HomeMy WebLinkAbout7/23/2002 - City Council - City Council Meeting Minutes' CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE, WASHINGTON REGULAR SESSION OF THE CITY COUNCIL CONVENED MAYOR STEVEN C. LACY, PRESIDING JULY 23, 2002 6:30 P.M. ROLL CALL Councitmembers Present: Councilmember Smet, Councilmember Hendricks, Councilmember Bremmer, Councilmember Buckner, Councilmember Nash, Councilmember DeWitt and Mayor Lacy. Council Action: A motion was made to excuse Councilmember Aiken from this Council meeting by Councilmember Smet, second by Councilmember Nash. The motion carried, 4-0. Councilmember Hendricks and Councilmember Bremmer abstained. Staff Present: Dana Barnard, Randy Harrison, Bob Goodman, Lori Barnett, Teresa Allen, Mike Martz, Bruce Nash and Chuck Zimmerman. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE CITIZEN COMMENTS ' Debbie Person, Eastside Pawns, 839 Valley Mall Parkway, said the City parking lot on Valley Mall Parkway has thirty spaces and there are seventeen businesses downtown. She asked if the City could paint spaces on the street parking to ensure cars are not taking up more than one space. PRESENTATION North Central Washington Resource and Development Council (NCW RC&D) Coordinator Jay Kehne thanked the City for being a sponsor of the RC&D. He said the NCW RC&D Council is a non-profit group designed to assist Douglas, Chelan and Okanogan Counties in the proper use of their resources to develop strong conservation efforts. The Council is composed of Commissioners, Councilmembers, Mayors, Tribal Leaders, Chamber members, P.U.D. members, Port District members, and representatives from four Conservation Districts. The NCW RC&D has been in existence since 1992. By creating a large diverse organization the RC&D is able to access diverse grants or federal/state moneys that otherwise would not be available to individual smaller groups. The RC&D also helps coordinate matching funds from a variety of organizations to assure success of grant applications. Mr. Kehne gave a list of projects the NCW RC&D was involved with in 2002. Mr. Kehne said the next RC&D meeting will be August 8th at the Chelan P.U.D. from 1:00 to 3:00 p.m. 1 •ponsmd suotldo Sunned IeuoSeip iuem ' lou pip IiounoZ) •ease umommop aqt ut Sunned IeuotliPPe alealo of stsAi lsoo a glta suotldo ;0 12s a Sutdolanap glim plemlo; avow 01 JJeis azuoglne of snsuasuoo Aq panoldde IiounoZ) •uoildo lagloue se ease umolumop zip ui Sunned IeuoSeip Suuapisuoo palsaSSns uooleS pue osnogrlealS la3em maID `zonSuuuoQ ua}I lotlistQ ssautsng aql Aq posmgwtal oq uagl pue sluawanoldwi aq1 lo; 6ed P1nom Al!3 alp ptes agS saaeds I seq lol Supped f4i0 aqi pue sands S£ aq pinom alaip podtns sera Supped laal;s ag13i ptes aqS •umlilad Aq poleilmi oq Plnoo 13tllsiQ luawanoldug ssauisng V Sunned a ptes llauieg -sw Suipun3 Ilem Suiulmal a ppnq pue 1ol Sunned 14!0 oql ui llueq ilip aql aloeq inO lot Suolled umolumop aql of luaoe[pe sawoq Suisegolnd Utq slepaO of luaaefpe 1013ueoeA 32JEI a SutseaZ :;)lam passnasip suotldo aqy •ease umoiumop ag1 ui Sui�Iled anoidwi of suotldo passnastp pue uoumo ssauisnq aql law ails ptes aqS •Suplled;o swamm gltm sossouisng umotumoQ Xq patoeluoo uaaq peq aqs pies uaweg lolaaltQ ivawdolanaQ dltunurwoD Sunned umolumoQ — luaurlleda(I Sumueld ' .LZIOd3'I J Nl3L1 lHVd3Q '0-9 `Patlrea uotlow aqy •laurlong lagwawltounoZ) Aq puooas `launualg lagwawltouno0 Aq laafold eouaury ui opud qe•I• atil gltm plemlo3 avow of apew sum uotlow y :uol3aV Ilauno:) •uoiledimlled,iltununmo alowoid of 319e aq uagl pinom ,Cagy •laafold agi gnm paaoold of IiounoZ) wol} uotlezuoglne aXil Plnom eouaury ul aptld alley pies laweM •1Nl •laafold ArCI logly £OOZ a se auop aq pinom laafold aqt ptes aH'Aelnl ut ltste uotleSalaQ emesiW agl Suunp anuany luounseg uo pamueld aiam tegl scan alduW asaueder aqt grim I1am lllom Ilim laafold aqi pies aaumM •1W •anuany luounseg pue gN 300pS 4,8 ;o lawoa aN aqi uo uapico osauedel• a Sutiueld w paisalalut sum dno1S eouaury w apud alley aq1 pies OH •„eouaury ul apud aaley 3o laureM uxW gitm suolssnasip peq seg aq pres .Coe j loxuw •13oruj0 samosa -I 100goS aqi amidal of spun3 glim Rio oql lsisse of uoileogdde lueB a patltwgns seq uosumH jauD aoilod pies Aoe7 losew •l13ig0 aatlod oagaleuaM lseg ue glim (02IS) 1aa330 aomosad 10043S ag1 ooeldal 44iD oql Suusmbai agooZle-I HuagS f4unoD selSnoQ wo1,I izuol a paniaoal peq ag pappe OH •saxel Aiaodold wol; anuanal aql ut asealaap oql pauteldxa pue xel 1010 310H sill wo13 anuanar