HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/12/2014 - City Council - City Council Meeting Minutes' REGULAR SESSION OF THE CITY COUNCIL CONVENED
NOVEMBER 12, 2014
6:30 P.M.
Mayor Steven C. Lacy
Councilmember Sandra McCourt
Councilmember Wayne Barnhart
Councilmember Tim Detering
Councilmember Chuck Johnson - excused
Councilmember George Buckner - excused
Councilmember Harry Raab
Councilmember Frank Collings
City Attorney Devin Poulson
City Clerk Dana Barnard
' Police Chief Randy Harrison
Finance Director/Treasurer Nick Gerde
Public Works Director/City Engineer Greg Pezoldt
Executive Secretary/Accounting Assistant Teresa Allen
Clerical Assistant Shawn Murison
Karen Cunningham, 915 Bryan Street, East Wenatchee, expressed concerns regarding a convicted felon
living in the community, and operating a business with a business license obtained from the City of East
Wenatchee. She stated that she has court dockets, copies of judgments, and articles published in the
Wenatchee World relating to his numerous criminal civil cases, and wanted to know why we would allow
this man to have a business license.
Mayor Lacy stated that the issuance of the business license was determined by following the City code,
and checking the proper records to confirm the applicant was not within the five year limit for a felony
conviction. Mayor Lacy noted that the City Council could review the five year Statute that they created
by Ordinance, and decide if it should be revised.
Wenatchee Valley Chamber of Commerce — update on the organization.
Wenatchee Valley Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors Peter Rutherford, 2105 Ione Street,
' Wenatchee; Debbie Gallaher, 1601 Maiden Lane, Wenatchee; Jeff Lang, 960 Golden Crest Drive,
Wenatchee; and Mike Wade, 1401 Fielding Hills Drive, East Wenatchee, addressed concerns that they
have been made aware of by East Wenatchee regarding the Board of Directors and slate of officers not
representing businesses primarily located in East Wenatchee.
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' Mayor Lacy noted that he sent an early notice to the Douglas County Commissioners opting out of the
Annexation Agreement, which would end the Agreement and allow us to renegotiate if the City Council
chose to do so.
Mayor Lacy stated that at the last Budget Committee meeting Insurance Broker Shane Heston gave a
presentation proposing to work for the City with respect to the City's Insurance needs. Mr. Heston
provided a scope of work to the City on October 23, 2014. Mayor Lacy said that after much consideration
he thinks the City should enter into negotiations with him.
Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Barnhart, second by Councilmember Collings,
to enter into negotiations with Mr. Heston to re-evaluate the City's insurance coverage. The motion
carried, 5-0.
Mayor Lacy reminded Council of a proposal to commit $5,000 annually to the Independence Day
Celebration. He said the Independence Day Celebration Committee, has been working on putting
together a private and public coalition here in the valley to make sure we have permanent funding for an
Independence Day Celebration and they would like East Wenatchee to commit to this contribution on an
annual basis.
Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Detering, second by Councilmember McCourt,
to commit $5,000 annually to the Independence Day Celebration. The motion carried, 5-0.
Items listed below were distributed to Councilmembers in advance for study and were enacted in one
Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Detering, second by Councilmember McCourt,
to approve the Consent Calendar as presented. The motion carved, 5-0.
1. Consideration of Minutes — Regular Session, October 28, 2014
2. Consideration of Payables
i. 2014 Payables — As of this date, November 12, 2014, Council does
approve check numbers 42160 and 42161, and 42186 through 42225 in
the total amount of $349,689.67. Payables check 42147 was voided.
14-11-01 A Public Hearing to consider a request submitted by Jose F. & Vera H. Salas to defer the
design and installation of required public improvements including stormwater
management systems, curb, gutter, and sidewalks associated with their 2-lot short plat
application. The subject property is located at 60 N. June Avenue.
Mayor Lacy opened the public hearing at 7:53 p.m., hearing no public comments Mayor
Lacy closed the public hearing at 7:54 p.m.
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NOVEMBER 12, 2014
City Clerk