HomeMy WebLinkAbout1/10/2012 - City Council - City Council Meeting MinutesWILSON JONES
JANUARY 10, 2012
6:30 P.M.
Steven C. Lacy, Mayor, was sworn into office by City Clerk Dana Barnard.
Frank Collings, Council Position 1; Harry Raab, Council Position 2; Sandra McCourt, Council Position 5;
and Tim Detering, Council Position 6; were sworn into office by Mayor Lacy.
Mayor Steven C. Lacy
Councilmember George Buckner - Excused
Councilmember Harry Raab
Councilmember Frank Collings
Councilmember Chuck Johnson
Councilmember Wayne Barnhart
Councilmember Sandra McCourt
Councilmember Tim Detering
City Attorney Devin Poulson
City Clerk Dana Barnard
Police Chief Randy Harrison
Community Development Director Lori Barnett
City Treasurer/Finance Director Nick Gerde
Public Works Director Don McGahuey
Municipal Court Judge Chancey Crowell
Executive Secretary Teresa Allen
Clerical Assistant Shawn Munson
Stan Morse, Attorney at Law, presented each Councilmember with a book titled "Circling the Earth in a
Wheelchair". He said he distributed the book as he is considering running for a seat in the legislature. If
he decides to declare his candidacy he will be back to talk about important issues, such as the Public
Works Trust Fund that needs to be sheltered from a sweep by the legislature. Mr. Morse also submitted
three documents relating to the Town Toyota Center which he said spoke for themselves.
' Nathan Scott, 918 Mammal Street, said asked if the Mayor and Councilmembers knew that they
appointed someone with a bankruptcy to the Public Facilities District governing board, that the
Mayor hired someone with a bankruptcy to lead a City department that lost lots of money, did
they know and agree with an appointment of a Councilmember with a bankruptcy to the Budget
onutluoo am lou ao aaglagM of loadsa.t glim itounoD annbui of poluem aq uot;tsod so;uuipaooD
sluang undo oql glim Pius OH -sSuilloD uMuQ .to3 luautaouldai u 3o Suing oql SUM Moo laSpnq
' 1 loz agl3o pua oq;;u pagstidut000uun to papioaptm gal sia etu agl3o auo;gql pigs Aog7 ioAt,yv
•Aagnuur ut Suipoaut itounoD puooas oql `Sugoow ltounoD
lxou oql lu iiaunoo 3o luog ui xot,q a ant,q Aigtgotd pinom oq `alnoi stgl ansmd o; pouilout
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stgl legl Suidoq SUM aq ;t,g; pees OH •iallmu stgl gltM $ui;aatu alogM aql do aaiel o; ;uem ;ou
Ptp oq lnq `Allunpl^lPui It ssnosip of SutlptA oq Plnom aq pue stq; o; aJout sum atagl lull Pies OH
llgtoe; ogl;o Su'vm uotstoop pus luouiaSuuum luiof in panlonut suotlotpstmC oq; lit, Aq Aiq!qu
aql puu `ooion lt,nbo ut, apinoid of su uotgsu3 u eons ut loulstQ soillpou3 otlgnd ogl3o pmoq
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Sutluado sll jo;no seat iad 000`0£8S Alolt,tuixoaddu;o urns lguotltppe ug At,d pinoM aagolguaM
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ogl;o uoiletado pus om ma;ututu oql anutluoo o; oslu ;nq `snploq puoq oq; of pamo lgop an;uo
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toiSai oql ssoiot, xt,l sales ui osuaiout %Z- e;o Aluoglnu Aio;n;uls nagl lapun loulstQ sat !pot,3
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se sasodatd ag;t,gm o; se slgSiltlSiq Mai a;tq Aldutts pinom aq `aaojojoU •aadudsmau oql ut uaaq
suq suoilotpsimf xaglo ipm ;nogu Sut3itul uaoq seq oq notlnios posodoid oql plus Aou7 ioAuyq
-uot;nlos .tagloue pug so `suoilatpstmf ail lit, .to3 antsuadxa AMA aq pinom popualum
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oql io3 not;nios snsuosuoo t, pug of Sup(4 of loodsat glint `ltll azisegdma of paluem A3e7 .toAUYJ
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lHodau SI'do vw
•lsaia;ui Aim tilim ouolt,;ai `jouq pled lag of SutoS
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om;nq `Aauom aagoluuaM „ut,ol„ o; slut,m Aov l toAuyq oagolmaM 1sug lugl poltodoi uaaq suq 11
pappu OH 'XID stql ut
' sauo;siI'll algt,uotanbjo aldmd lisdigt,
tq tlai aqSuipeSi
sutaouoo paaidxa aH •sao;dnmitmq anuq;gStuol ui moms oldood ang oq;3o oral se `Aoldnmpmq
u suq oqm itounoD aql of paloala Sutaq Apogoutos lioddns Aaq; pip AqM put, maA ;sal aoulunuoo
zloz bl A-dvflmvf SRln II➢N HDXn0D ElaH3LVXaM ISVH JO A.U3
JANUARY 10, 2012
' with an employee in this position or whether we consider doing this by contract.
