HomeMy WebLinkAbout4/22/2014 - City Council - City Council Meeting Minutes' REGULAR SESSION OF THE CITY COUNCIL CONVENED MAYOR STEVEN C. LACY, PRESIDING APRIL 22, 2014 6:30 P.M. ROLL CALL Mayor Steven C. Lacy Councilmember Tim Detering Councilmember Harry Raab Councilmember Frank Collings Councilmember Wayne Barnhart Councilmember Sandra McCourt Councilmember George Buckner Councilmember Chuck Johnson EMPLOYEES IN ATTENDANCE City Attorney Devin Poulson City Clerk Dana Barnard Community Development Director Lori Barnett Finance Director/Treasurer Nick Gerde Public Works Director/City Engineer Greg Pezoldt Land & Water Resource Program Manager Brandon Mauseth Accounting Assistant/Executive Secretary Teresa Allen Police Sergeant Dan Dieringer APPRECIATION AWARD(S) Mayor Lacy presented a Certificate of Recognition to Carrie Knouff, not in attendance, for completing ten years of service to the City of East Wenatchee. Finance Director Nick Gerde submitted and reviewed the minutes from the April 17, 2014, Budget Committee Meeting. DEPARTMENT REPORT(S) FINANCE Finance Director Nick Gerde reviewed the Financial Report for the month, and three months ending in March 2014. PUBLIC WORKS Brandon Mauseth, Land & Water Resource Program Manager, gave a PowerPoint presentation regarding ' the Valley Mall Parkway Low Impact Development Stormwater Retrofit Project He said there are a number of unfunded design and construction items that will not be funded by the Department of Ecology (DOE). These include asphalt for Valley Mall Parkway, as well as items that will be incorporated into the project such as; a charity car wash with wastewater discharge, creation of a plaza in a new LINK bus shelter, bicycle parking, streetscapes, benches, placement of a kiosk at the plaza, updated lighting, •uogow Iauo ul palasuo ajam pus ,Cpnls J03 aausnps ul siagwawl!aunoD of palnquls!p aiam taoloq palsq swoll 2IVQN3'IVO ZN3SNOJ •Sulpuawwoaai st aq u0paolip aq1 si sitp legl moral of pounoO palusm oq Inq `uogow g si ajag1 a]o;aq uo!leudwdde to3 og!oads avow gu!glawos paau am lggl palou OH •Ioafwd lo-1 Sul*md 0111 031g Tom 111!deo luauno lo; 000`98$ Imp Sm,Coldwo spuawwoow oq ajojaaagy 'MBI laa% sSI mau i!aiy doo-1 aql $uolu dliodad sn!dms omS pai!nbos seq ,Cy3 agl Imp polou aH •,il!O aq1 io3 ,G.cadoid lelgdej;o uoq!smbos l03 Am= Imp Sulzllgn papuaunuooaj OH loafoid luawanoidwl o2pug ael!oS o2joaH ioleuaS agl;o Ind oumoq Imp ja,(oW paa3 pu!gaq Avadoid;o ales aql woi3 Sulu!swaz 000`98$ ,Clolswgxoidde seq ,Cl!D aql Imp pal,odai ,(oe l joAulnl 'O-L `Paui¢a uogow aqy •slagwatupounoD Sugedgoqasd aql of alnquls!p of slolyn aamp Su!segojnd Sq laafoad lol!d mp ale!puq of s2u!11o0 iagwauq!nuno0 ,Cq pu000s 'mquleg iagwouipouno0 Aq apew seta uollow V moilaV l!aunoZ) •loafwd 101!d aql uq aled!oiuud of ol!l ploom aq poleo!pul iawlang jagwauq!ouno3 ,not Will;n 1o3 slolq¢l om1 uegl aaow pansap l!ouno0 3i uogow a palsanbal aH papnlam aq o1 a)lg pinom ssagwawlgaunoo J01110 Aug A p0316e pus `laaford lolld aq1 u! 