HomeMy WebLinkAbout8/13/2002 - City Council - City Council Meeting Minutes1 1 CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE, WASHINGTON REGULAR SESSION OF THE CITY COUNCIL CONVENED MAYOR STEVEN C. LACY, PRESIDING AUGUST 13, 2002 6:30 P.M. ROLL CALL Councilmembers Present: Councilmember Hendricks, Councilmember Smet, Councilmember Aiken, Councilmember Buckner, Councilmember Nash, and Mayor Lacy. Council Action: A motion was made to excuse Councilmember Bremmer from this Council meeting by Councilmember Buckner, second by Councilmember Nash. The motion carried, 5-0. Council Action: A motion was made to excuse Councilmember DeWitt from this Council meeting by Councilmember Smet, second by Councilmember Nash. The motion carried, 5-0. Staff Present: Linda Countryman, Randy Harrison, Bob Goodman, Lori Barnett, Teresa Allen, Lennie Breckenridge, Mike Martz, Marcia Martz, Bill Prazer, and Darin Bender. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE CITIZEN COMMENTS John D'Amour, 622 Colorado Avenue, asked Council to consider working with Waste Management to define what type of refuse would be accepted at the City's free dumps. Mr. D'Amour indicated landfill employees refused to accept, for free, items which the contract allowed to be dumped at a charge. Councilmembers Aiken and Nash agreed items which could be dumped for a charge should be accepted at the free dumps. Mayor Lacy said he had placed a telephone call to Ted Woodard, manager of Waste Management of Greater Wenatchee, regarding the issue. He said the City had not approved any refuse definitions and he would work with Mr. Woodard to find a middle ground acceptable to both parties. He had also asked Community Development Director Barnett to review the contract. Ms. Barnett said there were some ambiguities. Matt Warner, Take Pride in America, gave Council an overview of the plans for the Japanese Garden to be located at the comer of Eighth Street NE and Eastmont Avenue. He said the Garden is scheduled for completion by Arbor Day 2003. Mr. Warner said Take Pride in America will be in contact with Mayor Suzuki of Misawa for their input. To date, Mr. Warner said twenty-five volunteers had been recruited to assist with the project. Mr. Warner thanked the Mayor, Council, and City Staff for their assistance with the project. Mayor Lacy presented a sign designating the site of the Japanese Garden. At Mayor Lacy's request, photographs of Council with the sign were taken. Copies of the photographs will be sent to Mayor Suzuki. ' '3N laauS y Ol 3o uo!uod panordw!un UE JO U011eaeA a 3o UOIIErap!suoo lo3 Suueaq oilqnd a 8muos uo!lnlosai y I0'80'ZO NOIJU110M 'ZOOZ aunf 3o gluow ayl io; 'ZOOZ 'S Alnf P!rd 'LS'b50'Sbl $ JO lunOwr Ielol aql u! 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He added the next step is to forward the resolution to legal counsel. Council Action: A motion was made to adopt the resolution setting a public hearing date for consideration of vacating an unimproved portion of 10's Street N.E. by Councilmember Hendricks, second by Councilmember Nash. The motion carried, 5-0. Mayor Lacy read the resolution title. RESOLUTION 2002-09 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE, WASHINGTON, SETTING A PUBLIC HEARING FOR THE PURPOSE OF CONSIDERING VACATION OF THE UNIMPROVED PORTION OF 10Ta STREET N.E. BORDERED ON BOTH SIDES BY PROPERTIES OWNED BY PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT NO. 1 OF DOUGLAS COUNTY AND LOCATED BETWEEN ALVIN COURT AND VALLEY MALL PARKWAY. RECOMMENDATION 02-08-02 A recommendation from RH2 Engineering to award the bid for the Grant