HomeMy WebLinkAbout1/24/2012 - City Council - City Council Meeting Minutes' CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE, WASHINGTON REGULAR SESSION OF THE CITY COUNCIL CONVENED MAYOR STEVEN C. LACY, PRESIDING JANUARY 24, 2010- 6:30 P.M. ROLL CALL Mayor Steven C. Lacy Councilmember George Buckner - Excused Councilmember Harry Raab Councilmember Frank Collings Councilmember Chuck Johnson - Excused Councilmember Wayne Barnhart Councilmember Sandra McCourt Councilmember Tim Detering EMPLOYEES IN ATTENDANCE City Attorney Devin Poulson City Clerk Dana Barnard Police Chief Randy Harrison ' Community Development Director Lori Barnett City Treasurer/Finance Director Nick Gerde Public Works Director Don McGahuey Municipal Court Judge Chancey Crowell Executive Secretary Teresa Allen Clerical Assistant Shawn Munson PROCLAMATION Mayor Lacy read a proclamation proclaiming February 2012 as Kiwanis Children's Cancer Care Month. Kiwanis members Don Hainline and Judy Kerr accepted the proclamation on behalf Kiwanis Club of Wenatchee. PUBLIC COMMENTS Ken Dominguez, Clearwater Steakhouse, asked if there was a schedule of completion for the downtown project. Mayor Lacy said this will be addressed in a Department Report by Community Development Director Lori Barnett. Tanya Reece, 113 N Kansas, asked if the City had considered planting arborvitae along the fence at Ballard Park to block the view of the vehicles on the adjacent property. Mayor Lacy said the park is on private property. He thanked Ms. Reece for her suggestion and said he had other ideas for that area as well and would follow up on doing something in that area. ' The following spoke in favor of the proposed .02% sales tax increase to cover the Town Toyota Center debt: Al Schuster, 920 11"' Street NE, Jeff Krupka, 939 N Baker Avenue #3, Z -llam se uot3tsod lugl louJlum AlgegoJd pinom pue Alto aq; of alqunluA uaaq suq oaAoldma s[ql ptes Aoe7 JoAeyrl •luamlJed2Q luang ' aq; ut uol;isod oun;;.led luamno oql of aq Pinom loudun oql legm palls¢ SuualaQ Jagmaugtouno0 suotstoap Aue opum lou suq aq uoiltsod oq; Aoldura Jo lou4uo3 of Jaglagm of se uotstoap u sovul Itounoo Itlun `JanamoH nlnoipud ut auo ilotlisod a p Joj puttu ut saluptpueo Iut;ualod amos seq aq ptes OH •uotleogtssulo qof mou u Sutluom uogm uotufl aql A3tlou of pannboi st AIID aql poppe off •Aouom ssol So} uotltsod legl louJluoa ueo Alto aq; saludtot;uu aq `I IOZ m 000`98$ Alalemtxosddu palelol aneq pinom gotgm soxel pue `slgauoq `Aseles Jo; luauiwd2Q aouuutd oql moJ3 saJnSg aql uo paseq `pappe aH matnaJ o; ltouno0 Jo3 puiluoO sootnJaS Iuuotssojold IluJp a poptups suq pue Sugaam lsul aql Suunp aaAoldma uu gltm Sutnutluoo uugl Jaglw uo►ltsod Joluu[ploo0 ;uang aql Sut;oeJluoo possnostp peq oq ptes Aourl JoAeyq -SUOtleAJaSaJ amaaS of Japio m uoos ultq loulum of sJaquJaugtouno0 pa;saJalut llu paJlse OH 'uotleSalop aql Prof of JeaA st p Jagmaugtounoo mou a puss of a3?I Alleai pinom aq pappe OH •uudef `emusTw of du; oql SutpxeSaJ saagmaugtouno0 Am mog iomsue altugop a poA!moJ lou puq aq plus Aourl JoguW 'aolloud olui 11 Ind am wo;aq J[JOm Ipm 1! moq So3 epuase ue pau ueld jolpq a paou am lnq 'op of luem swop ag Satglantos sr stq; pappe aH •leailai agl lanpuoo o; ueld a Sutle[nUUOj ut iaglml gonm auoS lou suq pas leaJlaJ s 8mploq;o sap! agl Inge uauoSJo; ;ou suq oq imp palJodal Aoe1 JofuW •uotsuoap aip m Aes a aneq