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Agoloag 3o wou4sedau alel$ uol$uggseM popun}un aql olm lggnogl Ind of 1louno0 o3pi P1nom aq Imp passoidxa OH •SuWud dumpusq to Omajout no pus lol oql jo uo!susdxa SuT molls llem Sulu!elw e;o uogellelsu! bIOZ `ZZ'IIlIdV S31MIN 113MOD 33AO.LVN3t1A .LSV3 30 Ano CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE COUNCIL MINUTES APRIL 22, 2014 ' Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Raab, second by Councilmember Johnson, to approve the Consent Calendar as presented. The motion carried, 7-0. 1. Consideration of Minutes — Regular Session, April 8, 2014 2. Consideration of Payables and Payroll i. 2014 Payable s — As of this date, April 22, 2014, Council does approve check numbers 40883 through 40958 in the total amount of $125,839.90. Check 40809 was voided. ii. 2014 Payroll — As of this date, April 22, 2014, Council does approve check numbers 40688 through 40708, 40710 through 40722, 40791, 40792, and 40834 through 40882 in the total amount of $390,594.52. Check 40709 was voided. PUBLIC HEARING 14-04-01 A public hearing to accept testimony regarding Amendment No.1 to the "City of East Wenatchee 2011 Annual Action Plan" in accordance with the requirements of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Regulations at 24 CFR Part 91 and the City's Citizen Participation Plan. Mayor Lacy opened the public hearing at 7:41:18 p.m., hearing no comments Mayor Lacy closed the public hearing at 7:41:37 p.m. RESOLUTIONS) 14-04-02 A Resolution adopting Amendment No.1 to the 2011 Action Plan for use of the 2011 Community Development Block Grant funds provided by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). Presented by: Lori Barnett, Community Development Director Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Buckner, second by Councilmember McCourt, to approve Resolution 2014-06 adopting Amendment No.I to the "City of East Wenatchee 2011 Annual Action Plan'; and to further request consideration for allocating $45,000 of City funds to support projects for the Historic Downtown Planning Project. The motion carried, 7-0. �YU1tYl11�Ji;hG7ifi7[�1 A Resolution of the City of East Wenatchee, Washington, adopting Amendment No.1 to the "City of East Wenatchee 2011 Annual Action Plan" in accordance with the requirements of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Regulations at 24 CFR Part 91, and establishing an effective date. 14-04-03 A Resolution authorizing the Mayor to sign an Interlocal Cooperative Agreement with ' the Columbia River Drug Task Force. Presented by: Randy Harrison, Police Chief 1 '0-L `Pauiva uol;ow aqy 110 'b10Z'ON aanuipio anoiddu puu Sulpuai puoaas o; a;unala o; `SUua;aQ iagwauipounoo Xq puoaas `uno0oW iagwouglounoD Aq apuw sum uollow d :uoijaV paunoj •uo!1oa[go;nog;!m gu!puai puoaas o; oouuulpip aql pa;unala Xou; jo6uyq •uo!ssnos!p ,Cq pamollo; `aouuu!pip ag;3o Sulpuw;s.ig aql Pew Soul lo,Cvw Aouioud ,u!D `uoslnod ulnaQ :Xq paluosoid •salalgan u!u.ua;-Ilu palaagm;o s;uawailnbaa uo!;ugs!Sai of powlai `OS['09'01 opoD Iudlalunw aagwwom Ina Su!puawu aaga;¢uaM;sug;o ,Q!D aql JO aausulpip uu 3o Su!pual;sig V LO b0'bi S 3J NINVS� Q2IO '0-L `Pal.uua uollow aqy •;uawaaa v agl wo.g ,i;!D alp Su!muipq;!m aaual aq; u8ls of io(eW