HomeMy WebLinkAbout1/14/2014 - City Council - City Council Meeting Minutes' REGULAR SESSION OF THE CITY COUNCIL CONVENED MAYOR STEVEN C. LACY, PRESIDING JANUARY 14, 2014 6:30 P.M. OATH OF OFFICE Wayne Barnhart, Council Position 7, was sworn into office by Mayor Lacy. ROLL CALL Mayor Steven C. Lacy Councilmember Harry Raab Councilmember Frank Collings Councilmember Wayne Barnhart Councilmember Tim Detering Councilmember Sandra McCourt Councilmember George Buckner - excused Councilmember Chuck Johnson - excused EMPLOYEES IN ATTENDANCE City Attorney Devin Poulson ' Police Chief Randy Harrison City Clerk Dana Barnard Community Development Director Lori Barnett Finance Director Nick Gerde Accounting Assistant/Executive Secretary Teresa Allen Public Works Director Greg Pezoldt Clerical Assistant Shawn Murison PUBLIC COMMENTS Brad Sourbeer, 117 Red Hawk Drive, Orondo, WA, 98843, stated he was not clear on the City's contemplations regarding Interim Zoning. He asked Councilmembers to embrace the new law related to marijuana and allow processing, growing, and retail sales of marijuana within the City. He asked everyone to remember that when laws and initiatives are passed, that the public and Council voted for them and he feels that since it is a legal business, it would be difficult to not allow it just because the City is against it. He added ten applications have been submitted and only three will be allowed. Mayor Lacy presented Brad Sourbeer an opportunity to comment again later in the meeting after Community Development Director Lori Barnett reviewed her report on the matter. DEPARTMENT REPORT Community Development Department ' Community Development Director Lori Barnett reviewed a report regarding Initiative 502 that was passed by the voters of Washington State on November 6, 2012, which authorizes the growing, manufacture, and sale of marijuana from State licensed facilities. She said the Planning Commission did not give a recommendation on the interim ordinance, and asked Council to give direction of how they wished to proceed. She said the proposed interim ordinance would: prohibit collective gardens entirely; '0-S `Polttea notlow atiy 'bl OZ ui atodway oid io irIN to3 Suua;aQ tagwatupounoo utu;at o; sSutllo0 tagwawlpunoO ,Cq puooas `uuyuteg tagwaugtounoo ,(q apew sem uotlow V moi yaono:) 'aautwwoO Suuaa;S ututSotd ta;uM uao;S ,Callen aaya;uuaM ay; uo oslu st ay 1ey1 pappu SuualaQ tagutawllounoD •awl; stti;;u mou3I wtq;al 01 `s;uotuaissu;uasatd nay; ut ontu Roonsailuutloo3ptuol paystm ,Caq; 31 stagwaugpunoO palsu puu s;uounatssu togtuatul!ouno3 b1OZ ay; pamatnat iae-1 to,CeyQ 1110dHu "OAVW '£[OZ PaPuH �A ay; to; Itodag lrtauemd all; pamatnat pee pa;ngt.gsip apta>) xat11 to;aanQ aauem3 juauWvdaQ a3urm3 •owt;;m1 ato;aq itoZ tl;im possnastp aq pinogs ltounoD ,Cq passatppe aq of Sutpaau soBuugo ,Cue ;uq1 plus PH 'alon u t03 upuaSu Sm;aaw ItounoO wou oq; uo paould oq llim muuutpio wua;ut pasodotd ati; plus aH 'Is' ;u aggnd ' ay; sand wq; uommol Sum ;aa;old o; pew `mul ay; io lea;ut ati1 owpoutwoaou o; ;urm am ;nq `soullaunl ;o osnuoaq olgtssod se uoos su wnuo;utoyi ay; puo,Caq avow o; paau am IMP plus aH 'sluawannbat pmog lotluoO tonbt l ay; uo pasuq sonsst not;cool uo Atom o; anuguoo lltm am plus ,Caul to,iwyv 'paptaapun sum tagwampounoD auo pue posoddo sum tagwowltaunoQ ou0 'aouuutpto wualut posodotd ay; 1Pim ptemto; avow o; paaift ,iluofew ay; ;uasatd stagwowltounoD ay; 30 'onsst ay; uo s;tiSnoti; naq; ,Culat of tagwatultaunoQ tiara pa)lsu OH 'stq; uo uot;tsod it o3le; ,Cay; atojoq algissod su gonw su pauuojul we stagwow Sut;on ay; atns avw o; sum 1ua;ut siy;nq ygStuo; aouuutpt0 uu uo a;on a to; Su131se 1ou sum ay plus ,Caul toxuw ';o tonu3 m ate sta;on3o f4ttofew aStul a Imp Sunp3tuos Sul;oafat Sulilsu ate am pue `Iwwluiw st XouOw ;uwt0 Smsol JO tlsi ay; 81003 