HomeMy WebLinkAbout5/28/2002 - City Council - City Council Meeting MinutesCITY OF EAST WENATCHEE, WASHINGTON REGULAR SESSION OF THE CITY COUNCIL CONVENED MAYOR STEVEN C. LACY, PRESIDING MAY 28, 2002 6:30 P.M. ROLL CALL Councilmembers Present: Councilmember Nash, Councilmember Buckner, Councilmember DeWitt, Councilmember Smet, Councilmember Bremmer, Councilmember Hendricks and Mayor Lacy. Councilmember Aiken was excused. Council Action: A motion was made to excuse Councilmember Aiken from this Council meeting by Councilmember Nash, second by Councilmember Hendricks. The motion carried, 6-0. Staff Present: Dana Barnard, Linda Countryman, Randy Harrison, Bob Goodman, and Chuck Zimmerman. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ' OATH OF OFFICE Mayor Lacy administered the Oath of Office to Donald Bell and Jill Wise for East Wenatchee Municipal Court Judge Pro Tem. He said he had also administered the Oath of Office to Tony DiTommaso earlier that day. CITIZEN COMMENTS Luther Beatty, 1520 N Baker Avenue said his property was annexed into the City approximately ten years ago. He recently read that the City was planning on putting light standards in the newly annexed Baker to James area. He said the electricity to the light standards in Rio Vista Estates should be paid by the City. He also said he would like to see sidewalks put in on Baker Avenue between 15th Street NE and 19'" Street NE. Mayor Lacy said curbs, gutters and sidewalks in that area are included in the current six -year Street Program. MAYOR'S REPORT Mayor Lacy read a letter received from the Mayor of Misawa into the record. Dear Honorable Mayor Lacy; Misawa is now in beautiful season with comfortable breeze. I hope you and your family are in good health. It is a pleasure for me to tell you that the Misawa City delegation arrived here safely from their recent travel to the United States. They told me that the people of the City of East Wenatchee and •gaaads aaa3 uo slu!zusaa leuollnulsuoaun ' popu uaaq anrq sasuaa!l qons iggi palou pug oauuulpao aqi gulleadaa papuaunuoaaa ag •paleadaa ao pougaa aq apoo mpjo uotioas lange0 xp gullsonbaa uollEluasaad poog daaA r aneg (Pauua}I uals!ag aaumo -OD 0)J;o0 spu!mapgay Supootu Ilauno0 ZOOZ 14I ARW oql le p!Es doE-I aodrW •slaaege0 of Supulaa opo0 ludlo!unlnl aagalguaM zsE3 aql 30 80'S laldegJ 8ugeadaa aaueu!pao ue;o Bulpeau lsa!3 01SO ZO 3JAIVVm(mo 'ZOOZ IudV;o gluow oql ao3 `ZOOZ `£ SvW P!ud `80'LZS`9bI$3O lunoule 1e101 aq1 u! `£OOZZ Put' 6b£6I q$nonll ZLZ61 saagwnu lusmAx lloaded anoadde swop Ilauno0 ', •pap!OA sE.a 99ZZI lagwnuluEUEM'69'589`SS£$;O MOM IElol agl u! `S9ZZI ggnoagl ttZZI slagwnu luelaem anoadde swop Ilaunoo `ZOOZ 18Z deNl `alup snll;o sV "6 t 1 'Ila[n1Oo Ol algElieAE apEw uaaq sEq legl Su!lsil e uo papaoaaa uaaq aAEg `060'bZ'Zb M021 dq paa!nbaa se pay!llaa swlela luawasmgwpi asuadxa asogl pug `080'bZ'ZV MJ)I dq Pw!nbaa se laay;o gulllpne agl dq pay!laao pug paupnu slaganon — sll!g 3o uollelap!suo0 •Z ZOOZ `CI deW `uolssaS leingo-d -- solnu!w;o uollEaap!suo0 • l '0-9 `Pauauo u011ow a LL •aawiong aagutawilauno0 dq pu000s `aaunuaag aagutautl!aunoJ ' dq polmsaad se iupualea luasu0a aql anoaddE of apew sum uopow V mollad 1iauno0 ZIVGN3'1VJ IN3S\03 •luautaims uoisstw a grip of mo.uowol Su!laaw aq IpA% galgm aautunuoo E pauuo; aAEq ,Cage P!rs ag TQSEueul uaaq seq 1! moq pug uogEomaa pug s)laud agl;o daols!q aql passnoslp