HomeMy WebLinkAbout4/24/2012 - City Council - City Council Meeting Minutes' CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE, WASHINGTON REGULAR SESSION OF THE CITY COUNCIL CONVENED MAYOR STEVEN C. LACY, PRESIDING APRIL 24, 2012 5:30 P.M. ROLL CALL Mayor Steven C. Lacy Councilmember Harry Raab Councilmember Frank Collings Councilmember Wayne Barnhart Councilmember Tim Detering Councilmember Chuck Johnson Councilmember Sandra McCourt Councilmember George Buckner EMPLOYEES IN ATTENDANCE City Attorney Devin Poulson City Clerk Dana Barnard Police Chief Randy Harrison Community Development Director Lori Barnett City Treasurer/Finance Director Nick Gerde Public Works Director Don McGahuey Municipal Court Judge Chancey Crowell Clerical Assistant Shawn Munson JOINT PUBLIC MEETING A joint public meeting with Port of Douglas County Commissioners — Discussion regarding economic development and other common issues in the community. Commissioner Jim Huffman, Commissioner Alan Loebsack, Commissioner Mark Spurgeon, and Executive Director Lisa Parks gave an update regarding the Port of Douglas County Strategic Plan which includes: Develop and operate Pangborn Memorial Airport to fully serve the air transportation and economic development needs of the region, in cooperation with Port of Chelan County; Develop opportunities for Douglas County land and water resources and leverage Port capacity to develop land, Buildings and infrastructure to meet customer needs; Recruit, retain and grow companies in Douglas County; Pursue opportunities and expand economic Development in rural al Douglas County; and Provide leadership and economic growth strategies through innovation, inter -agency and private sector cooperation. Adjourned 6:30 p.m ' Nancy Warner, Initiative for Rural Innovation and Stewardship (IRIS) submitted a supplement that was produced with the Wenatchee World and the Port of Douglas County which contained stories of the successful IRIS projects over the last year. She said one of the successes they hope to celebrate this year is the project called the Listening Post in which people will be able to use their smart phones to listen to aeoA SZ a ao3 '%I aq PlnoM )sanju! ueol aeaA OZ a ao; 'snoage)uenpe Aaan aae salea ;saaalu! asp MRS OH ' not)olpsunC aad uo![I!m S I$ of do psanbaa ueo `saagpo pue `sloulslQ aaMaS `s;oulslQ aaleAA 'sumoy `sal;10 aql os golem Ieool on s! aaaq) pies OH meagoad slgp lnoge sgulgl pooS Alleaa amos aae aaagl;nq xoeq uogom OOb$ Mond of )uem Aogl legl pop!3op omq Aagl thou pae `puns Ieaauag oql opu! oS of uoillna OSI$ ;o ueol pun ;snit' salaoM ollgnd aql paptea amlelslga7 ole1S aql oge 31eq a pue aeaA a )noge lull p[es aH ZIOZ `I I AeW Aq palaldmoo aq o; paaa pIM golgM sao.1 Iddu ueol io3 lanai alelS aqp le ueo•I pund knot' gjoM ollgnd aql of uolll!ta OOb$ aleoolle of 'suoilae;uaoaa lsoui s,amlelslga7 alepS oql uodn paseq `pop!oop Pul amIS oql pe AouagV ueo7 PTmd knit' qiotA allgnd aql q1S I goaeyll uo imp polers opaaO •iNI meld Ielousmd LIOZ-£IOZ s,Al!o oql ao3 llnsaa Aaemunlaad e passnoslp pue salnpagos om;lpuadxo pue anuanaa aql pamalnaa Aa[p pies OH •lmoud I!ounoO lxou aqp m papnlou! oq lllM golgM aalllunuoo lagpng oql ao; samlap!nS Mau oql uo poseq so)nulm geap pansi peq aq Paleolpm OH •3102m ;sel Smlaam aa)lnumoO 