pasealout agl palou OH •poleinidde slam 110da1 ag1;o tualuoo pue lmWOj alp pies off •llodag letoueuig ZOOZ lalrmi,) lsn3 agl lo3 uumf4unoo ninsealy )[I!O paTirgj Aoe-I loAEW •laafold SutuapiM XUAm-Iled IIENI AaIIeA / aue-I um•I• peog luluo aql nets of papaou iClladold annboe of fliO agl l03 sluawnoop uotlistnboe SeA13o-1gSt�I aql pauSis peq ag ptes ,ioe-I 1oArW ' •slauoisstunrroO;o pieog riluoipnv SuisnoH aqi uo aAlas 01 SuuaalunloA io3 tawS lagwawltouno3 pz3luegl ,Coe I lo,Celnl 1210dau SIHOAVN ZOOZ'a A1flf 3.LaKINI'IIONnO3 33HO1VXatA LSV9 90 ADD CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE COUNCIL MINUTE JULY 23, 2002 1 L 1 Street Department — P.U.D. request to vacate alley Street Superintendent Goodman said the P.U.D. has purchased land to the South of the unimproved portion of 10'h Street NE. The P.U.D. previously own property to the North of the unimproved portion of 10`h Street NE and has requested the City consider vacating that property. The P.U.D. would like to use the property to move an entrance further South on Valley Mall Parkway. Council agreed by consensus to move forward with the proper procedure. Mr. Goodman said the I I'h Street Project was moving forward. He said the sidewalks would be going in the next few days and the Street paving should begin the end of July or fast of August. Mr. Goodman said the Storm Water Utility Retention Pond the City purchased for the Eastmont School District has worked very well. Councilmember Bremmer requested to be excused from the remainder of the meeting. Mayor Lacy excused Councilmember Bremmer. CONSENT CALENDAR Council Action: A motion was made to approve the consent calendar as presented by Councilmember DeWitt, second by Councilmember Smet. The motion carried, 5-0. 1. Consideration of minutes -- Regular Session, July 9, 2002 2. Consideration of Bills — Vouchers audited and certified by the auditing officer as required by RCW 42.24.080, and those expense reimbursement claims certified as required by RCW 42.24.090, have been recorded on a listing that has been made available to Council. As of this date, July 23, 2002, Council does approve warrant numbers 12421 through 12480, in the total amount of $276,564.34. Warrant number 12447 was voided. [$) [I i) IeVlelom 02-07-05 Second reading of an ordinance prohibiting all new Social Card Game Gambling Activities. Council Action: A motion was made to adopt the ordinance prohibiting all new Social Card Game Gambling Activities by Councilmember Hendricks, second by Councilmember DeWitt. The motion carried, 5-0. Mayor Lacy read the ordinance summary. ORDINANCE NO.2002-15 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE, WASHINGTON, ABSOLUTELY PROHIBITING ALL NEW SOCIAL CARD GAME GAMBLING ACTIVITIES PROPOSED TO BE CONDUCTED IN THE CITY PURSUANT TO RCW 9.46.295; CONTAINING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE, AND ESTABLISHING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. 1 ;iI A, F) I-'1►, 'YB'd 50:9—INHWI- or(ly 'IgS!U ouols!g aql jo Amsianiuue aqi Suunp uoiiexgala33o Laos amos ansmd of axg pinom aq pappe aH -salnpagos loogos ,sluapms emesryg aqi of anp AuW ui l!s[A of pjaid pinom uogeBala(I emesiW aqi p!es aH -.iagoloo ui lopaaA ssryg;o lg8!g XIEMAiune aqi Suunp IeAllsaj E SuipivBw emesiW cuog oloegpaa; paniaaai peq aq pus Cou-j joArW ' •Su!plmq palonalsuooai agi3o uopeo!pap aq1 of joud asnogl-mo:),CiunoD selBno(I aqi ie Sulloatu sluauivaanoo ;o pounoD aqi papuaue peq oq pies ninpng iagcnacul!ounoD -siued!alued pe uaamlaq lno pa3pom aq of paau pinom aSenSuel agl p!es pue geap agl)o suo!loos uleuao iano suiaouoo peq aq p!es aH -(ialuQD I l6) lu!od SuuanmsuV 4aJus ollgnd leuogo!psunt -!llnY1 a ;o ivawaaISV aAlleiadooD Ieooualul geiQ aql pamatnai peg aq p!es ,Coe -I JOAU q SIuOd3II'IIJNROJ *auvog IN3NI3A02IJWI NOIIVESOcIS&NUI 3HI QNV NOI.Lv.Luoasmvu.L d0 AUVI3H.33S 3.LV.LS HHI HIIM GTII3 39 OI 3WVS 3HI ONIIO3THQ (INV INV2IOOZId LNaw3Aoda4LTI Noiivj.,aoasNTvujL uv3A-XIS V ONI. joav NO.LONIHSVM `33H3IVN3M ISV3 30 AIIJ 3HI AS NOUXIOS3H V so-zooz NOLLnzos3u -211p uognlosai aql peal ,ioe1 ioXEW '0-S `pa!ueo uollou[ aqi, -u!MaQ aaquiauq!ouno0 Aq pu000s `s>loupuaH iaquiauq!ouno0 Aq poluasaid se tuBBoid luamanoiduq uogelaodsueil ieaA-x!s aagoleuaM lseg aql Su!gs!Igelsa uo!lnlosoi aqi ldope of apem sem uo!loui V :uopaV I!auno� weSoad luamanolduq uogeuodsuell, n:aA-x!s aagoleuaAA, Ing agl Sulgsgqelsa uo!inlosai V LO LO ZO NOLL[I'IOSau zooz `fz A-Eu 3IRNINI'IIDNMoo H3HJIVNHM ISV3 3o Allo