of aldood moA lusm Iou op noAH st `alon e of oS of stgl Sulmolle loa Jo3 uotlepgen Apra aql uagt `oaga;saatA;o A410 agl Aq uJoq aram slsoo uotloala imp Aum a gons ut pojmm Jls st saD 3I pue lojoA a o; lno stgl Sul;;nd Inge uJaouoo s< arag;;t ;sq; pa;sls ouoouroS •aJagl poluasaidal Altumamoo ssauusnq oql uJog lJoddns;o [anal SuoJls Aran a ssm aiaq; pue Aepol Sulloatu oa mumaoo 3o mqutugo AalleA aagalmmM oql Papuoue aq ptes SutJalaQ mgmouu[taunoO •Z I OZ 19 Almugad uo Sut;aam Ixau oq; of asoq; a3pn ueo oq legl os ¢apt IeJauaS agl3o poddns 3o jallol a puns of °aeld aq) 3o loads¢ Auana poddns ;ou op Aagl;t uana Isq; `saotlotpstmf Jaq;o aq; paJ[ss ssg aq ptes OH ssaooJd agl doss of uotlotpstmf auo so3R A[uo ;t pnu veld stgl poddns lou swop AlunoO selSno(I pappe aH saotlotpstmf Joglo aql gltm smaln magi ssaidxo of s,uaztlta poSemoma Puu ImoOoyN Jagar2ualtouno0 q;tm paaJBe OH •pa;tstA aq not;otpstmf legm uo Sntpuadap pollen seq alon a Jo; otlgnd agI o; ansst stgl SntJlel Sutpi a of pantaoal seq ag not;daoaJ aup ptes aH JaluaO eloAoy amoy atR 3o ansst ;qap atp Sutn[osaa ssnastp of saot;otpsun 2gl;o uanas o; uaaq psq ag ptss A0e-I JoAeytl y$odam S,Hovv-w •onssl aql Sutpugas luup s,uaztlto ag; legm Jeaq panlonut sopnd lle leap os suopotpstmf lgSta Jaglo aql ;tsin oslu Aagl pa;saSSns aqs saotatdo Jtagl SmOton pas Smlaam aql Sur puoue Jo3 suazpp osogl paTimp lJn000pg J2quraugtaano0 ansst aqI of uado sm Pug soAa magl daaJ( 01 pouno0 AltO aql Jo3 astm st It pees 'anuaAV etSJoacJ N LS£ 'uoolsd uauuag Inud •aaeld malA PIS 1719 `PuulmglnS IAJaqO Puu`gn10 SugmjS aJnStd aag0l=A', `saana;S nt'I aoe[d ma.A P[S b19 `PUUImtllnS aneQ 'aoeld PoomJspg £ 18I `AaAmH aAa1S ZIOZ `bZ A,Idflxvf SB.I.f1PIINI'IIDWIO0 Hdl-I3.LVN3M .LS` -a dO AMD CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE COUNCIL MINUTES JANUARY 24, 2012 ' Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Barnhart, second by Councilmember Raab, to move forward with contract negotiations for the position of Events Coordinator. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Detering, second by Councilmember Barnhart, to amend the motion to also include contract negotiations for the part-time events assistant. The motion carried, 5-0. Call for the question of the original motion: The motion carried 5-0. DEPARTMENT REPORTS Community Development Director, Lori Barnett, gave an update regarding the Downtown Planning Project. She said the results from surveys included questions such as things they like about downtown which included, the friendly people, the sidewalks and entrances to the businesses, the gazebo area, the ability to access the loop trail, the mix of businesses, convenient access, four lanes of traffic, and good signage. The things they dislike about downtown included, store frontages, streetscape, parking lot, street lights, pedestrian access to trail, automobile repair shop, odor from sewer plant, rowdiness in the evenings, and they do not like the four way stop at the 9t° Street intersection. The things they would like the City to invest in included, the parking lot, additional street lighting, ' identify a street concept for frontages of the businesses downtown, more thorough street cleaning, invest in streetscape, look at zoning to encourage more businesses, directional signage, a more welcoming area, increase in pedestrian friendly atmosphere along the