12Spng a sera aaagl palaodaa aoloonQ aouemd 'apno 313!N 'O-L IMa MBa uollom aqy •salauoSe peal 2q)3o uopepgosuoo ao3 laoddns 3o aaual a ugls of aoAuW am Salzuoglne 'aau3Iong mgmampounoO Aq pa000s Vugaaeg mguiauq!ounoo Aq opem sem uollom V :uoyav tl3un0O •solouage peal aq)3o aoilepllosaoo zip ao; laoddns Sm)eoipm OOg agl of aalpal e3o uuo; aq1 m AllO aql moa3 uoddns gmIsanboi s! aq pue so ppua peal aqp 3o amlonals oq; aguego Aaql polsonboi seq (OOP aog3O uopenaasuo0 Aaan000-d ape)S uolSutgseb agl pies ionIopq •.ryll ollgnd leaauaS aql pue ` WsnPm 'saopezmeSao smao3a! pue 'Aaanooaa uomles o) alelai Aaq) Be sluouodmoo aamodapAq ' pae 'lsanaeq 'Aaagoleq 'lellgvl salempa000 `palldde aq of Paau spucg AJOAOaaa aaagm sagpnap! `smeagoad leaapa3 pne alels jeool gmoidde leuolgai s,ggSOfl agy molgaa elgmnloO aaddn aq) u!sal)lnpoe Aaanoaaa m Supedlo!jnd saq[pua Suome uopumd000 pae uolleaogelloo sm)so3 HZISOfl aqy •aogeN emTOA oq) pue saquy pa;eaapa =3 alllnloO aqp 'sapunoo uuSouigo pug 'selgnoQ `uelogo moo samiuluosaidoi jo posudmoo st gISOfl agy •uo!lm=ju! ogllua!os punos;o uopeaga;u! aql Pue )uamanlonm ollgnd opnlom )eqp slaojja poseq Alleool ggnoagl Alanoaaa uoulles sassaapPe UHS0fl oql, •Al!unmmoo aql pue uouges 'Amou000 agl3o spaau oql Smoueleq;o uolgai aq) u! sleog AnA000i agl loam sapmnmmoo mo dlag op Sun pom aae ,fags pies aH •Alanooaa uouges gulpaegaa uopeluasaad e ones (g8S0R) Pa¢og Aaanoaag nomleS elqumloO aaddn 'aolempaooO soomosag lem;eN 'aonloW uo(I NOLLv,LNdsala •O-L `P !Jm3 uollom aql •loafoid oql a;aldmoa o) Aaessomu lunome II[g atD do gunlem siolnquluoo jaq)o uodn )uagmluoo 11ioMlaN ;sod Smua;s -I a guldolanap ;o osodmd aql ao3 OOS`I$ 30 ;unome aql u! lsanbaa Sut a 8aunoadde `uosugof aagmauglounoO Aq puooas 'Suim)aQ aagmamltouno0 Aq opem sum uollom V moipV IlounoO •heat' doo•I lepldeO olddV aql uo ssaoonS Smgpug :alaoM)apl;sod gu!ua)s!•l a ao3 lsanbaa Sulpan3 V b0 b0 ZI IWHI I NOLL7V •sapnnoO selgno(I pue EmlagO moa3 sraulaed mglo ma3 suopngnluoo gpyA poulof aq P1noM peal 005'I$ 3o mnome aqp u! psonboi gmpmg a paplmgns aqS •heat' doo-I oql s! )Iiompau agl Btuppnq ' laels o) oipl Plnom Aagl sooeld aqp 3o ouO •alaomlau aql lno Pllnq uogl puu munans oql lnoggnoaql palsol aq lllM golgm puaalaaM ,CeQ Ieuomayg uo ;no lloi of smog am Aagl loofoid lolid a aneq Aagl poppe aqS heap dool oql ao gmPlTnq uolpeaol aplspeoa a;e;! aq paels noA aaagm mo.g Aaolslg3o s)daaoxo pue sauo;s ZIOZ `tz IMCIV SHJ IKM'IIONflOO gaHDIVNaM ISVd 3O A LID CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE COUNCIL MINUTES APRIL 24, 2012 ' loan interest would be 1.5%, and for a 30 year loan interest would be 2%, so the money is really cheap. He said that there is also a five year spend horizon for this money, so once we receive a grant of this loan we would have five years to spend it, which is a pretty generous period for being able to spend that kind of grant money. Councilmembers discussed the Eastmont Avenue project and the 101" Street Project with Public Works Director Don McGahuey. Mr. McGahuey said he could submit more than one application as he was not sure whether each project had to be case specific. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Buckner, second by Councilmember Johnson, authorizing staff to submit an application for a Public Works Trust Fund. The motion carried, 7-0. MAYOR'S REPORT Mayor Lacy said that an item discussed during the Budget Committee meeting has to do with the use of past, current and future Community Block Grant funds and the process used to go forward with making decisions with respect to how to do a project or projects that involves those funds. Community Development Director Lori Barnett said the process for terminating the use of the funds was adopted by the City Council when they adopted the Consolidated Plan. She said distribution of those funds and how they are allocated is a process that has to be followed using Federal Guidelines. The Planning Commission is the first part of this process in which the Community Development Department ' does an outreach to the people with a citizen involvement process that says we are supposed to indicate to the community that we have $124,000 that we are getting from Community Development Block Grant money, and would you please come to this meeting to tell the City how they would like those funds to be utilized. She said all that is stipulated by Federal Regulations and then becomes the Annual Action Plan. She added if they want to insert the Budget Committee into the process, the Planning Commissioner's recommendation would then go to the Budget Committee. She said she is not sure how much Legislative folks have been left out in the process, because the action plan is adopted by the City Council. Mayor Lacy said the problem he has had with it so far is that we have made some decisions that have broken up these funds and we have not been able to move forward with a project that could combine the funds in any way, and he would like to combine the funds as much as possible utilizing the Budget Committee recommendation as a means of doing that without violating the Federal Guidelines, that is what he is recommending. He said that is the way he intends to go forward administering this without objection, and he asked if anybody had any objection as to this, because hence forward that is how he intends to streamline the process. Mayor Lacy invited everyone to attend the following events with the Misawa Delegation: Welcome Reception — Thursday, May 3`d, 3:30 p.m., at East Wenatchee City Hall; Welcome Dinner — Thursday, May 3", 6:00 p.m., at the Wenatchee Valley Museum; Farewell Dinner — Tuesday, May 8th, 6:00 p.m., at Mayor Lacy's home; and Farewell — Wednesday, May 9", 8:30 a.m., at Cedars Inn. ' He added the East Wenatchee City Council Meeting is the same night as the Farewell Dinner and requested an earlier start time for the City Council meeting. Council agreed by consensus to start the Council meeting at 5:30 p.m. on May 8'", 2012. ' O-L `poww aol;oai aqy •allsgotA s,A;IJ aql uo pooeld oq of loofoid „3loogmo L ooplA„ a so3 suolleomnunuoJ IOD IDIA% lumazo- SV ae uSls of soAuW oq; Surzpoq;ne `arnoOoy,I iaquiouglounoD Aq paooas `pegajeg PquramllounoJ Aq apem sum aollom V :uo )3V IlounoJ joloanQ;uamdolanaQ Almnmmoo `;laujeg uo l Aq paluasaid •meaojd oap?A AlmnmmoJ QagoleaaM lsed pasodoid a .io3 suolleomnwmoJ IDD q;lmjuauiaa2d 90 b0 ZI 'O-L `Pameo uollom OILL 100AS a61e loofold;uamaouequa I1eI.L doo'I Ielidua alddV oq; io3 J Apm oa3 a Salnoidde °uegmeg iagmauglounoJ Aq puooas `gee -a mqumug!ounoD Aq apem sum uolloui V :uopaV pannoj ioloanQ luamdolanaQ AllunmmoJ `llouieg uo-I Aq paluasaid 'POAS s,61e loofoad luaumouequo pwl doo-I Iel?dva olddV aql io3 jamum aa} uopeogdde luamdolanaQ SO-bO-ZI I ali NOI.LJV •paplon =m 16175£ pIIe 09Z5£ sIoogo salquXud I 8Z'£95`99$ 30 lunome Ielo; aq; al 999S£ gBnouP LOSS£ smgmnu 3loaga anotdde saop pounoo `ZIOZ `bZ I!jdV `olep s?g13o sV — �[9e�ed ZIOZ ? salge,Ced3o uopwpisao3 z ZIOZ `OI IPdV `aolssaS wlnSad — solnuryg3o uoqump!suoJ I 'O-L 'palUeo uolIom aq•I• •Poluasaid se aepualeo luasuoJ oql anoidde of SuumPa mgmamllounoO Aq pu000s `uosugor iagmamllounoJ Aq opem sum uollom V :aogaV paunoJ mollom auo m paloeaa aiam pue Aprils j03 aouenpe m s,jagmauz(lounoJ o; pa;nglrlslp cram tAolaq pols?l small HVQN3'IVJ ImaSNOJ aigepene sl 213lg2A Allo a aagm alolgan leaosaad a anup of Sulsoogo jo3 s;slxa Apua m legl A;leaad aql olmFugla of Aogod alp asinai of sags[m llaanoJ 31 pae lgSmol anssl slT uo aollom a io3 Sunlse lou sem aq ples Soe I ioAeyq •alms -jad sluao SS' 3o olm ssaulsnq oql le posmgmiai laS pings saoAoldma aq; sanagaq aq plus pue lieq=E1 amgmauglounoJ •lanome algesmgmlai aql Sulseajom iapisuoo of jjels moig lsanbw a peq seq oq saopd seS gulseaioul aql gl?M •augosa aql so3 pasmqunai lab ;seal It, of `alolgan leaosiad a Smsn311nq `salalg3A Allo osn of sooXoldma oSemooua ' o; palaauTaldun sum golgm alma lad sluao b l 3o ales algeluego ao. S anuanad leuralul aq; ;e alolgan Ieuosaad a Sulnup io3 agealmi sasmqunai legl Aogod aql p?es aH 'ZiOZ `? gomN? Paldope sem legs Ao?Iod 1uaumjnqu la21 uollezzuoglnV osaadxg Ianeiy a sum spiloed I?ounoJ ul papnimq leg; ples Am -I roAEW ZIOZ `bz ,lyddV S31fmNI'IIJNnOJ REIMIVNam IsV3 AO L UD CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE COUNCIL MINUTES APRIL 24, 2012 RESOLUTION 12-04-07 A Resolution of the City of East Wenatchee, Washington, authorizing the Mayor to sign an Interlocal Agreement between the City of East Wenatchee, Washington, and the Eastmont Metropolitan Park District for use of a Small Works Roster. Presented by Dana Barnard, City Clerk Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Detering, second by Councilmember Johnson, to adopt the resolution authorizing the Mayor to sign an Interlocal Agreement with Eastmont Metropolitan Park District for use of a Small Works Roster. The motion carried, 7-0. City of East Wenatchee, Washington Resolution No. 2012-12 A Resolution of the City of East Wenatchee, Washington, authorizing the Mayor to sign an Interlocal Agreement between the City of East Wenatchee, Washington, and the Eastmont Metropolitan Park District for use of a Small Works Roster. COUNCIL REPORTS Councilmember Johnson stated that he will be attending the Association of Washington Cities convention located in Vancouver, Washington, during the third week of June. He said this would be a great opportunity for the new Councilmembers to attend to learn new things and network with other city officials. Councilmember Johnson said he is now the Chairman of the Wenatchee Visitors Bureau and is in the process of trying to replace retiring Director, Roger Klute. He said a committee has been appointed to go through the process and submit a list of three finalists to the Board and the Board will make the final decision. ADJOURNMENT 8:13 p.m. Dana Barnard City Clerk 1