HomeMy WebLinkAbout10/22/2013 - City Council - City Council Meeting MinutesREGULAR SESSION OF THE CITY COUNCIL CONVENED
OCTOBER 22, 2013
6:30 P.M.
Mayor Steven C. Lacy
Councilmember Harry Raab
Councilmember Frank Collings
Councilmember Wayne Barnhart - excused
Councilmember Tim Detering
Councilmember Sandra McCourt
Councilmember George Buckner
Councilmember Chuck Johnson - excused
City Attorney Devin Poulson
City Clerk Dana Bamard
Police Chief Randy Harrison
Police Officer James Marshall
Community Development Director Lori Barnett
Finance Director Nick Gerde
Accounting Assistant/Executive Secretary Teresa Allen
Public Works Director Greg Pezoldt
Clerical Assistant Shawn Murison
Mayor Lacy read a proclamation proclaiming Saturday, October 26, 2013, as Make A Difference Day,
and presented the proclamation to Laura Helton.
Brett Telford, 1199 Webb PI S, East Wenatchee, said he represents a group of recreational land and farm
ATV users. He said their thoughts and prayers are with Councilmember Barnhart. He requested Council
move the Ordinance regarding the use of ATV's on City Streets up on the agenda to be presented first,
and also elevate the Ordinance to second reading. He stated on behalf of the tax Ordinance item, he feels
the 1% regular property tax levy increase would be good for East Wenatchee.
Mayor Lacy stated they would consider moving the ATV issue when the public comments have been
Mark McCants, 1720 10t6 PI NE, East Wenatchee, inquired on the process regarding recreational
marijuana stores operating within the City limits. Mayor Lacy said he was not aware of any major steps
regarding that issue. Mr. McCants stated he was still proceeding forward with the process, and will attend
more Council meetings to work side by side with the City to ensure compliance.
Ken Dominguez, Clearwater Steakhouse & Saloon, wanted to thank the City for restriping the downtown.
He then expressed concerns of the downtown becoming a ghost town and believes the City is not doing
enough to help the downtown. He added that the City has invited citizens, business and property owners
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OCTOBER 22, 2013
Finance Director Nick Gerde distributed and reviewed the Financial Report for the month of September
Mayor Lacy asked Public Works Director Greg Pezoldt to give an update regarding the Eastmont project.
Greg reported that we are still on the same timeline as stated at the last Council meeting, tomorrow they
will stripe the road, Thursday they will turn on the new traffic signal at P Street, most of the concrete for
the sidewalks will be poured this week, and we are looking at substantial completion by the 29 h.
Mayor Lacy reported that there has been some rearrangement of some employees to enhance efficiency
within the City Hall offices.
Items listed below were distributed to Councilmember's in advance for study and were enacted in one
Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Raab, second by Councilmember McCourt, to
approve the Consent Calendar as amended. The motion carried, 5-0.
' 1. Consideration of Minutes — Regular Session, October 8, 2013
2. Consideration of Payables
i. 2013 Payables — As of this date, October 22, 2013, Council does approve
check numbers 39540 through 39596 in the total amount of $101,971.66.
Payables checks 39444 and 39523 were voided.
ii. 2013 Payroll — As of this date, October 22, 2013, Council does approve
September 2013 payroll in the amount of $373,773.14, including check
numbers 39346 through 39380, 39382 through 39383, 39489 through
39522, and 39524 through 39539. No payroll checks were voided.
13-10-08 A public hearing regarding property taxes in the proposed 2014 East Wenatchee Budget.
(Nick Gerde, Finance Director)
Mayor Lacy stated that this is what we do every year with respect to the proposal to
increase the property taxes, and in this case it is usually around $15,000 that is generated
in addition to our current assessment for property taxes. His understanding is that the
proposed Ordinance that relates to this Public Hearing would be an Ordinance that allows
Council the option to either adopt that $15,000 increase, or not to do adopt it, and
additionally consider going back and picking up capacity that we have turned away in the
past based on prior votes.
' Mayor Lacy opened the public hearing at 7:19 p.m.
Mayor Lacy referred to the one comment made during Public Comments by Brett Telford
regarding his agreement of a 1% tax increase on property tax. No other comments were
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OCTOBER 22, 2013
Mayor Lacy removed this item from the Agenda without objection.
13-10-13 Approval of a Consultant Agreement with RH2 Engineering for the Grant Road Drain
Pipe Lining.
Public Works Director Greg Pezoldt stated that there was a miscommunication on his
part, and the item should have been pulled from the agenda.
Mayor Lacy removed this item from the agenda without objection.
Mayor Lacy mentioned the report from the Humane Society regarding animal control in East Wenatchee.
Councilmember Collings reported on the Public Health presentation regarding Tuberculosis (TB), which
included a type of TB that is coming from the Middle East that is not reacting to medication, he said there
was one case reported at the hospital which they could not recognize, and about 60 people were exposed.
Mayor Lacy reported that the Wenatchee Valley Transportation Council have set and approved their
priority list for allocation of funding projects throughout the region. He said East Wenatchee's main
project on that agenda is the signal lighting project at the bottom of 9t° Street at a cost of approximately
$1 million.
7:29 p.m.
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Dana Barnard