HomeMy WebLinkAbout7/22/2014 - City Council - City Council Meeting Minutes' REGULAR SESSION OF THE CITY COUNCIL CONVENED MAYOR STEVEN C. LACY, PRESIDING JULY 22, 2014 6:30 P.M. ROLL CALL Mayor Steven C. Lacy Councilmember Tim Detering Councilmember Sandra McCourt - Excused Councilmember Wayne Barnhart - Excused Councilmember Frank Collings Councilmember Chuck Johnson Councilmember George Buckner Councilmember Harry Raab EMPLOYEES IN ATTENDANCE Community Development Director Lori Barnett City Attorney Devin Poulson City Clerk Dana Barnard Sergeant Dan Dieringer ' Accounting Assistant/Executive Secretary Teresa Allen Finance Director/Treasurer Nick Gerde Public Works Director/City Engineer Greg Pezoldt Clerical Assistant Shawn Murison PUBLIC COMMENT(S) Finance Director Nick Gerde distributed and reviewed the Agenda for the July 24, 2014 Budget Committee meeting. He said the next Budget Committee meeting will be held on August 21, 2014, and two committee members are unable to attend. Councilmember Raab said he would attend the meeting. Mayor Lacy asked City Clerk Dana Barnard to contact other Councihnembers not in attendance this evening for an additional committee member. Finance Director Nick Gerde distributed and reviewed the Financial Report for the month of June. MAYORS REPORT Mayor Lacy stated that he signed a Contract with Pacific Appraisal Associates to complete a Narrative Appraisal Report for property designated in the Gateway Project at 88 9 ° Street NE. ' Mayor Lacy said the Housing Authority of Chelan County and the City of Wenatchee notified him that Commissioner Sandra McCourt's term expires July 2014, and requested that she be re -appointed. He noted that without objection he will submit a letter re -appointing Sandra McCourt to the Housing Authority Board. '0-S `paluso uouow au *k!D otpjo 3lsgaq uo luatuoojSV Swullang ompoalloO agl u8ls of joiiw aql upoglne of 'geeg iagwawliounoD Aq puoaas Sulaala(I jagwauglounoO Aq opew sum uouow V :uogad 113unoo ,CaumuV f4!0 `uoslnod u!naQ :Aq poluasaad 'M-9178 lso I `OIO/-,Iav `aIOsdV `sooColdwg,Cl1O ag,ilunoO3o 11ounoH olels uo7j8ulgseM pus oagoleuaM lseg jo 14!:) uaamlag luawaofiV SannegnEl angoalloD 170-LO-6I •w•d I S:9 Is Suimq ollgnd aql pasolo 6oel ioAsyg sluawwoo ou Suusaq `•w•d OS:g is SuLmag o!lgnd aql pouado Aou-ImSeW (ioloan(j luawdolanaCl M!unwwoo 'Mu.eg uo7) •aoloya SulsnoH . 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W ei=W apnlou[ oslu pings yodag s,ioSuN oql imp SWIM `Sullaaw llounoO gIOZ `8 Alnf aql wog solnu!W agl of uolloonoo a si mail leyp palsls pnung BusQ 31jaIO ,Cl!O •uouow auo ui poloeua ajam pus Cpnls ioj aousnpe ut siagwauglaunoO of paln%4s!p ajam molaq pals!! swan IIVQNI37VJ .LKasN1OO •pajedaid liodai u aneq pinom aqs lsgl polou uauasg •sW •asa,C oql io; sloofad uollowuoo jaglo Cue se !lam se `sdde-aid `sliwiad `suollso!ldde llwiad Smpl!nq gllm on am aaagm Sulpae8ai liodai a oiedaid pinom aqs;! uaweg poj jolaaz!(l luawdolanaQ ,CllunwwoO po3ise SuualaQ iagwauglounoO •3o am uo3M oq pinom s!gl w!g painsse 3Plozad BaiO iaaulSug A11O •loofoid luawanoidug (II-1 AvffiAsud NEW A21PA agl gl!m Cl�elno In Suplew uolsloap JaleM uuolS ;noge swaouoo possaidxa off •jaam agl 3o pua aql is uoll!sod jagloue io; A!Z) alp Sulnsat ag 111m ylasnew uopusig ia$sueY1 amaSoid aomosag !alum w PUB I Imp polou Aoe"l lokew t,IOZ `ZZ . -vu SHMNIWIIONf1OO HMDlVXaM ,LSV9 AO AID CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE COUNCIL MINUTES JULY 22, 2014 ' RESOLUTION(S) 14-05-08 Resolution No. 2014-11 authorizing the Mayor to sign an Interlocal Agreement between the City and Douglas County Fire District No. 2 for fire protection services and International Fire Code Services, repealing the Agreement executed on December 14, 2004 and recorded at AFN 3081224, and establishing an effective date. Presented by: Lori Barnett, Community Development