HomeMy WebLinkAbout9/24/2001 - City Council - City Council Meeting Minutes11 I CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE, WASHINGTON REGULAR SESSION OF THE CITY COUNCIL CONVENED MAYOR STEVEN C. LACY, PRESIDING SEPTEMBER 24, 2001 6:30 P.M. ROLL CALL Councilmembers Present: Councilmember DeWitt, Councilmember Nash, Councilmember Hendricks, Councilmember Aiken, Councilmember Buckner, Councilmember Smet, Councilmember Bremmer, and Mayor Lacy. Staff Present: Dana Barnard, Linda Countryman, Randy Harrison, Bob Goodman, Lori Barnett, Teresa Allen, Joan Sims, Mike Martz, Bruce Nash, Darin Bender and Chuck Zimmerman. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE MAYOR'S REPORT Mayor Lacy said he wanted to clarify the recent article in the Wenatchee World "Wenatchee Valley Convention and Visitors Bureau Considers Disbanding", he said the WVCVB has not made a motion to disband. He said the organization is at a crossroads with the current Director resigning at the end of September. The WVCVB has been meeting to plan for budgeting issues and to discuss the possibility of contracting with the Wenatchee Valley Chamber of Commerce for Administrative Services. Mayor Lacy said the first budget meeting for the East Wenatchee 2002 budget will be held Monday, October 15th at 6:30 p.m. DEPARTMENT REPORT Community Development Director gave an update on the Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO). She said a preliminary analysis of population in the Wenatchee Valley urban area was over 50,000 which requires the establishment of such an organization for continued eligibility to receive federal funding for transportation improvements. She said the MPO will include eight entities which are; the City of East Wenatchee, City of Wenatchee, Douglas County, Chelan County, LINK, Douglas County Port District, Chelan County Port District, and Washington State Department of Transportation. Based on a voting and dues structure previously approved by all the entities, the City of East Wenatchee will have 2 votes out of twelve and the annual dues will be $12,756.00. An interim organization is proposed to be created to facilitate the update to the Wenatchee Area Transportation Study (WATS) and to include additional information that will be required for the MPO transportation plan. The $12,756.00 for 2002 will help pay for that plan and the creation of the MPO. Community Development Director Barnett said the Boundary Review Board has accepted the Notice of Intention to Annex for the Baker to James Avenue Annexation and the Turner Annexation. She added the Boundary Review Board would be meeting on September 26, 2001 to discuss the annexations. She added the Boundary Review Board can only invoke jurisdiction upon the request of an affecting entity. Councilmember Aiken said he needed to report to work and was excused at 7:10 p.m. Community Development Director Barnett said she had met with the consultants that are working on the Southend Bridge Study to discuss solutions to the Southeast approach of the Senator George Sellar Bridge. She said three new altematives were selected for study. She added an open house will be -I- -Z- '0-9 'Pauma uopow aq L ,omjlam io Ai2jus `glleaq oggnd IeiauaS aql of leluawulap aq iou lltm nm m sap Jo Sutlue2 aq,l, (•£) put 'laaps ag1 Jo 44ajus otlgnd agl laedwc Alasianpe pinoo hags uonaQ uo i3l4a put qmo aq1 Jo uonellelsut au (•Z)'sieaA SI ' lxau acg ut pa8uego aq of Alxltl 1ou ale luadoid loafgns aql of luaaefpe ABM 3o-1gSu aql ui sluawanoidwi pue Ianal luauna agy (I) '.logi Jo s8utpug aql gltm lino stua(I Suo1e s)llemapts pug anuany uonaQ Suole glemapts put nunS 'qma ioJ laid JJogiaxuug aql uigltm sluawanoidwt laaAs aql aAiem of nualang iagwawltaunoD Aq puoaas `laws aagwatupounoo Aq apew sem uopow y mot llauno:) .uotlow aql ut 1aeJ Jo Sutpug agl Suippe palsaSSns put uotldaoxa oql smolle apoa agl pies uuuuaunutZ Aawouy Al!D ,lgauaq awes aql laadxo lltm slueagdde aaglo panwdde St iaAiem auo Jt Sutlels 'ssawte; Jo ansst agl loJ waauoa passaidxa aaunuaig IagwawleaunoZ) 'anuany uonaQ uo �llemapts Pug iaunS 'qma agl ioJ luawaitnbaa agl Sutntem papuaunuoaaa aqs uotltppe ul •lmoo stu3Q3o aaputewai aql uo s-41e.»apts ou a1e asagl aauts pantem aq qlemopts 3141;o uotlongsuoo aql imp palsanbai aneq ors-ap-Ina aql ut sluaptsal agl ptes 1laweg iolaamu luawdolanaQ Al!unuauoD 'unoj stuaQ Suole glemapts put anuaAV uonau Suole sa11emapts put aaunS 'qma 10J MCI JJoglaaluug aq1 utgltm sluawawidwt laans;o jantem MR aA0]ddE of Isanbai y 90-60-10 S.LN3W3A0lidWI133d.LS 90 H3AIVAk '0-9'Patue3 uotlow aqy •uotleiystutwpe swtelo uogesuadwoo ,siaal.ioM loJ -oul 'uosiaglnD v uolsugof gitm luawaau4e agl alnoaxa of ioXrW aql azuoglne of launua,g lagwawltaunoo Aq pumas ',,sem