HomeMy WebLinkAbout9/10/2013 - City Council - City Council Meeting MinutesCITY OF EAST WENATCHEE COUNCIL MINUTES SEPTEMBER 10, 2013 ' CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE, WASHINGTON REGULAR SESSION OF THE CITY COUNCIL CONVENED MAYOR STEVEN C. LACY, PRESIDING SEPTEMBER 10, 2013 6:30 P.M. ROLL CALL Mayor Steven C. Lacy Councilmember Harry Raab Councilmember Frank Collings Councilmember Wayne Barnhart Councilmember Tim Detering Councilmember Sandra McCourt Councilmember Chuck Johnson - excused Councilmember George Buckner - excused City Attorney Devin Poulson City Clerk Dana Barnard Police Chief Randy Harrison ' Community Development Director Lori Barnett Associate Engineer Brandon Mauseth Accounting Assistant/Executive Secretary Teresa Allen PUBLIC COMMENT(S1 Joanna Martinez, 1002 N Colorado, East Wenatchee, noted that her property is adjacent to the ball field in back of City Hall on City property. She said she had talked to Bob Goodman about ten years ago to see if the City would put a fence between the properties. She expressed concerns of people cutting through her property and asked if the City would be willing to purchase a fence to separate the properties and she would share half the cost. She said if the City was willing to buy the concrete she has a friend with experience that would donate his labor and do all the work. Mayor Lacy said he was unaware of the situation and did not know the specifics of what Bob had discussed with her regarding the fence. He informed her that she would have to talk with someone currently in the Street or Planning Department about this. He added that the City was between Public Works Directors at this time and Greg Pezoldt would begin that position on September 16i°' He asked her to come back and discuss the situation with him, as the City would have to get the current person in charge involved in order to put this through the proper channels. Julie Davison, 1931 Cascade Ave NW, East Wenatchee, stated she has been talking to someone at the City regarding Initiative 502 pertaining to licensing regulations and procedures. She asked if the City would be putting out a map showing the locations of where the Marijuana dispensaries would be located in East Wenatchee. ' Mayor Lacy stated that the City put a moratorium on the issue awaiting additional action and definition by the Washington State Liquor Control Board ("WLCB") on the procedures and criteria for the licensing and operation of marijuana producers, processors and retailers. •, gZ tagolo0 SepmisS uo loaCotd fe(I aouata i(l a a)IeyQ a se siyt op of si uuld ay; poppe aH a;is aq; mw3 sSutmmuJ ay1 Suiptgy pus Sulusalo 3o aStego ut aq pinom luougtedaQ ;aat1S ag1 leg) pauopuam aH •igSu auop 3I 3a2 o; sptepuels p tnpinoiyoy tadotd Sulmollo; uapte0 ag13o mul a3aldmoa s op of `stauapte0 taJselnl owos;o dlaq oql q;Im `stagpo dq poulof aq ,Cum ;ey; gwng0 siq mog dnotS pool a pagipl;os suq aq legl pa;e;s pus `uapaeQ asauedef ail ui ylmaF pallopuoaun agl lnoge waauoa siq passajdxo dos? iofeyg •tea,( laSpnq spgl ui uoisniouoo a of slip Suuq of a)itl pinom oq plus aH •,SJillgissod p!lualod g sI yolym `s;lnsai ail ass am lags pasistdde �aylm; ;i 8mney;o uogdo ail ansy am pug `asodmd slip to; mspudde luopuadopul ue pa,ioidwo seq .LOQSM lsy; pales aH •luamdolanap jupualod lose pinoo goigm `tagwp;ey33o lsnomat ay; uo suoiiglnuii prt!Solooa sey goigm `tagmp anuy salyadoid q;oq;egl sem sluamipadmi MOTJO auo plus aH '110m su JaatlS ySl to3 sl atatp se luamdolmop s;i o; sluougpadmi lepualod iagpo amos pue `sluawasea tadoid lnoyJlm paun000 peq Imp luowdolanap Aq saouetgmnouo SuipteSa' lamed laat;S 1,61 aql Suipunotms sonssi awos ate atayl pigs A m,1tosew •sawadotd ail to; uoppadmoo pus sloiguoa p:pualod;noge smaouoo s,•LOQSM fgsiles pinom anayaq am gotgm 19podoid lowlS y,61 aqp ul pa;satalui Ll!temud st f4unoO ail pug `,Sltadotd laatlS s SI ail ui polsaialul Agmwud si ,i110 oql legl SuilsoiPul `aauoissiwwoo ,SlunoO oql Algissod pus ;lasunq ,Cq pauft `tonal a anssi of apum sum uoisloop e pue `tay;a8ol lob d;Ia pue ,ClunoO oql os sapiadoid awes oql to; uoppaclum ui aq pinom f4!3 puu d4uno0 ay1 gotgm ui uoIMMIs a prone op Smf4 sum yOQSM lBy1 pappe aH Cltadotd snldms ail uo uolW.102au ail to3 ss000td ,Cep Clxis a ueSaq oqm 114=03 ail