HomeMy WebLinkAbout3/13/2012 - City Council - City Council Meeting Minutes' CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE, WASHINGTON REGULAR SESSION OF THE CITY COUNCIL CONVENED MAYOR PRO TEMPORE CHUCK JOHNSON, PRESIDING MARCH 13, 2012 6:30 P.M. ROLL CALL Mayor Pro tempore Chuck Johnson Mayor Steven C. Lacy - arrived at 7:25p.m. Councilmember Tim Detering Councilmember George Buckner - excused Councilmember Frank Collings Councilmember Harry Raab Councilmember Sandra McCourt Councihnember Wayne Barnhart EMPLOYEES IN ATTENDANCE City Attorney Devin Poulson Police Chief Randy Harrison Community Development Director Lori Barnett ' City Treasurer/Finance Director Nick Gerde Public Works Director Don McGahuey Executive Secretary Teresa Allen Clerical Assistant Shawn Murison PUBLIC COMMENTS Stan Morse stated that he declared his candidacy for House of Representatives and he will be attending City Council meetings if he is elected Mark Kulaas, Wenatchee City Councilmember, thanked Mayor Lacy, City Council, and City of East Wenatchee Staff for their efforts in helping craft a possible solution for the Town Toyota Center, and approving the amendments to the Inter Local Agreement. He added that if they have not heard any of this from the City of Wenatchee he would like to apologize sincerely for what has occurred. Mayor Pro tempore Johnson expressed how proud he was of Mayor Lacy who had the courage and the audacity, while going through a campaign, to address this issue and to provide some leadership. He said that the Mayor, with assistance from Finance Director Nick Gerde, produced not necessarily the only plan, but in his estimation the best plan, and got the ball rolling towards a solution. He is proud that our Mayor stood up and took a leadership role, and did an extraordinarily good job. He thanked the Mayor for his tenacity, dedication, and his leadership in getting this thing moving. He also thanked Wenatchee City Councilmember Mark Kulaas for attending the meeting this evening and stated that we all share the same concerns and hopes that all jurisdictions can come together with a solution. He asked Councilmember Kulaas to convey this message to the other members on the Wenatchee City Council. BUDGET ISSUES Nick Gerde, Finance Director noted that the Budget Committee met on Thursday, March 8, 2012. He said the items of discussion were an action plan put together by Public Works Director Don McGahuey, in ,(EM -md 118W ,CaIIEA SIIOIE ITEM ' Sutulepi posodoJd ag; of ;uaui;ua4 antlui000p u pue Smduospuel Jaglo Joj o2uegoxo m saaJl hails Jo; Immamnboi oql alutnunla of pasodoid st ;uamaa.iSu aqy •NMU OZ ogueg "M ZZ dtgsumoy `II uoiloaS u[g1tM `I altnS `,£ut"Ied ➢u➢tl A21IEA IOZ le luemelsaJ alRls gBnoJq;-ontJp g bs 68L`b a 3o uotlon4suoo pasodoJd aql q;tM poletoossu sltmJad JO3 DWM9 LO'6I MldugD JO saotstnOJd aql of ;oafgns O-I-I `VSf1 s,PIUUn(IOW gun+ luouaa.iSe;uamdolmop u alnoaxa of oouumpio uu Supldopu Japtsuoo of Sutmq oiignd `d ZO £0 Zi 9NIIHV3H oI'IHRd •pappon OMM IZZS£ gSnOmP 60Z5£ Pne `•SOZS£ gSnomp 17619£ °ZSIS£ sttoago solgeAvd 'IS'£99`19I$JO lunowu IEIO) 0111 ut 68Z9£ gSnO1T ££ZS£ sogmnu Xoago anotdde swop Itouno0 `ZpOZ IC gOmNp `alEp stq;3o sV — soIgEvd ZIOZ 'I salqufud;o uogeoptsuoo Z ZIOZ `8Z Amwgad `aofssaS lelnSa-1 — salnuryq;O uO!I=ptsuOD • I '0-9 °pa woo uotlom agy •paluasoid su m:pualuo luosaoD aql anoiddu of lmooayQ Jaquaugtouno0 iq puooas `SutJalaQ Jaqutaugtouno0 iq apew sum uotlom V :aotlaV ltaunoj •uO11Ow auo m palo¢ua aJaM pue 6pn4s Jo; aouenpe m s,Jagmaugpoano0 0l paingtalscp a]aM Molaq polstl sumlI HVQAIH'lvo .INmSNmo •amp000id ago ougoi of sfuM muoq u Sm3ool sp ls luolls puu `saloed a; oonpod f Mplo o� ddns�aq st uotlu=ojm Mog passnostp ,iagy gu!pow Itaunoo Aepsany aql of JotJd uoouJage ,Sepud uo olpsgaM ,4!3 atp uo olquuuAv st jo3poud aql `JanaMoyl •olquImAu sdoldet ou we aJagl legl paiaMsue smgtuamdlelS .Mquaugpounoa of aiqunmu am: sdo;det iaq;agM puu yuauo3 otuo400lo m olqupenu AIluouno st laJloed aq; mxipt[M `sp3loed laded Jo3 amaJajoid maq; `sxagmu4o Ipouno0 ut Supsueq uotspnatal uaaJos leg aql uo not;ewto3ap la3ped aq; 21 uldspp ;o asn algtssod aq; passnospp sJagwawltounoo ltodaJ spq m popnlaut s;soo oq; ;u poAt uu oq Moq of spm aaJ gltM Mop%2j of ouoAue Joj alqupene aJe sluamnoop lugl palels 6anquo3W •JIAI -AAAes AZolougool atom oq of omsop e Jo f1to „u=A,, a 3o atom oq of omsap u su Bons `suosuoi Jaglo Jo 'Imlaed IiounoD A1io aql lsnf uugl o tom uo paseq aq of paau pinoM „ssaliodud oS„ of uotsioop aqy •aago;EaaM lseg 3o oseo aql m 1no 1pouad o; woos lou swop Aauom Sutnes 3o alias aql io3 lsnf Supoam Itaunoo ssolJaded e;uamoldun of uotsnlouoo atLL •suoppmppsaoo Jaglo pue Ism `suot;nlos `sSmlaau ssalJadud Smluautaldwt Jo3 saosEag `saomoS eleQ pamapnaJ ag s8utl30yq 1pounoD ssalradud SmpleSaJ lJodat a ones JolaamQ stlioM oq gnd `6anquDoW uOQ 'ZI OZ Anmga33o gluoW aql Jo; lJodag Ietouvuid all; paMapnaJ Jolaam(I aoueatd oplaf) Jtopl l S.LHod3H .LNim1i wd3Q •uuld Mog qsm ma,C ang aql AJsnus of JapJO up uOtlaaup awns paau small asagl;O q;oq se `aaueptnS JQJ Itamto0 Patlse 3H *43 aq; of lsoo alp aleaglsa of mpJo ut suotlExauuE SmlEnlena Jo3 dnoJS uoplenluna uu JaglaSo; Smund puE `s;aaJ;s IE.IwplsaJ Jo3 wEJSOJd aouuaa;u!vW puE not;eAmsaJd ;aagS u Jo3 Sluamx!nbaJ aql outnlJalap 01 JapJO ZIOZ `£I HOHVW sglf w'HaN noo RaHDILVN am'Isva d0 JUIo CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE COUNCIL MINUTES MARCH 13, 2012 ' Presented by Community Development Director Lori Barnett. Mayor Pro tempore Johnson opened the public hearing at 7:01 p.m. Calvin White, representing the property owners, stated they are very appreciative of City Council considering this ordinance. He added he is not there to represent McDonalds. Mayor Pro tempore Johnson closed the public hearing at 7:05 p.m. ORDINANCE 12-03-03 First reading of an ordinance relating to the approval of a Development Agreement in accordance with RCW 30.70B.170 by and between the City of East Wenatchee, and Calvin & Janae White