ngwawlt3uno3 Aq apew sum uotlow y :uo11aV llaunoo 'aauelstsse antle.ustunupe panupuoo loJ •aul 'uosiaglno :g uolsugor gltm lae.guoa of st uouepuawwoaai laq put Sutpuegstp st dnoag o la-1 satin aql ptes aqS -dnoj0 o.4Qd szpiD agl gSnom{l aagaleuaM lseg Jo Alto aql paAJas aAeq •aul 'uosaaglnD V uolsugor ptes ucwAgunoo iamseaiy Auo votle.gstutwpe swtela uotlesuadwoo s,iaalaoM Sutpie8ai aagaleuaM lseg Jo A110 agl put •aul 'uoslaglnD V uolsugor uaamlaq luawaaiSe uy 90-60-10 .LN31V331I0V 'paptoA sem S l b 1 l iagwnu lue ueM ' SC I tb£' I bS Jo lunowe lmol agl ut'18b1I gSnomll 41b11 siagwnu lueuem anadde saop pounoo'100Z'bZ iagwaldaS'alep stglJo sy -pounoo of algeltene apew uaaq seq legs Sugstl a uo papioaai uaaq aneq '060'17Z'Zti tADN Aq pamnbw se pagtuao swtelo luawasmgwtai asuadxa asogl put '080'bZ'Zb MDZI Aq pamnbw se moyJo Supipne aql Aq pagpiao put paltpne siagonoA — s1pa Jo uotleiaptsuoD .Z 100Z '0I iagwaldaS 'uotssas ajamd — salnutw Jo uotleiaptsuoD '0-9 'Patueo uoilow aqL •paluasaad se mpualea luasuoa aql anoidde of iounuaag iagwatupounoZ) Aq pumas InRong aagwauipounoD Aq apew sem uoilow y mogay Ilaunoa ' Hv(IN3lIVJ .LN3SNOJ •luawwoo pug matnai aggnd joJ gaeoidde agpuq aql xoj salnoi antlewalle Jo saltsodwoa mau molts of palnpagas IOOZ'bZ daawg.Ld3S S3Jd1NIW'1:)Mn0039HJ.LVN3AI,LSV990AID CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE COUNCIL MINUTES SEPTEM13ER 24, 2001 RESOLUTION 01-09-07 A resolution condemning terrorist attacks on the United States and expressing support for the relief efforts and our national leaders. Mayor Lacy read the resolution into the record. RESOLUTION NO. 01-07 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE, WASHINGTON, CONDEMNING TERRORIST ATTACKS ON THE UNITED STATES AND EXPRESSING SUPPORT FOR RELIEF EFFORTS AND OUR NATIONAL LEADERS. WHEREAS, on September 11, 2001, the United States was suddenly and brutally attacked by foreign terrorists, and; WHEREAS, these terrorists hijacked and destroyed four civilian aircraft, crashing two of them into the towers of the World Trade Center in New York city, and a third into the Pentagon outside Washington, DC, and; ' WHEREAS, thousands of innocent Americans were killed and injured as a result of these attacks, including the passengers and crew of the four aircraft, workers in the World Trade Center and in the Pentagon, rescue workers, and bystanders, and; WHEREAS, these cowardly acts were by far the deadliest terrorist attacks ever launched against the United States, and, by targeting symbols of American strength and success, clearly were intended to intimidate our nation and weaken its resolve, and; WHEREAS, these horrific events have affected all Americans, it is important that we carry on with the regular activities of our lives. Terrorism cannot be allowed to break the spirit of the American people and the best way to show these cowards that they have truly failed is for the people of the United States to stand tall and proud. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE, WASHIN GTON, HEREBY RESOLVE, AS FOLLOWS: To support the President of the United States, as he works with his national security team to defend against additional attacks and find the perpetrators to bring them to justice, and; To encourage citizens to unite in the support of the organizations and persons who are providing the much needed aid to the victims of this deadly and evil attack on the United States of America. I Council Action: Council adopted the resolution by consensus. -3- 4- 1 1 xlalz) A)l0 / pieweg eue(j 'Ydd 00:8 — ZN3I)VmufI0fQV •IIeH f4lD oagoleuaM lseg le •w•d OO:ZI ol'w•e 00:6 woij `s,l I lagola0 uo plai aq lll^+ sluawuuanoD jo hounoD lxau ail plus lawS 1agwawli3uno0 •sSuilaacu IlounoD palnpagos aql g1N+ sloiUuoo gotgm loogos Jutpuanu aq IIIA% aq pies OH •gluow goea jo sArpsony glmoj pue puoaas aql of s,CepuoW glmoj pue puoaas oql woij s8uilaaw pouno0 ail jo Cep ail SutSuego iaplsuoo of liaunoD paolse osle OH •aauaia;uoD wsunoy 8unuoodn ue 8uipu3ne aq pinom aq pies law$ iagwawllounoD •lagpnq kreunullaid aq1 olu[ shun 8uiaie8ieq Aq pasodoid sasewoui Axeles 2upwodaoow woij sum Ilejlaogs aql jo Ism pies OH '00.000`OOZ$ an11e8au a jo aoueleq a smogs ladpnq Anuiwilaid aql plus aH •Suilaaw pmoq locpsiQ TIBOH suignoQ uelagg aql papualle peq aq plus iaunuoig j3gwawliouno0 •sogdo jagg pue puegpeolq of uouoauuoo uo locnsiQ A1!IIlf1 ' SlunoO selBnoQ ail pue uozuaA woq uogeluasaid a 8uuea74 ui palswalu[ aq pinom Ilounoo jt pQjse uaaq peq ag aql pappe OH 4!unuRu03 Ieaol aql 01 uozuaA ,Cq suotlnquluoo palsil Auedwoo aql jo luapuaid aql pies OH •uozuaA ioj Auowano 4uiuno uogqu oql papualle peq oq pies aztnjong lagwawliouno0 smod32I'IIJNROJ toOZ `j7Z'I3HNI3.Ld3S S3InMW'II0Nf100 33H3IVN3M.LSV3 d0 AID