oq 'tauuw ay; SuipwSat suotluoildwi leSal algissod aq pinoo atay; pa;rys uoslnod ulnaQ ,Sautol;V ic1tO 'stajjn93o asnuaaq lno pa)lopl;aS Sew 1nq `s;atgsiQ SuluoZ ptt;uaptsau ul an tapuluwat ay; pin `s;atnstQ SutuoZ Ietatawwo0 ay; ut paluaol sales Ike;at ati; to; not;elao'd wualul ay; tgtm ,Cldwoo pinom tno3 ,iluo 'stadlnq otll tl;tm onssi ue si atatg pa;ou aqg 'ansst aq; o; yoeotdde toy;our SutptuSat guls of uot;oanp apinotd to `.90-£IOZ -ON amutupio (q paysilqu;sa wnuo;utow ay; mouat o; alup Suueaq oggnd u 1as `.aousuipto tuua;ui pasodotd otp;o not;dope tapisuoa puu matnat 01 a;ep Suttuay atlgnd u ;as :apnlout tiatym suoi;do lrtanas seq Itouno0 plus aqS ';tun luiluoptsat u ui staanpotd pue `siossaaad `sales helot euunfttew Xuu;tgtgotd Ipus `spcgsip asn paxtw ire pue `tau;siQ Iutatawwo0 PooytogtiStaN la! tQ Iei;uoptsag ay; ut staanpotd pup stossaaotd `sales halal ruenGtrw ltgtyotd `.;ott;siQ ssouisng lutluoD ay; ui sales lte;at ,iluo ;tuuod ;aulstQ SuluoZ Irtatawwo0 IetauaD ay; uttBim smonpotd puu `stoss000td `sales Itw;at suenfitew ;tnuad bIOZ `4l AdVfIMVf SH.LfIMIN TONMOO 39HO1VMaAI .LSVH d0 ADD CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE COUNCIL MINUTES JANUARY 14, 2014 1 The following is an updated list for 2014 Council Assignments. Abbr. Organization CRY OF EAST WENATCHEE REPRESENTATNES - 2014 Representative Alternate Chelan - Dou as Health District Councilmember Collins Councilmember McCourt COG Council of Governments Councilmember Barnhart Councilmember McCourt Douglas County Disability Board Councilmember Barnhart Mayor Lac Douglas County Regional Council Mayor Lacy Councilmember Raab EWEB East Wenatchee Events Board Mayor Lacy Councilmember Detedn EDD Economic Develoornent District Councilmember Buckner Councilmember Johnson Housing Authority of Chelan County & the City of Wenatchee Councilmember McCourt None LINK Link Transit Councilmember Detering Councilmember Raab RC&D Resource Conservation and Development Councilmember Buckner Councilmember Johnson RIVERCOM 911 dispatch) Councilmember Barnhart Councilmember Collings SWAC Solid Waste Advisory Committee Mayor Lacy Councilmember Collings SWU Storm Water Wity Councilmember Raab Wenatchee Valley Stomw ater Program Steering Committee Councilmember Deterin TAC Technical Advisory Committee SWAC Executive Mayor Lacy Councilmember Collings WVCC Wenatchee Valley Chamber of Commerce Councilmember Deterng Councilmember Buckner WVSSC Wenatchee Valley Stormwater Steering Committee Councilmember Deterin WVTC Wenatchee Valley Trans on Council Mayor Lacy Councilmember Buckner PFD Public Facilities District Board of Directors Councilmember Johnson Mayor Pro -Tern Councilmember Detering None Budget Committee -for 2015 Budget Councilmember Johnson Councilmember Collings Councilmember Detering N/A N/A NIA Mayor Lacy said the City has been considering purchasing surplus property from Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) that would include both sides of 15th Street near the Apple Capital Loop Trail. He added there are still issues with the WSDOT, but his intent is to go forward with that purchase. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Barnhart, second by Councilmember McCourt authorizing the Mayor to enter into a purchase and sale agreement for property located on 15t" Street near the Apple Capital Loop Trail at a price not to exceed $370,000. The motion carried, 5-0. CONSENT CALENDAR Items listed below were distributed to Councilmember's in advance for study and were enacted in one motion. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Detering, second by Councilmember Collings, to approve the Consent Calendar as presented. The motion carried, 5-0. 1. Consideration of Minutes — Regular Session, December 10, 2013 2. 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