Director Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Johnson, second by Councilmember Buckner, to approve Resolution 2014-11; and to further authorize the Mayor to sign the Agreement. The motion carried, 5-0. Resolution No. 2014-11 A Resolution of the City of East Wenatchee, Washington, authorizing the Mayor to sign an Interlocal Agreement between the City and Douglas County Fire District No. 2 for fire protection services and International Fire Code Services, repealing the Agreement executed on December 14, 2004 and recorded at AFN 3081224, and establishing an effective date. 14-07-05 Resolution No. 2014-17 adopting the "City of East Wenatchee Analysis of Impediments to Fair Housing Choice " in accordance with the requirements of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development regulations at 24 CFR Part 91. Presented by: Lori Barnett, Community Development Director Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Johnson, second by Councilmember Collings, to adopt Resolution 2014-17, the "City of East Wenatchee Analysis of Impediments to Fair Housing Choice ". The motion carved, 5-0. Resolution No. 2014-17 A Resolution of the City of East Wenatchee, Washington, adopting the "City of East Wenatchee Analysis of Impediments to Fair Housing Choice" in accordance with the requirements of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development regulations at 24 CFR Part 91, and establishing an effective date. 14-07-06 First reading of Ordinance No. 2014-05 of the City of East Wenatchee extending the interim regulations adopted with the passage of Ordinance 2014-01 pursuant to RCW 35A.63.220 and RCW 36.70A.390 for an additional six months while the City considers and drafts permanent regulatory controls. Presented by: Lori Barnett, Community Development Director Without objection Mayor Lacy elevated the Ordinance to second reading. p-S `pawsO no?pow atly ' I I bIOZ 'oN aOuemWO Pup OI-bIOZ'oN aOugulP10 6017I0Z 'ON 30ugulPJ0 `8011I0Z 'ON aouewPJO `L"IOZ 'ON aOueulPiO `90-tioz OM OOueulpi0 anoidde iaq;md op pug `Sulpeai pu000s op a;unala o; `geeg iagmauq!3uno0 Sq puooas `uosugof jagmauq!ouno0 Sq appw sum uoipow d mot 1i3uno0 •Smpeai puooas o; s0oueulp10 ayp papunala Sos7 ioSM uolpoafgo;noil;lM llOunoD ii10 agp Sq pauuguoO pug `ioSew ay; Sq papmodde am suol;lsod atg saoueulpi0 posodoid aqp iapun pugp papou uosinod mnaQ Sawoud 4!0 •S4!0 aq;;e aiaq suoi;lsod og!oads snouen ao; ssaooid uonemiquoo oql tp!m pa;e!oosse `blOZ `0£ Avw uo play ;ea4ag pouno0 f4!0 s;i ui pansop pouno0 aqp ;eqm sagsildw000e saommpi0 ;o uol;oalloo slip Imp papups Sop? aoSeyg Sawoud A!O `uoslnod wnaQ :Sq papuosaid •apoD IudioiunN aagapeuaM ps93 aqp 3o 80'Z aapdeg0 Smpoeua Sq ;ums!ssV But.;unooad/ Ge;moas anl;noaxg ;o uolplsod aqp Smgs!lgmso aagO;euaM ;sea 3O 4D atB 3O I I-biOZ aOueulPi0 3o Sul 0, psi!3 •apo0 lediOiunW oagopeuotA ma aipjo OI'Z aapdeg0 Smloeua Sq jaamsug 4!03o aOgjo aqp Smgsgge;so aago;puoM pseg3o Sp!O aqp jo 01-bIOZ aousutpjO3o Sulpeai;sa13 •apo0 ledtoiunW as OMOM pseg aqp 3O 607 'Qldeg0 Suua¢ua Aq ao;aanQ puawdoloAoU d4!ununuo0 3o ' oog;o aqp Sulgsllge;sa ONO;euaM psug;O 40 01P3O 60-bIOZ aOuumpiO JO Swpual Isnd •apo0 ptdiotunw oagNvuaM psug otg;o I I'Z aapdeg0 SulpOuua Sq;atg0 aogod;o aoy3o ayl smgsggepsa aagO;euaM pse33o Sp?O agp3O 80 bIOZ aoueulP-to 8ulpeai psj13 •apo0 ludioiunW oago;uuaM isug agljo £i'Z aapdeg0 Sm;Oeuo Sq jaitiseaay Sp?03O oogjo otg sulgsilgmsa aagO;uuaM pse3;o 4!O agp;o L0-bIOZ aouuulptO3o sulp= p m •opo0 ludioiunW aagopeuaM isug agp;o ZI'Z aapdegD gui uo Aq 31ia10 Sp103o aOtyto atl; Sulysggepsa aagopeuaM;seg 3O &D OID JO 90-VIOZ 03uumP10 30 SmpM ps.n3 a;ep ani;aalga ae Saigsllge;sa pae :SanaSaama ne Saue'. lOap �tligeianas 103 !atptno�d :s;au;stP 8muoz F!aaammoa uleyiaa u! ZOS 'ON anyeiI!ul a;u;s uoj2ulgseM o; ;uunsind pa;ulnsaa se saenfuem jo Sutpe;ai .io/pue Suissaawd Ism 