osle days• •VSUgjo aloa aql gulpaugaa suo!ssnoslp a!lagaaua autos gum sgullaaw om1 plaq SEg paeog (VS113) easy aa!AaaS uolleaaoa21 luowlseg pauuo; dimau aql p!Es dae-I lodeyq EMEs[wjo dllz) 11oxeyj ninzns !gsodag!gS `sanod dlaaaauls •aagolruaM lseg;o d4!0 agl of dllaadsoad pug Ile nod of gllgaq pug ssaulddeq ganw qs!m I •sairgalap mo of dl!Iui!dsoq uuum a gans Sulpuaixa ao; uo!luloossy dl!0 aalscS — dal[eA oogmuaM ogi;o saagwaw pauoq agl pug aagoiguaM lsug;o suaz!l!o otp nod of uiRSE sJ mtLL •ue000 ag!aed agi ssoaaE pauueds aq lanaao; „d!4spuau3 ;o agpug„ ag1 leyl gu!gs!m `sn uaamlaq dlgspuau; gu!puris-Suol agi;o uollenulluoa aqi ao; aA!ns of emus!;o suazllla aq1 quA+;lasdw liulinoo I uoilugalop agl ao; auop aneq Ile nod SulgVaana ao; gnoua nod lluegl louuea I •paaapuaa uollulaossV di!J aais!S emgs'W — daiien aagolmom agl ;o saagwaw paeoq a p pug nod legl >(aom luaglllp pur uoddns aql lnogllm Icyssaoons pue aalu os aq lou pinoo 1!s!A natLL 'lle nod gl!m drls Ilyaapuom pEq dagl maq of dddEq dliuq sEm I uo!lEgllzp ag1 01 d1!Ieudsoq dagulploegxa pue autoolom lsauuem papualxa oagalmaM ZOOZ `8Z Avw 3,LfWW'113 fM03 33HJI.VK91A .LSV3 d0 A.LIJ CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE COUNCIL MINUTE MAY 28, 2002 Council Action: A motion to elevated the ordinance repealing Chapter 5.08 of the East ' Wenatchee Municipal Code relating to Cabarets to second reading was made by Councilmember Buckner, second by Councilmember DeWitt. The motion carried, 6-0. Council Action: A motion to approve the ordinance repealing Chapter 5.08 of the East Wenatchee Municipal Code relating to Cabarets was made by Councilmember Bremmer, second by Councilmember Smet. The motion carried, 6-0. Mayor Lacy read the ordinance summary. ORDINANCE NO.2002-13 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE, WASHINGTON, REPEALING CHAPTER 5.08 OF THE EAST WENATCHEE MUNICIPAL CODE, REPEALING CITY CODE PROVISIONS RELATING TO CABARETS AND SETTING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. RESOLUTION 02-05-11 A resolution adopting the Douglas County Solid Waste Management Plan. Mayor Lacy said the Douglas County Solid Waste Program Office has prepared a joint City - County Solid Waste Management Plan for Douglas County, including jurisdictions located therein. ' Council Action: A motion to approve the resolution adopting the Douglas County Solid Waste Management Plan was made by Councilmember Bremmer, second by Councilmember Hendricks. The motion carried, 6-0. Councilmember Bremmer said he has been attending the Solid Waste Advisory Committee meetings and the Technical Advisory Committee meetings and commended Douglas County Solid Waste Program Director Ron Draggoo on doing an excellent job. Mayor Lacy read the resolution title. RESOLUTION 2002-07 A RESOLUTION BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE, WASHINGTON ADOPTING THE DOUGLAS COUNTY COMPREHENSIVE SOLID WASTE PLAN. COUNCIL REPORTS Councilmember Buckner said the Director of the Wenatchee Valley Transportation Council will be Jeff Wilkens. Councilmember DeWitt said Richard DeRock has been named the new LINK manager. Councilmember Hendricks asked if the City had received any cost estimates for the 911 Regional ' Dispatch Center. Mayor Lacy said the City had not received anything to date. 1 1 Kialz) Al!D pl¢aisg eueQ Wj $5:9-1.%JalkNrdaofQV ZOOZ `8Z Avw 9lfl W 1IJNIf100 33HDIV\3Ak ISV3.40 AID