He said the advantages of a contract for the duties or functions of coordinating the events for the
City are that we would not have to worry about issues of overtime or issues of designation in
terms of whether or not that individual was a union member or not. We would not pay benefits
for the contracted position
He said that he was open to some thoughts on this matter as he needs to either fill the open
position fairly soon or perhaps we need to go in the direction of drafting a contract that could be
approved by the Council to offer the position on a contract basis. He said he was expecting or
hoping to get some input.
Councilmember Detering asked if it was a full time position, and how much time was devoted
strictly to the main community events. He asked if there would be benefits of having a staff
person who was able to not only do the specific events that we have such as the Wings and
Wheels festival and such, verses having somebody on staff that may be able to fill in other areas
for instance maybe volunteer coordination, assistance with overflow work from other staff
members. He asked if that had been considered in the past or if had been done in the past.
Mayor Lacy said the first question that was asked was what this person's relationship or what do
they do with respect to all of our events, and his answer to that is that when Dawn was in the
' position she ran all of the events, obtained sponsorships, and was responsible for coordinating all
volunteer efforts on behalf of the City.
In answer to the second part of his question as he understood it was that in the past, before we
had a legal opinion that we believed required us as a Council to take events in house from a stand
point of employment. He said prior to that, we had a contract with the East Wenatchee Chamber
of Commerce and they would hire someone to put on the events. He said that when we first
started, for example Wings & Wheels, we had all volunteer staff and the person that was heading
it up, at least initially, was not employed by anyone. He said that as these events have grown
significantly and we have gone past the point where we could find anybody that would be willing
to volunteer to do this without a contract, because, it is a full time position. He said that the
answer is that whoever does this, if they stay an employee, is not likely to have a lot of time to
do other things for the City at least that has not been their experience in the past. He said that we
do have a part time employee in the Events department that had been working with Dawn and
she is still employed. He has not given much thought to how her situation will work if we decide
to contract out the position, but it probably would be going to some kind of a contractual
relationship as well. He said that it would be a little difficult to manage to have an in house part
time employee and then have a contractor running the coordination.
Councilmember Barnhart said that he was one of the original Committee members as well as
Chairman of the committee and said that it could be done with part time help, but our validity
' and our credibility skyrocketed when we had an employee doing it. He said that he is not
particularly fond of doing away with the position, and suggested continuing the employee
position this year, and discuss these options go through the budget cycle for the following year.
'Alta aql jo soaAoldma aq; pun ltounoD aql uaam;aq
digsuot;elan Supuom aq; o; loodsaz gltm lndut jjtls lag o; oslu puu `osiazaxo o; paou am sl000lozd
' oq;3o autos grim sanloszno lutunbou pue `zoAuW aq; `szagmauxliouno3 aq;;o satlnp aql maiAaz o;
sg;uom;o aldnoo lxau aql utq;im lt,az;az l3u;S-Itouno� a ueld o; aKEI pinom aq pins 4ou7 zoSvw
-uotlt,Salap aql peal of ltounoD uiozd
auoamos o3VI pinom oq imp po;u;s OH •1i3o azt,me on oldood os pzom oql a;ouioid of isaq nagl
Sutop pun szauueq Suiuunz uaaq suq dnoxS A;cD zalsiS oql ;uql mou3I aq luq; plus Aovj zoAvW
•Atpol otpug adX uo dul AII3 za;s!S umusiW aql Sat;omozd a mm mnasnlnl
AaIIeA aago;euaM aq; m09 AauaamS augnud pue aqs wqj polels lznoDoW zaquiaxupounoD
•oral zo)Iaam;xau aq; ut uinl louluoo o; palsazalut azam Aag;31 ItounOD pax;su aH '9Z-LI ;snSnV
siq; umusryq of o8 Ipm ;uq; uoiluSalop oq;;o uot;euuo3 aql zo3 suotltatldde Sunle; 3o ss000zd
aq; ut AllMunO st uotlutoossV AID MISS emt,sIW AaIIsA aago;eMM aql plus Aot•I zoAeyq
io3 ltounoa of xlouq It Sutzq nag; Pue li m pa;saza;ut aq ;g8im ogm o; su d;tununuoo
aq; ut sownbu► amos axlem pue ;uoma8uu.ne lenloezluoo a Sutguxp pa;soSBns Aou-I zoAtlnl
•lotzluoo oql Axl sn oas o; a3M Plnom oq lrli pa;t;s qwW xaqumtajpunoD
•;t gltm 31ot;s pinoqs am uaaq; of;nuuzoo op am31 imp st main sig pun ooAoldma lug; of palliuRuoo
