HomeMy WebLinkAbout8/13/2001 - City Council - City Council Meeting Minutes1 r 1 CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE, WASHINGTON REGULAR SESSION OF THE CITY COUNCIL CONVENED MAYOR STEVEN C. LACY, PRESIDING AUGUST 13, 2001 6:30 P.M. ROLL CALL Councilmembers Present: Councilmember Bremmer, Councilmember Nash, Councilmember Smet, Councilmember Hendricks, Councilmember DeWitt, Councilmember Buckner and Mayor Lacy. Councilmember Aiken, excused. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Bremmer, second by Councilmember Nash to excuse Councilmember Aiken. The motion carried, 6-0. Staff Present: Dana Barnard, Linda Countryman, Randy Harrison, Bob Goodman, Lori Barnett, Teresa Allen, and Lori Barnett. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE MAYOR'S REPORT Mayor Lacy awarded Linda Countryman and Marcia Martz certificates of recognition for their long- term commitment of ten years to the City of East Wenatchee. Mayor Lacy said a delegation of twenty-six would be leaving for Sister City Misawa, Japan on Monday, August 20, 2001 for eight days. Mayor Lacy asked if a Councilmember would attend the Board of Health Meeting on August 20, 2001. Councilmember Bremmer said he would attend the meeting in Mayor Lacy's absence. Mayor Lacy said he has been receiving letters from citizens regarding the Eastside Corridor. He added the City has no authority on the matter. He said he would forward comments to the Washington State Department of Transportation. CONSENT CALENDAR Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Buckner, second by Councilmember Bremmer to approve the consent calendar with the correction of the Council of Governments meeting date as July 12" rather than June 12'". The motion carried, 6-0. 1. Consideration of minutes — Regular Session, July 23, 2001 2. Consideration of Bills — Vouchers audited and certified by the auditing officer as required by RCW 42.24.080, and those expense reimbursement claims certified as required by RCW 42.24.090, have been recorded on a listing that has been made available to Council. As of this date, August 13, 2001, Council does approve warrant numbers 11308 through 11348 in the total amount of $36,059.65. -1- -z- C� •YCI•d 09:9—.LM3L0morQV •,Cem3o-lgSu agl ❑O $iud Ol Pam011u ale Sleo legl P2PPe OH 11ElS gl!m 00uutnP10 agl 12AO 31001 pinom aq plus AoB'l loAuN •laq of loop;xou lou 1nq,CemgS!H;2sunS pue 13211S s,Sl 3o lawoo Dill uo Cl tadold do Su!uealo uo pa>tlom seg aoueu!plo s!ql ,Cqm of se uoqu3guelo 231!1 pinom aqS •1aq paualnanll osln Doug Cagl pappe aqS snq n pue lasuona a gl!m ma!n lag Suoloolq pun Aum;o-;qSu atp uo Suolled sloggS!au lag gl!m swalgold Su!Aeq Allenuguo3 s! aqs p!es agS vClladold aoues!nu of Su!lelal apoO led!o!unW aagoleuaM lseg 2ql uo uo!leoguelo a)l!I Plnom aqs plus `l1noO lalsgaM S£Si `I0�H a�!Q si NXIAM0.3 NHZI.LIJ •aA!ne ,iagl uogm paoeld aq pinom su&s aq) pappe aH •poulnlal aq of pnq pun loanoou! 2iam A2gl lanamoq `seale u!eyao ui ooeld of suSls panlaoal pun palaplO Sl!:) aq; p!es uuwpoof) •1NI 'awes aq1 Sulop iaplsuoo of ' aagoleuaM mg 3o .C;tO agl will pinom aqs pappe aqS •sial000s pue s3l3k)iq `sapelyallol `Su!pluogaigs Ou Sulpeal slllemap!s oq; uo sleoop pained aagoleuaM;o Ai!O aql gotgm ul 21mula lodedsm2u u palegs agS •21oa umo;umop ag1 ui su8!s pleogaligs ou Supeld 3o sn;els ag1 uo pa1!nbtn gsuN lagwawl!ounoO C1loanoo palPueq Sulaq s! o11om zip luapguoo st aq pue llladold pauS!sap Su!aq ale sloafold dl!O ag1 pappe aH •310111 JO lno lalem PT 139 01 moq pun sans! lualagcp In Sunlool ale pue ggnolgl Njum a auop aneq S1aau!Su3 2141 p!ns uewp000 •1ytl 'an -ap-Ina 11noO llagpo oq; uo ua)lel Su!aq sum uo!loe Auup paNse l miong •llnl •apew slu!od pooS lelanas slam alagl uollo plego!g woi3 p Apow I!ounoO pun 1oXuW aql laual a ui p!us lawlong lagwawpaunoO •latlun; ,Cue paaoold of 1ap10 u! ClunoO selSnoQ wo13 uo!leuuo3u! }o 1s!I a 1o3 Sul I to sum ails p!es uatueg loloal!Q luawdol2Aoa ,CltunwwOD •uogexouuV loumy aql 3o snlels otg uo pannbu! s)loupuaH lagwawl!ounoD sinioa" maNnoa (pammsge launualg) •0-s 'pauleo uo!low 2qL •loelluoo aql uSls o; loXeY1 at{; az!loglne pue `-oO llugdsV u!seg of lODfold .CnllanO Xem>jand IIBW ,C211M agl 103 p!q otp plume o; uo!lepuaunuO221 agl anoiddn of latuS lagwawl!ounoO Xq puooas `s>joupuaH lagwawl!ounoO Xq opew snm uo!low y :uopoV paanoO •loafold ot111o3 pasn;legdsu ;o oSnuuol atg uo Sutpuadap oseamop to asealout pinoo;soo lelol agl p!es u ulpooO luopuoluuodnS laauS •132COM ABI12AO ,Cemjlled JILIN A211eA 2tg loj p!q ag1 plume 01 slaau!Sug ZHd wo13 uo!;npuatuwooal V 10-80-10 AiOL lyclMaravoDau iooz `£I .LSflof1V SalflKINI •IIOI•If1OO HHHOJ.VNHM.LSVH 30 AUD