Family LTD Partnership, and McDonald's USA, LLC, containing a severability clause. Presented by Lori Barnett, Community Development Director Mayor Pro tempore Johnson read first reading of the ordinance and stated that second reading would take place at the following Council meeting. ACTION ITEMS ' 12-03-04 Amend the recommendation authorizing the Mayor to negotiate and execute a contract with R112 for design and right of way engineering services for the Eastmont Avenue — Grant Road to 9'" NE project. Presented by Don McGahuey, Public Works Director Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Barnhart, second by Councilmember Raab, authorizing the Mayor to negotiate and execute a contract with RH2 for design and right of way engineering services for the Eastmont Avenue - Grant Read to 9'e NE project. The motion carried, 6-0. 12-03-05 Recommendation for Council approval of a Service Agreement with Howell Group, LLC, dba Telecommunications Consulting Associates for accomplishing a Franchise Audit of Charter Communications. Presented by Nick Gerde, Finance Director Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Barnhart, second by Councilmember Detering, authorizing the Mayor to execute a contract with Telecommunications Consulting Associates for accomplishing a Franchise Audit of Charter Communications. The motion carried, 6-0. RESOLUTION I 12-03-06 A Resolution authorizing the Mayor to execute a Professional Services Contract with Key Methods to provide Information Technology Services. Presented by Public Works Director Don McGahuey. 3JNV(IHOJJV Na AINROJ SV'IOflOa aNV AM) 3HI HOA SSHJOH41 HlVadfl aNV M3lAaH NV'Id HAISN3HaHdWO3 gVfINNV IIOZ dH,L 3O IHVd SI IVSOdO2Hd ' 3HI 'SIV7d IIH?IVE HVHN AHVaNROH HIMOIIJ NVH)EI HHHJIVNHM ISV3 ONHISIX3 3HI 30 MM aNV `ISVH `HiIION 3HI OI aHIVJO'l allV SIN3WQNHWV dVW HSIl aNV I HHI 'NOIIVIIIOdSNVIU S H2[IdVHJ Na SdM aNV S31JI'lOd NOIIVIHOdSNVIHI 3HI OI SIN3WQN3WV (INV !S3IIl'H.Id1 L IHHIdVHJ Na SaDI'IOd (INV SdM II3QIAOHd All HIfI 3HI OI SINHNIaNHINV !TvIJIIHWWOJ WUHN39 OI HaIN33 WHAIMS 'IVHald WOHA aHJV I A IHIVWIXOIIddV aNV 7 HISfl(M H3N3J OI OZ 3JIMOSaH W Ha H aw of auarIfiamw mauapmoa wom S3IHJV 9£I AT3iVWIXOIIddV 30 NOIIVNJISH(l HHI ONIONVHJ AIHVGNnOH HIMOHf) NVgHf1 aHi aNVdXa OI 3sfi aNVz £?HaJAVHJ M dVW HSfl aNV'I NV'Id 3MSN3HaHdWOJ aNV IX3i HHI Oi SINHWai Saw •HIMONJ NV91UI Z IIHIdVHJ NI dVW AdVaNaOU H•LMOH9 NVUHa 3Hi Oi SIN3WaN3WV ONHafnam NV'Id 3A SNIHHX HdWOJ VHHV HMIJIV143M ISVH H3IVaHf) 3HI OI SIN3WaNAWV `JNISdOQV NOiONIHSVM HHHJiVN3M ISV3 d0 A•LIJ 3Hi 30 3JNVNIQIIO NV SO-ZLOZ *ON HJNVNIQHO Aim=ns oouempzo agl peoi uosugof aioduial oad io rW '0-9 R!lm aollom aqs •geld 2nlsuagaidmo0 m-rV p2golumM lse3 Ialewo aql of sluampuame;xol pue dem Supdope `geeg .cagwompouno0 Aq pu000s `SuTmINI mgmauglounoJ Aq opera sera uollom V :uoiWV IlaunoO 'silmll fop luasaad aql of msolo pue Ajupunog glmoiO ' uugifl aql ulgllm ,Cpeaxle a.M pegl Alunoo aqp 3o so= uo snoo3 of AiunoJ pue MID oql pailse pue deli m3pEl olul