HomeMy WebLinkAbout8/27/2013 - City Council - City Council Meeting MinutesCITY OF EAST WENATCHEE COUNCIL MINUTES
AUGUST 27, 2013
6:30 P.M.
Mayor Steven C. Lacy
Councilmember George Buckner
Councilmember Wayne Barnhart - excused
Councihnember Chuck Johnson
Councilmember Harry Raab
Councilmember Tim Detering
Councilmember Frank Collings
Councilmember Sandra McCourt
City Attorney Devin Poulson
' City Clerk Dana Barnard
Community Development Director Lori Barnett
Accounting Assistant/Executive Secretary Teresa Allen
Clerical Assistant Shawn Murison
Events Coordinator Dan White
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David Schwab, Commander of VFW Post 3617, 211 11te Street NE, East Wenatchee, mentioned that all
of the Veteran Support Organizations in the valley as well as a number of businesses and other service
organizations are beginning to put together the 4te Annual Veterans Stand Down which will provide
resources and services to homeless Veterans. He stated that the Veterans Administration helps sponsor a
substantial portion of this by providing services such as health screenings, as well as offering referrals to a
variety of other services such as clothing, food, and substance abuse treatment. He noted that this event
will be held September 27's and 28 s.
Post Commander Schwab noted that when school starts the VFW will be notifying schools in Douglas
County of the annual essay competition. The youth essay contest is for grades 3-5, The PatrioVs Pen
program is open to students in grades 6-8, and the Voice of Democracy program is open to
grades 9-12. He said the local Post for East Wenatchee/Douglas County provides the students with the
winning essays a $200, $300, or $500 scholarship. He added the VFW will be doing some things with the
next set of awards for Public Service which he will share at the next Council meeting.
Mayor Lacy stated that he won the same contest in 1969 at Franklin Pierce High School.
Community Development Director Lori Barnett said she had received a letter related to the Timeliness
Audit done on August Td each year that shows where the City is spending their Community Development
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AUGUST 27, 2013
' ii. 2013 Payroll — As of this date, August 27, 2013, Council does approve
check numbers 38833 through 38865, 38925 through 38926, and 39001
through 39058 in the total amount of $377,879.39. Payroll checks 38927
through 38963 were voided.
13-08-05 Approval of a recommendation from the East Wenatchee Events Board, the Lodging Tax
Advisory Committee of the City, to fund the Wenatchee Valley Sports Council with
$5,000 for Hotel/Motel Tax Funds for 2013.
Presented by: Dan White, Events Coordinator
Mayor Lacy said the Events Board met with the Wenatchee Valley Sports Council to
consider the funding request. The Events Board has recommended $5,000. However,
Legal Counsel said in order to qualify to award this money under the new revised
Hotel/Motel Tax Statute there are some reporting requirements that require the applicant
to explain things that have not yet been explained with respect to this particular
application. They include the following:
• The applicant making and providing an estimate of how moneys received will
result in an increase in the number of people traveling for business or pleasure
' away from their place of residence,
• What the increase in the number of people will be within a 50 mile radius of their
An estimate of how many monies received will result in an increase in the
number of people traveling from another Country or State,
Mayor Lacy stated that the Sports Council has complied with the first two in the past in
terms of doing that analysis, but he suspects that they might have trouble in terms of
another Country or State, so he was suggesting that Council approve this tonight, it has
certainly gone through the right process, subject to or conditional upon these three pieces
of information being provided by the Sports Council before they could receive the funds,
so we can comply with the Statute.
Councilmember Johnson said he is disinclined to support the request and asked that the
following be noted in the record:
I am speaking only for myself. I am frustrated by the recent experience with some
Wenatchee city elected officials (I will try not to mention any specific names),
senior staff and some of the Lodging Tax Advisory Committee members and the
Chamber board members. Some of the things done were uncalled for,
unnecessary and unprofessional. As a result of that behavior 1 no longer trust
them. So I cannot support an effort to give monies to support the Chamber of
Commerce who has a contract with the City of Wenatchee. They both have
several important decision makers that I no longer trust.
I want the citizens of East Wenatchee and Wenatchee to know why I am opposed
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