HomeMy WebLinkAbout9/10/2002 - City Council - City Council Meeting Minutes' CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE, WASHINGTON REGULAR SESSION OF THE CITY COUNCIL CONVENED MAYOR STEVEN C. LACY, PRESIDING SEPTEMBER 10, 2002 6:30 P.M. ROLL CALL Councilmembers Present: Councilmember DeWitt, Councilmember Hendricks, Councilmember Bremmer, Councilmember Smet, Councilmember Buckner, and Mayor Lacy. Councilmember Aiken was excused. Council Action: A motion was made to excuse Councilmember Aiken from this Council meeting by Councilmember Smet, second by Councilmember Bremmer. The motion carried, 4-0. Councilmember Hendricks abstained. Staff Present: Dana Bamazd, Linda Countryman, Randy Harrison, Bob Goodman, Lori Barnett, Mike Martz, Marcia Martz, Bruce Nash, Mark Allen, Darin Bender, and Chuck Zimmerman. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ' PROCLAMATIONS Mayor Lacy read proclamations designating September I Vh, a Day of Memory, Hope & Action and; September 30'" as Walk Across Washington Day in the City of East Wenatchee. PRESENTATIONS Executive Director Jill Wood, Wenatchee Valley Convention and Visitors Bureau, gave a Mid Year Report of 2002. Investment Banker Jack McLaughlin, DA Davidson & Co., gave a presentation on the presented Limited Tax General Obligation Bonds (LTGO) for the regional 911 Dispatch Center. Mr. McLaughlin explained Chelan County would be the sponsoring entity of the bond, enabling a better bond rating. The 911 Center would make bond payments from its operational budget. Partners need to approve an Interlocal Agreement with Chelan County. MAYOR'S REPORT Mayor Lacy said the City Council did not meet on August 27t6 due to a lack of a quorum. He said this cancellation was announced prior to the fatal accident of Councilmember Nash. Mayor Lacy said Councilmember Position No. 2 would need to be filled and encouraged East Wenatchee residents interested in the position to contact City Clerk Dana Barnard and/or appear ' at the September 24, 2002 Council meeting. Mayor Lacy said Draft 4 of the 911 Interlocal Agreement has been revised and another draft will be forthcoming. 1 1 1 'w'd LZ:L lu SuueaH aggnd ail posola ,iael iokrW •.Cane pafeaeA ail u! so!I!llln punoignpun io; wotuasea ,Cl!D a Su!ulelaa apnlaut osle IPm 1! plus aH .Xallu uu of uollduosop laanS Pol aql Sul2uego Sulpuax puoaas of aoud paui3ai oq lllm aoueu!pto ag1 plus ueuuaunulZ )loniD ,CauaouV C110 ,cnci atp io3 Supued puu ssaaae anoiduii of ease aql asn of will pinom pue ,Cliadoid ail Su!leaeA ,C3t3 311;o 1onu3 u! s! 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' i 8 SZ l ia'nonll 815Z1 siagwnu luuaieM anoiddu saop 1launoO 'ZOOZ 'OI iagLualdoS `alep s!ql }o sV •1!3unoO of algvpume apuw uaaq sug lull Sups!l e uo paploaal uaaq anuq '060'4Z-Z4 MJ2I Aq poilnboi se pagpiaa swlula luauiosmgtu!ai osuodxo asogl pue `080'iZ'Zb MDj Aq Pannbai se iaat33o Sup!pne ail ,Cq pag!>Jaa pue pal!pne slaganoA — sll!g3o uolle1ap!suoz) •Z ZOOZ '£ l lsand `uousaS ielnSa-I -- salnu!w;o uo!leiap!suoD • I '0-5 'pau]ea uonow xLL •jaunuaig tagwawpounoO Aq puoaas `aawlang iagwatul!aunoO 4q paluasaad se mpualuo luasuoa ail anoidde of apeui sum uopow V :uo93d 1!3unoj ZIVC[NalVJ .LAI3SNOJ -Sugaaw iagolop atp Aq lno pwpom SuigVaana aneq of sadoq pieoq VSlg ail pappe aH •ooueinsw of Sulu!euad sansi pue slasse;o iojsueR otp Su!pauSai sanst paleo!ldwoo awos ql!m lluap seg paeog (VS-Ig) eaiv aalnzaS uoUeaiaag luotulseg agl plus ,Coel io,Cuw •sansi lolluq otp Sugioddns suo!lnlosai Wu ldope lou puu sanssc otp uo ap!aap sialoA a p lal of snsuasuoo Aq piw2u 1!3unoO -slsanbai asap of puodsai of pagslm ,Sat9 3! 