HomeMy WebLinkAbout2/26/2013 - City Council - City Council Meeting Minutes' CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE, WASHINGTON REGULAR SESSION OF THE CITY COUNCIL CONVENED MAYOR STEVEN C. LACY, PRESIDING FEBRUARY 26, 2013 6:30 P.M. ROLL CALL Mayor Steven C. Lacy Councilmember Chuck Johnson Councilmember Wayne Barnhart Councilmember Tim Detering Councilmember Sandra McCourt Councilmember George Buckner Councilmember Frank Collings - excused Councilmember Harry Raab EMPLOYEES IN ATTENDANCE City Attorney Devin Poulson City Clerk Dana Barnard Community Development Director Lori Barnett City Treasurer/Finance Director Nick Gerde City Engineer Don McGahuey Executive Secretary Teresa Allen Detective Dan Dieringer Clerical Assistant Shawn Murison PUBLIC COMMENTS Dave Schwab, VFW 3617 Post Commander, 211 11"' Street NE, noted that he would be attending City Council meetings at least once a month to receive and share information with Post 3617; he submitted a year-end report of 2012 Donations and Special Projects; he noted that letters have gone out to High Schools in Mansfield, Bridgeport, Waterville, and East Wenatchee soliciting essays for a $500 scholarship in which one scholarship will be awarded to each High School; he added the VFW Post 3617 would be participating in the Classy Chassis Parade with the Washington State Fallen Soldiers Memorial. Tyler MacKay, from Congressman Dave Reichert's office said they have opened a District office in Wenatchee located above the Wenatchee Valley Chamber of Commerce Office on Palouse Street. This office will cover the entire central region of the Ss' Legislative District which includes King County, Pierce County, Chelan County, Kittitas County and only the City of East Wenatchee in Douglas County. He said their office works with constituents in Cities and assists in case work for Federal Grants, Immigration cases, Social Security cases, Medicare cases, and Veterans Affairs. Finance Director Nick Gerde reviewed the items discussed at the February 21, 2013, Budget Committee meeting which included a review of materials provided to Banner Bank for increasing the City's line of credit, Budget Goals for 2013, the 2013 budget calendar, and the City's Finance and Budget Policy. loofojd s3IjoA1 IlemS — Ienowag aajy luom;seg q tSoloog3o luou4ndaQ q;tm;uawaojSV;uejO o; I •oX luawpuamV £ •papton ajam 8£SL£ PUL' OZbL£ siagmnu jlaogO ' I L'6£8`08 i$ 30lunoute lelol atp ul `869L£ gSnonp b£9L£ Pee L6SL£ sjoqumu loaga anojdde saop ItounoO `£IOZ `9Z &unjgad `olep sttp 3o sV — solqu I£de OZ I salge ied 3o uo.118 suoO Z £IOZ `ZI Anwgad `uotssoS jelnSod—sa;nMWjo not;ejoptsuo0 I '0-9 `Paljjeo notlow oqy •poluosatd se mpuoM luosuoO oq; anoidde of °uosugof jogmaugtounoO Aq pu000s 'qn-d jagwamltounoO Aq opew sum notlom V :uopaV It3uno0 •uot;om auo ut paloeua ajam pue Sptt;s jo3 aouenpe in s,jagmawltounoO o; pa;nqu;sip ajam molaq polstl small uvaNH'IVO .LNHSNOO 'm'd 00:81e Sutuut8aq Xuowa.ioo Sutuado atll pue •w•d 0£:9 le SutumSaq `£I OZ 11 qo1 W uo joluoD eloAoy umoy aq;;e uol;doom saute0 as;utM uoiSulgseM sotduaAIO IetoadS aq; puaue o; sjagmaugtounoO poltnut Aoerl joXvW ' •m'e 00:6 It `£IOZ `b gm W `ALpuoW Auomajoo Suq;no uogqu 6ggo-I dggoH atp puaue o; sjagmougtounoO pa;tnm ,Coe -I joArW isms ua3R oq lltm spun3 osotp io olep ute;zao a iq pa;eoolls spun3 04 ;uaugtunuoo a saunbaj `spun3 snlnu% of ;aodsaj gltm AlaelnoiVed `sumisojd iaq;o pue umi2ojd uogwodsuejy aoe3jnS gSnojgl spun3 antaoaj of goeojdde lejopa3 mou aq; pa;ou Aoe•I joSvW •sogunoO selSnoO pue uelagD jo svom polejodjooutun ;uamfpe atp pue PuelsI 3lo0d `aago;euaM Iseg `aago;euaM 3o sat;tununuoo aql to; uotido anl;aetue pue olgetn a se uotleytodsueq aloAniq Sut;raodiomn jo3 ;utjdanlq a `uuId ialsuW aloiotg aagoleuaM jaleattO aql JO gejp a pa;aldutoo seq ltounoO uot;euodsuwl 4011eA aaga;euaM otp leq; polou Aoe7 joSeW lHodau S,HO)L bN •lenojdde jo3 IlounoO of paluasajd