aq; azuoq;nu of `Suualoa iagwawl!ounoD Aq puoaas lingwug iagwaw[!ounoD Sq apuw sum uol;ow V :uouaV 1!aunoj JOARI l `AM"I.O uana;S :Aq poluaswj •aol;uzludio Su!uuuld uouuuodsuujy luuo!Sa-d!ur;uaD gyoX agl wog oago;uuatA;sug;o ,[4!Z) aq; Su!muipq;!m iaual u u2ts of ioAuW agl joj uouuzuoq;nd 90-170-V 1 S L1I3Z�T I NIOI.LJV •s;auj;uoO snaoM a!Ignd Pau be o; ssaawd -la;sog s3laoM IIumS u 2mgsgqu;so pus ISI-600Z •oN uo!;nlosa-d 2u!luadaa 'uo;2u!gsuA*, 'aoga;suaAk ;sug ,;o ,f;!O aql jo 1!3unoO ,p!O aq; to uounlosag V 80-MVON N0I L[I'IOS3ld 0 L `Pauaea uouow aqy •ssaooid jalso-d s3I.ioM lluwS u Sulgsllquisa 80-b10Z 'oN uollnlosag;dopu of unoOoW iagwowpounoo ,Sq puoaas `quug lagwawllounoO Aq apuw sum uollow V :uoi .43y I!aanoj 3IjaID ,il!O `pauwug uuuQ :Xq poluasaid •s;ouuuoD s3lioM ollgnd piumu of ss000id ja;soN silioM lluwS u Sulgsgqulso puu 90-600Z 'oN uo!;nlosod Su!luadai uo!lnlosa-d V aaio3 aIsuy land u!gmnloO aq; q;!n+;uamaaaV anuuaadooj Iuaolaa;ul uu u2ls o; ao,Culll aq; 2u!zuoq;nu'uo;2u!gsuM'aaga;uuoM Isug jo ,4!O agl3o uognlosag V LO-bIOZ•ON NOLLMOM '0-L `Pal.uua uouow aql, •0010d ilsuy ScuQ Jan.tl u!gwnlo0 ag; gllm;uawaaiSV an!;wadooQ luoolta;ul uu uSls o; ao vW ag; oz!loq;nu iaqun; o; puu `•LO-1710Z uollnlosag ;dope of `uuqunE[ iaguTawj!ounoD fq puoaas `SuuolaQ iogwauq!ounoD Xq apuw sum uol;ow y :uouaV 1!3unoa b0-b0-bl I,IOZ `ZZ'IRIdV SUnNINI IL 1O0 33Hoj vmam LSN'3 dO [.LID CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE COUNCIL MINUTES APRIL 22, 2014 I ORDINANCE NO.2014-04 An Ordinance of the City of East Wenatchee, amending East Wenatchee Municipal Code 10.06.050. Finance Director Nick Gerde stated that the next Budget Committee meeting will be held on June 5, 2014 at 5:30 p.m. He noted an approved Sidewalk Project for $40,000 that is not budgeted for. He said we have $45,000 in Community Development Block Grant Funds for the Downtown Capital Project, so we need a Budget Amendment to take the $45,000 out of CDBG funds, and budget the Sidewalk Project into the Street Improvements Fund. Mayor Lacy said if there are no objections he will direct Finance Director Nick Gerde to take care of those changes, and bring it forward for approval of the Council. No objections were heard. The followine reports/minutes were submitted in writine orior to the City Council meetine. • Councilmember Collings — Minutes from the Chelan -Douglas Health District Board of Health meeting held on March 17, 2014. • Councilmember Detering — Minutes from the Wenatchee Valley Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors meeting held on April 15, 2014. • Community Development Director Lori Barnett — HUD review results, and updated ' instructions for completing the CDBG Financial Summary (PR26) in IDIS. • Wenatchee Valley Animal Control — City of East Wenatchee Quarterly Report, 0 Quarter, 2014. Wenatchee Valley Transportation Council — Public Participation Plan press release notice, beginning on April 18, 2014. At 8:03 p.m. Mayor Lacy called a five minute Executive Session regarding potential litigation. Council reconvened at 8:09 p.m. 8:10 P.M. Closed Session = jUelq 11al Alleuol}ualul aged slyl