1!ouno:) pa)Ise aH -sans! lolluq Sulwoodn io3 suo!1n1osz-d jo ,Gem Aq ljoddns Mogs of Cl!D oql ioj slsonbai puq suq ag plus ,Gael ioAuY1 ZOOZ '0l d3awnclas H.LnMW "IIJNfI03 HHHO LVNHM ISVH 30 A110 CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE COUNCIL MINUTE SEPTEM 3ER 10, 2002 ORDINANCE 02-09-02 First reading of an ordinance vacating an unimproved alley bordered on both sides by property owned by Douglas County PUD No. 1 and located between Alvin Court and Valley Mall Parkway. Mayor Lacy read first reading. 02-09-03 First reading of an ordinance amending Chapter 6.04 of the East Wenatchee Municipal Code amending and adopting definitions and adopting a notice of appeal process relating to animal control. City Clerk Barnard said Substitute Senate Bill 6635 passed by the Washington State Legislature in the 2002 regular session requires cities to have a notification and appeal procedure in place for dangerous dogs. Council Action: A motion was made to elevate the ordinance amending Chapter 6.04 of the East Wenatchee Municipal Code to second reading by Councilmember Hendricks, second by Councilmember Bremmer. The motion carried, 5-0. Council Action: A motion was made to adopt the ordinance amending Chapter 6.04 of the East Wenatchee Municipal Code by Councilmember Hendricks, second by Councilmember DeWitt. The motion carried, 5-0. Mayor Lacy read the ordinance summary ORDINANCE 2002-016 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE, WASHINGTON, AMENDING CHAPTER 6.04 OF THE EAST WENATCHEE MUNICIPAL CODE, AMENDING AND ADOPTING DEFINITIONS, AND ADOPTING A NOTICE AND APPEAL PROCESS RELATING TO ANIMAL CONTROL. 02-09-04 First reading of an ordinance amending Ordinance No. 96-04 extending the deadline for final Planned Unit Development Submittal. Community Development Director Barnett said the applicant requested a 12 month extension of preliminary approval for the amended Planned Unit Development (PUD) in Phase II if the Golden East Subdivision. She said staff is recommending a 24 month extension be granted allowing the applicant additional time to prepare the final PUD documents for submittal to the Planning Commission for their review and approval. Council Action: A motion was made to elevate the ordinance extending the deadline for final Planned Unit Development Submittal to second reading by Councilmember Buckner, second by Councilmember Smet. The motion carried, 5-0. Council Action: A motion was made to adopt the ordinance extending the deadline for final Planned Unit Development Submittal by Councilmember Hendricks, second by Councilmember ' Bremmer. The motion carried, 5-0. Mayor Lacy read the ordinance summary 'ally uoilnlosai atp peas Aoe7 JoAryi •O-S 'pauleo uot;oui aq•I, iouuuzig i2gtuawliounoD Aq puooas 'sxaupuaH jagtuauiliaunoJ Aq saa3 uoileuslSai Sop snoiaSuep Sutgsilq¢lsa pue saowas Ieunue 'sasuaoti lewlue o; Stnlelai sa23 Teltao Sunu.n33eas uognlosai aql ;dope of opeui seA% uoilow V mollat+ Iraanoz) s8op snoaa8uep Allellualod io s8op snoiaSuep SupolslSai io3 aa3 Ieuoplppe ue sapnlotn plle £0-ZO •oM uoilnlosag ut pagsilgelso saa3 aql suug3eai uognlosaa atp pies pmung �Iiaio AlIJ •s3a3 uogepsiSai Sop snonguep SuTgstlgelsa pue 'saowas Iewwe'sosuaoq lewlue of Sttuelai saa3 Tnoo gutuug3eaa uoilnlosaa V 90-60•ZO I I)AINTi1411* 1 'S3LLI'IIJV3 9NDRIVd .L33II.LS-ddO U021 SQ2IVQNV.IS 3AISN3H3UaWOJ 3QIAOIId O.L SNOI.L33SHRS M3N 9NIQQV QNV SN0I133SHfIS 9NLLSIX3 9NIQN3WV (S.LN3W38Ifla3U 9ND[UVd 133U.LS-3dO) OTT'ZL'LI NOLLMS (INV `SNOI.LMS 9MZSIX3 9NIQN3WV NMI 'IVNOI.LIQNOJ) b9•LT H2UJVHJ `SNOLLJ3S 9NLLSIX3 9NIQN3WV (.LJI7H.LSI(i TVRI.LSRQNI QNNV 9NISf1OH3UVM I-M) 81'•LI daLaVHJ `SNOI.LINI33Q 9NI.LSIX3 9N1QN3WV QNV SNOI.LINI33Q M3N 9NIQQV '(SNOILI.NUH(l) 80'LI H3.LdVHJ A I'IVJIAIJ3dS S31LI'IIJV3 9NDRIVd L332I.LS-3d0 O.L A'IddV ,LVH.L SNOLLV M932I M314 QQV Ol (.LJV ,LN3N;39VNVW HINLOII9 ■ 31U) VOL8'9£ MJ2I O.L.LNVfIS2IRd u9NINOZ. JWM3 LI 3'I.LI.L 9NIQN3WV 'NO.L9NIHSVM '33HJ.LVN3M .LSV3 AO AID 3H.L 3O 33NVNIQITO NV 8T0-ZOOZ 3JNVNIQZIO ,Cleununs aoueulpio oql peal Aoe-I io,CBW 0 S `Pacueo uoilow ally •ulMaQ iagwawllaunoD Aq puoaas `iatuuaig ngwatupounoJ Aq Sunned laaAs--33o of Stnleloi apoJ ledimunytl aagoleuaM lseg otp Suipuawe aoueuipio atp ldope of apew sent uouow V mot;aV llounoJ •0-5 'paLmo uopow oU •launuaig iaqutauiilounoD Xq puoaas `u!MaQ iagwawltounoJ Aq Suipeai pumas of Supl.ted ;awls -go of Suuelai opoD ledtownW aagoleuaM Ing oql Sutpuawe aoueuipio atp alenala of spew sum uoilow V moi;aV pauno� •Sugnd;aags-33o io3 spiepuels aAisuogaxdwoo oiow pug palepdn aleaaa pinoAL apoD lediorunw aago;euaM;seg otp of luawpuoute aql pies llaunil loloanQ luawdolanaQ f4cunuuuoD •Supped laa.gs-go of SuUelaa apoJ ledionlnN aagoleuaM;seg aql Suipuawe aoueuipao ue3o Suipeai;sit3 50-60-ZO •3,LVQ 3AI.LJ3d33 NV 9NLIZ3S QNV ''IV•LLIWIMS .LN3WdO'I3A3Q 111-f1 Q3NNV'ld'IVNI3 U04 3NI'IQVHG 3H.L 9NIQN3ZX3 '00-96 33NVNIQZIO OZ .LK31VQN314ZV QNOMS 'NO.L9NIHSVM '33HJ.LVN3M ,LSV3 30 AZIJ allL dO 3JNVNIQZIO AIV LTO-ZOOZ 3JNVNIQ2IO ZOOZ `0l lI3HT1'3Jd3S H.LfI HW IIJNfIOJ H3HJ.LVNHM ISV3 d0 AID CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE COUNCIL MINUTE SEPTEMBER 10, 2002 RESOLUTION 2002-10 t A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE, WASHINGTON, REAFFIRMING CERTAIN FEES RELATING TO ANIMAL LICENSES AND ANIMAL SERVICES AND ESTABLISHING DANGEROUS DOG REGISTRATION FEES. 02-09-07 A resolution authorizing the Mayor to sign an Interlocal Cooperation Agreement among Chelan County, City of Wenatchee, City of East Wenatchee, City of Rock Island, Douglas County Port District, Chelan County Port District, Chelan - Douglas Public Transportation Benefit Area (LINK Transit) and Washington State Department of Transportation establishing the Wenatchee Valley Transportation Council and the agreement with the Governor of the State of Washington recognizing the creation of the Metropolitan Planning Organization for the Greater Wenatchee Area. Community Development Director Barnett said the Cities of Wenatchee and East Wenatchee, Chelan County, Douglas County, and the Douglas and Chelan Port Districts, LINK and Washington State Department of Transportation have been working for the past four years to establish a metropolitan planning organization (MPO) in anticipation of a Census determination that the community is an urbanized area. The designation has been made and will also include the City of Rock Island. She said the Interlocal Agreement creates the Wenatchee Valley Transportation Council. Council Action: A motion was made to