axe am IuII sTngl oq ooAoldma uu anq am aouo legl poppy aH ';aBPnq Z IOZ aqI ut popnlout uaaq
suq It st `aneg om su onutluoo of A- tD aql uo uopmq Ietouuug a ;ou st ;t puu Tuplzom uaaq suq
It imp uotlisod s.pvquxeg zagmaugtouno3 ipm ongusip lou swop aq imp plus OH votgsu3 amos
ut aaAoldu-m juq; asn uuo om moq s;nut( osle lE pue aunlxano3o uoillsod t, olut sn s;nd gocq� •Ana
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pauuo3ut uotsstu moD suot;ula-d aaAoldmg otlgnd oql su `onsst uotun aq; st pu000s aq; pun `onsst
amtuano oql Sutaq ouo `loez;uoo u jo zone; ut suostaz kismud om; axam azagl pins Aou-I zoAelnl
-sum umu(I su luagipp su aq P[nom zoloez;uoo oql xaq;agm mou3I;ou PEP aq pue loll poppu
OH •lgauoq alinq t, sum sanatlaq aq gargm alels aq; nano lle pU9 eaze sigl3o apislno Sut;omozd
3o lol u pip umu(I lug; azume st aq su sluana aql 3o Sut;omozd 3o AIEEEgisuodsaz aql gum
paSzugo aq P1no3 luou4mclaP jugj ut Al;uasazd uoszad aural lied ogl3E po3pu quud zagmaugtaunoD
•sooS It moq oas put, siseq lenlot,zluoo t, uo Ail u It SutniS
yoddns pinom oq ;uql poppt, aH •Icgssaoons oq ;t oVw of uosxad ;q8u oql st Butt; ;uulzodmt
aq; pins aH -Az; t, not;un;ts louzluoo aql ant8 of poutlout sum oq os `Ilam luom ;t aaAoldma aun;
lln3 a puq am uagm put °I;am luam l[ puiluoo u puq am uagm `llam loam ;l szaalunloA aql peq
am uagm axtl szlool ;t m[q of `;utod u aVm of aTI pinom oq lugl plus uosugor xaqumugtouno3
'imp PEP;snf aq azo;aq lt3o sloodsu Ile;uan of luuuodun sum It jonoq; oq;nq
aznl aq; 03lem ueo am pus laSpnq aql u[ ;t aneq op am Wq; pins OH •lt llnu3 l,uuo aq pun guides
sum oq lugm sa;etoazddu aq lnq `)xom pinom ;g8noq; oq leq; loezluoo t dolanap put aunt stq
a)Ie; pinom aq louzluoo u q;tm pzemzo3 o8 of uotloanp aql uitq ane8 Aaq; 3t Imp pins Aoe-; zoAvW
JANUARY 10, 2012
Mayor Lacy appointed Councihnembers to represent the following organizations:
Abbr. Organization
Chelan - Douglas Health District
Councilmember Collings
Councilmember McCourt
RSN Chelan -Douglas Regional Support Network
Councilmember McCourt
Councilmember Johnson
Douglas County Disability Board
Councilmember Barnhart
Mayor Lacy
Douglas County Regional Council
Mayor Lacy
Councilmember Raab
EWEB East Wenatchee Events Board
Mayor Lacy
Councilmember Determg
EDD Economic Development District
Councilmember Buckner
Councilmember Johnson
Housing Authority of Chelan County & the City of
Councilmember McCourt
LINK Link Transit Councilmember Johnson Councilmember Raab
NCRTPO North Central Regional Transportation Planning
Councilmember Buckner Councilmember Johnson
RC&D Resource Conservation and Development Councilmember Buckner Councilmember Johnson
RIVERCOM (911 dispatch) Councilmember Barnhart Councilmember Collings
SWAC Solid Waste Advisory Committee Councilmember Raab Councilmember McCourt
SWU Storm Water Utility Councilmember Collings Brandon / Lai
TAC Technical Advisory Committee Councilmember Raab Councilmember McCourt
(SWAC Executive)
W VCC Wenatchee Valley Chamber of Commerce Councilmember Deleting Councilmember Buckner
W VCVB Wenatchee Valley Visitors Bureau Councilmember Johnson Councilmember Detering
WVTC Wenatchee Valley Transportation Council Mayor Lacy ComtcihnemberBuckner
Budget Committee 2013 Councilmember Buckner N/A
Councilmember Detering N/A
Councilmember Collings N/A
Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember McCourt, second by Councilmember Raab, to
appoint Councilmember Johnson as Mayor Pro Tempore during 2012. The motion carried, 6-0.
Items listed below were distributed to Councilmember's in advance for study and were enacted in one
Council Action: A motion was made by Councihnember Johnson, second by Councilmember Barnhart,
to approve the Consent Calendar as presented. The motion carried, 6-0.
1. Consideration of Minutes — Regular Session, December 13, 2011,
2. Consideration of Payables
i. 2011 Pavables — As of this date, January 10, 2012, Council does approve
check numbers 34737 through 34808 in the total amount of $97,497.82.
ii. 2012 Pavables — As of this date, January 10, 2012, Council does approve
check numbers 34809 through 34823 in the total amount of $54,882.82.
iii. 2011 Payroll — As of this date, January 10, 2011, Council does approve
check numbers 34645 through 34736 in the total amount of $357,137.56
for the month of December 2011.
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•ZIOZ '9Z-SZ umugf uo mdmjo m aouajopoo uolloy
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Sluoaaa 'IIJNlaoa
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-AouaouV A4IJ `aoslnod ulnaO dq poluasaid
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