Ajepunoq aql anom of luolm oql SugoeAai suoddns aqs legl salels golgm `dlunoo selgnoQ;o luoplsw a `olgqul ouecQ moi} `sjagmauglauno0 of papllmgns Haag secs golgm `llema ue panlaoaa 43 agp pegl Palels Ilauxeg 's➢N 'AQuieg pot iolmj!a puamdolanaQ flmnuimoO Aq paluosaid 'U91d anlsuagaadmo0 eaaV aagoj=tA lse3-mlealo aql of sluampuame lxal pun dem Sulldope oauempiO ue;o Sulpeai puooaS SO ZO Zi •saol uaS ,HSolougaal uol;etaao;ul apinoad o; spoq;ayN Sfax q;lm yiel;uoJ saaluaS leuolssa;oad a a;naoxa o; aoSsyN aq; Smzlioq;ne aaga;euaM ;sea ;o (;10 aq; ;o uoa;nlosag V 8o-ZIOZ 'om uognlmu uoAuplseb'aaga;eualA 499Hlo AP.J al1R uollnlosw oql peal uosagof aioduml ocd ioXuW '0-9 Pal= uollom ogjL saowaS Agolougoal uolleuuojul apinoid of spogloW AoX gllm poe4uo0 saowaS leaolssa3oid a alnoaxa of io SeW agl SuMiogpne `s8mlloO iagmauglomcoO Aq pu000s `Smmio(j mqu owpunoJ Aq apem sem uopom V :uogaV 11aunoO ZI OZ `£I HDXM S31MCN IUM IOJ Ha JIVNHIAI ISVH JO AM CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE COUNCIL MINUTES MARCH 13, 2012 WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE GROWTH MANAGEMENT ACT; AMENDING ORDINANCE 2010-07; AND SETTING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Mayor Pro tempore Johnson asked the record to reflect that Mayor Lacy had arrived and would preside over the remainder of the meeting. 12-02-06 Second reading of an Ordinance adopting Douglas County Procedures and Criteria for evaluating and determining projects as Planned Actions under SEPA and adopting Douglas County Code Chapter 18.60 I-G General Industrial District. Presented by Community Development Director Lori Barnett. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Raab, second by Councilmember Johnson for a second reading of an Ordinance adopting Douglas County Procedures and Criteria for evaluating and determining projects as Planned Actions under SEPA and adopting Douglas County Code Chapter 18.60 I-G General Industrial District. The motion carried, 6-0. Mayor Lacy read the ordinance summary. ORDINANCE NO. 2012-06 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE, WASHINGTON, ADOPTING ' DOUGLAS COUNTY PROCEDURES AND CRITERIA FOR EVALUATING AND DETERMINING PROJECTS AS PLANNED ACTIONS UNDER SEPA AND ADOPTING DOUGLAS COUNTY CODE CHAPTER 18.60 I-G GENERAL INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT, CONTAINING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE, AND ESTABLISHING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. MAYOR'S REPORT Mayor Lacy said that after meeting with Events Coordinator Dan White he wanted to update the Council with regards to installation of a Welcome to East Wenatchee sign. He said funding has been appropriated in the budget and depending upon whether or not we can get approval from Washington State Department of Transportation allowing us to occupy a spot visible from the highway, preferably near the 3`d Street SE and Highway 28, we will begin that process. He added the sign design would reflect the same