adopt the resolution authorizing the Mayor to sign agreements relating to the Metropolitan Planning Organization and the Wenatchee Valley Transportation Council by Councilmember Buchner, second by Councilmember Bremmer. The motion carried, 5-0. Mayor Lacy read the resolution title RESOLUTION 2002-11 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE, WASHINGTON, AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO SIGN AN INTERLOCAL COOPERATION AGREEMENT AMONG CHELAN COUNTY, DOUGLAS COUNTY, CITY OF WENATCHEE, CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE, CITY OF ROCK ISLAND, DOUGLAS COUNTY PORT DISTRICT, CHELAN COUNTY PORT DISTRICT, CHELAN-DOUGLAS PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION BENEFIT AREA (LINK TRANSIT) AND WASHINGTON STATE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION ESTABLISHING WENATCHEE VALLEY TRANSPORTATION COUNCIL AND THE AGREEMENT WITH THE GOVERNOR OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON PLANNING ORGANIZATION FOR THE GREATER WENATCHEE AREA. RECOMMENDATION 02-09-08 An agreement between the City of East Wenatchee and North Central Washington Take Pride in America relating to a Japanese Garden project on City property. 1 '➢q'd 0£:8—.LN3wmlmof(lv •louls!(j aa!3 ,iluno:) sulgno(I ag11u 'q,Z I aagwal&S ',Cups inU Su!laaw (off uo!luzcuggap Su!uueld uelgodoalaW u aq ll!m aaagl pcus aaualong aagwawl!aunoD •6eldslp e uo alaom uallV usaaay lumslssy aA984s!u!wpy angq pinom aq pces aH -lleH .il!o 01 luawaouequa Irg2u!ueaw a aq pinom Xulds!p t gons plus Xoe7 io iuW •ao!u aq pinom saagwawl!ounoJ pue saoityq Isud3o Cglds.p u Clleuolllppy •iaq of uapm[) asauedef aql Sulguo!pap sdegaad'gsell aagwawl!aunoD ao; luuowaw;o odA4 awos aas of 23pl pinom aq p!us qaupuaH aagwawl!auno3 •ueduf'emts!W of suo!lugalaQ aanln3 u!of of saagw2wl!auno3 mglo pagumooua OH •paloodxa Tana a.%eq pinoo aq ump aaow SUM ugduf 'uo!19Sala(j umusiW agl;o aagwaw a Suioq pa,Cofuo aq p!us lawS aagw2wl!3uno3 SI*IOd3u ln3NROJ ' O-S'Pauaeo uollour aqy •lawS mgwatupounoJ Agpuooas pll!Maa aagwawl!ouno0 Xq 170OZ 'I £ aagwaaaQ of ZOOZ 'I kimuu f tmg saa,Coldwg luawaaao;ug %rl SuguQsz.' as 09L -ON uo!url leao-I saalsweay pug aagoluuaM Ing jo 03 aql uaamlaq ug Aq luawoaagy aoge-1 aql ugrs of aoXeW oql azuoglnu of opuw sum uolow v :uoilav llaunoa 'w'd 51:8 lu pauanuooaa pounoJ •salnu!w ang leuoll!ppu ut papualxa sem uolssas aA!lnoaxa aql 0I:8 lv •suo!lgnogau uorun Sulpaggaa uolssas omlmaxa alnunu uaagg g palleo A:)e-1 aoArN •w•d SS:L lv NOISM 3AI.LfIJ3X3 0-S 'Pawea uollow au u!MaQ aagwowl!ounoa Aq puoaas 'iounuaig aagwawl!ounoD Aq faussaoau swotumop 8u!sola llu pue ,Cue put luawaaagv aleS pue asugomd aq1 uScs of ioArW aql azuoglne of opuw sum uollow y :uopoV Ilaunoj •laulslQ IOOgoS luou4sug aq1 ql!m uouumpa000 ut laa.gS q,8 3o Suluap!m oql 1!uugd of ,Sem 3o-1g8u ltuo!1!ppg asugomd of anuanv umol pue aM loouS ,s8;o aawoa aql lu saaumo puel ql!m Smgrpogou uaaq suq uewpooD luapualuuadnS loonS plus 1laumg ioimmu luawdolana(j A3!ununuoZ) 12agS P8 uo Aum;o-lg8u;o asugomd ao3 Ia3fu2H AIIeS puia kmg ql!m luawaaigy aleS pue asugwnd aql u8cs of ao,Culnl aq} Sumumpne uo!ltpuaunu032a y 60-60-ZO NOLLVQN3IQINOJ31i 'asuodsaa a SulAlaoaa Ipun palqul oq ll!m wal! aq1 put luawaaaSu aq1 pamalnaa JOA lou SETA uauaury ul apud aaluy uolSu!gseM ltaluaJ glcols pets Caul aoSulnl ZOOZ 'o l wamgjAgs g.LfINM 'IIJNflOJ 3RHJ.LVMatA .LSV9 30 AMD