HomeMy WebLinkAbout7/23/2013 - City Council - City Council Meeting MinutesCITY OF EAST WENATCHEE, WASHINGTON REGULAR SESSION OF THE CITY COUNCIL CONVENED MAYOR STEVEN C. LACY, PRESIDING JULY 23, 2013 6:30 P.M. ROLL CALL Mayor Steven C. Lacy Councilmember Sandra McCourt Councilmember Wayne Barnhart Councilmember Tim Detering Councilmember Chuck Johnson - excused Councilmember George Buckner Councilmember Harry Raab Councilmember Frank Collings - excused EMPLOYEES IN ATTENDANCE Police Chief Randy Harrison Community Development Director Lori Barnett City Treasurer/Finance Director Nick Gerde ' Public Works Director/City Engineer Don McGahuey Executive Secretary/Accounting Assistant Teresa Allen Clerical Assistant Shawn Munson PUBLIC COMMENTS John McPherson, 1494 Eastmont Ave #20, asked when the 15's Street Repaving Project would be starting. He also asked what would be affected by the $1 million funds taken back by the state. Public Works Director/City Engineer Don McGahuey said they submitted final plans to be reviewed by the Washington State Department of Transportation for the 15m Street Project. He said the funds have been obligated. However, with the timing for the bidding process it could still be done this year, but may have to be completed in 2014. Mayor Lacy said as far as the $1 million expectation, we thought we would get the money as we had the support of the Legislators, it made it to the first step of the Legislative process, then the Legislature, decided to raid all of the Public Trust Fund Loan dollars, so we hadn't absolutely counted on that money as we had not planned our budget for next year. However, we had established a Financial Plan that included that money and, undoubtedly, as a result of that some of the things that we had hoped to put Capital money into next year, and the year after, may have to change. He said of that would be purchasing some property as part of our Financial Plan from the Department of Transportation for river access, as well as doing something with the Gateway Project by purchasing some property at the entrance to the City to do some beautification and help parking in the downtown area are some of the things that they may have to change, but as far as operational issues in the City it won't change anything. Taylor Kenck, Legislative Aide to State Representative Brad Hawkins, introduced himself and noted that they have an office located at 11 Spokane Street Suite #205A, Wenatchee, which is staffed from 8 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. •w•d £S:91g 8uuuaq oggnd aql pasolo ,zo,SeyQ aql sluounuoo ou SuuuaH 'm'd ZS:9 lg Suuuaq aggnd aql pauado ,foul JOAL' Q ' xoloaq(l luamdolanaQ dllununuoO lipumg uo l :,Sq poluoswd '«ugtd uorlaV ienuuV £IOZ oagaleuaM lsug 3o dl[O„ aql of Suilulai %uauitum ldaooe of Bumaq ol[gnd ZO-LO-£1 JNMV3H JI'IHad I£88£ gSnotgl 8188E Pug `LVLBE gSnonll £IL8E `6798£ gSnomp 17198E staqumu 31aago Suipnioui `ZL'EWIL£$3o lunomu oql m 11oLSud EIOZ ounf anoiddu soop liounoO `EIOZ `£Z Ainf 'alup sitg;o sV—1loiAm EiOZ •In '9L'6E8`8IZ$ ;o MOM lglol aql ui VZ68£ gSnomp 9988E Pug Z£S8£ sjagmnu iloago anoidde swop liaunoO `EIOZ `£Z Alnf `olup sigl jo sV — salgg gd EIOZ '1 solqu,Ced JO uolle.tapisuoD z £IOZ `6 Alnf uoissas wln8a21—salnulW;o uoileiapisuoD I •O-S `paileo uollom atU •paluasaid su npualuO luasuoO aql anoiddu of '.tamlong iagwatupounoO ,Sq puooas `geull jagmaugiounoO Aq opum sum uoilom V :uogaV IiaunoO •uotlom auo uc poloeuo aiam pue Spcus jo; aouenpe ui s,jagmauglaunoO of palnqulsip warn molaq polsq small I HVQN3'IVJ ZN3SAIOO aoinaas siq �03 uqg Pa�Iuggl Pue SanquHoyll qnl �03 Suilaam lioanoO lsgl agl aq Plnom sigl plus Cog l JoArw •gwp aql lnoge aclil lou pip aoulmwoO olisgaM aql small aaglo ino3 palou AanquOoW uou aagmvuaM lseg a3[il atom looi of poguugo oq Plnoo 7 3[ palls¢ OH •ologd a p ui plogm ayl 