aq lllm;t TmE[ jauueg uto g laagS uua•I, aq; santaooj aq uogm legs poppe off •uotlaldmoo nail; uoddns o; sajttilpuadxo Altpuom 30 lanal dutpuodsamoo ag; pue `£IOZ ut uotpoldmoo jo3 palnpagos sloofoad lelideo 30 lanal tlStq Alantlejedutoa aq; moj3 sanuap iltssaaau aql legl pa;ou OH '000`005`I$ 30 ;unowu aq; ut £IOZ jo3 llpaj0 3o ou17 atp 30 lumouaj Sul;sonbaj 3Ineg jauuug of luos oq jollal u 30 Mon a poluosajd opja0 3IoiM joloajtQ aoueut3 Simodau J NdIA 1Hvd3Q •;oV sSmlaayi otegnd ' uodo aq; of loafgns ;ou ate suotlet;oSau uotun ;eq; pauuguoo uoslnod utnaQ XQujouV ,410 •uo StuoS st legm 3o postjdde Aels o; suolssos not;etloSau uotun aql ut oledtapaed o; sjoqutautltaunoO pa;tnut OH •jea6 sup suotlet;oSau jo3 do am ,ufO oqi tpim sloejluoo uotun Sunaus mq oanp atp Imp pa;ou Aoe7 joyNIN £IOZ `9Z AZIV ME139 S3MNIW'HONflO3 HHHO.LVNHM ISVH dO ADD CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE COUNCIL MINUTES FEBRUARY 26, 2013 PUBLIC HEARING 13-02-07 Residents of East Wenatchee and other interested parties are invited to comment on the draft 2011 Consolidated Annual Performance and Evaluation Report (CAPER) for the use of the Community Development Block Grant program funds. The draft 2011 CAPER describes how the city used the funds during the 2011 program year. Presented by: Lori Barnett, Community Development Director. Mayor Lacy opened the public hearing at 7:04 p.m. Hearing no public comments Mayor Lacy closed the public hearing at 7:05 p.m. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Detering, second by Councilmember Johnson, to approve the City of East Wenatchee 2011 Consolidated Annual Performance and Evaluation Report as presented for transmittal to the US Department of Housing and Urban Development. The motion carried, 6-0. ACTION ITEMS 13-02-08 Approval of a Professional Services Contract with Erlandsen Engineering to complete design services for two Greater East Wenatchee Stormwater Utility small improvements projects. Presented by: Donald McGahuey, Public Works Director. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Johnson, second by Councilmember Buckner, to approve a Professional Services Contract with Erlandsen Engineering to complete design services for two Greater East Wenatchee Stormwater Utility small improvements projects. The motion carried, 6-0. 13-02-09 A Resolution of the City of East Wenatchee, authorizing the Mayor to sign an Interlocal Services Agreement with the East Wenatchee Water District. Presented by: Donald McGahuey, Public Works Director. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Buckner, second by Councilmember Detering, to approve the resolution authorizing the Mayor to sign an Interlocal Services Agreement with the East Wenatchee Water District. The motion carried, 6-0. Mayor Lacy read the resolution title. Resolution No.2013-02 A Resolution of the City of East Wenatchee, Washington, authorizing the Mayor to ' sign an Interlocal Services Agreement with East Wenatchee Water District. v 1 'lqi?13 ogloed sues I• atp pue utea801d f4!3 aa;siS Olp SR pan+ se `Ieaaua8 ul aago;euaM;sug JO AI!D DID 1p!M alaoM o; aa!sop s,aansgoS •sW Aq paSemooua s! off •a;!gtA ueQ aoluutpaooD s;uang aago;euaM ;sug put aanegoS opgS ao;oanQ anl;noaxg aoaaunuoD jo aaqutego AOpen aago;euaM ql!m;am peq ay plus ,SOell'Ofu Q %01 molaq o; smnlmaad o; osuaaoui ail; aonpaa o; Sui L4 u! on ,Sag; milm ad moq uo uot;eauojm ao; OtAV else of uosugo f aagaamllounoD parlse aH •aea t aad %0I nano 3o aSeaam um In osuaaout sysoD aoumnstq ipleaH;o Sio;stq otp Imp pa;els apaaD ato?IQ ao;oaal(I aOugtnd •puaue o; saagmampounoQ pa;!nu! off •8Z-SZ aunt `sal;lD-uy u! aouaaa3uo3 (DMV) sal;?Q uoi2u!gsuM 3o uol;eloossV oq; Sulpuade oq pinom oq Imp pwianuoo uosugof aagmampouno0 •MalA;o;ulod aelnopud a Smlaoddns oq pinom Cj!D aq; pus aan;eu sl! 3o suua; u! 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ADJOURNMENT 7:35 p.m. Dana tFarnard- City P