streetscape. They would also like to see the City Council and Mayor more involved in the downtown area, and allow blocking the street for downtown festivals. The things they would like to see downtown in the next ten years included, family oriented downtown area, more green space or a park, access to the river, a boat dock or marina, additional parking, emphasis on entertainment, enhance the look of older buildings, and incubation of businesses in that area. Other comments included, better access along parking lot, making it a friendly place that the city and community could be proud of, would like property owners to work together on the alley's, and a mural with the landing of the Miss Veedol landing site telling the story and partnership between the City and Misawa. Ms. Barnett said she reviewed downtown parking issues with Public Works Director Don McGahuey, and Associate Engineer Brandon Mauseth. She added she has an appointment to call EcoDesign to get together and come up with a schedule of completion dates. Ms. Barnett also discussed Art on the Avenues being incorporated into the downtown area. Answering a question regarding sidewalk dining, she stated there could be no alcohol sales outside. However, she would have to research what other limitations might be regarding sidewalk dining. Ms. Barnett said she had read an article regarding to the post office that is located at Eastmont Pharmacy is scheduled to close February 25, 2012, unless a new location for the facility is found. She said she believes it is important to keep the post office downtown and will be pursuing that. saazlllo palquslp of pau `saazillo a000m-mol of `saazilto lonlas of papinoid salligin l03 salui gsilqulsa of b£'b saidugJ apoJ iedcomnyq aagalenaM isug Smpaamu aauunpio uv 10-10-Zl SdJNVNa(mo 0'9 paulua aopom oU •aalUmmoo AiosinpV alsuM pgog ClanoJ sulanoQ aql of .loAuW oql Smimoddu Vugmug ngtaaagcoanoJ Aq pa000s `SapolaQ jagmaagloanoJ Aq opum sum aoilom V :aoilaV 113ano0 'HHJMPJWOJ AHOSUGV HISVM (El`IOS )UNIIOJ SV'IOf10Q dHl O.L HOAVW ani JN imoddV `NIO.LONIIHSVM `aaHJ.LVKaM .LSV3 aO A.LIJ allL d0 NOMrIOSaI V WzloZ 'ON NOI.LfI'IOS32I WIIIEUMoJ klOSIAPV 23SBM P!IOS fflanoD suignoQ aql of io Ceyq aql Smimoddu bolSacgsuM `oagolmoM isug 3o AI!J agl;o aoilnlosod V £0 IO ZI '0'S VouLm ao!lom atLL •aapnf 1iaoJ pololanyq aql jo3 laaalaaj2V soolvaS luaolssa;oad aql of ampaappu au aSis of ioxuyq aql Smzlloglnu aognlosa� aql idopu of `SaualaQ ragmamlionnoJ Aq paoms `IauqumEl Iagwoua launoD Aq opum sEm aopom v :uoilav IlaanoJ ' 'aSpnp lanoJ Iediamnao3 3aualaoJ saai uaS luaolssa}oad of mnpaaPPV as gals of JOSSN aql Sumaoglns aagalunaM majo A!J agl3o aoilnlosag V ZO-ZIOZ *ON a013niosag aolamgsulA °aagalunaM 1ss33o AIIJ •ogpnf 3moJ 1Ld!olanNl aql m3 laaalaalaV saowaS luaolssa3oxd aql of ainpnappu au aSis of io i oW aql Sa!zlloginu aago3u=AX isug 3o 14!3 aq3 3o ao!inlosa d V ZO' I O-Z I '18'6£L`9Z$3O MOM lulol agl a! ££6b£ q MAR 188b£ smgmna 3loogo anoiddu swop IloanoJ `ZIOZ `bZ faunauf `olup slgl3o sb - s5Igu ud ZiOZ !! 