great source for interaction and input on the well-being of cities and towns in the State of Washington. Mayor Lacy said a public hearing will be held at the October 22vd Council meeting regarding the Central Business District Road Improvement Projects. Mayor Lacy said he had received a request from the Friends of the Library for additional storage space. Street Superintendent Goodman said the issue had been discussed at staff and there were concerns of security and long-term commitments in allowing space to be used in the basement. Mayor Lacy said action would be taken after further review. -1- -Z- 0 q `pauaea uo!low aq L dwnd uogeSun laWs!a loogas luougseg aql pue'3'N laaAS s i I agl of Su!uiuuad 90Z 'oN loulslQ loogos luouuseg agl;o ioee; ui luawaseg mp alnaaxa of ioAvw aql azuollne of nloupuaH sagwawl!aunoD Aq puoaas `gsepl aagwawl!ounoO Aq apew sum uopow V :uopaV llaunoO alllfla NOIIVORRII IJRIISIa 'IOOHJS ,LNOWLSd3 3HI G" .L33fO'dd I33ULS '3:N I33dLS H1iI 3HI OI ONINIVI1I3d 90Z'ON IJIIIISIa'IOOHJS INOW.LSV3 30 11OAVd NI IN3MM NV 31I13IX3 oI HOAVW 3HI ON MORIaV ::\OI9NIHSVAI'33HJLVN3.+`1 LSV3 90 AIIJ 3HI d0 N0I.L[1'IOSaH V 80-I0'ON NOILIl'IOsau •,Caeununs uoilnlosai agl peal Aor io felnl dwnd uollugLui Sulls!xa s jaulslQ loogos agl almodo pue unnuiew of findold aql SS233e of IDWSI(I loofas luouuseg aql moll¢ pinom lua msea all pappe aH •laulslQ loogas luou>lseg aql woa3 pasegamd puel uo palan.gsuoa aq ll!m weep uuols a p!rs uewpooO luopualupodnS laaalS •dwnd uolleSual laplslQ loogas luouilseg all pue _g"N iaa.us q I I aql of SUIUI A 90Z 'oN lalAsl(I loogas luowlseg agl}o 1OAe3 ul luawaseg ue ainaaxa of toArW aql Suczuoglne uollnlosai V ZO-oI-IO NOI.L"1'IOS3u aoueulplo agl;o Suipeal 1sig peal An -I JoXUW l!aunoj Cl!O io; alep Suilaaw nInSai mp se gluow gaea•lo sXepsany quno3 pus puoaas aql Su!1eu8!sap aaueu!pio ue,lo Suipeai lsma IO OI 10 33\l'Nl(rdo •pap!oA sem 8ZL8l jagwnu lueuem llojAed ' IOOZ 1sany }o gluow aql loj `100Z 'S IagwaldaS P1ed `09'606'L£l$ jo lunowe lelol all ui '17S001 Z plle I £L81 gSnonll 17598l siagwnu lueuem lloa6ed anoidde saop l!ounoD '09'Lb0'601$JOlunowe lmol aql u! 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He said RH2 Engineering reviewed the bid proposals and has recommended awarding the project to the low bidder, Selland Construction Co. in the amount of $77,092.00. He added the Engineers estimate of the project was $85,014.00. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Buckner, second by Councilmember Aiken to award the bid for the 13t6 Street Improvements to Selland Construction Co. The motion carried, 6-0. 01-10-04 A recommendation to award the bid for one new street Sweeper. Councilmember Hendricks said he had concerns about such an expenditure at this point in the budget and asked to hold off until the following meeting to ensure there were funds available. He also asked if the State bid in which cities can purchase from, submit a comparative or lower bid. Street Superintendent Goodman said he had confirmed the availability of funds with City Treasurer Countryman and has held off until this time to guarantee funding. Councilmember Bremmer asked why the low bid was not awarded. City Attorney Zimmerman said it was determined that the low bid was not a responsive bid, it did not meet specifications on at least 14 of the 17 major areas of importance listed in the bid documents. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Buckner, second by Councilmember Dewitt to award the bid for one new street sweeper to Clyde West. The motion carried, 6-0. 01-10-05 A recommendation to amend the official zoning map to change designation of property located in the 1300 block of SR 28 and N. Arbor Terrace from R-L to R-M. Community Development Director Barnett said the portion of the area is now Residential Low Density and the Planning Commission feels the amendment to change the zoning to Residential Medium Density is consistent with both the Greater East Wenatchee Area Comprehensive Plan and the East Wenatchee Comprehensive Plan. Councilmember Hendricks expressed concerns about traffic impacts and a decrease in home values with the zoning change. City Attorney Zimmerman explained the Planning Commission process and said that to go against the recommendation would be inconsistent with the East Wenatchee Comprehensive Plan the City Council approved in 1998. Community Development Director Barnett said the ordinance, Exhibit B has been corrected to read south of Ie Street NE rather than south of 13'h Street NE. Mayor Lacy read first reading of the ordinance. -3- -V- 1 KIalO f4l0 p1EUXEg EE�\I B(I V 'Ni d on — j mammaorav 'y,8 iagolo03o )IaoA% aql Suunp f4lliouj acp mol of I?ouno0 SUTIIAU! ,ClalaoS auuumH AOIIt'A aagolE OAS aql cuOlj iaAal E POAiaoal puq aq Pius AOU-I .IOXU qI 'IIEH 40 aagOluU3M Isua lu I OOZ `I I iagolo0 AupsinU uo plaq aq lllro Buuaaui s4u2unuano0 ;o IlOunoO lxou aql plus iamlona iagmatupouno0 SjL,dodali'IIJN aoz) IOOZ `8logoL00 SglnNIIW'IIDKnO0 33HJ.LVN3M.LSv3 ii0 uiD