3npoid aq; Suu;!maad :S;!a aq;3o s;au;sip Swum [in ul suapae;l anlpaapoO sigeuueO lumpam Suil!q!go.id :sloquoO Saolulnsa.i;uauemiad sgeap pun s.iap!suoO 410 aq; al!gtA sq;uom xis leuou!ppe us JOJ 06£'V0L'9£ MOH Pug 0ZZ'£9'VS£ M02i o; ;uensand 10-bIOZ a3ueuipl0 jo aSessud aq; q;!m pa;dope suo>;einga.i mua;ul aq; Suipua;xa aaga;euaM ;sea ;o S;!:) aq; ;o aaaeuipap uV SO-biOZ'ON a3usuipi0 0-S `parueO uolpow atly •sgpuow xls Ieuolpippe ve ao; i0-biOZ aoumi ojo asussed otp qp!m papdope suoi;slaw tuua;m Smpuapxa aagopuuo& psg'3 3o Sp!O oqp 3o SO-bIOZ 'ON ommuipi0 idops iatlptn} op pup 'Smpeai pu000s op apenalo op aa njong aagwawl!ouno0 Sq pu000s `SuijapaC[ lagwauq!ounoD Sq apew sum uoi;ow d :ao43V llauno0 LO-LO-VI t l0z `ZZ ,l'lflf S9MNM'HDXn00 HaHD LVN3M .LSV3 90 ,UID CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE COUNCIL MINUTES JULY 22, 2014 Summary of Ordinance No. 2014-06 An Ordinance of the City of East Wenatchee establishing the office of city clerk by enacting Chapter 2.12 of the East Wenatchee Municipal Code. Summary of Ordinance No. 2014-07 An Ordinance of the City of East Wenatchee establishing the office of city treasurer by enacting Chapter 2.13 of the East Wenatchee Municipal Code. Summary of Ordinance No. 2014-08 An Ordinance of the City of East Wenatchee establishing the office of Police chief by enacting Chapter 2.11 of the East Wenatchee Municipal Code. Summary of Ordinance No. 2014-09 An Ordinance of the City of East Wenatchee establishing the office of community development director by enacting Chapter 2.09 of the East Wenatchee Municipal Code. ' Summary of Ordinance No. 2014-10 An Ordinance of the City of East Wenatchee establishing the office of City engineer by enacting Chapter 2.10 of the East Wenatchee Municipal Code. Summary of Ordinance No. 2014-11 An Ordinance of the City of East Wenatchee establishing the position of executive secretary/accounting assistant by enacting Chapter 2.08 of the East Wenatchee Municipal Code. COUNCIL REPORT(S) Councilmember Raab expressed concerns regarding the installation of a stop sign located at Clarissa Lane and North Grover. City Engineer Greg Pezoldt stated that he reviewed this stop sign concern from an engineering prospective and concluded that the intersection was unsafe due to overgrown bushes and trees, so due to the geometry of the intersection being a challenge, and overgrowth being an issue of safety, having a stop sign there is necessary to prevent any liability to the City in the event of an accident. He noted that we could cut the overgrowth if we had to, which is in accordance with the City's Intersection Ordinance. Mayor Lacy stated that we would take action on that issue, look into options, correct the growth and visibility issues with regards to the angle of approach that causes vision impairments, and get it resolved. Sergeant Dan Dieringer noted that a white stop bar could also be pinned on the Street as well. He added that he is not aware of any accidents at that location, but the main problem is the overgrowth issue. 1 d 'ard SI:L LNHWNZIROfQV PallaounD - uolluw!ll'I lullualod NOISS3S 3AILf MM 'bIOZ `9I aunf uo plag Sulloam IUlBaH 3o PxPoH 3olus!a ipluoH sulSnoQ-uulagO otp utog salnu!W — sSmlloa jaquiauillounoo 't,IOZ `LI AInf `Ai3psmq,y uo play Su4aam algelpuno-d digsiapea7 olmouoog AAom AunoD svi5noQ;o uod agl io; slyodag pus upuogV — uosugof iaqu mapounoO ullaam llaunoj IO aqI oI BOBaqum m paulwgns aaa a salnalm/sl t a.t almono; aq jL •4uZ) agl of polyodai sl 11 uogl pus'suollgool ' ogloods Iu swolgoad IaagS fgquopl of ouoXuu smollu IBgl aima3 s suq ollsgom SAD all lsgl palou SuualoU iagmau pounoo •pinom oq Imp polins 1plozod SaiD •Il Is Tool u a3m ouoouios palsaSSns pug `dM Iaa.gS p6l Pas annaAV luougsug uo aloglod pazls a2zel u sl asagl lugs polou qwH iogmauipounoD 4IOZ 'ZZ .iTU SH.Lf-HK'H3XRoo HHmLVNHm .LSVH jo Ama