design as the sign that was installed at the Valley Mall Parkway and Highway 28. Mayor Lacy explained that our Events Board doubles as the group that handles events, volunteers, organizes events for the City under direction of the Coordinator, and are the advisors as to how we spend the hotel/motel tax dollars. He said he is on that committee and during the last meeting they discussed updating the Tourism Plan and also holding a retreat for the purpose of coming to some agreements so they can work on the tourism plan. He said that following the retreat he would ask Mr. White to give a report of the recommendations and priorities as we proceed with events containing specifics to the tourism. ' Mayor Lacy said that with the final adoption of the amendment to the Interlocal Agreement for the Town Toyota Center or Public Facilities District, we have an upcoming election and City Council are not allowed to campaign by State Law, but they can by resolution take a position with respect to ballot issues that have to do with the upcoming vote on the Town Toyota Center .01 sales tax issue. He was interested to hear comments on whether or not the Council was interested in having such a resolution presented, and ma NId St?:L ,LN3PDMOfQV •liodag lenuuV I IOZ - neamg s,.tol?s?A AaIIEA -'Qgole=M 'ZIOZ `S go3 W `luou liedaQ p2aI s,aagaleoat lseg 3o d1?0 aq1 8ulutaauoo ltoda,l IeRIIa I IOZ - uognod u?AaQ .CatuoRV C1?O 'ZIOZ `6 tiemga3 Plat[ ftlaani Jaluo:) nolougaay a3vanguo0 I?Duna uon niodsawl A2119A ooq;nwaM all moij salnuryq - raulong iaquiouq?auno0 'ZIOZ `8 ,Caetugad `ArpsoupoM uo Piaq 8unaaui pm:og anpeilsmlmpd 116 mo_- MAT aql mog salnU!W - uequteg JOgmaml?ouno0 mlaam 113unoa ,a ag101 awa 41JA+m palltmgns a.�am salnmm/sp a� mmono3 aq JL sallq?q?saodsat alseM pgoS oq1 rano uo3M seq Cluno3 atp pue aneai Iea?pam e ua3M seq 0029 G uo-1 ioloamQ tueaoid a1seM p?loS ap?mf4uno01e11 pauolluam geeg jagmaug?ounoD -pulm ut 1? daax pinom pue 1? uo salou ua3M seq al lnq `ssau2mjpm math of looCgns oq pinom 1? imp palsls ,Cori loAvW -aural 3o pmge summoo mall of puodsai pue 'suopsonb 31se `taagl q;lm 31M pue umop 1?s pus s[dm.Clo of iano o8 ,Cagl aaojaq do lgdnotq sansi aneq of aota aq pinom 1? lull polels off •iaglo goea ql?m algelao3mo3 we ,Call os pounoo qljm uolssnoslp a aneq of sldunClp m aotssas olul 08 Call aio3aq aea C s aouo m uot;sSalap anllslsl$ai s anal am imppalsa88ns uosalor iagmauglaanoD 'I? oltn 3loago ptnom aq pies pus SuuD a Bons op of ansop s paleolput Peg lopls?Q joj% pue ramaS all ImD palels Koul jo uW •.il?0 all jo3 op fall lslm 8umisldxa gluom a aauo laoda.t a aAa pus amoo s,lopM(I all moig ouoamos lull palsaBJns pus `sIo?nstQ snoueA of sMSai m uogeonpa glom papaau s,jagmampounoD aql lg8nogl aq imp palels )ieluxeg iagmauq?ounoD Sixodam mat- no3 •uo?leiap?saoo ilagl io3 pageap uollnlosai s aneq 01 snsaasaoa Cq paat8e lCounoD uopump?suoo mail lo3 pagpap auo Eulneq ul palsasalm atam Cal13l ??oanoD pailse ZIOZ `£I H02IVNI SHIfI IIW'IIONnOD 99IO.LVNHM JSV3 -IO AMD