HomeMy WebLinkAbout6/25/2002 - City Council - City Council Meeting Minutes' CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE, WASHINGTON REGULAR SESSION OF THE CITY COUNCIL CONVENED MAYOR STEVEN C. LACY, PRESIDING JUNE 25, 2002 6:30 P.M. ROLL CALL Councibnembers Present: Councilmember Bremmer, Councilmember Hendricks, Councilmember Smet, Councilmember Buckner, Councilmember DeWitt, Councilmember Nash, and Mayor Lacy. Councilmember Aiken was excused. Council Action: A motion was made to excuse Councilmember Aiken from this Council meeting by Councilmember Bremmer, second by Councilmember Smet. The motion carried, 6-0. Staff Present: Dana Barnard, Randy Harrison, Bob Goodman, Teresa Allen and Chuck Zimmerman. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE MAYOR'S REPORT Mayor Lacy said item 02-06-07 has been removed from the agenda. He said the amendment to the Interlocal Agreement had not been completed. CONSENT CALENDAR Council Action: A motion was made to approve the consent calendar as presented by Councilmember Smet, second by Councilmember Hendricks. The motion carried, 6-0. 1. Consideration of minutes -- Regular Session, June 11, 2002 2. Consideration of Bills — Vouchers audited and certified by the auditing officer as required by RCW 42.24.080, and those expense reimbursement claims certified as required by RCW 42.24.090, have been recorded on a listing that has been made available to Council. As of this date, June 25, 2002, Council does approve warrant numbers 12316 through 12381, in the total amount of $283,514.15. Warrant number 12329 was voided. Council does approve payroll warrant numbers 19351 through 19426, and 220004, in the total amount of $150,254.43, paid June 5, 2002, for the month of May 2002. I 'SX8110p uogllw Z lseal le aq pinom sulpuoq pappe aH •uogl!w q• l sl uollulS aollod aagowuam mp le palvool aq of 13lua0 116 aql 103 l¢lolgns mau Oq-L 's-mllop uolll!w 9• I sum podnd uiogsuvd 1e aalu30 116 aql Io; alewllsa lvttl8uo aql plus aH •.Ialua0 116 ag1-io; ll!nq sulaq uopulS 33110d mau atpjo uollaod v azglln 01 aagoleuam;o fa!J atg of ClunoO uulog0 pus [4tmoO selsno(I Aq pou!wgns lesodoid e;o ddoa a 1!3uno0 aAes aH •i3lua0 116 leuolgag aql uo olepdn ue Ones 13wS iigwawl!3unoD S.LllOdall'IIJN110J awq sell le umlel oq pinom uotloe ou pue laspnq wgltm sum luawlxedaQ 1aagS atp plus Aou-I ]okigw •laspnq aql of luawpuawe leuolUppv ue al n!ssaoau XBLu slgl plus aH '00'005'ZIS ;o lsoo palewllsa uv papnlaul 60-ZO 23uvulp-10 iad luawpuawe laspnq a plus aH '00'990'61$ ;o lunowe atp to ease paxouue Almau all u! 8untlg!l 1aaw ao; laulsiQ 14!I!lfl ollgnd f4uno0 selsno(I all wo.g slsoo;o alewpsa lvuuo; a pantont peq aq ples ueuipooff) luapualuuadnS 1aa.1S •ease paxomm Almau aql ui slq$!l laaps;o uollellelsu! 10; IS03 palewllsa lvuuo; aq1 puadxo of uollezuoglnV 60 90 ZO NOLLVZIHOH.LRV ' 0 9 'pauiuo uollow aq L •iamjong iagw3wllouno0 Aq puooas `gsel l iagwawllauno0 Xq loa[oid g_N laaps q,g all so; saolnaas 8uuaavl8u9.1o; 2uolsEuw7 apeM lallloJ puowweH llcm luaw3319e luellnsuoo v 01VIOsau 01 uollepuaunnooai all ano.tdde of apew sum uollow V :uoipv I13ano0 .suogvag!lenb pan!tugns legl suug suuaaulsua Ono; aq1 palenlena 1eg1 aall!wwoo uolloalas aql uo sum ullaso0 aualof iaaul8ug X4unoO selsno(I legl pue porold all ut panlonui aq pinom XlunoO oql plus uvwpoo0 '1W •loafold Xp ❑l paelonu! aq pinom 44unoo selsnoa ;! pa31sv MOupuaH 'agwawl!Ouno0 •loafold gx 132AS ns aql Jo; saowas Suuaaulsuo uSlsap aq1 lo; 'auolsEulelZ apeM aallloJ puowweH ttug all ql!m luawaalsv luellnsuoa a aleposau of s! uonvpuounuooai 33ens aq1 'puma= slulod aql uo pasug •lava io; smod ual of do woos of 41iI qv aq1 yllm 'supwjo seaie Ong paianoo ssaaad suuu aql p!es uewpoo0 luapualuuadnS 12onS wo'raid mp uo luellnsuoo otp aq of 14!unuoddo ue salelaossV v uaassao3 molle of a�lll Plnom oq pue aagoleuam 1seg;o la!0 aql u! sgof snouaad so; paloalas uoaq aneq suuaoui2ug ZH-d pue 'auolsguln!-I apeM aalllo0 puotuweH lull sum; iaaulsua leaol aaall al1;o MP p!es aH •loafoxd 3H 1204S wg aql so; s3DLuzs uslsap io; lumInswo atp sulloalas ui ssouile;;o anssi atp sulpiesu wamoo passaidxo aaunuatg iagwatupuno0 130Coid am laa-3s gls agl 30; saowas suuaauiSua io; luawaaj8e luvllnsuoo v aleuosau of uopupuaunuon-a V 80-9010 NOLLVC1NapavOJax ZOOZ 'SZ 3Nflf RMNIIN'IIJNnOJ 33H3J.VN3m .LSV3 90 AID CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE COUNCIL MINUTE NNE 25, 2002 Councilmember Buckner asked which entity would be applying for the bond and asked if it ' would be based on which entity had the best bonding rate. Councilmember Bremmer said he felt the electrical and mechanical fees were high. Councilmember Smet said at the last June 11, 2002, Council meeting, Council voted in favor of joining in a partnership with Douglas County, Chelan County and the City of Wenatchee in a Regional 911 Center. He said a letter of intent to join the Regional 911 Center should be sent to Chelan County Commissioner Buell Hawkins. Upon receipt an invoice would be sent to the City for the start-up money. ADJOURNMENT-7:12 P.M. Dana Barnard City Clerk 1