HomeMy WebLinkAbout4/9/2002 - City Council - City Council Meeting Minutes1 1 CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE, WASHINGTON REGULAR SESSION OF THE CITY COUNCIL CONVENED MAYOR STEVEN C. LACY, PRESIDING APRIL 9, 2002 6:30 P.M. ROLL CALL Councilmembers Present: Councilmember Hendricks, Councilmember Smet, Councilmember DeWitt, Councilmember Bremmer, Councilmember Nash, and Mayor Lacy. Councilmember Buckner and Councilmember Aiken were excused. Council Action: A motion was made to excuse Councilmember Aiken from this Council meeting by Councilmember Bremmer, second by Councilmember DeWitt. The motion carried, 5-0. Council Action: A motion was made to excuse Councilmember Buckner from this Council meeting by Councilmember Bremmer, second by Councilmember Hendricks. The motion carried, 5-0. Staff Present: Dana Barnard, Linda Countryman, Bob Goodman, Randy Harrison, Lori Barnett, and Chuck Zimmerman. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE PROCLAMATION Mayor Lacy read a proclamation designating Wednesday, April 10, 2002 as "Arbor Day" in the City of East Wenatchee. MAYOR'S REPORT Mayor Lacy said he had received a letter from Brenda Guske, Eastmont Recreation Service Area Parks and Recreation Department requesting the City consider contributing matching funds towards an Inter Agency Committee (IAC) Grant. This would allow ERSA the opportunity to improve the playground equipment at the Eastmont Community Park. He added he would follow up with Ms. Guske for additional information on the amount of the grant match. Mayor Lacy said Councilmember Smet and his wife Lori volunteered to represent the City as part of the delegation to Sister City Misawa, Japan in August 2002. DEPARTMENT REPORT Street Superintendent Goodman gave an update on the I Vh Street NE project. He said all street lighting needs to be placed on the north side of I Vb Street. A utility easement is needed from the Columbia Arms property in the Houser Planned Unit Development. Mr. Goodman recommended Council authorize the Mayor to sign the Utility Easement. M •saor.uas aSggieS io3 louquoo aql ql!m uo!leulpi000 u! IOUVUrp30 paslnai e gerp of uuuuaunulZ ,Cawolly 43 paolse aH •sl!w!l f4!3 oql u! aSegxes Sugiodsumn aldoad sl!glgoid L96I u! Paldope aouuulpao aq1 p!us aH uogoalloo osugns faolepuew aql Su!uopsanb ease poxauue ,Slmau aql ui su=pto wos3 slleo ouogd pug snuol panlaoa.r seq aq p!es Aoe-I ioXnW uonaapoD aSegjv!) '0-S `Pauleo uo!low OU •s:loupuaH ngwawl!ounoD Aq puoaas `u!MaQ iogwawl!ounoD Aq pieog yS113 aql uo L uo!1!sod llg 01 SM-1 3na1S lu!odde of apew sum uo!low y :uolloy IlaunoJ •0-S `Pauieo uogow QtLL •aaunuaig iagwawl!ounoH gq puoaas `u!MaQ lagwawl!ounoJ ,(q pieog ySg3 aql uo 8 uo!l!sod llg of gseN aorug lu!odde of apew sum uogow y :uonad llaunoZ) •ySg3 aql u! Su!p!sal *Aral le uazll!o a se piuoq ySg3 aql uo anus of palulodde aq pinogs gseN aorug `luawanlonu! dl!unLuwoo pug aouauadxa s!q uodn pasuq `legl piwSe slagwawl!ounoJ pleog easy ao!niaS uonea1aag luolulsu3 oql uo a,uas of `lsanwijo snual pau!wgns aql wog alup!puea a aleu!wou of I!aunoJ pa)lse ,Coe -I io,Cew anneluasaidag ySg3 ' SI1f3SI NOISSRJSIQ •pap!on sum q£161 lagwnu lugugm llojXud 'ZOOZ 6iuruga3 3o gluow oql jo3 `ZOOZ `S g33eW P1ed `65'96I`Z5Is 30 lunowe lulol aql u! `ZOOOZZ Pug b6161 gSnonll 81161 slagwnu luu mm IlojAud anoidde saop pounoo 9Z'08Z`Z£S 3o lunowe lulol aql u! `OZOZI gSnomp 88611 sragwnu lumuem anoidde swop pounoH `ZOOZ `ZI go1eW `amp srgl}o sy -I!ouno:) of algelrene apew uaoq suq lugl Su!ls!l u uo papaooai uaaq aneq `060'17Z'Zb MJ-I Xq Paambaa se paggiao sw!elo luawasmgw!ai osuadxa osoy pug `080'17Z'ZV Ako2I Aq pannbai se iaogjo Sull!pne aql Aq pagplao pug pappne saagonoA — slIlg;o uoneiap!suoJ •Z ZOOZ `ZI g3.mW `uo!ssaS auln8ag — salnulw3o uonuiap!suoZ) • l '0-S `Pauiuo uo!low aqy nunuaig lagwawl!ouno3 ,Cq puoaas yaws iagwawl!aunoo Aq paluasoid se iupualeo luasuoo ogl anoidde of apuw sum uo!low y :uollay Ilaunoa HVQN3'IVJ lN3SNOJ •I!ounoD io; aauueq u paXuldslp uewpoo0 •xInl'3[aam lxau wags Sulgueq oq ll!n+ luouwudaQ loans oq1 pug panraoai uaaq puq ssauueq IopaaA ss'W aql pouodai uuwpoof) -jW O S `Pauteo uo!low aqy llrMaQ iagwawllounoJ Cq puoaas `qoupuaH iagwawl!ounoJ Aq apew sum luawdolana(I 1!uII pauueld nsnoH oql u! dlradoid suuy elgwnloD xp wojg luawase3 ,Clggfl ay u8ls of ioXrW aql ozuogtng of apuw sum uo[low y :uonaV Ilauno:) ZOOZ `6'I1-ddV 3lfL',IIW'IIDNnOJ 33HDIVN3M ISV3 aO UID CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE COUNCIL MINUTE APRIL 9, 2002 COUNCIL REPORTS ' Councilmember Smet said there would be a Council of Governments meeting on Thursday, April I Ith from 9:00 a.m. to noon at East Wenatchee City Hall. He said the Apple Blossom Royalty would be at the next Wenatchee Valley Chamber of Commerce Noon Network meeting at Abby's Pizza on Wednesday, April 10'". Councilmember Bremmer said he had attended the Storm Water Utility meeting. A billing and collection proposal from Douglas County Treasurer Mary Dodge was discussed. ADJOURNMENT —7:10 P.M. 'ba , &ywl Dana Barnard City Clerk 1 LJ 0