HomeMy WebLinkAbout3/27/2012 - City Council - City Council Meeting MinutesCITY OF EAST WENATCHEE, WASHINGTON
MARCH 27, 2012
6:30 PAL
Community Development Director Lori Barnett distributed an invitation to the Mayor and Council
regarding the Rediscover East Wenatchee Downtown - Visioning Project Session, being held at the East
Wenatchee City Hall Council Chambers Tuesday, April 3, 2012 from 5:30 - 7:00 P.M.
Mayor Steven C. Lacy
Councilmember Tim Detering
Councilmember George Buckner - Excused
Councilmember Chuck Johnson
Councilmember Frank Collings
Councilmember Harry Raab
Councilmember Sandra McCourt
Councilmember Wayne Barnhart
' City Attorney Devin Poulson
Police Chief Randy Harrison
Community Development Director Lori Barnett
City Treasurer/Finance Director Nick Gerde
Public Works Director Don McGahuey
Municipal Court Judge Chancey Crowell
Executive Secretary Teresa Allen
Clerical Assistant Shawn Morison
Richard DeRock, Link Transit General Manager, presented Councilmember Sandra McCourt with a token
of appreciation for her service on the Link Transit Board.
Sally Brawley, Director of Eastmont Metropolitan Park District, gave an update regarding the $3,000
received from the City's Hotel/Motel tax fund, to go towards the 2012 AAU Eastmont Winter Classic
Basketball Tournament. She also gave an update regarding spring break programs, summer programs, the
Wenatchee Valley Street Rod Car Show to be held June 8-10, 2012, at the 9 h Street facility, the British
Car Show to be held in August at Tedford Park, and Wagon Tails Dog Day at Eastmont Community Park
partnering with the Wenatchee Humane Society and the Wenatchee Kennel Club.
Ken Dominguez, Clearwater Steakhouse and Saloon, thanked everyone for continuing their work on the
' planning for the downtown revitalization. He expressed concerns of passing a sales tax increase to
support the Town Toyota Center as he believes it does not benefit East Wenatchee or East Wenatchee
Businesses. He also expressed that he does not see a need for the strong Police, Sheriff, and State Trooper
presence as may have been needed in the past.
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12-03-08 A Resolution authorizing the Mayor to sign the Amended and Recompiled Interlocal
Cooperation Agreement between Douglas County and the City of East Wenatchee for
Storm and Surface Water Management.
Presented by Don McGahuey, Public Works Director
Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Johnson, second by
Councilmember Detering, authorizing the Mayor to sign the Amended and Recompiled
Interlocal Cooperation Agreement between Douglas County and the City of East
Wenatchee for Storm and Surface Water Management. The motion carried, 6-0.
City of East Wenatchee, Washington
Resolution No. 2012-09
A Resolution of the City of East Wenatchee authorizing the Mayor to sign
the Amended and Recompiled Interlocal Cooperation Agreement between
Douglas County and the City of East Wenatchee for Storm and Surface
Water Management.
' Councilmember Detering gave a report regarding the Chamber of Commerce meeting he had attended. He
noted the items discussed were an increase in membership over last year, they are working on items that
include member benefits, new member orientations, and trying to make it better for new companies
coming into the area, a ribbon cutting scheduled for a new company called Anytime Fitness in Wenatchee
on Tbursday, and the next Business After Hours event on Wednesday evening will be held at the
Wenatchee Valley Museum and Cultural Center. He added that the Chamber of Commerce has also
undertaken a formal endorsement of State Bill 5984 relating to the Town Toyota Center.
Mayor Lacy said that Councilmember Collings has stated that he has a conflict in terms of service on the
Stormwater Utility Board. Councitmember Raab agreed to switch his Solid Waste assignment with the
Stormwater Utility Board assignment. Mayor Lacy asked for the record to reflect that he appointed
Councilmember Collings to the Solid Waste Committee and Councilmember Raab to the Stormwater
Utility Board from here henceforward.
Councilmember Raab stated that if we waited until the next Council meeting on the April 1 Os' to show our
support regarding the Town Toyota Center issue, most of the votes would be sent in. Councilmember
Johnson stated that the ballots go out Wednesday to both Chelan and Douglas County. Devin Poulson
stated that in order to do a resolution they need to advertise for a public hearing and give the public an
equal opportunity to support or oppose their views, which is why they are waiting until the next Council
At 6:50 p.m. Mayor Lacy called a fifteen minute executive session regarding potential litigation. Council
reconvened at 7:05 p.m.
' The following reports/minutes were submitted in writing prior to the City Council meeting.
Councilmember Collings — Minutes from the Chelan -Douglas Health District Board of Health
Meeting held on February 27, 2012.
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