mot; items ue paniaoat /410 aq; Imp pa;ou ,Cos'l to.Ceyv •anlen pue JUS!Wdde3o anssi 2tp sloage gaigm `algedolanap Cippnioe st Cltadad siyl Jua;xa leym of se uoilsonb autos si stay; lnq `algedolanap aq of patapisuoo slanted aatq; an atagl `AUadotd ' ;o samid ail uo onlen ail of se ,LOQSM mot,I voisioap a Supleme si 413 ay.L •Ju04talem OLD 03 Man KmEaud apinotd of kuadotd osegotnd 01 pa3eudisap +000`OL£$ sell 40 ail plus aH •,ptadotd snidtnS (LOQSAN ummiodsuety;o luou4mdoU a;e1S uo;gulyseM ail SmpteSat aJepdn ue ane8 CoeZ toSeyQ ,LHOdaH SIHOAVAT •puoue of palinui an oilgnd oql pue staqutaurlpunoo Ile os Stq La oggnd uado ue sI Sui;saw snp pies aH •spunf taq;o lle pue `pund 1woua0 ail `s;aSpng luamyedaQ mainat pinom Cayl pigs aH and O£ S le Zl tagma3daS `(spstngy uo SuRoom aaulunuo0 la8png aql of Loud mainat o; staquiamliauno0 to; sleualem laSpnq painqulsip opta0 xoiR toi=q(I a uma •yluow siq; talel do Sulmoo Juana uognlonag ueouawV;o stalySneQ aq; Je uoi utelootd aqi Supuasatd aq pinom aq;gqp palms pa8 )laaM u0pn;psuo0 se `£lOZ `£Z — LI tagma;daS 3o tlaaM aq; Suimislootd `ao wumpoid oq; peat Coe? toisW -sales uo pa3stau02 ate saxm;i `xm sales pue asuooil ssauisnq e;o uuo; oq; ui saptltoe; osotp wog anuanat anlaoat Aluo IIIM f410 oql Jegl pa;ou aqs ,tuna ail ut aetgl pue'oayoleuaM;sea;0 ,Cuo ail to; lalino Ilmat auo paleoolle sell pmog lotluo0 tonblZ ay; piss aqS •suopuool aq; auluualop 1pm pmog Io luoO tonbi'l aql pue `solnt posinat tiagl panssi mou aney oqm ptsog lo4uo0 tonb17 ail mot3 uogemtojui polepdn ippA uoilmuosatd a op llim aqs amp ' Teal lu ` mlaaw IlaunoO wou ay; le ,Clgissod `SuusaH olignd a ploq i11m f4!0 ayl;eq; palms uamgg uo l £IOZ`01BauKHMS S3.L[]IyINI'IIM1003MDIVN3M.LSVHdOALLI3 CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE COUNCIL MINUTES SEPTEMBER 10, 2013 ICONSENT CALENDAR Items listed below were distributed to Councilmember's in advance for study and were enacted in one motion. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Detering, second by Councilmember Raab, to approve the Consent Calendar as presented. The motion carried, 5-0. 1. Consideration of Minutes — Regular Session, August 27, 2013 2. Consideration of Payables i. 2013 Payables — As of this date, September 10, 2013, Council does approve check numbers 39217 and 39268 through 39342 in the total amount of $834,794.43. Payables checks 39105 through 39134 were voided. ACTION ITEMS) 13-09-01 Approval to award the bid for the Small Works Grant Road Storm Pipe Dent Removal, and further authorize the Mayor to execute a contract. Presented by: Steven C. Lacy, Mayor Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Barnhart, second by Councilmember McCourt to approve awarding the bid to KL13 Construction for the Small Works Grant Road Storm Pipe Dent Removal, and further authorize the Mayor to execute a contract. The motion carried, 5-0. 13-09-01 Approval of Contract Amendment No. 1, Task Authorization No. 15.1501 — Engineering Services for the Grant Road Storm Rehabilitation with RH2 Engineering. Presented by: Steven C. Lacy, Mayor Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Barnhart, second by Councilmember McCourt to approve the Contract Amendment No. 1, Task Authorization No. 15.1501 — Engineering Services for the Grant Road Storm Rehabilitation with RH2 Engineering. The motion carried, 5-0. COUNCIL REPORT(S) Councilmember Barnhart said RiverCom has indicated they will be increasing the fee per call an additional $0.60. Mayor Lacy informed Council that there has been one negotiation session with the Teamsters Union, and two negotiation sessions with 846W. The following reports/minutes were submitted in writine prior to the City Council meetine. • Councilmember Buckner — minutes from the North Central Regional Transportation Planning Organization meeting held on June 12, 2013. • Mayor Lacy — minutes from the Wenatchee Valley Transportation Council meeting held on August 8, 2013. 3 4 1 ra a oil I "am, 17, ir I I am 'w'd 0£:L 'w'd 0£:L;e pauaeuooai IlounoO uol;asl;ll legua;od sulpiusai uolssas ominono a;num ua; s pollen Aos7 ioArN •w•d OZ:L IV NOISSHS HALLIIO3X3 ' play Sul;aa£IOZ `bl;sn8nd uo w prang ant; 4sitnwpd I I6 woatanRl atg woy sa;nuns — inquma iagwauglouno3 £ I OZ `0I 'HaE IH.Ld3S SRUIN HONROO HHHO LVXaM ISdH 10 JUIO