8ulpuno.uns aalem suq Suipuul lopaaA sstw jo ologd aSedamoq alisgam gujp aql lugl paluls .Soul to iuyll •lead lxou Juana lulof a Suiploq possnosip pug `lnaAa soaalud agl;o si2zcue8to aql grim p031iom mou seq 01MAk uuQ soluuipaoo0 sluang °pappu OH •soaaled ui Juana 3o adf4 ames otp glim Suiladwoo scam Sogl an tAuun aiam Amp lggl polou off moi edioiyud;o Maul of onP Pallaoueo sum `IZ-OZ,(Inf joj polnpagos luaummnol ilu%misug E uo £ agl lggl pauodai ,Sou1 co iaW •LIIOd32I S,±'IOAVNi •aunf;o tpuom mp io3 laodo-H leloueuid 041 pamainac pug pauimgns apxaO 3IoiN soloanQ ooveui3 IHOdaH J NHWIHVd3Q •Aj10 atp of aoi vas;o siuoA S Suilaidwoa 1O311ugsnW same f pug ap[aiH ao f pug `AD aql of aoinaas oilgnd;o si¢a( Ol 8ugaidwoo io3 PIagpod 111H apnlout uoiliugo"jijo soleagiva0 Smnlaaat aq osie pim oqm Suluana sig3 oouepuaue ui lou saa ioidwa aatpo polou aH •oagoleuaM ma jo A!D aql of aaiAlas ' oilgnd;o snoA S Sui ldmoo joj uoppg000-d jo aleogilaaO a glim opjoo Ko[N poluosaad ,Soul IoAuw SQuvtAv NOI.LVIJ3uddV £I OZ `£Z )LTU SaLn IIN1'HDNflOO aaHo LVNBAA .LSVH d0 A D CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE COUNCIL MINUTES JULY 23, 2013 ' ACTION ITEM 13-07-03 Approval of Professional Services Agreement with RH2 Engineering — General Services 2013-2014. Task Authorizations. Presented by: Steven C. Lacy, Mayor Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Detering, second by Councilmember Barnhart to approve Professional Services Agreement with RH2 Engineering and further authorize the Mayor to sign the Task Authorizations. The motion carried, 5-0. RESOLUTIONS 13-07-04 A Resolution of the City of East Wenatchee, Washington authorizing the Mayor to sign an Interlocal Agreement with the Eastmont Metropolitan Parks District for the use of the City's Small Works Roster, and for the use of the City's Architectural and Engineering Services Roster. Presented by: Lori Barnett, Community Development Director Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Barnhart, second by Councilmember Raab, to adopt the resolution authorizing the Mayor to sign the Interlocal Agreement with the Eastmont Metropolitan Parks District. The motion carried, 5-0. Resolution No. 2013-14 A Resolution of the City of East Wenatchee, Washington authorizing the Mayor to sign an Interlocal Agreement with the Eastmont Metropolitan Parks District for use of the City's Small Works Roster and for the use of the City's Architectural and Engineering Services Roster. 13-07-05 A Resolution of the City of East Wenatchee, Washington adopting the "City of East Wenatchee 2013 Annual Action Plan" in accordance with the requirements of U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development regulations at 24 CFR part 91, and establishing an effective date. Presented by: Lori Barnett, Community Development Director Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Barnhart, second by Councilmember Detering, to adopt the "City of East Wenatchee 2013 Action Plan". The motion carried, 5-0. Resolution No. 2013-15 ' A Resolution of the City of East Wenatchee, Washington, adopting the "City of East Wenatchee 2013 Annual Action Plan" in accordance with the requirements of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development regulations at 24 CFR Part 91, and establishing an effective date. N131D f,3!D i plauma Bur(] v -w-d SZ:L -spun; xq lalow/Ialoy ao; sl;ua;[n ay; veym se re; se sa8u211ago awos ;s SIR lWI aq ,(ew ,iay; `xluo siagwaw lagwsyo of sin.P un3 nagv ;lunl of Sul f q w veil pauoquaw aq Teq; po;ou ag •Aluo sjagwow iaqumgD of anisnloxa 11 03lew o; SuiK4 vnoy;gym Sulpun3 wsunol op of Sulos aro kay; moq pus 'Sucpun3 wsunol pus ssawsnq possnosip Amp yolgm ;a `joam ;sal Suilaaw awautwoZ);o jaqunlya aq; popuaua aq ples SuualaQ jagwauglounoa S,LZIOd3S rIIJNW—) £I OZ `£Z ,kTu saisiNm momnOo 3aRoivm3AA isva d0 A io