Road Turn Lane/Valley Mall Parkway Widening Project. Mayor Lacy said only one bid had been received for the Grant Road Turn Lane/Valley Mall Parkway Widening Project. He added the bid was well over the engineers' estimate and the ' recommendation was to re -bid the project at a later date. Council Action: A motion was made to accept the engineers' recommendation to reject the bid for the Grant Road Turn Lane/Valley Mall Parkway Widening Project by Councilmember Hendricks, second by Councilmember Buckner. The motion carried, 5-0. DISCUSSION A discussion regarding Chapter 9.25 of the East Wenatchee Municipal Code relating to Public Disturbance Noises Mayor Lacy said the issue of public disturbance noises arose from a letter from Joch & Carolyn Kinne, 1626 Aurora Avenue N. Mayor Lacy said staff had investigated the complaint and concluded there was no evidence of a violation; rather the complaint was generated from a neighborhood dispute. However the complaint raised the issue of perhaps broadening the ordinance relating to public disturbance noises. Mayor Lacy suggested a "catch-all" category might help with the enforcement of the ordinance. Community Development Director Barnett explained there are two types of noise ordinances. The Washington Administrative Code noise ordinance measures decibel levels and whether certain levels are acceptable within certain zones. Ms. Barnett explained this is not the type of noise ordinance adopted by the City of East Wenatchee. The City's noise ordinance, rather than addressing decibel levels, specifically addresses such nuisance noises as boom boxes and loud car ' stereos. Following a brief discussion, Council agreed by consensus not to make any changes to the current public disturbance noise ordinance at this time. 1 1 ia1nseaiy )(iiO wsAunol ,puil � � t •w•d 50:8—.LN3NiNHf)0rQV -W-d 00:81e pau3nu0031 Iiouno0 -Inl-d S4:L Is uoilt2pq leiluolod pus suoileilogou uoiun SuipisSaj uolssas ani;noaxa a;nuiw uaagg a polleo Aae7 ioCei�i KOISS3S 3AI.Lfl03X3 •pjooaj fla;es Suipusls8uol s 8uiuieluiew pus laSpnq iapun sainlipuacixa Suidaal io; ,Cueinmijud')uom pooS panuuuoo icayl io} szo4oldwo aql lie pnsldde o; aTl pinom ay papps aH '43 041 0; OOIA13S 30 MOA sill Joj aSpuu33l3a1H aluual aSpalmouliot of awll ay; 2ui3Ie1 iodsy;I ay; poltioaldde aq pies slloupuaH iagwawliouno0 •s;soo legal papunodwoo Suipione 'saililua lagwaw IMADS luasaidoi of poleu8isop uaaq psy aoelleM ',CgchnW 'uopg0 'osiV mipisgns put slumil Suipnioui 'spuni uoihuodsuell uiepao jo; ,GlligiSila ,Cuts papnloui diysiagwaw;o slyauaq aql pappe ,Saul ioAuN •asuadxa laSpnq ayl 3o lied awnsss o1 palepuew wom sai;i;uo lagwaw pus b00Z Aq suoilwodo uigaq lsnw Odw oq.L 'OdW agl;o ;no ldo of uoildo oql aneq lou pip fa!O oq1 pouieldxo ,Coel io, vW •s.ellop puesnocp ual aq pinom mulls diysiagwaw 9,4110 aql pies OH •(uopeziusSio Suiuutld um!lodoilaw sale aql) pouno0 uoilevodsuml Callen aayo;tuaAA, ay13o Sul;aaw a popuaus peq oq pies tamionEl iagwawliouno0 S.Luodau 1113ma0J •sluatuXud owlaas;gap Sunagpnq j03 aigisuodsal aq saililua iauued pinom jo anuanaI ieu013wado s,1a;ua0 I I6 ayl woJ9 pied aq aoi los lgap pinom 'si lsgy •spuoq;o 31mciArd aql Sutp�t8zi uoi;euuo;ui ajow QTJ pinom oq pappe ,Coel ioAuW ,•f4mba 3o uoilismbot,;o uoiliugap a se llom se 'sloofoid anuanai £OOZ aas of agil pinom aq plus OH •uopm ao,1 pouno0 o; ;aSpnq grip ay; Suiluasaid aiojoq ;agpng suoutiodO ialuaO 116 ayl w013 uoileuuo3ul leuol;ipps az ilsut of will pinom oq pies ,ioel ioAvw laSpng suoiitiod0 lalua0 116 ayl }o graO aq1 SulpieSaj uoissnosip V ZOOZ'Ei 1Sf1'Jfly 3Ifmw IIIDNMOD 33HDivNHM .LSVH d0 AIIJ