'SO'OIL`6Z$JO MOM WWI aql a! 08817£ ganolgl Z98b£ ssagmna 3l30go anoadde swop !laanoJ `Z I OZ `bZ Axenauf `alup slgl3o sV - �Iqu— u-� '! salq&AEd jo nop=plsaoJ 'z I IOZ `OI 6iunnuf luoissaS iulnSa21- salnmyQ;o aolIwp!saoo *a-g Toll a aopom aqy -palaasaid su mPaaIEJ 3aasaoJ aql anoidde of 11moJoyq aagmamllaanoJ Aq pa000s `qev-d mq=mllaanoJ Aq opum sum aopom V :aolpv IlaanoJ 'aollom ' aao m palosaa alam pus Spnis l03 aoaunpu in s,iagmamlioanoJ of palnqulslp ajam molaq palsll sEaa3I HVQNHWJ JxHSNIOJ ZIOZ`bZAZPdf1NVf S3mNIIw lDNfIOJ33HJ.LVN3M.LSV3d0IWO CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE COUNCIL MINUTES JANUARY 24, 2012 ' Presented by Devin Poulson, City Attorney. City of East Wenatchee, Washington Ordinance No. 2012-01 An Ordinance of the City of East Wenatchee amending East Wenatchee Municipal Code Chapter 4.34 to establish reduced rates for utilities provided to senior citizens, to low-income citizens, and to disabled citizens. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Detering, second by Councilmember Collings, to amend the East Wenatchee Municipal Code Chapter 4.34. The motion carried, 5-0. DISCUSSION 12-01-04 A general discussion regarding Solid Waste issues. Mayor Lacy said he has had discussions with Staff, Legal Counsel, and Countywide Solid Waste Program Director Ron Draggoo regarding the Interlocal Agreement that designates Douglas County as the lead agency, it also defines the lead agency within its terms, which indicates that a lead agency means a political subdivision of the State of Washington which is authorized to except Federal, State, County, Municipal, or private funds, and he understands that the County, under State law, is the only one that has the ability to accept State funding for our Solid Waste Program, which is a State mandated program. He said there is a provision in the document which indicates that a one year notice is required to the other participants in the Interlocal Agreement. He said this is being mentioned as it has been indicated to him that steps were being taken to negotiate with the Town of Rock Island to perhaps be the lead agency. He expressed come concerns of legalities of the executive committee modifying the Interlocal Agreement. He said he would like to have discussions with Douglas County regarding the issue. 12-01-04 A discussion regarding the Manual of Personnel Policies and Procedures. Mayor Lacy explained that the draft of the potential revision to the Manual of Personnel Policies and Procedures included in Council Packets shows a red lined version of areas we have discovered are in conflict or duplicate of each other. He added this will be brought to the next Council meeting to allow time for Council to review the document and be prepared to raise any questions or concerns prior to approval. ' Councilmember Raab said he attended the North Central Washington Economic Development District meeting in which someone from Bridgeport gave a very enthusiastic report on how the City Council, along with several other groups have been collaborating to improve the appearance of the downtown area x121o'c4o I Pig MgQ / mil/, Aqq Wd OS:L .LMNiNZIf1OMV I I OZ `4I jagmaooQ uo ploq Supaaw IoLgsIQ wouadolmo(I olwouoog uolSmgsetA Ielluaa gpoN aqI woij salnu!W — iamlang ragwawllowto0 i I OZ `6I mgmDOO(I uo plaq Sm;aauz TIBOH3o Pig IOLMIfI TIROH selSnoQ uulagD aq; mo.g sa;nu!w — Aoe-f ioAM am pannoj ,:) aq; ol joija SuljJJM m paglwgns aaatA sa;nmm/sue a� m aopo3 aqy ' •sluauano.idwl uenolumop aq;;o vied se oldood pue slewlujo sam;dlnos o;ul Pa^= 8maq sail paseaslp PUB PIo Iraanas o; Sur;elai alolye -odedsmau a paumigns OH uoda8pug;o ZIOZ 14Z A-avf]NVf S3Jnd UW'II3NflO0 F[HHDLVNHM LSVH dO A.LtO